Best of
Wyrd Sisters: The Play
Stephen Briggs - 1996
It's all there - a wicked duke and duchess, the ghost of the murdered king, dim soldiers, strolling players, a land in peril. And who stands between the Kingdom and destruction? Three witches. Granny Weatherwax (intolerant, self-opinionated, powerful), Nanny Ogg (down-to-earth, vulgar) and Magrat Garlick (naïve, fond of occult jewellery and bunnies).Stephen Briggs has been involved in amateur dramatics for over 25 years and he assures us that the play can be staged without needing the budget of Industrial Light and Magic. Not only that, but the cast should still be able to be in the pub by 10 o'clock!Oh, and a world of advice omitted from the play text:LEARN THE WORDSHavelock, Lord Vetinari
Mort: The Play
Stephen Briggs - 1996
He gets board and lodging and free use of company horse, and doesn't even need time off for his grandmother's funeral. The trouble begins when instead of collecting the soul of a princess, he kills her would-be assassin, and changes history.
Kiss an Angel
Susan Elizabeth Phillips - 1996
Arranged marriages don't happen in the modern world, so how did the irrepressible Daisy find herself in this fix?Alex Markov, as humorless as he is deadly handsome, has no intention of playing the loving bridegroom to a spoiled little feather-head with champagne tastes. He drags Daisy from her uptown life to a broken down traveling circus and sets out to tame her to his ways.But this man without a soul has met his match in a woman who's nothing but heart. Before long, passion will send them flying sky high without a safety net... risking it all in search of a love that will last forever.
Fuzzy Memories
Jack Handey - 1996
The author shares memories of his improbable past, from a parent-centered Thanksgiving, to playing hooky (and taking notes), to maintaining a termite farm.
Missing Links
Rick Reilly - 1996
Just adjacent to the municipal course lies the Mayflower Country Club, the most exclusive private course in all of Boston and a major thorn in their collective sides. Frustrated by the Mayflower's finely manicured greens and snooty members, three of Ponky's most courageous--Two Down, Dannie, and Stick--set up a bet: $1,000 apiece, and the first man to finagle his way onto the Mayflower takes all.One of the three will eventually play the course, but their friendships--and everything else--change as various truths unravel and the old Ponky starts looking like the home they never should have left.
Hairy Maclary: Five Lynley Dodd Stories
Lynley Dodd - 1996
She is enormously popular for her rhyming stories of the unforgettable HAIRY MACLARY and his friends. She worked as a teacher before beginning to write her own books in 1974.Read all the Hairy Maclary and Friends books by Lynley Dodd!Hairy Maclary's Bone; Hairy Maclary Scattercat; Hairy Maclary's Caterwaul Caper; Hairy Maclary's Rumpus at the Vet; Slinky Malinki; Hairy Maclary's Showbusiness; Slinky Malinki, Open the Door; Sniff-Snuff-Snap!; Schnitzel Von Krumm Forget-Me-Not; Slinky Malinki Catflaps; Slinky Malinki's Christmas Crackers; Hairy Maclary's Hat Tricks; Scarface Claw; Schnitzel Von Krumm, Dog's Never Climb Tress; Hairy Maclary, Sit; Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack; Magnet Fun with Hairy Maclary; Hairy Maclary, Shoo; Hairy Maclary and Friends Little Library; Slinky Malinki, Open the Door; Slinky Malinki Early Bird; Where is Hairy Maclary?; Sticker Fun with Hairy Maclary; My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes
Sophie's Adventures: Sophie's Snail, Sophie's Tom, Sophie Hits Six
Dick King-Smith - 1996
She loves animals - snails and cats and rabbits and dogs and pigs - and she wants to be a farmer when she grows up. Her best friend is Great-great-aunt Al from Scotland, who looks a bit like a bird, and her worst enemy is the dreadful Dawn. Follow Sophie's adventures in these three lively, fun-filled stories.
Uncle John's Ultimate Bathroom Reader: It's the 8th Bathroom Reader!
Bathroom Readers' Institute - 1996
Read about…Ice cream originsOlympic cheatersCelebrity mummiesThe first ThanksgivingGroucho’s wit and wisdomWeird tales of the Ouija boardThe creation of Frankenstein’s monster“Earring Magic Ken” and other weird dollsAnd much, much more!
We Eat Dinner in the Bathtub
Angela Shelf Medearis - 1996
[Scholastic Reader Level 2]Harris's family eats dinner in the bathtub, parks their car in the kitchen, and bathes in the attic! Beginning readers will laugh along with the comical text from well-loved author Angela Shelf Medearis and humorous watercolor illustrations from best-selling illustrator Jacqueline Rogers.
The Best of Gerald Durrell
Gerald Durrell - 1996
For The Best of Gerald Durrell she has chosen evocative, quirky, engaging and humorous pieces to give a wonderful picture of how his extraordinary life unfolded. Starting with his early naturalist days and the rapid development of his passion for animals, this anthology includes writings of his collecting trips to such places as Cameroon, Argentina and Madagascar, his growing concern about the nature of zoos, the emergence of his conservation plans, and the realization of his lifelong dream, a zoo of his own, and how it became a model for the future.
She's a Momma, Not a Movie Star: A Rose is Rose Collection
Pat Brady - 1996
The strip stars child-at-heart Rose and her ASD (Attentiveness Surplus Disorder) husband Jimbo. Their gentle son Pasquale is watched over by his Guardian Angel who morphs from tiny cherub into gargantuan protector. Family kitten Peekaboo boasts that her humans are the cutest in town. Readers relish the romance in Rose and Jimbo's marriage, yet cheer the emergence of Rose's rebel alter ego, the fearless, wild and ready-to-roll Vicki the Biker.
When Mom Turned Into a Monster
Joanna Harrison - 1996
The house is a mess, anti there's nothing to eat. That means cleaning, scrubbing, vacuuming, and shopping. She asks Sam and his sister to help her out, but they don't. Instead they bicker and whine and create even more of a mess. But suddenly they realize that something very strange is happening to Mom...Joanna Harrison, author and illustrator of the popular Dear Bear ( C. 1994), has brought another familiar slice of childhood to life in When Mom Turned into a Monster. Readers of all ages will recognize themselves in this whimsical and funny story of domestic life.
The Harlem Cycle: A Rage in Harlem; The Real Cool Killers; The Crazy Kill (Harlem Cycle, #1-3)
Chester Himes - 1996
Renowned for their meanness and always armed with their legendary nickel-plated colts, they patrol the streets of Harlem and attempt to keep some semblance of law and order.
A Cheese and Tomato Spider
Nick Sharratt - 1996
In the style of the author's 'Don't Put Your Finger in the Jelly, Nelly' and 'I Went to the Zoopermarket', this book introduces such oddities as a fish on wheels and exploding grannies.
My Little Sister Ate One Hare
Bill Grossman - 1996
Now in Dragonfly, this is the perfect book for any kid who loves to giggle (and who doesn't?) and parents who love to hear them.
Make Way For Dumb Bunnies
Sue Denim - 1996
In this hilariously chaotic tale, Poppa, Momma, and Baby Bunny leave their very silly home to have some soggy fun at the shore.
Dog is Thirsty
Satoshi Kitamura - 1996
Dog is thirsty, but every time he finds some water it turns out there is a reason he cannot drink it.
Grunt: Pigorian Chant from Snouto Domoinko de Silo
Sandra Boynton - 1996
In a far-off valley live the obeisant Domoinkan Pigs of Snouto Domoinko de Silo. Here, twelve times a day, these simple swine grunt the unadorned, ethereal music of Pigorian Chant (translation included). For occasions from the first mealtime (Op-slay ime-tay. Et's lay eat-ay. Um yay, um-yay.) to Nox Animaliae, when they're joined by all the animals in a harmony that dates back before the time of Caesar Hogustus, the pigs chant.Listen, look at Sandra Boynton's delicious illustrations, and laugh. It's what to play whenever you're feeling disgruntled.
Sophie's Further Adventures
Dick King-Smith - 1996
She's crazy about animals and wants to be a farmer when she grows up. She'd love to have a pony, but doesn't think she'll ever be that lucky. She does meet a nice one called Bumblebee, though, while on holiday at the seaside, where she also makes friends with a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig Read all about Sophie, her family and friends - animal and human - in these three galloping stories: Sophie in the Saddle, Sophie Is Seven and Sophie's Lucky.
The Best Barbara Robinson Treasury Ever
Barbara Robinson - 1996
Complete text and illustrations of three novels: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Best (Worst) School Year Ever, My Brother Louis Measures Worms (and Other Louis Stories).
Marriage 911
Becky Freeman - 1996
Reassuring proof that two people who love each other according to God's teaching can keep everything pasted together (almost) no matter what.
Dr. York, Miss Winnie, and the Typhoid Shot
Donald Davis - 1996
and This won't hurt a bit! In this hilarious tale set in the rural North Carolina of 1951, the young hero learns three valuable lessons: avoiding pain just heightens it, a mother's wrath can hurt worse than a shot, and growing up sometimes involves choosing the lesser of two evils.
One Big Happy: None of This Fun Is My Fault!
Rick Detorie - 1996
Patrick White: Letters
Patrick White - 1996
These letters, edited by his biographer David Marr, chronicle White's gradual reluctant engagement with the world: his interest in Jewish culture after an early ignorant anti-Semitism; his idyllic wartime period in West Africa; his passionate and rancorous anti-royalism, sparked by the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis when the British Queen's representative sacked the Prime Minister; his deep held belief in the validity of homosexual unions, based on his own life-long relationship. These letters give an inner glimpse of a mostly private life.
Our Cat Cuddles
Gervase Phinn - 1996
Lizzie and Dominic desperately want a kitten but they get much more than they bargain for!
Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck: A Matter of Some Gravity
Don Rosa - 1996
In "A Matter of Some Gravity" (1996) by fan-favorite Don Rosa, saucy sorceress Magica De Spell turns Scrooge's life sideways - literally! - when she distorts the forces of gravity! Then, in "The Sign of the Triple Distelfink" (1998), Lucky Gladstone Gander faces a 24-hour luck jinx - and battles to hide it from a gloating Cousin Donald! Only ever published in the USA in under-printed mid-1990's editions, these Rosa classics are back like you've never seen them before! (this issue was published in two cover options)
Ostrich Farmer and Other Stories
Bailey White - 1996
And, of course, there's her strange encounter with an ostrich farmer.