Best of
Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries
Tristan Tzara - 1924
His ideas were inspired by his contempt for the bourgeois values and traditional attitudes towards art that existed at the time. This volume contains the famous manifestos that first appeared between 1916 and 1921 that would become the basic texts upon which Dada was based. For Tzara, art was both deadly serious and a game. The playfulness of Dada is evident in the manifestos, both in Tzara's polemic—which often uses dadaist typography—as well as in the delightful doodles and drawings contributed by Francis Picabia. Also included are Tzara's Lampisteries, a series of articles that throw light on the various art forms contemporary to his own work. Post-war art had grown weary of the old certainties and the carnage they caused. Tzara was on the cutting edge at a time when art was becoming more subjective and abstract, and beginning to reject the reality of the mind for that of the senses.
Selected Literary Criticism
D.H. Lawrence - 1924
Michael Black gives special attention to the genesis of the book--the writing and editing processes, where Jessie Chambers and then Edward Garnett made decisive interventions. He analyzes Sons and Lovers in detail, relates it to Lawrence's other works, and traces the history of its reception. Historical context and a guide to further reading are also provided.