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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

A.S. Hornby - 1948
    Now fully up to date, including many terms connected with the Internet and electronic communication. 4,500 words and meanings are new to this edition. Excellent coverage of both British and American English, and colloquial as well as formal English. All information is authenticated by the British National Corpus and the Corpus of American English. There are explanations of common symbols (e.g. @), which are not included in any major competitor, and notes on interesting word origins. Easy to use, with a rapid-access page design, shortcuts to the right meaning in long entries, and easy definitions using a carefully chosen defining vocabulary of 3,000 words. Numerous illustrations, including 8 pages in full colour, show vocabulary items in related groups, 10 illustrated topic pages provide essential vocabulary, and show how to use it, and vocabulary notes show students how to improve and enrich their writing.