Best of
How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built
Stewart Brand - 1994
How Buildings Learn is a masterful new synthesis that proposes that buildings adapt best when constantly refined and reshaped by their occupants, and that architects can mature from being artists of space to becoming artists of time. From the connected farmhouses of New England to I.M. Pei's Media Lab, from "satisficing" to "form follows funding," from the evolution of bungalows to the invention of Santa Fe Style, from Low Road military surplus buildings to a High Road English classic like Chatsworth—this is a far-ranging survey of unexplored essential territory.More than any other human artifacts, buildings improve with time—if they're allowed to. How Buildings Learn shows how to work with time rather than against it.
A Constructed View: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman
Joseph Rosa - 1994
By 1927, when he was sixteen, Shulman was already using the family Brownie box camera to document his Southern Californis surroundings and experiences; in 1936, his professional career was launched when he sent Richard Neutra some uncommissioned photographs of the architect's Kun House. Shulman went on to document the famous Case Study House Program (architects included Charles and Ray Eames, Pierre Koenig, and Eero Saarinen) and also the architecure of the 1930s through the 1980s, especially that of Southern California, but also country and worldwide. His subjects included the buildings of R.M. Schindler, John Lautner, Raphael Soriano, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe, Oscar Niemeyer, among many others. Through his work, Shulman defined the image of Los Angeles and framed the architecture of the time for a global audience. In addition to an overview of Shulman's career and photographic oevre, this book emphasizes Shulman's method of "constructing" photographic views. These contructions, which complemented his innate ability to compose striking photographs, often transcends reality to capture the spirit, time and place of a work of architecture. An analysis of architecture's visual presentation examines not only the media of the era--John Entenza's Arts & Architecture, for instance--but also the work of Shulman's photographic contemporaries.
Beware Wet Paint
Alan Fletcher - 1994
From the initial brief to the often award-winning outcome, here are over 100 of Fletcher's design solutions.Grouped into thematic chapters for instructive reference, the projects demonstrate Fletcher's lithe and lateral jumps, his skills and techniques and his ability to fuse interpretation, aesthetics and function with apparent ease. The commentary shows how each individual graphic idea was developed, giving insights both into the particular project and into the way in which the design process can be manipulated. Designed by Fletcher himself, Beware Wet Paint offers a vibrant description of an artist at work.
This Rimy River: Vaughan Oliver and V23-Graphic Works 1988-1994
Vaughan Oliver - 1994
This Rimy River is a catalog of an exhibition held at the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles in 1994. Long out of print, it has been sought after by designers and collectors who have followed the work of V23.Most admired for his collaborative energy and imagination, Oliver set the stage for a graphic revolution in the eighties and nineties. His impact was left on the post-punk music industry and influenced a generation of designers exploring the possibilities of type and print.The book is produced in very high caliber, the process of production being an important element of the design. Those who have worked with Vaughan Oliver and V23 as collaborators or clients describe their recollections of the V23 design experience in probing commentary alongside the works shown.
Joseph Müller-Brockman, Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design
Lars Müller - 1994
Josef M�ller-Brockmann's posters have become world famous for their ability to convey information with great visual tension, a sense of drama and an extreme economoy of means. He created a body of work in which timeless principles of visual communication are inscribed. In addition to the posters the image part presents examples of logotypes, appearances and exhibitions as well as numerous lesser-known works in chronological order.
Art Nouveau
Klaus-Jürgen Sembach - 1994
Here the reform movement of the turn of the century is not only dealt with as an artistic event, but those economic and political interests which inspired, supported, and handicapped it are also taken into account. In the chapters "Movement," "Unrest", and "Equilibrium," the historical phenomenon as a whole is characterised and is also presented with its own distinct local features. The centres of Brussels, Nancy, Barcelona, Glasgow, Helsinki and Chicago are dealt with in subchapters as are Munich, Darmstadt and Weimar. Finally, Vienna, that city in which the synthesis achieved its culmination, is described separately. The outstanding artists are examined in detail in connection with the respective cities of their greatest activity. The result is a complex picture of the symbiosis of architecture, furniture design, and craftsmanship with their corresponding approaches to artistic revitalization.
Act Like Nothing's Wrong: The Montage Art of Winston Smith
Winston T. Smith - 1994
He gained mass appeal through his work with the Dead kennedys. "It is impossible to pin down who's the 'best' collage artist in the universe but Winston Smith would certainly leap to mind (and then blow that mind repeatedly). Most of his images are like a punch in the face. There must be ten zillion people doing collages for everything from Exxon ads to fanzines to street posters, so the competition is stiff, but Smith's work has stood out, glaringly, for the last 15 years as the most consistently startling, meaningful and technically accomplished in this bastard field. It's high time Smith became a rich, famous artist rather than the best-kept secret of the underground." His Most Holy and Orthodox Reverend Ivan Stang, High Pope of the Church of the SubGenius.
Less and More: The Design Ethos
Keiko Ueki-polet - 1994
His elegantly clear visual language not only defined product design for decades, but also our fundamental understanding of what design is and what it can andshould do. Dieter Rams created ten rules of design more than twenty years ago. Sometimes referred to as the ten commandments, they are just as relevant today: Good design is innovative. Good design makes a product useful. Good design is aesthetic. Good design helps a product to be understood. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is honest. Good design is durable. Good design is consistent to the last detail. Good design is environmentally friendly. Good design is as little designas possible. Less and More elucidates the design philosophy of Dieter Rams. The book contains images of hundreds of Rams's products as well as his sketches and models from Braun stereo systems and electric shavers to the chairs and shelving systems that he created for Vitsoe and his own company sdr+. In addition to the rich visual presentation of his designs, the book contains new texts by international design experts that explain how the work was created,describe its timeless quality, and put it into current context. In this way, the work of Dieter Rams is given a contemporary reevaluation that is especially useful in light of the rediscovery of functionalism and rationalism in today s design. Less and More shows us the possibilities that design opens for both the manufacturer and the consumer as a means of making our lives better through attractive, functional solutions that also save resources.
The Frank Lloyd Wright Companion
William Allin Storrer - 1994
Now, for this handsomely produced revised edition, William Allin Storrer brings the history of every Wright structure up to the present. Storrer treats the full range of Wright's architecture—from vacation cottages in Montana and Michigan, to such monuments of modernism as the Johnson Wax Building and the Guggenheim Museum, to buildings completed after Wright’s death in 1959. Since the first edition, some of Wright’s buildings have been relocated, some have been refurbished, and, sadly, some have even been destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Storrer documents these changes and includes new information about the extent of Wright’s work on the buildings, the contributions of his associates, and the details of his business arrangements. Wright aficionados will be especially pleased to find comprehensive coverage of the newly discovered Mitchell residence in Racine, Wisconsin. Organized chronologically, The Frank Lloyd Wright Companion features a description of each building that details the history of its design, construction, and ownership. Floor plans allow readers intimate access to each of Wright’s built works. With nearly 1,000 photographs (many new to this edition), elevations, historical images, and floor plans that show changes in Wright’s preliminary plans, this reference is unmatched in its authority. The indispensable centerpiece of any Wright collection, the newly revised Companion is a must for any serious library of art and architecture.
Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion
Charlotte Lyons - 1994
Her engaging characters and scenes remind us of sweeter days gone by - and the possibilty that those times may still exist. Over the last several years, Mary Engelbreit's cards and gift books have gained an enthusiastic and loyal audience who constantly clamor for more.
Moorish Architecture in Andalusia
Marianne Barrucand - 1994
In the summer of 710, a small force under the command of a Berber named Taî f ibn Mâ lik landed to the west of Gibraltar. The Islamic armies that followed in its wake succeeded in conquering large areas of Spain within a short span of years. The conquerors gave the country the name of "al-andalus." Thus began a period of cultural permeation that was to last for almost 800 years. In spite of intolerance and animosity, there developed between Muslims, Christians, and Jews a shared cultural environment that proved the basis for great achievements. Moorish-Andalusian art and architecture combine elements of various traditions into a new, autonomous style. Among the outstanding architectural witnesses to this achievement are the Great Mosque in Cordova and the Alhambra in Granada, recognized and admired as part of the world's heitage right up to the present day. They are described in detail in this book. The main centres of Hispano-Islamic art and architecture, the cities of Cordova, Seville and Granada, are discussed within the chronological framework of developments, both political and cultural, from 710 to 1492.
Theorizing Modernism: Visual Art and the Critical Tradition
Johanna Drucker - 1994
Theorizing Modernism is a re-reading of the modernist tradition in the visual arts that provides a unique view of the history of modern art and art criticism.Concentrating on canonical critical texts and images, the book examines modern art through a rhetoric of representation rather than through formalist criticism or the history of the avant-garde.
Albert Watson - 1994
Watson stands in a small elite group of photographers who are constantly and internationally sought after.--American Photographer. 235 duotone photos; 5 gatefolds.
Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development
John Tillman Lyle - 1994
John Lyle has written the best book nowavailable on the theory and practice of sustainability . . .essential reading for natural resource professionals, architects, planners, educators, environmentalists, and the general public.--David W. Orr, Professor and Chair Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin College.John Lyle has written a splendid book, Regenerative Design forSustainable Development. It is perfectly topical; it is committedto the unity of art and science, design and planning, man andnature. It is itself exemplary, and it is a repository of exemplaryadaptations. It has carried the environmental movement to a newthreshold of ecological planning and design. It should be widelyread and employed. --Ian L. McHarg, FASLA.In these times of widespread urban stress and regional disruption, the cogent thoughts of John Tillman Lyle on sustainable cities areon target and highly constructive. They are must reading forplanning professionals and all concerned citizens. --John OrmsbeeSimonds, FASLA.More designers need to broaden their horizons in the way John Lylehas put forth in this book. In general, there are far too few landplanners, landscape architects, or architects who have any workingprocedure that approximates what sustainable design entails. Thisbook provides important historical background and contemporaryexperience to help guide the way.--Pliny Fisk III, Center forMaximum Potential Building Systems.From the despoliation of our rivers and lakes by industrial runoffto the destruction of our atmosphere by sulphur emissions and CFCs, production cycles based on a one-way flow of materials and energyhave pushed us to the brink of environmental collapse. It is timefor a change, and in this groundbreaking book, John Tillman Lyleoffers us a blueprint for implementing that change.This book provides civil engineers, architects, land developmentplanners, and others with practical, realistic approaches toreversing this deadly course. Throughout, the emphasis is on provenregenerative practices for water use, land use, energy use, andbuilding design. Most importantly, it provides ways to reestablishconnections between people and nature, between art and science, andbetween technology and daily life.
The Visible Word: Experimental Typography and Modern Art, 1909-1923
Johanna Drucker - 1994
In The Visible Word, Johanna Drucker shows how later art criticism has distorted our understanding of such works. She argues that Futurist, Dadaist, and Cubist artists emphasized materiality as the heart of their experimental approach to both visual and poetic forms of representation; by mid-century, however, the tenets of New Criticism and High Modernism had polarized the visual and the literary.Drucker suggests a methodology closer to the actual practices of the early avant-garde artists, based on a rereading of their critical and theoretical writings. After reviewing theories of signification, the production of meaning, and materiality, she analyzes the work of four poets active in the typographic experimentation of the 1910s and 1920s: Ilia Zdanevich, Filippo Marinetti, Guillaume Apollinaire, and Tristan Tzara.Few studies of avant-garde art and literature in the early twentieth century have acknowledged the degree to which typographic activity furthered debates about the very nature and function of the avant-garde. The Visible Word enriches our understanding of the processes of change in artistic production and reception in the twentieth century.
The X Ray Picture Book of Big Buildings of the Modern World
Joanne Jessop - 1994
Examines monumental structures built during the last two centuries, including the British Royal Pavilion, the Statue of Liberty, and the Kansai Airport in Japan which is still under construction.
Symmetry: A Design System for Quiltmakers - Print on Demand Edition
Ruth B. McDowell - 1994
This book is printed individually on uncoated (non-glossy) paper with the best quality printers available. The printing quality of this copy will vary from the original offset printing edition and may look more saturated. The information presented in this version is the same as the latest edition. Any pattern pullouts have been separated and presented as single pages. If the pullout patterns are missing, please contact c&t publishing.
Stealworks: The Graphic Details of John Yates
John Yates - 1994
A loose collection of work created by self-described "visual media mechanic, image manipulator and graphic surgeon," John Yates: a mixture of bold visuals, social commentary and disturbing realism through manipulation of our culture's media imagery.
Visual Perception
Steven H. Schwartz - 1994
Features over 300 illustrations, summaries and self-assessment questions, and case studies making the subject more clinically relevant. In addition, the illustrations will be improved with more original artwork.
The Art of Pebble Mosaics
Maggy Howarth - 1994
For anyone who would like to add interest to their garden by creating unique pebble mosaics, this guide gives advice for finding and selecting materials and laying a simple mosaic, followed by step-by-step instructions for creating a variety of shapes, patterns, borders, figures and pictures.
Human Error in Medicine
Marilyn Sue Bogner - 1994
For the purposes of this book, human error encompasses mismanagement of medical care due to: * inadequacies or ambiguity in the design of a medical device or institutional setting for the delivery of medical care; * inappropriate responses to antagonistic environmental conditions such as crowding and excessive clutter in institutional settings, extremes in weather, or lack of power and water in a home or field setting; * cognitive errors of omission and commission precipitated by inadequate information and/or situational factors -- stress, fatigue, excessive cognitive workload.The first to address the subject of human error in medicine, this book considers the topic from a problem oriented, systems perspective; that is, human error is considered not as the source of the problem, but as a flag indicating that a problem exists. The focus is on the identification of the factors within the system in which an error occurs that contribute to the problem of human error. As those factors are identified, efforts to alleviate them can be instituted and reduce the likelihood of error in medical care.Human error occurs in all aspects of human activity and can have particularly grave consequences when it occurs in medicine. Nearly everyone at some point in life will be the recipient of medical care and has the possibility of experiencing the consequences of medical error. The consideration of human error in medicine is important because of the number of people that are affected, the problems incurred by such error, and the societal impact of such problems. The cost of those consequences to the individuals involved in medical error, both in the health care providers' concern and the patients' emotional and physical pain, the cost of care to alleviate the consequences of the error, and the cost to society in dollars and in lost personal contributions, mandates consideration of ways to reduce the likelihood of human error in medicine.The chapters were written by leaders in a variety of fields, including psychology, medicine, engineering, cognitive science, human factors, gerontology, and nursing. Their experience was gained through actual hands-on provision of medical care and/or research into factors contributing to error in such care. Because of the experience of the chapter authors, their systematic consideration of the issues in this book affords the reader an insightful, applied approach to human error in medicine -- an approach fortified by academic discipline.
Heck's Pictorial Archive of Art and Architecture
J.G. Heck - 1994
2,200 illustrations from 19th-century archive include tombs, bridges, temples, mythological and religious figures, Egyptian painting, Greek sculpture, much more.
Sensational Settings Print on Demand Edition
Joan Hanson - 1994
•Choose from over 80 inspiring settings, plus new information on designing quilts with computers•Find solutions to common dilemmas, from arranging different-sized blocks and working with odd numbers of blocks to planning diagonal settings•Skip the dizzying math with Joan's handy reference charts for calculating fabric needs
Design Team Revolution
Kenichi Sekine - 1994
They then explain how the latest production improvement tools such as U-cell design, one-piece flow, and waste elimination methods elicit maximum productivity from designers. A hands-on training for dramatically increasing the output of design departments, this comprehensive guide is filled with exercises, charts, Q&A, and a successful real world case study. Reaching far beyond theoretical discussion, it offers all of the information, data, and tools needed to immediately implement improvement.
Oscar Niemeyer and the Architecture of Brazil
David Kendrick Underwood - 1994
The most comprehensive analysis in English of the architect's spectacular career.
Landscape Design for Elderly & Disabled People
Jane Stoneham - 1994
This is one of the few books to deal constructively with this neglected but important specialist area of landscape design.
Navajo Textiles: The William Randolph Hearst Collection
Nancy J. Blomberg - 1994
Comprising dozens of Classic Period serapes, chief blankets, Germantown eyedazzlers, and turn-of-the-century rugs, the 185-piece collection was donated to the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History in 1942 but for the next forty years was known only to a handful of scholars. Hearst began acquiring textiles from the Fred Harvey Company after viewing an exhibit of Indian artifacts. Over four decades he amassed a collection spanning more than a century of Navajo weaving and including nearly every major type produced from 1800 to 1920. Hearst's passion for American Indian artifacts was so strong that he had originally visualized his now-famous castle in San Simeon as a showplace for his Navajo textile collection. At a time when the Harvey Company was itself influencing the development of Indian handcrafts by opening up the tourist market, Hearst contributed to this influence by expressing his own artistic preference for rare and unusual pieces. This catalogue raisonné, featuring nearly 200 illustrations, provides the general public with the first look at this important collection. Nancy Blomberg's narrative introduces the reader to the history of Navajo weaving and documents Hearst's role in its development. The heart of the book provides a detailed analysis of each textile: fibers, yarn types, dyes, and designs. Navajo Textiles thus constitutes an invaluable reference for scholars and collectors and will be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates these beautiful creations from the Navajo loom.
The Cathedral: The Social and Architectural Dynamics of Construction
Alain Erlande-Brandenburg - 1994
In this iconoclastic study, the author sets out to reverse some of the romantic myths which have accrued about the medieval cathedral, in particular that the cathedral was a separate entity, self-sufficient, sublime and apart. Here the cathedral is shown to be a dynamic, evolving and unpredictable force in the development of the medieval city. Taking France as the main focus, but including material on England, Germany, Italy, Spain and Bohemia, the author describes the growth of diocesan authority and the consequent experiments in the layout of cathedral plans. Full use is made of recent archaeological research to show how architectural, social, financial and religious considerations combined to form a structure that was above all a practical, functioning concern, a 'city within a city'.
Evidence, 1944-1994
Richard Avedon - 1994
The definitive account of the life and work of Richard Avedon, to accompany a major retrospective of the photographic work at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
The Graphic Language of Neville Brody 2
Jon Wozencroft - 1994
Since then, computer graphics have entered the field of communications and Brody has transformed his typography to create a new visual language.
Classic English Interiors
Henrietta Spencer-Churchill - 1994
Filled with hundreds of ideas drawn from tradition, Classic English Interiors is both a confident style statement for the enthusiast of English design, and an invaluable reference work for the home decorator.
Bed Linens (Chic Simple Components): Head to Toe (Chic Simple Components)
Kathryn Livingston - 1994
Text by Kathyrn Livingston, photographs by Maria Robledo
The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo: The Representation of Architecture
Henry A. Millon - 1994
Trade edition of original 1994 catalog of the major Palazzo Grassi exhibition.
The Regalia of the Russian Empire
Irina Polynina - 1994
Large book on the regalia of the Russian Empire.
Design in Mind
Bryan Lawson - 1994
The resulting case studies illustrate their works and their design processes, which are interpreted, compared and commented upon by Bryan Lawson using the models in 'How Designers Think', his earlier successful text. Their processes are also illustrated by original design drawings.
Math Kit
Ron van der Meer - 1994
Developed centuries ago, mathematics still speaks to us now. This colorful kit is a collection of pop-ups, pullouts, and interactive graphics that allows everyone -- from those who are nimble with numbers to those who are challenged by them -- to explore the beauty, power, and fun of mathematics. Covering arithmetic, plane geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, it includes graphic representations of the basic numerical functions, fractions, and decimals; a calculator for explaining Cartesian coordinates; 3-D models of the Pythagorean theorem, solid polygons, and trigonometric angles; and games for geometry, probability, and problem solving; plus a complete glossary of terms, punch-out numbers and shapes, and a pair of dice. 9 1/2" x 12".
Fabrics: The Decorative Art of Textiles
Caroline Lebeau - 1994
Following a historical introduction that tells the story of fabrics from ancient Egypt to the Industrial Revolution to the present day, the authors focus on the evolution of cotton, linen, silk, and wool. Chapters on upholstery, bed hangings, and drapery show how fabrics can be sewn, stuffed, contoured, hung, swagged, and thrown into nearly every imaginable form. Here are smart Scottish tartans draped across walls; layers of silk damask against the floor-length windows of a Parisian apartment; crisp cotton canopies on a bed in Finland; and silk-upholstered chairs at Monticello. The rich use of trim - passementerie - is explored in a chapter of its own, with a wealth of fringe, tassels, and tiebacks. In a dramatic conclusion, some of the best international decorators are showcased in "A Creative Album." A glossary and a directory of sources guide home decorators to creative uses of fabrics in their own living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms.
Urban Form In The Arab World
Stefano Bianca - 1994
It will appeal to architects and planners professionally involved in the Middle East and in the Third World, and to anyone interested in Islamic architecture and culture in general. Stefano Bianco builds a bridge between past and present, between theory and practice. He combines a thorough knowledge of historic building types in the Arab world with an understanding of the modern architectural transformations occurring in Islamic cities. The rich visual documentation complements his text and includes maps, plans, and photographs, many previously unpublished.
George Nelson: The Design of Modern Design
Stanley Abercrombie - 1994
Nelson's office produced some of the 20th century's canonical pieces of industrial design, many of which are still in production: the ball clock, the bubble lamp and the sling sofa. Nelson also made major contributions to the storage wall, the shopping mall, the multi-media presentation, and the open-plan office system. The author of this biography was given access to Nelson's office archives and personal papers.
Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Art
Thomas A. Heinz - 1994
Stained glass in the USA as well as the technical aspects of glass making are discussed. The majority of his work in glass was concentrated into the first decade of the 20th century when Wright abandoned old-fashioned stained glass windows and began experimenting with light screens of concrete developing into wood fretwork and glass block and tubing.
Architecture as a Translation of Music
Elizabeth Martin - 1994
Small in scale, low in price, but large in impact, these books present and disseminate new and innovative theories.