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Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis

Al Gore
    Gore's 40 years of experience as a student, policymaker, author, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and activist.Our Choice is an inspiring call to action for those ready to fight for solutions that really work—including some bold initiatives that were deemed impossible only a short time ago but are now gaining support around the world. Since the publication of the New York Times bestseller An Inconvenient Truth, Mr. Gore has led more than 30 "Solutions Summits" with top scientists, engineers, and policy experts to examine every solution to the climate crisis in depth and detail. Our Choice draws on conclusions developed through those summits as well as on extensive independent research, describing how the bold choices necessary to save the earth's climate should also be the foundations of policies worldwide to create new jobs and stimulate sustainable economic progress.

Climate Justice: A Man-Made Problem With a Feminist Solution

Mary Robinson

To Change a Planet

Christina Soontornvat
    But when cars, factories, and cities let loose millions and billions and trillions, they can trap and stifle like a too-warm blanket. One notch higher on the thermometer may seem small and insignificant, but one notch higher can change our seas, our seasons, life, us. But when one person and one person and one person become many…THEY can change a planet—for the better.With calm, truthfulness, and beauty, To Change a Planet demonstrates the importance of caring for our planet, and how our individual and collective actions multiplied together can make the world better. Eye popping explosions of color on every page create a stunning visual narrative that invites readers to spot and follow the same characters through their daily lives and ultimately to the famous climate march on Washington. Clear, informative, and meticulously researched endnotes answer a myriad of questions in simple language, cite irrefutable sources, and provide hands-on solutions that even young children can be a part of.With our planet warming at an alarming pace, and the effects of climate change ravaging whole communities and countries—especially the most vulnerable populations—we need clearheaded, fact-based stories about the reality of climate change more than ever. This book will be especially appealing to parents, caregivers, STEM teachers, and librarians looking to help children understand the natural world and to foster responsibility and stewardship. It is also sure resonate with budding young climate activists.

Maya of the New World (Maya Rising #2)

Sita Bennett
    But humanity has been given a second chance. Nature has only just begun to regrow and the returning humans must learn to survive in harsh, desolate conditions.When Maya gets separated from her tribe, she is sure she won't survive alone. But her unlikely companionship with a young bear becomes a source of strength.The threat of Sky Consciousness hangs more heavily than ever in the air now that the planet is vulnerable. There are many mysteries that Maya must uncover, including metaphysical powers that have been dormant within her. But she alone cannot defeat the Sky Consciousness. And she won't.There are four others with powers that compliment hers.Who are they? And how does she find them on a desolate planet?