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The Holy Bible: King James Version

Anonymous - 1611

Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear

William Shakespeare - 1611
    Este volume, que reúne três grandes tragédias de Shakespeare, conta a história do príncipe Hamlet, que encontra o fantasma do pai; do Rei Lear, que decide dividir seu reino entre as três filhas; e de Macbeth, o súdito valoroso que se deixa levar pela ambição.This volume, which unites 3 of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, tells the story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, who encounters his father's ghost; of King Lear, who decides to divide his kingdom among his 3 daughters; and of Macbeth the worthy subject who shows himself through his ambition.

The Book of Proverbs (KJV)

Anonymous - 1611
    (The Average Bible Contains 6pt font lettering.)The Book of Proverbs, "Proverbs (of Solomon)") is the second book of the third section (called Writings) of the Hebrew Bible and a book of the Christian Old Testament. When translated into Greek and Latin, the title took on different forms: in the Greek Septuagint (LXX) it became Paroimiai ("Proverbs"); in the Latin Vulgate the title was Proverbia, from which the English name is derived.Proverbs is not merely an anthology but a "collection of collections" relating to a pattern of life which lasted for more than a millennium. It is an example of the Biblical wisdom tradition, and raises questions of values, moral behavior, the meaning of human life, and right conduct. The repeated theme is that "the fear of God (meaning submission to the will of God) is the beginning of wisdom". Wisdom is praised for her role in creation; God acquired her before all else, and through her he gave order to chaos; and since humans have life and prosperity by conforming to the order of creation, seeking wisdom is the essence and goal of the religious life.