Best of
George Whitefield, the Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the Eighteenth-Century Revival (2 Volumes)
Arnold A. Dallimore - 1980
The Works of Thomas Brooks
Thomas Brooks - 1980
This eBook includes the full text of all the following eleven titles by Thomas Brooks: Mute Christian Under the Smarting RodPrecious Remedies Against Satan's DevicesA Word in Season to Suffering SaintsA Cabinet of Choice JewelsThe Best Wine Reserved Until LastThe Privy Key of HeavenHeaven on EarthThe Unsearchable Riches of ChristApples of GoldThe Golden Key to Open Hidden TreasuresParadise Opened
The New Lottie Moon Story
Catherine B. Allen - 1980
A missionary to North China between 1873 and 1912 is a shining example of the Great Commission: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
Light from Old Times: Or Protestant Facts and Men
J.C. Ryle - 1980
When was the Gospel first preached in the English tongue? Who was the first man to translate the entire Bible into English? Why were men, women, and children burned alive? How did Mary Tudor earn the unhappy name "Bloody Mary"? Whose evil policies forced thousands of seventeenth-century pilgrims to seek refuge in America? Drawing from his classical education, Ryle answers these questions by tracing the English Reformation as it was seen through the eyes of those who reformed the Church. Well schooled in the Fathers who kept the faith, he instructs their childrens children who will inherit that faith. He brings focus and clarity to the epochs which forever changed the destiny of the English speaking peoples. With his typical eloquence he lays bare the plain truth for all to see. While some pages are filled with the fragrant aroma of Gods grace, others reek with the stench of burning fleshbut all are Ryle at his bestgracious, forceful, judicious, and honest. "Light From Old Times" illuminates the ancient paths. Like points on a compass, the lives sketched in this volume and the doctrines uncovered by it guide us toward the true Gospelthe one worth living forand the one worth dying for.
The Complete Works of Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Cyprian - 1980
A convert to Christianity in mid-life, Cyprian was acclaimed bishop of Carthage during a time of intense Empire-wide persecution by the Roman imperial authorities under the emperor Decius. In the twelve year span between his conversion and his martyrdom in AD 258 during the reign of Valerian, Cyprian wrote some of the most important foundational documents of the ante-Nicene Church. This volume contains the entirety of Saint Cyprian's writing--13 treatises and all of his correspondence, 82 letters in all. It also includes "The Life and Passion of Saint Cyprian" by his companion, Pontius the Deacon, as well as the minutes of the Seventh Council of Carthage over which Cyprian presided. His writings encompass the major issues of his day including the Roman persecutions, the unity of the Church, dealing with those who renounced the faith under threat from the state (the lapsi), the Novatian heresy and the rebaptism controversy. His correspondents included the most illustrious men of the early Latin Church, including three Popes--Cornelius, Stephen I, and Sixtus II. Read and cited frequently by theologians down through the ages, Saint Cyprian's writings are of surpassing authority and were considered works of genius "brighter than the sun" by Saint Jerome. Aside from their obvious ecclesiastical import, the works of Cyprian also offer a detailed and unique glimpse into Roman society at the height of the anti-Christian persecutions and demonstrate the growth and struggles of the early Church during a time of intense external political pressure. Based on the translation originally published as part of The Ante-Nicene Fathers [1885], this new edition includes a new introduction, updated commentary, an updated bibliography, and several new appendices including "The Quotable Cyprian."
Diary of Kenneth A. MacRae: A Record of Fifty Years in the Christian Ministry
Kenneth A. MacRae - 1980
'He will be remembered as a true Christian leader who magnified his Saviour.'
The Voice of Our Fathers: An Exposition of the Canons of Dordrecht
Homer C. Hoeksema - 1980
A History of the Inquisition of Spain
Henry Charles Lea - 1980
Set up by the Roman Catholic church to supress heresy, it operated in France, Italy, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire, and was later extended to the Americas. Trials were held in secret, torture was common, and penalties ranged from simple fines and flogging to death by burning. Lea's majestrial study remains one of the most detailed and comprehensive accounts ever published. It continues to be an essential source for scholars of the Inquisition and medieval Spain. This edition includes the scarce volume on the inquisition in the Spanish dependencies. Introduced by Professor Lu Ann Homza, a leading contemporay scholar of the Inquisition, this handsome 5-volume set will be welcomed by researchers, collectors and institutions alike.