Best of
Visionary Activist Astrology
Caroline W. Casey - 2000
From her early years of study with Joseph Campbell to her infamous debate with Patrick Buchanan on "Crossfire" to her highly regarded radio show broadcast over KPFA in Berkeley, Casey has turned both astrology and politics upside down with her futuristic views and compassionate activism.On Visionary Activist Astrology, Casey introduces a wide new audience to her unique approach to astrology and the larger forces that shape our universe -- and our unique destinies. With wit and intelligence, Casey offers a fresh vision of astrology that combines symbols and archetypes with the essential tools of psychology. Sign by sign, in 12 complete lessons, Casey explains the hidden connections and potentials between our inner and outer worlds. With instructions for making and reading a celestial chart -- and meditations for navigating our own "miniature cosmos" -- Visionary Activist Astrology marries the study of the stars and the study of the psyche into a single life-changing program.
Solar Arc Directions
Carole Devine - 2000
This book fills that need and is dedicated to isolating it as a major tool in showing turning points in people's lives. Although solar arc is commonly known as a reliable astrological predictive technique, this book goes further by describing patterns within the process. Using ordinary people's charts, it is demonstrated and verified by actual case histories. Also, it explains how solar arc can be valuable in mundane charts, as well as showing turning points and passages in relationships by applying it to composite charts, and how it can be used in the rectification of birth times. Above all, in the chapter entitled "The Mid-Life Shift Into Reverse", Ms. Devine's discovery that our lives repeat in reverse order after age 45 is an original breakthrough.
David H. Levy's Guide to the Stars
David H. Levy - 2000
Levy s Guides to the StarsA Jumbo 16-inch Diameter Star Chart
Designed Especially for Beginners & Novices!
Ideal for Individuals, Families and Teachers!
Large Format makes it easy to read!
The David H. Levy's Guides to the Stars is an easy and and practical star chart to help navigate the night sky. This convenient device will greatly aid beginners and novices in their celestial exploration. It is simple to use. The stars in your night sky appear in the large oval after rotating the plastic circles to your observing time and date. Then, start matching the brightest stars in the sky with the largest on the chart. You ll be identifying constellation in minutes! Let David H. Levy s Guide to the Stars take you to the stars and beyond. Included are 25 binocular objects to help you get started exploring the Universe. Great gift idea.David H. Levy is one of the biggest names in astronomy. He has discovered 21 comets and written over 25 popular astronomy books. As the science editor for Parade magazine, he is responsible for bringing topical science to millions. Over 22 innovations. No other Star Chart can compare!
16-inch diameter makes it the easy to read. Over twice the area of others.
Can be used throughout the US, Canada and Europe.
Packed with astronomy facts and simple, clear instructions.
Black stars on a white background - the preferred color scheme recommended by amateur astronomers for finding stars.
Star positions are good for a lifetime.
MADE IN THE USA of 100% durable plastic. Ink cannot be scratched off.
Includes...Website support of happenings in the night sky (, historical timeline, information about the Moon, yearly meteor shower table, factual information on the planets, tour of the spring/winter constellations, binocular & telescope objects to observe, plus more!
Measuring the Night: Evolutionary Astrology and the Keys to the Soul, Volume One
Steven Forrest - 2000
Jeffrey Green's work 'mirrors the eternal realities of the soul', according to the leading Danish astrology magazine St Jernerne. Sting calls Steven Forrest's work 'as intelligent and cogent as it is poetic'. Based on the transcripts of a series of workshops that Green and Forrest gave together, this book pushes the ancient symbols of astrology to new heights of insight, lucidly and compellingly showing us how the soul's long history is reflected in the birth chart. Beneath the seeming randomness of life, there is a clear and meaningful order. This book provides the Rosetta Stone for unravelling it. The lecture format is warm, personal and informal, with lots of audience interaction. Forrest and Green team up to analyse the chart of a workshop participant volunteer, just as they would that of a client who had come for a reading.
Whole Sign Houses: The Oldest House System: An Ancient Method in Modern Application
Robert Hand - 2000
Rulers of the Horoscope: Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth
Alan Oken - 2000
Alan Oken masterfully guides you through the labyrinth of delineating and synthesizing the complex interchange between rulers of houses and their signs and the nature of the houses they occupy and rule. He defines and describes derivative houses, planetary and house rulerships, dispositorships, mutual reception and the compatibility and nature of importance of their placement in the horoscope.The astrological charts of well-known people are illustrated with detailed descriptions of planetary relationships, their positive and negative aspects, and the traditional and modern interpretation of the houses.Alan Oken's in-depth exploration of the ruler for each of the twelve houses and the rulers of the rising sign is an invaluable tool for astrology students and teachers alike.
Identifying Planetary Triggers: Astrological Techniques for Prediction
Celeste Teal - 2000
If you are called on to make predictions, you need to be confident of your precision and accuracy. Now you can add to your predictive methods some exciting ideas and techniques with the book Identifying Planetary Triggers by Celeste Teal.The book is divided into three major areas. The first concerns progressed charts. The second looks at planetary returns and the third section is focused on transits. Together they form a synergy which can make your accuracy quite astounding.The section on transits was originally written by Dr. J. Heber Smith, the first astrology teacher to coach famed astrologer Evangeline Adams. Adams proved her accuracy as an astrologer in court and attributed much of her success to the teachings of Dr. Smith. His information is presented here, unedited and in the original late nineteenth-century style. It is claimed that a rival of Evangeline Adams paid $150 for a typewritten copy of this material. And this was at a time when a loaf of bread would cost a nickel!If you are a professional astrologer, or if you are a casual practitioner, this book is a must. You will learn more about the art of prediction in this one book than you might have as a result of years of study and research. Filled with stories and charts to clarify what is being explained, you're going to find that Identifying Planetary Triggers will be an important book in understanding how to use astrology to make predictions.
Vertex: The Third Angle
Donna Henson - 2000
A Monument To The End Of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli, & The Great Cross
Jay Weidner - 2000
The secret of alchemy is also the secret of the apocalypse, the catastrophic unveiling of the cosmic mystery. Beginning with the work of Fulcanneli, the 20th century's most enigmatic alchemist and his intriguing message of this approaching apocalypse, the book ranges from the small Basque resort town of Hendaye, where the Cross still stands a few feet from the village square, to the western front of Notre Dame de Paris, the Pyrenees, ancient Egypt, the origin of Atlantis in South America and beyond, to the center of our galaxy and the secret of time. With its wealth of multi-disciplinary scholarship, A Monument to the End of Time provides a completely new insight on the ancient wisdom of alchemy. Decoding the message held by the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye, provided for posterity by a secretive group of initiates hidden in the Pyrenees, this loose thread on the tapestry of history points to a "fatal season" when a "double catastrophe" will try the northern hemisphere with fire - Judgment Day, in other words. Exploring in depth the history of alchemy's involvement with eschatology and illuminated astronomy, A Monument to the End of Time follows the secret from Alexandria to the façade of the Gothic cathedrals, where Fulcanelli demonstrates that the secret has always been hidden in plain sight. The Cross at Henadaye's message reveals that we are now living in that "fatal season." It also reveals that this season is intimately connected to our solar system's alignment with the center of the galaxy. Drawing upon the work of John Major Jenkins, Wilhelm Reich and Paul La Violette, A Monument to the End of Time suggests that these periodic alignments may in fact be the harbinger or origin of the earth's precessionally timed, cyclic catastrophes. Part of the Cross' message points to Peru, where evidence exists that the ancient culture of the Altiplano was actually that of Atlantis, and in a small valley near Cuzco an indigenous culture still lives in a mythical galactic Cross. From "Atlantis" the book returns to ancient Egypt, and places the fragments of astro-alchemy back into its original context as part of the ancient sacred science, before the concluding chapter ties up the loose ends by returning to the riddle of Fulcanelli and the mysterious alchemists in the Pyrenees with their message of approaching catastrophe.
Patterns of the Past
Judy Hall - 2000
As a past life therapist and astrologer, Judy has helped many clients to free themselves from ties that bind them to inappropriate patterns from previous lives.
Sabian Aspect Orbs (Astrology: A Language of Life, Vol. 2)
Robert P. Blaschke - 2000
The core premises are 1) there is no empty space in the Zodiac, meaning every aspect's separating orb touches the next aspect's applying orb; 2) the essential meaning of any aspect lies in its degree of angular separation and corresponding symbolism; with the planets, signs, houses and dispositors serving as agents to carry out that symbolic intent; and 3) different applying or separating orbs depict a very specific symbolic meaning for your planetary aspects, while the symbolism for the exact Zodiacal degree of any aspect helps to grasp its core purpose. Waxing and waning distinctions, applying or separating variations, and direct motion vs retrograde considerations are explained. Major, minor and esoteric aspects, along with their derivative counterparts are included.
The Creative Astrologer: Effective Single Session Counseling
Noel Tyl - 2000
This groundbreaking work is written by Noel Tyl, one of the world's most respected astrologers, adding to his list of twenty-three texts that have informed two generations of astrologers. Over 700 creative connections are offered in this text to guide astrologers through planetary and aspect symbolisms into a deep analysis of the human condition. As part of modern astrological practice and in the context of actual client-session transcripts--the first ever presented in the literature--Tyl presents numerous clearly developed techniques, including: --Preparation for consultation--Techniques for questioning --Methods for inviting disclosure--Presentation skills--Effective ways to explore therapeutic connections Along with analysis, remediation, and healing, Tyl discusses the difficult topic of the practicality of behavioral predictions, how to frame them within client realities, and how to invite involvement from the client. Astrology is presented here in its most creative and constructive context, in which therapeutic holistic consultation is far more important than the abject description of varied chart factors.
AstroAnalysis: Cancer
American AstroAnalysts Institute - 2000
Filled with updated cusp charts and color-coded planet tables, AstroAnalysis enables readers to create their own self-portraits based on the positions of nine planets-not just the Sun. With an individual book for each of the twelve signs, the series offers comprehensive and astonishingly revealing tools for self-analysis and includes planet and cusp tables through 2015. Readers can astroanalyze: - Their lovers to determine character and motivation - Their business partners to find out if they're compatible - Their rivals for strengths and weaknesses - Their children to learn their innate abilities and direct them along promising lines - Their boss to see if he or she can help them succeed - Themselves to avoid the roles in life for which they aren't suited
Chinese Power Animals: Archetypes of Transformation
Pamela Leigh Powers - 2000
The power animals from China rat, dragon, horse, etc. show up in your chart based on your ascendant Sun and Moon and you locate them based on the easy tables provided by the author. She recommends exercises, herbal and aromatherapies to help you take charge of these energies so you can gain insight into yourself and those you love.