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The Equality of the Human Races
Anténor Firmin - 1885
Firmin published "De l' galit des Races Humaines " in Paris in 1885 twenty years after the 'Father of Racism, ' Count Arthur de Gobineau, published "Essai sur l'in galiti des Races Humaines." De Gobineau's racist tome was translated into several languages and influenced Nazi ideology, while Firmin's work became obscure and marginal in the anthropological and scientific communities it sought to affect."Equality of Human Races " is far more than a response to de Gobineau. It is a substantial work of early anthropology that presaged in the 19th century most of what became accepted anthropological science about race in the 20th century. It is also an early work of Pan-Africanism that highlighted the civilizational achievements of African cultures, from ancient Egypt and the Nile Valley countries of Sudan and Ethiopia, to the first 'Black' Republic of Haiti, as evidence of the fundamental equality of African peoples. One hundred and fourteen years later, this is the first appearance in English of Firmin's trailblazing work in Anthropology and Pan-Africanist thought.
Blood Covenant
Henry Clay Trumbull - 1885
The Blood Covenant is one of the least understood, and yet most relevant covenants for our understanding of God's dealings with man, throughout the Bible. This covenant of life & death spans the entire sacrificial system of the Old Testament, and is the basis for the Act of Communion in the Church today.