
Kim Fielding - 2012
    The one bright spot in his existence is the handsome guitar player he sometimes passes on his way home from work. But when he finally gathers the courage to speak to the man, Travis learns that former novelist Drew Clifton suffers from aphasia: Drew can understand everything Travis says, but he is unable to speak or write.The two lonely men form a friendship that soon blossoms into romance. But communication is only one of their challenges-there's also Travis's inexperience with love and his precarious financial situation. If words are the bridge between two people, what will keep them together?

Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Two

Blaine D. ArdenNicole Dennis - 2011
    P. Barnaby – END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT (First Love )*Sarah Black – SUCKER-PUNCH (Athlete/Hurt-Comfort )Scarlet Blackwell – BREAKING WAVES (Surfing/Angst )Penny Brandon – FINDING JACK (Cowboys/Mild BDSM )Lee Brazil – BE A BAD BOY (First-Time/Family Drama )Cardeno C. – WOMAN WITH A DILDO (Friends to Lovers )L.C. Chase – OPEN TACKLE (Friends to Lovers )*Kim Dare – MASOCHISM 101 (BDSM/Friends to Lovers )S.J. Frost – A LITTLE BIT COUNTRY (Musicians/Rivals to Lovers )Jeanette Grey – HEART AND SOUL (Friends to Lovers )Jambrea Jo Jones – WILD BLUE YONDER (Military )*Pender Mackie by DOG DAYS OF SUMMER (Blue Collar/First Date )JL Merrow – BEAR NAKED (First-time/Bears )M.J. O'Shea – BRIDGES (First Love )*Neil S. Plakcy – PHOTO BOOTH (Cowboys/FBI )Dustin Adrian Rhodes – STORM OF PASSION (Friends to Lovers )Jaime Samms – MOURNING (Hurt/Comfort )*Justin South – REFLECTIONS (First Love/Hurt-Comfort )Zach Sweets – LUSCIOUS LOVE (Coming out/Food Kinky )Piper Vaughn – WANTING (First Love )*Silvia Violet – TIME TO TELL (Military/Friends to Lover)Deanna Wadsworth – UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE (Office Sex )Stuart Wakefield – THE ELEMENTS OF LOVE (Sci-Fi/Ménage )Alex Whitehall – HOLD ME TIGHT (Hurt-Comfort/BDSM Light )Lisa Worrall – JUST ONE KISS (Gay-for-You/Cops )Connor Wright – GONE TO PIECES (Sci-Fi/Mild BDSM )


Nicholas Bella - 2014
    Because of him, I was captured by my loathed enemy: The vampires. Right now, the sun is still high in the sky, but I know when it sets, I’m as good as dead. They can’t wait to get their fangs into me. I guess some would say I have it coming. I did raise a lot of hell with my Resistance crew, and I was planning on raising a hell of a lot more at dawn before I was sold out by Jonah. The vampires, werewolves and dragons, have been trying to track me down for months and I’d always been two steps ahead of them. *Laughs* I guess my number is up. I just hope they make it quick. You see, the vampires in my reality aren’t the romantic lot you read about in books. They don’t sparkle or hang out at high schools with their teenage girlfriends. Hell no, vampires are brutal, calculating, sadistic and bloodthirsty. As a matter of fact, all of the monsters are! That’s how they were able to take over the world so easily and change an entire civilization to suit their needs. Whatever happens, I know it’s not going to be pretty, so I’m preparing myself for the worst. May God help me. Warning: This novelette series contains hardcore sexual situations between men, not meant for sensitive eyes. I’m talking crude, lewd and full of attitude. This series will most likely either offend you or get ya revved up. This series isn’t going to be pulling any punches whatsoever, so you’ve been warned. Mature Adult Content meant for readers looking for something dark, taboo, sexy, and unapologetic in their paranormal erotica. This is NOT a romance. This novelette is approximately 13300 words.

The Arroyo

M. Caspian - 2014
    He keeps his head down and looks after his family, but every two years the sick fear comes around again as the Feds arrive for a new harvest of kids.It’s Trace’s last sweep; he’s about to serve out his term of slavery. One last run and then… what? A life alone, with his books and music? He’s seen far too much of the dark side of human nature to think that’s a possibility.Trace and Isaac both know happy ever after doesn’t grow in the parched desert. Maybe together they can change that.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. Dear Author,I always knew it was a possibility. Have known since childhood that they could take me someday. The slave traders have been sweeping the area for weeks now but I didn’t think they’d want me. They usually take girls and if they take boys they’re younger, blonder… prettier. There’s not usually a demand for someone who looks like me and has reached the ripe, old age of twenty-four. But I was wrong. Someone did want me. I’m so fucked.One last sweep of this dirt water town and I can get back to my life. My books, my music, my art and my life that doesn’t revolve around grabbing kids to sell to the highest bidder. I hate this shit. One last run. My debt will be paid and I’ll be free from that son of a bitch who grabbed ME as a kid. Maybe then I can finally stop thinking and dreaming. Turn off those dark desires that swirl in my head and wake me up at night in a cold sweat. I’m not HIM. I will never be HIM. My last fucking run and it all goes to shit when some guy, trying to be the hero, gets in my face. He’s too old, too dark, too inked… but God help me I want him.I don’t know what I was thinking when I stood up to him. I just wanted the kid to have half a chance at getting away. He’s so angry. I screwed up his quota and now I’m going to pay for that. He told me to get clean. EVERYWHERE. Then he gave me a thick chain with a padlock on it and told me to chain myself to the table when I was done. Something about “inspecting the merchandise”. I’m so fucked.Photo Description: A dark-haired, young man crouches naked in the corner of a bathtub, beneath a spray of water. White tiles and chrome fittings surround him. A heavy chain with a sturdy padlock is draped over his right shoulder, above a large tribal tattoo on his bicep. The man protects his head and chest with his arms, cowering, as he apprehensively meets the gaze of the viewer staring down at him.This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

American Squire

Sierra Simone - 2019
    There he meets Sidney Blount—cold, sophisticated, Dominant—who’s at the same house to appraise the family art. It doesn’t take Sidney long to appraise Ryan too, and decide exactly what Ryan needs. Which just so happens to be the one thing Sidney wants to give…Narrated by Guy Locke

Return to Blackcreek

Riley Hart - 2015
    Two days alone in a cabin with his husband? There’s no telling what kind of trouble they can get into. Wes isn’t fooled though. He knows this weekend is about more than just a sexy escape. When Braden lets him in on what he has planned, it has the potential to change their lives forever.Gavin and MasonIt’s the start of winter break and Gavin is looking forward to spending it working at Creekside with Mason…only he realizes that’s not the only thing he wants. He sets out on a path to give Mason the surprise of a lifetime, and the end result is a night neither man will ever forget.Noah and CooperCooper is determined to start a new holiday tradition. He’s planned an ugly sweater party that will go down in Blackcreek history. Not even Noah realizes everything he has in store for the night. If Coop can pull it all off without a hitch, the party will either be a huge success, or the biggest mistake of his life.Three couples, three major life events. It’s a December to remember for all our men in Blackcreek.40,000 words

One More Time

Shawn Lane - 2012
    He left a decade ago and has no desire to go back. California is now home. Or rather, his partner of six years was home. Yet when the unexpected death of his partner and the revelation of secrets kept send Dane reeling, he returns to the Vermont town he grew up in to help deal with his grief.Before he even reaches his sister’s home, he runs into Theo Mason, his first love and his well…first. Theo had been one of the reasons Dane had been eager to leave Vermont a decade ago, and Dane’s definitely not eager to see him again. Yet the rugged police officer makes it clear he wants another chance with Dane. Theo’s patience and understanding catch Dane off guard, and Dane finds himself unable to resist the once familiar heat that generates between them. But is his time with Theo just a rebound fling or can Dane move past his grief for a new chance at love?

The Pool Rules

Amelita Rae - 2016
    He’s handsome, he’s responsible, he’s confident, he’s aloof… no one would ever know that he’s completely head over heels for the little troublemaker that he has to constantly reprimand. High school senior Asher Tate is only a few years younger than the college athlete, but it might as well be a decade. He is the complete opposite of Lance. He is a reckless, carefree daredevil who couldn’t stay out of trouble if his life depended on it. What Lance doesn’t know though, is that half of Asher’s stunts are just to get his attention, for Asher has had a crush on Lance ever since they were kids together. One day at the pool, Asher disobeys Lance and nearly gets hurt. The lifeguard decides he has had it with Asher’s flagrant disobedience of The Pool Rules and decides it's time to teach his crush a lesson that he won’t soon forget! How does he plan to do that? Well, you’ll just have to read on to find out! This fluffy, summery treat will satisfy yaoi fans of all kinds! Featuring internal artwork by premier Yaoi artist, Elle Rei! ~6,500 words

Brand New Flavor

E.M. Lynley - 2012
    Jay's unique flavors thrill more than Cameron's jaded palate, but after a delicious encounter in Jay’s delivery truck, where extra-creamy frozen treats are not the only delights sampled, Cameron loses Jay’s contact info—and any hope of a real date. Desperate, Cameron convinces his editor to host an artisanal ice cream contest in hopes of drawing out the elusive genius. But more complications threaten to intervene. Will Jay even enter the contest? Or will the chance of a happily ever after melt away?

The Love of Wicked Men - S01E01

Brandon Shire - 2014
    One is a lawyer with his own firm and dreams of money and power; the other is a criminal with a lengthy record and a quest for vengeance. When they meet, sparks fly. But was their meeting an accident? Or, was it planned by the billionaires who want to control their destiny? The Love of Wicked Men is an erotic journey into the underbelly of the legal profession, the corporate culture of profit-at-any-cost, and the secret world of industrial espionage. IN THIS EPISODE: Sid Rivers has been very successful at helping his smaller corporate clients silence their critics and retain their profits. His success has caught the attention of a trillion dollar industry, and now Sid thinks he is about to realize a dream he’s held since childhood –unlimited wealth and unlimited power. Jack Brown stops in and robs the local Shop-n-Go and nicks Sid with his knife. He sets into motion a plan of revenge that has been smoldering within him for years. But his plan requires he get close to the same man who has become the representative of his enemies.


Carol Lynne - 2007
    For five years, Justin has repressed his sexuality in order to keep the job he loves. His only serious temptation is the father of his star running back. Sparks fly between the two men, and one Friday night after a winning game, Justin just can't say no. Luc is the man he's been searching for his entire life. But is this new relationship worth risking his career?

Will & Patrick Wake Up Married

Leta Blake - 2015
    Patrick McCloud wake up married. A quickie divorce is the most obvious way out—unless you’re the heir of a staunchly Catholic mafia boss with a draconian position on the sanctity of marriage.Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Will and Patrick don't like it, or each other, but they have to make the best of it until they can find another way out of their marriage. To ensure the trust fund Will's charitable foundation relies on isn't revoked by his mobster grandfather, he and Patrick travel to Will’s hometown of Healing, South Dakota, posing as a newlywed couple in the throes of true love at first sight.Complicating their scheme are Will’s unresolved feelings for his all-too-recent ex-boyfriend Ryan, and Patrick’s desire to get back to the only thing that really matters to him in life: neurosurgery. Will they fool everyone? Or will the mafia get wind that their marriage is a fake? Throw their simmering attraction into the mix and all bets are off!Approx. word count: 34KEpisode 1 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.

St. Nacho's

Z.A. Maxfield - 2008
    He's currently moving from town to town, working in restaurant kitchens, and playing his violin for tips. As soon as he starts to feel comfortable anywhere—with anyone—he moves on. He's aware that music may be the only human language he still knows. Ironically, the one man he's wanted to communicate with in all that time is deaf.Shawn is part of a deaf theater group at the nearby college. Shawn wants Cooper as soon as they meet and he begins a determined flirtation. Cooper is comfortable with down and dirty sex, just not people. As far as Shawn is concerned, dirty sex is win-win, but he wants Cooper to let him into the rest of his life as well.Cooper needs time to heal and put his past away for good. Shawn needs to help Cooper forgive himself and accept that he can be loved. Both men find out that when it comes to the kind of healing love can bring, the sleepy beachside town of Santo Ignacio, “St. Nacho's” as the locals call it, may just be the very best place to start.Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, male/male sexual practices.

Rule 47

Lynn Van Dorn - 2019
     His mother's new husband is awful, he can't find a paying job, and he's run out of couches to surf on. Desperate, he ends up in the unlikely position of standing on his ex-stepfather's porch holding all his worldly belongings in two cardboard boxes. Craig is sure taking Logan in is a terrible idea. It's been six years since he's seen his ex-wife's kid, and Craig hasn't forgotten the trouble the boy caused him. But it's cold out and Logan is clearly at the end of his rope. Craig decides in a fit of charity to help Logan get back on his feet. All he has to do is obey the rules. Rules are meant to be broken. Take one desperate Millennial and one bored Gen Xer. Add in an old grudge, guilt, unwelcome feelings, an inconvenient interest in Daddy kink, a need for discipline and regular meals, and punishment for rule-breaking. Shake well. Expect explosive results. Rule Forty-Seven is a stand-alone 11k short with a May/December romance, sexy-fun times, snark, and a HEA.

Like The Knight

Pandora Pine - 2015
    Little does he know his professor is the right man to school him in the art of submission. He’s brilliant, dark and most importantly, dominant to the core. And all that’s best of dark and bright…Professor Asher Flynn is tired of young men playing at being submissive. He wants the real deal, but finds it hard to believe the handsome young man sitting in the front row of his class could be exactly what he’s been searching for. Meets in his aspect and his eyes…Asher’s professional ethics war with his body’s demands for Xander, but once he takes a taste of this forbidden fruit will he be able to refuse a second or a third?