Where There's Smoke

Cari Z. - 2015
    I came here looking for adventure and excitement, but nobody cares about one more normal guy in a city filled with super-powered heroes. The closest I’ve come to glory is working in a bank that villains often rob.But then I maybe accidentally-on-purpose helped a villain escape the hero who was trying to save the day. Imagine my shock when, a week later, that villain asked me out for coffee. One date turned into more, and now I’m head over heels in love with Raul.Falling in love with the guy dubbed the Mad Bombardier isn’t without its downsides, though. I’ve had to deal with near-death encounters with other villains, awkwardly flirtatious heroes who won’t take no for an answer, and a lover I’m not sure I can trust. It’s getting to the point where I know I’ll have to make a choice: side with the heroes, or stand fast by my villain.Either way, I think my days as a normal guy are over.

Once Upon A Wolf

Rhys Ford - 2018
    It’s a simple life made up of long runs on two legs—or four—and quiet evenings…. Until Ellis chases a handsome man off a cliff and into the frozen waters beside their cabin, changing Gibson’s life forever.For Zach Thomas, buying an old B&B is a new start. Leaving behind his city life, he longs to find peace and quiet, and hiking the trails behind his property seems safe enough—right up to the moment an enormous black wolf chases him into a lake, nearly drowning him. Discovering werewolves are real astounds him, but not as much as the man who rescues him from the icy water then walks into Zach’s heart as if he owns it.Loving a werewolf—loving Gibson with all his secrets—has its challenges but Zach believes their love is worth fighting for, especially since his heart knows the big bad wolf is really a prince in disguise.

Winter Winds

Missouri Dalton - 2013
    Forever beautiful. Forever outcast. Forever lonely. Life as a deaf vampire is hard. It's seen as a flaw. Being deaf is viewed as a weakness. They're foolish to underestimate me. Like Rudolph, I was never invited to play in any vampire games.Then one foggy winter’s night, everything changed.Photo Description: A young man with impossibly blue eyes stares out at the viewer. It’s the eyes that have it, because this man cannot hear, a disability gained only after he was turned— into a vampire. It’s going to take one hell of a man to bring out the master vampire within.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Once a Brat

Kim Dare - 2013
    On the plus side, the boy following him around his local leather club is gorgeous and a self-professed submissive. Unfortunately, he’s also inexperienced, bratty, and liable to drive Marcus insane with his incessant chatter and questions. Bret Daniels fell head over heels with Marcus the moment he first saw him. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to get Marcus’s attention and prove his worth as a submissive. He might not be a traditional sub, but he knows he has a lot to offer a dom who can handle his quirks. When Marcus gives in and agrees to do a scene with Bret, sparks fly. One scene quickly becomes another, and another. But will it be a case of once a brat, always a brat? Bret intends to prove to Marcus that—expectations and experiences aside—he deserves his master’s collar. This title is part of the Kinky Cupid universe.

An Intrepid Trip to Love

Charlie Cochet - 2013
    But when they discovered his brother couldn’t have pups, the responsibility of continuing the Hagan Alpha line fell back to Trip. Under the weight of the Hagan Council’s demand to fulfill his duty, Trip settled down and produced an heir, but after years of struggling to uphold his family’s traditions, Trip found the courage to do what no other Hagan Alpha had done in the history of the clan: he came out.Five years later, and Trip is living a happy life with his cheeky pup and their own little makeshift family. True mates within canine shifter clans are very rare, but Trip has had one since he can remember. Despite losing his heart to Boone twenty years ago, Trip holds little hope of ever getting to bond with the sexy Enforcer, as it’s against clan laws for pure-bloods to bond with half-breeds. With the call from their feral halves to seal the bond growing stronger by the day, can Trip and Boone find a way to be together without losing everything? This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1...


X. Aratare - 2014
     His parents had a storybook romance … until a freak ocean storm robbed them of their lives and left him alone to be raised by his grandmother. With their deaths, Gabriel’s adoration for the sea turned to fear, and his belief in happy-ever-afters turned to dust. Gabriel vowed to never set foot in the ocean again and to never believe in love. Gabriel kept that promise until after his junior year of college, when he and his best friend Corey return to the ocean-side town where he lost his parents in order to help his grandmother. Gabriel’s bitter fear of the water has only grown, along with his belief that it is his destiny to be forever alone. Corey is determined to prove Gabriel wrong. It is his mission that summer for Gabriel to find love on the beach … and maybe do some swimming, too. Gabriel will settle for simply not reliving his parents’ deaths every time he hears the rush and shush of the waves. Both may get their wish as Gabriel discovers the hidden past of the Bravens and the sea sends someone amazing to his aid. BOOK 2 IS AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER! ASIN B00N3D7MA2

His Soul Desire

Casey Cameron - 2017
    In his defense, he honestly thought the whole thing was fake.Well, it turns out demons exist. See exhibit A: Gideon, the demon currently residing in Sean’s living room. True, he doesn’t look so much “dark lord” as “tall, dark, and handsome,” but he’s shockingly powerful, and despite his wisecracks and nonstop innuendo, his purpose is sinister. Sean’s soul in exchange for a favor: that’s Gideon’s bargain, and he won’t settle for anything less. Sean may be new to the demon-summoning business, but he still knows better than to sell his soul, even with unlimited power on the line. So…how do you un-summon a demon? Unfortunately, the answer lies at the other end of a thousand-mile road trip, with Gideon riding shotgun. A lecherous demon makes a terrible road trip companion—when he’s not trying to talk Sean into making a demonic bargain, he’s trying to talk him out of his pants, and that might be just as dangerous. It’d be easy to say no if Gideon were pure evil, but the more Sean gets to know him, the more he starts to wonder if a demon could be a decent person. Between Gideon’s charm, good looks, and unexpected warmth, Sean has to keep a tight grip on his virtue.And to make things worse, there’s another demon on their tail who will see this bargain completed at any cost—even if that means destroying them both. Time is running out in the race to keep their lives—and Sean’s soul—intact. Can Sean and Gideon find a way to work together before the road ahead becomes a literal highway to Hell?His Soul Desire is a 50,000 word gay romance novel featuring a slacker with a heart of gold, the suave demon determined to seduce him, more accidental feelings than you can shake a pitchfork at, several irresponsible uses of magic for hedonistic purposes, and of course, a happily-ever-after ending

The Working Elf Blues

Piper Vaughn - 2014
    Ever since he saw Wes, the boy with sorrowful eyes, Garnet felt an undeniable kinship. Over the years, he's watched that boy grow into a man, and now he's determined to give Wes a Christmas he'll never forget. If only Garnet had thought to test his father's sleigh before leaving…Orphaned as a child, Wes spends every Christmas alone at his cabin. When he's woken by a suspicious boom and finds a wrecked sleigh and an unconscious elf, he doesn't know how to react. Wes isn't fanciful. He doesn't give much credence to the stories about Santa Claus and flying reindeer. But a part of him wants desperately to believe when Garnet promises forever, even if life has taught him that no one ever stays…

The Practical Guide to Trying Not to Die

Sam Schooler - 2013
    In the past three hours, he’s been attacked by Lord of the Rings lookalikes, saved by his hot but weird next-door neighbor, threatened with a pair of Manolos, and been told he has to move out of his house.Oh, and he has to leave this dimension, too. So there’s that.His neighbor, Soren Greenfield, is not only a gardening fanatic and an avid swimmer, but a guardian — a member of a fierce, loyal league of warriors who have sworn their lives to protect the keys. Unfortunately for Danny, he’s a key, and he possesses a well of magic that can be tapped and manipulated by sorcerers. Soren’s job is to protect Danny from sorcerers, and now that a particularly powerful one (code name: Doctor Doom) has set his sights on Danny (a geeky geology major with inferiority issues, no combat skills, and a smart mouth), Soren is probably going to regret that oath he took to give his life in exchange for Danny’s.Together with Danny’s black belt best friend Malia Hesse, they escape to Lohrfast, Danny’s birthplace and Soren’s home, in order to ensure Danny’s safety. Arriving at White Oak, one of the League’s training camps, should be the end of their travel, but there are dangers within the League as well, and when Danny, Soren, and Malia are forced to make a desperate journey to the League’s largest stronghold, Soren’s secrets catch up with them.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

The Naughty Ones

Shawn Lane - 2010
    But before he can make a decision on his future, he finds himself in trouble with the dark-haired sexy, Head Elf, Gabriel. Trouble comes in the form of having to be the Head Elf's assistant for the season, but after a kiss under the mistletoe, their relationship takes a naughty turn and by Christmas, Christian only has eyes and love for Gabriel. Will the Head Elf return his deeper feelings?

Deep Magic

Gillian St. Kevern - 2015
    Returning as an adult to his grandmother's cottage in Aberdaron, Olly is determined to put his past behind him and settle down. But the misty Llŷn Peninsula hides dangerous secrets. Olly is torn between the Longing, a powerful force driving him away from the only home he has ever known, and the growing conviction that the merman prince of his childhood make-believe is real--and in desperate need of Olly's help. There is more truth in Olly's stories than he realises. If he is to have any chance of righting past wrongs and rescuing his prince, Olly must navigate the truth in his old stories and discover the magic right in front of him. But Olly has a powerful enemy on the ​Llŷn, an ancient king who would like to end Olly's story-telling permanently. Written for the M/M Romance Groups 2015 Don't Read in the Closet event, Deep Magic is a free gay romance novel produced with the support and effort of members of the M/M Romance Group. A fantasy romance with a gothic bent, Deep Magic will take you deep into Welsh mythology and folklore, featuring the morgen, Welsh mermen, and the notorious water-horse, the Ceffyl Dwr. Deep Magic contains adult situations and should be read with discretion. The story began in Deep Magic continues in Morgen Curse and Morgen Song.

Hell's Pawn

Jay Bell - 2011
    and that's just the beginning of his troubles.Purgatory should have been a safe haven for souls that belong neither in Heaven nor Hell, but instead John finds himself in a corrupt prison, one bereft of freedom or pleasure. Along with his decedent friend Dante, John makes a brave escape, only to fall straight down to Hell and into the arms of Rimmon, a handsome demon. John is soon recruited as Hell's ambassador, visiting the afterlife realms of other cultures to enlist an army strong enough to stand against Heaven. As interesting as his new job is, John's mind keeps returning to Purgatory and the souls still trapped there. Somehow he must free them and stop a war he doesn't believe in, all while desperately trying to attract the attention of an incubus whose heart belongs to another.Hell's Pawn is a wild romp through an afterlife stuffed full of adventure, romance, and fun.

Gemini Rules Capricorn

Anyta Sunday - 2018
    Lloyd loves to make them. Wesley loves to break them. What happens when their roles are reversed? Find out in this rule-bending romp! * ~ * ~ * Gemini Rules Capricorn is a 4000 word sexy short story following Signs of Love #3 Complimentary copy available on the author's site.

Oleander House

Ally Blue - 2006
    All his life, he's experienced things he can't explain. Things that have colored his view of the world and of himself. So taking a job as a paranormal investigator seems like a perfect fit. His new co-workers, he figures, don't have to know he's gay. When Sam arrives at Oleander House, the site of his first assignment with Bay City Paranormal Investigations, nothing is what he expected. The repetitive yet exciting work, the unusual and violent history of the house, the intensely erotic and terrifying dreams which plague his sleep. But the most unexpected thing is Dr. Bo Broussard, the group's leader.From the moment they meet, Sam is strongly attracted to his intelligent, alluring boss. It doesn't take Sam long to figure out that although Bo has led a heterosexual life, he is very much in the closet, and wants Sam as badly as Sam wants him. As the investigation of Oleander House progresses and paranormal events in the house escalate, Sam and Bo circle warily around their mutual attraction, until a single night of bloodshed and revelation changes their lives forever. Warning: this title contains explicit male/male sex, intense violence, and graphic language.

A Reason To Believe

Diana Copland - 2012
    So when the spirit of a murdered child leads him to her body, he's shaken to the core—and taken off the case. Unable to explain his vision, or to let go of the investigation, Matthew turns to renowned medium Kiernan Fitzpatrick. Though he has doubts about Kiernan's claims to communicate with the dead, Matt is nevertheless drawn to the handsome psychic, who awakens feelings he thought were long-buried.Haunted by the lingering spirit of the little girl, Kiernan is compelled to aid in the search for her killer. The chance to get closer to the enigmatic Matt is an unexpected bonus. Although Kiernan's been betrayed by people who turned out to be more interested in his fame than in himself, with Matt he's willing to risk his heart. As the two men grow closer, Kiernan helps Matt rediscover that life offers no guarantees—but love offers a reason to believe...