Book picks similar to
Summer Nights by J.M. Sevilla


Just Like Heaven

Trilina Pucci - 2021
    š–šžā€™š«šž š°š«šØš§š  š¢š§ šžšÆšžš«š² š°ššš². If only I couldā€™ve convinced my heart.We were gorgeously young and desperate for one another. His lips whispered promises of all the stars in the sky. While I dreamt of a love that would last forever. But weā€™re star-crossed.Fate had decided our course.Leaving us to cling to each other as we crumbled to ash.His need became possession. My innocence turned jaded.Our families declared war.All that remained was hate. But Calder was raised by wolves. The rules didnā€™t apply. I was his until he said otherwiseā€”for better or for worse.Our love storyā€™s bathed in crimson and drenched in bullets.Because sometimes, Romeo comes with tattoos, guns, and a taste for blood.

Ten Tiny Breaths

K.A. Tucker - 2012
    Now sheā€™s working hard to bury the pieces left behindā€”all but one. Her little sister, Livie. Kacey can swallow the constant disapproval from her born-again aunt Darla over her self-destructive lifestyle; she can stop herself from going kick-boxer crazy on Uncle Raymond when he loses the girlsā€™ college funds at a blackjack table. She just needs to keep it together until Livie is no longer a minor, and then they can get the hell out of Grand Rapids, Michigan.But when Uncle Raymond slides into bed next to Livie one night, Kacey decides itā€™s time to run. Armed with two bus tickets and dreams of living near the coast, Kacey and Livie start their new lives in a Miami apartment complex, complete with a grumpy landlord, a pervert upstairs, and a neighbor with a stage name perfectly matched to her chosen ā€œprofession.ā€ But Kaceyā€™s not worried. She can handle all of them. What she canā€™t handle is Trent Emerson in apartment 1D.Kacey doesnā€™t want to feel. She doesnā€™t. Itā€™s safer that way. For everyone. But sexy Trent finds a way into her numb heart, reigniting her ability to love again. She starts to believe that maybe she can leave the past where it belongs and start over. Maybe sheā€™s not beyond repair.But Kacey isnā€™t the only one whoā€™s broken. Seemingly perfect Trent has an unforgiveable past of his own; one that, when discovered, will shatter Kaceyā€™s newly constructed life and send her back into suffocating darkness.

Brother's Keeper

Elizabeth Finn - 2012
    Will time run out, or will he find a way to protect her before her abusive father kills her?When Rowan is awarded a ballet scholarship to Michigan State University during her senior year of high school, her lifeā€™s dream is finally realized. Having lost her mother at an early age and being subjected to the abuse of a destitute drunken father, she has known unimaginable loss and heartache and been left wanting for a better lifeā€”a life now within her grasp. But with one ill-fated phone call, her life is turned upside down.Logan is Rowan's best friendā€™s older brother whose career is taking off as he prepares to graduate law school and move cross-country to the prestigious law firm that has offered him a very lucrative contract. When Rowan finds herself at Loganā€™s mercy after he inadvertently learns of the abuse she has suffered at the hands of her father, their lives become intertwined in a way neither ever imagined nor wanted.In an effort to protect her, but with his own hands tied by her unwillingness to report the abuse, Logan strikes a deal requiring Rowan to stay with him whenever there is a chance her father might be on a drunken bingeā€”which is often. For her agreement and cooperation, he will keep her secret. Soon, their time together weighs on them both, and they find themselves constantly tempted to step outside the bounds of their supposed platonic relationship. But there is no point. The devastating fact of the matter is their lives are moving in opposite directionsā€”a relationship destined to die before it even has a chance to live.The ever present clock plagues them both as it ticks off the days until they are parted. But one all important question remainsā€”after he leaves, how will he protect her from a father intent on hating her until the day he dies ā€¦ or the day he kills her?Genre: Erotic Romance Fiction


Hazel Gower - 2014
    Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. New Age ā€“ MF. In book one of Caveman Instincts: Stephan I always thought the gypsies cursed my family centuries ago, but most members of my family feel different, they say we were gifted with prosperity and the ability to know our soul mate. Great, you say, well they forgot to mention when we find our soul mate we turn into possessive cavemen. I never wanted the curse to get me. I was happy with my privileged life, a new woman every night and no one ever saying no to me. I had my life planned out just how I wanted it. That was until I saw herā€”Jade Black. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on Jade she was mine. My soul mate. The problem is Iā€™m having trouble convincing her. Jade Iā€™m so close to freedom, to being eighteen and having a say in my life. Getting my Higher School Certificate, going to university, and living the life Iā€™ve always dreamed. Iā€™m so close. I blame my mother for dying, because Iā€™m not eighteen I have to either go into foster care or live with my deadbeat grandpa in Reed Creek. I choose my grandpa. I can put up with him until I graduate. The problemā€¦Stephan Silverman. He comes into my life, messes with all my plans, and changes my outlook. I thought I had everything planned. Now Iā€™m not so sure. Stephan Silverman is a pain in my arse.

The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier - 2013
    Two broken souls that can't be healed, they can't be saved. Abby and Jake have to decide if they can accept the darkness not only within one another, but within themselves. If they can accept each other for who they really are they might learn that love isn't always found in the light...WARNING: This is NOT your typical romance. The story of Jake & Abby contains disturbing situations, graphic violence, sex, strong language, drug use, and all types of abuse.The Dark Light of Day is a King series prequel.

Art & Soul

Brittainy C. Cherry - 2015
    Passed by. Glossed over. Unnoticed. Now I was Aria Watsonā€¦ that girl.After one bad decision, and being labeled a slut, I was no longer unseen. I was the whore. The ignoramus. The tramp.I would never be invisible again.Particularly to Levi Myers. He was the odd boy with the beautiful soul who accepted and understood the broken girl inside me.Falling in love wasnā€™t the plan. But how could I resist his promises of hope? Of forgiveness? Of a future I had stopped dreaming of?We were shattered. We were scarred. We were something strange and beautiful.We were two lost souls holding on to the only thing that could keep us together. Each other.


Emily Snow - 2012
    At least, that's what her parents and agent are claiming. She doesn't really give a damn if she never makes another movie or notā€”she just wants to get on with her life, get back to her friends, and find her next escape. But Willow is broke. And whether she likes it or not, acting is the only job she knows how to do.When she accepts the lead in a beach drama, Willow finds herself in Hawaii. And in Hawaii, she finds Cooper, the gorgeous surfer hired to train her for her new role. With the bluest eyes sheā€™s ever seen and the sexiest Australian accent sheā€™s ever heard, Cooperā€™s different from the men sheā€™s used to. He doesnā€™t want to use her. And he refuses to let her fail. But when an old friend re-enters Willowā€™s lifeā€”a friend whose toxicity sheā€™s been drawn to time and time before and whose presence brings about the painful memories she's tried so hard to suppressā€”Willow will have to choose between the girl she was and the person sheā€™s becoming. The lifestyle that helps her forget the pain and the guy sheā€™s falling hard for.


J.M. Darhower - 2014
    DEATH... LOVE... FREEDOM. THIS IS A STORY ABOUT FOREVER. Haven Antonelli and Carmine DeMarco grew up under vastly different circumstances. Haven, a second-generation slave, was isolated in the middle of the desert, her days full of hard work and terrifying abuse. Carmine, born into a wealthy Mafia family, lived a life of privilege and excess. Now, a twist of fate causes their worlds to collide. Entangled in a web of secrets and lies, they learn that while different on the surface, they have more in common than anyone would think. In a world full of chaos, where money and power rule, Haven and Carmine yearn to break free, but a string of events that began before either of them were born threatens to destroy them instead. Murder and betrayal are a way of life, and nothing comes without a price-especially not freedom. But how much will they have to sacrifice? Can they escape their pasts? And, most of all, what does it mean to be free?

Forever Mine

Elizabeth Reyes - 2010
    Sheā€™s forced to move, leaving behind everything sheā€™s ever known, including her best friend Sydney. Lost and bitter in a new school, her one goal is to save money and move back home. Then she meets Angel Moreno. Enigmatic but gorgeous, Angel is almost too good to be true. Except for one thing, his archaic belief that guys and girls can never be ā€œjust friendsā€. The problem? Sarahā€™s best friend Sydney is not a girl. With their unexpected romance intensifying to places neither ever experienced, how long can Sarah keep Angel in the dark about the guy waiting for her back home?

Wishing for Someday Soon

Tiffany King - 2012
    Behind her normal facade lies the reality of a broken home life. Thanks to her abusive mother, a string of deadbeat stepfathers, and an unsympathetic system, Katelyn has learned that the only one she can count on is herself. Her lifeā€™s mission has become to shield her nine year old brother, Kevin, and to give him the future that they both wish for. A life with no more abuse, no worries about where their next meal will come from, and no more wondering if they will have a roof over their heads.When her mother moves them again, this time to a small town in Montana, Katelynā€™s resolve is shaken when she meets Max, a cute boy from her new school, who gets a glimpse into her real world. Max slowly manages to break through Katelynā€™s wall of distrust, stirring up feelings she never saw coming. Now with her world more complicated than she ever intended, Katelyn struggles with the decision to follow her heart into the arms of the first boy she has ever loved. A decision that could risk the promise she made to protect Kevin, and to give them the ā€˜someday soonā€™ that is so close within their grasp.

Shielding Lily

Alexa Riley - 2016
    Sheā€™s a senior finishing her last semester, and all she wants to do is graduate and get out of town. Her home life is a secret hell, and sheā€™s trying to find a way out. But everything changes when Ren says hello and sees right through to her truth.Ren Hendrickā€™s succeed's at everything he touches, including football. But heā€™s never been passionate about anything. Heā€™s quiet and keeps to himself, which pisses people off. But he canā€™t find the desire to care. Heā€™s lived a life without color until Lily walks in and lights up his world.Their story is one of sweet young love and finding your forever before you can even dream of what that is. Itā€™s one of protecting what belongs to you and having the courage to follow your heart, no matter your age.Warning: Call your dentist and schedule an appointment, because youā€™re going to get nothing but cavities from this sugary book. Ren and Lily start off so innocent, but by the time itā€™s over, youā€™re gonna need to hose yourself off. Weā€™re talking two virgins who turn into maniacs. Youā€™re welcome!

Wild Cards

Simone Elkeles - 2013
    After getting kicked out of boarding school, bad boy Derek Fitzpatrick has no choice but to live with his ditzy stepmother while his military dad is deployed. Things quickly go from bad to worse when he finds out she plans to move them back to her childhood home in Illinois. Derekā€™s counting the days before he can be on his own, and the last thing he needs is to get involved with someone elseā€™s family drama. Ashtyn Parker knows one thing for certain--people you care about leave without a backward glance. So when her older sister comes home after abandoning her ten years earlier, with her hot new stepson in tow, Ashtyn wants nothing to do with either of them. Then she comes up with a plan that would finally give her the chance to leave, but it requires trusting Derekā€”someone she barely knows, someone born to break the rules. Is she willing to put her heart on the line to try and get the future she wants?

Four Doors Down

Emma Doherty - 2016
    She has good friends and a gorgeous boyfriend but Ryan Jackson, the bane of her existence, keeps popping up everywhere. She doesn't care that they were best friends for years. She doesn't care that their moms are close and therefore she hears more about him that she'd ever care to know. She doesn't care that their mutual friend, Jake, keeps pushing them all to hang out together, and she especially doesn't care that the rest of the school bows down and worships him. Becca decided years ago that he wasn't worth her time and nothing, NOTHING, is going to change her mind.

Crow's Row

Julie Hockley - 2011
    Just completing her freshman year at Callister University, Emily faces a quiet summer in the city slums, supporting herself by working at the campus library. During one of her jogs through the nearby cemetery while visiting her brother Bill's grave, Emily witnesses a brutal killing-and then she blacks out. When Emily regains consciousness, she realizes she's been kidnapped by a young crime boss and his gang. She is hurled into a secret underworld, wondering why she is still alive and for how long.Held captive in rural Vermont, she tries to make sense of her situation and what it means. While uncovering secrets about her brother and his untimely death, Emily falls in love with her very rich and very dangerous captor, twenty-six year-old Cameron. She understands it's a forbidden love and one that won't allow her to return to her previous life. But love may not be enough to save Emily when no one even knows she is missing.

This Beautiful Thing

Amanda Heath - 2012
    Her twin brothers have made sure of that. Until one night at a college party she gives them the slip, finding herself in the arms of the most amazing guy she has ever met. Now she's on a mission to find him since she ran from his bed. And forgot to ask his name...Declan Sage has had control over his entire life. But that is all about to change when the girl who ran out of his bed turns his life upside down. She is about to throw that control out the window. But heā€™s pretty sure thatā€™s a good thing seeing as she stole his heart...