Goodbye Phillip

Summer Devon - 2012
    Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Download the story, read it online or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 4.__________Genre: contemporaryTags: baby; hot business; adoption; family; a bit of m/m steamWarnings: noneWord Count: 15,528

Silver and Gold

Devon Rhodes - 2009
    He goes into a tailspin after hearing from his first love, picks up a stranger who locks him out of the house in nothing but his pants, and then he gets up the courage to go get rid of his grey, and the colorist refuses to 'do' Geoff's hair!But Abe Golden, thrilled that the hunky silver-tipped guy has admitted he's gay, does 'do' him, taking him home for the hottest night of Geoff's life. After three heavenly days of smoking hot sex, Abe has done the unimaginable: he's fallen in love. And when he finds out that Geoff has been using him to practice for another man, Abe is at first heartbroken... and then he plots how to show Geoff the value of combining silver and gold.

One More Night

Charlie Novak - 2020
    As his resolve crumbles, he finds himself agreeing to Harry's proposition: Be his boyfriend for three days.With his sister getting married, the pressure’s on Harry to turn up with a suitable partner. Someone rich. Someone from society. Someone who isn't an ex-hookup named Jack…But Jack’s not afraid of a little Spencer family frostiness if it means protecting Harry. After all, you can't fall in love with someone in just three days.Unless you never stopped loving them to begin with.

Riding Heartbreak Road

Kiernan Kelly - 2006
    Brent Miller is as wealthy New York businessman who has never had to hide. When Brent's car breaks down in Jake's hometown, the two of them begin a romance that might be hazardous to their health.From the prairies of Texas to the lights of New York and back again, from western rodeos to big city gay bars to a courtroom in Dallas, can the bull rider from the Lone Star State and the businessman from New York buck the odds to stay together?

Blowing Off Steam

Joy Lynn Fielding - 2015
    Well, maybe not literally, but even when he’s lost everything else in his life, he’s always had her. But now her place in his heart has been unexpectedly challenged. Her new driver, Ryan Saunders, is the embodiment of all Sam’s fantasies.Ryan has written off Sam as just another geeky trainspotter—until the moment Ryan sees him without his usual shapeless hoodie, and realizes that for a nerd, Sam’s pretty built.When Ryan overlooks Sam’s awkwardness long enough to suggest a hook-up, Sam seizes the opportunity—and Ryan—with both very eager hands. Finding common ground in their shared love of Bess, their time together is better than Sam ever dared dream.But there’s a reason Ryan never talks about his past. And when Ryan's job is threatened, Sam’s well-meaning intervention puts both Ryan and Bess in deadly danger.Product Warnings:Contains train geekery, bed-hogging, a hero with no experience and another with plenty to spare, and a spider called Mabel.

Tyler's Cowboy

Amber Kell - 2011
    His brother, Baron, was injured, his job sucks and Baron's straight partner, Cody, is the hottest piece of ass he's seen in a long time.When jealousy lifts its ugly head, Tyler learns that all problems have a solution if you can only corral yourself a hot cowboy.

The Marine in Unit A

Kris Cook - 2015
    I’m in college. I have my own apartment. I have lots of friends.But I’m dying on the inside.I feel so alone. Lost. Hopeless.I’m not the kind of person to wallow in self-pity. I need a distraction.The guy moving into Unit A may be just what I need to take my mind off of losing my dad.

Stripped Bare

Susan Mac Nicol - 2013
    He's steered clear of serious relationships, but when he meets the irascible, dirty mouthed and tempestuous Shane Templar that decision has never been harder. Shane is sexy, warm and funny, and Matthew finds himself trying like hell not to care about him. Especially when Shane, with his quick wit and hacking skills, is quick to stand up for justice and avenge wrongs. Then Shane strikes at the wrong target, and Matthew realises just how far gone he already is. At the threat of losing for good yet another man who’s broken through his armour, Matthew finds his heart stripped bare. He must face the demons of his soul or a future without love.

The Boys of Summer

Sarah Madison - 2013
    What’s not to like? Stunning scenery, great food, sunny beaches… and Rick Sutton, the hot, ex-Air Force pilot who is flying him around.Everything changes when a tropical storm and engine failure force a crash landing on a deserted atoll with a WWII listening post. Rick’s injuries and a lack of food and water mean David has to step up to the plate and play hero. While his days are spent fighting for survival, and his nights are filled with worrying about Rick, the two men grow closer. David’s research for his next movie becomes intertwined with his worst fears, and events on the island result in a vivid dream about the Battle of Britain. On waking, David realizes Rick is more than just a pilot to him. The obstacles that prevented a happy ending in 1940 aren’t present today, and David vows that if they survive this stranding, he will tell Rick how he feels.First Edition published by Createspace, 2013.

With This Ring, I Thee...Oh, Sh*t!

Dane Waters - 2014
    A future father in law who’d like nothing more than to shoot him in the back. Horny bridesmaids with handcuffs, a Texas sized bar fight, a stripper with hygiene issues, and riding a horse without getting killed. Leo, his fiancée’s little brother, gets him through it all as well as reigniting the urges Dean thought he’d put to rest years ago. In one night Leo lost the love of his father, the ranch meant to be his, and almost his life. After eight years, he’s forced to return to Texas or risk his sister’s inheritance. Leo must face his past, the father who despises him, and the violent sadist hell bent on revenge. Leo finds an unexpected friend in Dean. Giving Dean a taste of sex with a man is supposed to help Dean decide, once and for all, what he wants. Falling in love with him was never part of the plan.

No Flag

Liz Borino - 2013
    Will accepts with one caveat: Mike must promise not to renew his army contract.Mike agrees, until the army invokes the stop-loss military policy to involuntarily extend his commission and send him back overseas, rendering him powerless and threatening everything he and Will have built. Will, left alone to cope with a new café, must rely on the support of old friends who may no longer be trustworthy.A horrific terrorist attack on Mike’s outpost changes everything, leaving them both at a loss.Mike awakens in a hospital with a devastating injury and no recollection of the attack. As the only survivor, his memory may be the key to national security. Mike struggles to cope with his injury and Will struggles with his new role in Mike’s life.For Mike and Will, “No Flag” meant “come home alive.” Will has Mike back rather than a folded flag, but in the aftermath of war, can they rebuild the life they had before?

The Carpenter and the Fairy

Cassandra Gold - 2009
    Can Mason get past fear and stereotypes in time to get what he never knew he wanted?

Sleeping Stone

Alexa Snow - 2007
    But the course of true love never runs smoothly. Just as they seem to find solid ground to stand on, Jazz's former lover Richard shows up, strewing an already rocky road with gravel. When Jazz has a serious motorcycle accident that threatens to end his life, Chris and Richard try to carry on without him. Can they find common ground of their own?

Paid Leave

Hayley B. James - 2013
    He guards his secret carefully, believing he is protecting his job and happiness. Then, during a routine traffic stop gone awry, he shoots a suspect to protect a young girl, and his life spins out of control. A department-mandated paid leave rips away the only distraction he had, and he has to deal with the unsympathetic media who criticize the police department’s every move.One day, needing to get out of the house, Benji walks into a café, where he meets Neal McCoy—a gay man living without shame, unafraid to speak his mind or stand up against prejudice. Benji quickly falls for Neal but struggles to combine his new love interest and his career. With the media threatening the careful illusion he’s built around himself, Benji can’t stand the pressure.Benji has to decide: sacrifice his happiness in the name of his career and an easy life, or find the courage to give up the lonely existence he knows and take a step into the unknown.

Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open

Eric Arvin - 2013
    Stories that take some squinting to see through. Unconventional stories. Tales that threaten to break the heart by cruel twists of fate, the dogs of war, or demons that are all too real; whether they be of unrequited love or a karmic slap in the face. Happy endings take a time in coming, and some never arrive. But through all the darkness there is light, a glimmer of hope and wonder…if one has the will to see it.