House of Darken

Jaymin Eve - 2018
    While she finds this both weird and insulting, Emma has no actual intention of breaking these rules - until her guardians go missing. Now all bets are off. Only a single line separates her side of the street from the elites', and she's crossing it. Captured and held by Lexen and his brothers, she learns the rules are in place for a very good reason. There's a secret world hidden in this small town which goes far beyond the one she knows and understands. A world not for humans.


Jenny Martin - 2015
    Phee's legendary racer father disappeared mysteriously, but that hasn't stopped her from speeding headlong into trouble. When she and her best friend, Bear, attract the attention of Charles Benroyal, they are blackmailed into racing for Benroyal Corp, a company that represents everything Phee detests. Worse, Phee risks losing Bear as she falls for Cash, her charming new teammate. But when she discovers that Benroyal is controlling more than a corporation, Phee realizes she has a much bigger role in Castra's future than she could ever have imagined. It's up to Phee to take Benroyal down. But even with the help of her team, can a street-rat destroy an empire?

Rise of Kronos (The Babylon Project #1)

Kate Fry - 2021
    She protects herself by hiding away from everyone, except for her close friend, associate (and forbidden crush) Hideo Tanaka. He’s her handler at the Seattle Police Department, where she works as a consultant, hired under a trial program for gifted individuals. She just wants to do her job and not attract attention. So when a girl is murdered under unusual circumstances, drawing the attention of a unique task force, Kailani wants nothing to do with it. The CIA and FBI agents running the unit don’t care, though.Maela Driscoll is an American post-grad student in London, who spends most of her days buried in books. To make ends meet, and help fund her coffee budget, she takes part in a clinical trial for a cutting-edge medical drug, with very bad – or very good – results. After witnessing a murder, she’s forcibly recruited by MI5 agent Emlyn Ryder, who thinks she can help him take down a local crime boss. She isn’t so sure, but he’s not giving her a decision, inserting himself into her private life and relationships in order to keep her, and her unusual gift, close at hand.When a single victim survives long enough to talk, the teams realize their cases are linked through a shadowy organization known as Kronos. But what does Kronos really want? With the body count rapidly mounting, who can be trusted when neither woman is being given a choice? And can Maela and Kailani figure it out before it’s too late, while keeping things professional with their teams?The Rise of Kronos is the first book in The Babylon Project, a thrilling double reverse-harem series. Slow build, slow burn, because anticipation enhances pleasure...


Claudia Gabel - 2014
    An app, visor and wristband will virtually transport you to an exotic destination where adventure can be pursued without the complications—or consequences—of real life.Regan is an Elusion insider. Or at least she used to be. Her father invented the program, and her best friend, Patrick, heir to the tech giant Orexis, is about to release it nationwide. But ever since her father’s unexpected death, Regan can’t bear to Escape, especially since waking up from the dream means crashing back to her grim reality.Still, when there are rumors of trouble in Elusion—accusations that it’s addictive and dangerous— Regan is determined to defend it. But the critics of Elusion come from surprising sources, including Josh, the handsome skeptic with his own personal stakes. As Regan investigates the claims, she discovers a disturbing web of secrets. She will soon have to choose between love and loyalty…a decision that will affect the lives of millions.Suspense, thrills, and romance fuel this near-future story about the seductive nature of a perfect virtual world, and how far one girl will go to uncover the truth behind the illusions.


Phoebe Kitanidis - 2012
    As they piece together clues about their lives, they discover that they'e in the idyllic mountain resort town of Summer Falls. Everyone seems happy there, but as Marshall and Elyse quickly learn, darkness lurks beneath the town's perfect facade. Not only is the town haunted by sinister ghosts, but none of its living inhabitants retain bad memories of anything - not the death of Marshall's mom, not the hidden violence in Elyse's family, not even the day-to-day anguish of being a high schooler.Lonely in this world of happy zombies, Marshall and Elyse fall into an intense relationship founded on their mutual quest for truth. But the secrets they're trying to uncover could be the death of this budding love affair - and of everyone, and everything, they love in Summer Falls.


Shelly Crane - 2011
    She's eighteen, works for a tabloid newspaper in Chicago and has a brother, Danny who is a lazy mooch. They live a pretty normal dull life with hippie parents and a normal existence. Then the moon dissapears and people start to go missing only to reappear later, but different. Sherry has an abusive ex-boyfriend who shows up and claims to be one of these beings that have been showing up around the world. He's no longer the same person in that body. He tells her he has come to protect her and her brother and takes her underground, against her will to save her, where they meet others like them. She begins to unravel the truth about Merrick, about what he's really doing here, about the way he looks at her, about the crazy dangerous world they live in. Can he convince her that he's here to help? Will she like what she finds when she opens up to the truth? Will he be the one to love her when everyone else has failed her? Will he be able to protect her?

The Taking

Kimberly Derting - 2014
    . . and then . . . nothing. When sixteen-year-old Kyra Agnew wakes up behind a Dumpster at the Gas ’n’ Sip, she has no memory of how she got there. With a terrible headache and a major case of déjà vu, she heads home only to discover that five years have passed . . . yet she hasn’t aged a day. Everything else about Kyra’s old life is different. Her parents are divorced, her boyfriend, Austin, is in college and dating her best friend, and her dad has changed from an uptight neat-freak to a drunken conspiracy theorist who blames her five-year disappearance on little green men. Confused and lost, Kyra isn’t sure how to move forward unless she uncovers the truth. With Austin gone, she turns to Tyler, Austin’s annoying kid brother, who is now seventeen and who she has a sudden undeniable attraction to. As Tyler and Kyra retrace her steps from the fateful night of her disappearance, they discover strange phenomena that no one can explain, and they begin to wonder if Kyra’s father is not as crazy as he seems. There are others like her who have been taken . . . and returned. Kyra races to find an explanation and reclaim the life she once had, but what if the life she wants back is not her own?

Strange Fae (The Aetlantis Genome, #1)

A.D. Macle - 2019
    I never realized that the life I was living wasn’t my own and that my story would rival some of my crazier reads.It’s not enough that I’m stuck with my loveless egg donor and her jerk of a boyfriend, I can deal with that; it’s the mess I’m about to walk into that is going to either break me or prove my salvation.Four handsome strangers at my school are about to turn my life upside down, whether I’m ready for it or not. I guess it’s time to buckle in and get ready for a crazy ride.


C.R. Jane - 2019
    They destroyed my life, took those closest to me, and now they’re set on making me their own. Ella Monroe has only one goal in life. To survive. Trapped in a world that’s been taken over, Ella is reminded daily of everything that she has lost because of the Vepar. What was supposed to be a fun night out to celebrate her birthday turns into a nightmare encounter at a Vepar club when she catches the eye of three terrifyingly alluring men. Powerful and seductive, the three Vepar make clear they will stop at nothing to possess her. Unable to escape, Ella is plunged into their dangerous and secretive world, where everything is more than it seems. Ella doesn’t know what the future holds as their prisoner, but one thing is for sure. Their obsession knows no bounds…

Tainted Blood

Ellabee Andrews - 2019
    Once they begin to decay, they’re not very fast, but they’re guaranteed to break through the clenched fists of the other team when they run through them. Sometimes they break those fists off completely. When you’ve watched a dead man do the chicken dance upon your order, it’s hard to take them seriously. So death is the one thing I don’t fear. Not when the living are more terrifying. I grew up with a certain set of rules that my dads and mom instilled inside of me. 1. Always be aware of my surroundings. 2. When shit hits the fan, stay calm and keep a cool head. And 3. Never reveal my secrets. Keep them guarded closely or risk the interest of those that would seek to use my power for their own gain. Those rules used to be easy. They were what I lived and breathed. That was until I met Nate. Ever since I fell into his dark eyes, nothing has been the same. Four years have passed, and guarding my secrets has only become more difficult, especially when I have the world’s biggest crush on my boss and have grown as close as family to the crew I work with day in and out. Yet even though guilt is a bitter pill I swallow each time I lie to my crew to cover up some oddity of mine that’s surfaced, it's what must be done. And I could have continued to do so. The dead don’t tell my secrets, so confiding in them is cathartic, until everything changes, and everything I thought I knew is tested. You see, dealing with the living is tough, but the problem with the dead, is that sometimes, they don’t stay dead.

Monsters Awakened

L.J. Swallow - 2022
    I’m told the trauma repressed my memories and that I imagined the creatures who tore apart my family. Six-year-old Trinity couldn’t cope with the reality she witnessed and created her own.They’re wrong. I’m no longer a child, but I still see monsters.Six years ago, three crept into the edges of my dreams, their violet eyes shining through the shadows. But these creatures with horns and claws didn’t want to hurt me. One whispered his wicked thoughts, another watched me but never spoke, and their leader tempered their wild desires. I wanted to surrender to their dark embrace, but my monsters left me untouched and alone with my fantasies.I’m now at Briargrove House for treatment, where Dr. Radcliffe specializes in teasing out the truth hidden inside damaged people’s heads. He promises to unlock my memories and bring those who murdered my family to justice.But how damaged and dangerous are the others who live with me at Briargrove?Dr. Radcliffe hopes to banish the imaginary monsters, but my three return. They call themselves the Dark, are wilder than my dreams, and fulfil every pleasure they denied me. They belong to me, and I am theirs.My dark lovers insist that the true monsters live inside Briargrove House, so I must return to their realm. If I don’t, other creatures will take me to a different place, where the dreams promise to become nightmares.Monsters Awakened is the first book in the Ruthless Dark series. If you like scorching hot paranormal romance with dominant and possessive monster heroes, a heroine who’s strong enough to bring them to their knees, and a world where she doesn’t need to choose, scroll up and pre-order today.Note: although the heroes are monstrous, all encounters in the series are fully consensual.


Heather Anastasiu - 2012
    Implanted computer chips have wiped humanity clean of destructive emotions, and thoughts are replaced by a feed from the Link network.When Zoe starts to malfunction (or “glitch”), she suddenly begins having her own thoughts, feelings, and identity. Any anomalies must be immediately reported and repaired, but Zoe has a secret so dark it will mean certain deactivation if she is caught: her glitches have given her uncontrollable telekinetic powers.As Zoe struggles to control her abilities and stay hidden, she meets other glitchers including Max, who can disguise his appearance, and Adrien, who has visions of the future. Both boys introduce Zoe to feelings that are entirely new. Together, this growing band of glitchers must find a way to free themselves from the controlling hands of the Community before they’re caught and deactivated, or worse.In this action-packed debut, Glitch begins an exciting new young adult trilogy.

Saving Askara

J.M. Link - 2018
    Such is the life of an emergency medicine specialist in the age of "post-discovery". Sure, she had always dreamed of interacting with intelligent extraterrestrial life- the real thing, not those microbes on distant moons. Who wouldn't? She was still happy with her career, however mundane and demanding it might be. That's what it took to run a ship the size of a small city smoothly. Monotony. But all that changes one morning, and suddenly she's not so sure she didn't stick her foot in it... Be careful what you wish for. *** Escape had been their only drive, and even death was preferable to the alternative. But they never thought their flight for freedom would put them in an uncharted system. Forced to interact with an isolated world and its inferior, albeit curious people. When it affords them an unforseen and unprecedented opportunity to take back their world from those who seek to destroy them, however, Aderus begins to wonder if it wasn't fate. Earth's proposal is shocking and uncomfortable for a fierce, independent race that relishes in their solitude. But the more he learns of humans, the more he comes to admire and respect them. One, in particular. *Saving Askara is a Part I of II* Book II coming Summer 2018 WARNING: Not intended for readers under 18. Contains explicit sexual content.


Kylie Scott - 2012
     When the plague hit, her neighbors turned into mindless, hungry, homicidal maniacs. Daniel has been a loner his entire life. Then the world empties and he realizes that being alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Finn is a former cop who is desperate for companionship, and willing to do anything it takes to protect the survivors around him. When the three cross paths they band together; sparks fly, romance blooms in the wasteland, and Ali, Daniel, and Finn bend to their very human needs in the ruins of civilization. Lust, love and trust all come under fire in Flesh as the three battle to survive, hunted through the suburban wastelands.


Meagan Spooner - 2012
    For two hundred years the city has sustained this barrier by harvesting its children's innate magical energy when they reach adolescence. When it’s Lark’s turn to be harvested, she finds herself trapped in a nightmarish web of experiments and learns she is something out of legend itself: a Renewable, able to regenerate her own power after it’s been stripped.Forced to flee the only home she knows to avoid life as a human battery, Lark must fight her way through the terrible wilderness beyond the edge of the world. With the city’s clockwork creations close on her heels and a strange wild boy stalking her in the countryside, she must move quickly if she is to have any hope of survival. She’s heard the stories that somewhere to the west are others like her, hidden in secret—but can she stay alive long enough to find them?