The Haven

Graham Diamond - 1977
    A young botanist leads a small expedition to find a way out to rescue humanity.

EMP Desolation

S.A. Ison - 2019
    His future is before him, but it is a new beginning he'd not counted on. An EMP changes the course of his life. Tomi leads his friend and other to a safe haven, but they must journey through a gauntlet of danger, betrayal and desolation. With a 90% die off rate, the once powerful United States becomes something medieval and lawless. Where desolation reigns.

Buck Out

Ken Benton - 2015
    When China and Japan decide it’s time to dump U.S. Treasury Bonds, an economic nightmare plays out in America. The Federal Reserve watches helplessly as the dollar is decimated and the resulting food shortage spreads lawlessness across the land like a virus. Malcolm is a successful day trader who always needs to make one more score before he’ll listen to Ryan and diversify some of his assets into real estate or gold. He figures an impressively-larger bank account might be the only way he can lure his Secret Service agent ex-wife back. Malcolm finally hits it big by aggressively shorting bonds when the market crashes, but waits too long to invest in tangibles. All that newfound money suddenly won’t by him a bar of gold, a pint of beer, or a minute of Hannah’s attention—especially when she’s in the field chasing down a former counterfeiting gang. As luck would have it, Ryan turns out to be a closet doomsday prepper. The two of them attempt to escape the chaotic Big Apple and reach Ryan’s land in West Virginia, supplied only by the contents of Ryan’s bug-out bag. But it’s not going to be an easy journey. Traveling has become difficult and dangerous. Malcolm learns he must redirect the same tenacity which helped him beat the markets towards staying alive on the road …and, hopefully, finding Hannah.

The Burning Tree: Book 2: Rebirth

Christopher Artinian - 2021

Yesterday's Gone: Seasons 1-6 Complete Saga

Sean Platt - 2019
    They were wrong. On October 15th, humanity went missing. A handful of scattered survivors wake to find the world empty of friends, family, and neighbors. Among them, a child searches for his family. A special agent turned enemy of the state survives a fiery plane crash with no way to reach his daughter. A serial killer discovers he’s no longer at the top of the food chain. Now these strangers must find the strength inside them to weather the new world. But they are not alone. In the absence of civilization, a new threat emerges. In the stillness, it waits and watches, preying on their weakness. Their only hope is to find more survivors, rise above their fear, and face the oncoming darkness.


Ray Anselmo - 2021
    A week later, her world was gone.Kelly, a grocery store manager in tiny Sayler Beach, California, just thought she had a bad case of the flu. But when she recovered, she found everyone else in town dead, and days-old news reports of a rapidly spreading pandemic. There’s no way of telling if anyone else has survived anywhere. Soon the power and water go out, and she’s left to scrabble if she wants to survive.She’s tough and practical, and she has an entire town’s resources at her disposal. But she’s also facing a long series of new challenges, from disposing of bodies to preserving food to dealing with packs of newly feral dogs. That’s in addition to keeping the balance in her own brain, which has been a lifelong struggle.And as she works to find food, to stay clean, to stay sane, to figure out what happened, and finally to search the world outside her hometown, the question hangs over her head: of all of humanity, is she now the LAST?

The Coldest Night: EMP Survival In A Powerless World Boxset

Robert J. Walker - 2021
    Jack and his family find sanctuary in their cabin in a small, remote town, hidden deep in the forest. Little does Jack know the Blizzard will be the least of his problems.Anchorage EMPAnchorage, the largest city in Alaska, faces a storm unlike any other.For years, faithful police officer Eva Bekhor has toiled Alaska’s tough soil and raised a family of survivalists. The sudden explosion of an EMP bomb hurls her and the rest of country back to the Stone Age. Pushed to her limit, Eva must pull out every stop to keep her kin alive. Meanwhile, a foreign threat rises from the rumble of a crippled society. Winter draws near. Will Eva’s preparation be enough or will she be buried beneath the snows of chaos?HideawayLosing power was only the beginning, now one couple must work together to surviveJames and Marla Weller are preparing for a relaxing weekend, when an unexpected blackout spreads far beyond their St. Louis suburb and starts a devastating chain reaction. But the disabled power grid was only the beginning of a national nightmare as their vehicles and cell phones won’t function either. A series of building explosions rock downtown, leading to a mandatory evacuation. Amid the chaos, the young couple must make a decision on where to go. A possible solution emerges when a self-proclaimed survivalist offers them refuge in his remote cabin far from the city and away from the chaos. But James and Marla soon discover that survival isn’t as clear as they think, and that escape can lead to dangers all its own.


Dirk Patton - 2021
    John and Rachel have settled into a quiet, domestic life in Hawaii with their children. Mavis has followed in her father’s footsteps, becoming an Army Special Forces officer. When a team she is leading goes missing, John sets out in search of her and discovers a terrifying new world.

The Silent Earth: The Complete Trilogy

Mark R. Healy - 2016
     The Earth is in ruins. Cities and nations destroyed. Those who survive the onslaught succumb to the cold blackness of winter. A handful of machines finally emerge into the light, lost and directionless. They are the last remnants of civilisation. Brant is a synthetic - a machine who has the appearance and emotions of the humans who made him. He is hunted across the wasteland by cruel scavengers known as Marauders who are intent on cannibalising his body to prolong their own lives. Brant carries a great burden as he tries to return home: a secret that can change the world. Against the unforgiving desert, the twisted denizens of this new world and his own dark past he needs to find a way back at any cost.

Fill the Grand Canyon and Live Forever

Andersen Prunty - 2012
    But what if one man decided to use a social network for one of the most idiotic causes in human history? Join the hopeless and brain damaged Andy Boring in his quest to FILL THE GRAND CANYON AND LIVE FOREVER!!!!

Whack a Zombie

Bonnie Gill - 2020
    Mary excels in hand weapons, and Gina may get carried away a bit too often with explosives, but Italian traditions are important, and that means protecting family. Their U.S. Army trained sons may not need saving, but like it or not, they’re going to have their mothers there to help them survive.If only they didn’t keep getting sidetracked by folks too weak or inept to protect themselves from not only the zombies, but the remaining scumbag humans preying on other victims. It’s a constant game of whack a zombie, but along with a pair of ferocious Siamese cats, Mary and Gina are going from outlaws to heroes and having the time of their lives.

Dunes Over Danvar Omnibus

Michael Bunker - 2014
    The word is out that the legendary city of Danvar has been found, and every diver, brigand, and pirate with a sarfer is racing to find it. But out in the dunes there's only one inarguable fact... The sand don't care, and it never did. Can people change? Two men who meet in the dunes over the lost city of Danvar have to find out if there can ever be such a thing as friendship, honor, and sacrifice in a world full of sand divers, pirates, brigands, and thieves.

Fallen Empire

Marc Alan Edelheit - 2021
    The First Galactic Empire has fallen. The Keeper of the Unknowable, Guardian of the Gates, the Eternal Emperor, is dead. Entire star systems have been ravaged by war, planets cracked by powerful weapons, and suns sent into supernova. The infrastructure of an advanced civilization that spanned thousands of stars is ruined. Trillions have died. Instead of liberation and a return to democracy, freedom, and a new golden age, humanity has been plunged into darkness.Eighteen years after the Great Fall of civilization, stranded on the wrecked world Asherho, Keira Kane struggles to make her way. Shattered by war, the climate of the planet has become inhospitable to life and is getting worse with each passing year. The government is a brutal regime, focused on maintaining its own grip on power instead of feeding the few million ragged survivors living upon its surface. What little law and order there is has begun to erode and break down.Adopted, protected, and raised by former Imperial Marines, Keira has been trained as a mechanic and technician. Her skillset is indispensable to maintaining the decaying infrastructure of her dying planet.Sent out on a routine repair job to Hakagi Tower, a seedy apartment block, Keira rapidly finds herself a fugitive, hunted not only by the government she has faithfully served, but by the planetary militia who wants her for their own nefarious reasons. A mysterious battle-damaged warship has also arrived in-system and they want something too.Unbeknownst to Keira, her Imperial Marine companions have been guarding an incredibly valuable secret, one that has the potential to save humanity or see its light extinguished from the galaxy forever.Caught up in a planetary revolt and hunted, Keira is thrust into a life-or-death struggle she never imagined possible. Though she has yet to suspect it, the road ahead is not only dangerous, but a path destined for her and her alone.Does she have the courage to walk it? Does she have the willpower to pick up a fallen standard? Or will she falter and allow humanity to continue its fall into darkness? Only time will tell…Find out why thousands of readers have fallen for Amazon bestselling author Marc Alan Edelheit’s captivating books! The battle to save the galaxy begins here!

The Calm Act Books 1-3

Ginger Booth - 2016
    But climate change accelerates out of control. As her old world disintegrates, Dee teams up to help build a new one."Climate change. Government surveillance. Societal breakdown. Sounds like a real downer, right? It's not, thanks to its determined, witty narrator. She's instantly relatable." - Amazon reviewBook 1: End GameAs the U.S. unravels, media and corporation offer a shining grail of salvation: to be one of the select few to secure safety in an ark. Dee Baker's Fortune 100 media job promises her an ark berth, and for backup she's dating fun and wealthy ark-itect Adam. But fellow gardener and neighbor Zack plans to make his stand outside the arks. Dee needs to choose whether to protect herself, or risk it all to help others. Trying to have it both ways could be the riskiest gambit of all.Book 2: Project ReunionWhen Ebola strikes, the Calm Act surrounds New York City with armed borders. That assumes the rest of the Northeast is OK with letting millions die, in order to save themselves. Dee Baker and partner set out to prove otherwise and mobilize the Northeast to save New York, though the doing may tear them apart.Book 3: Martial LawlessWhen a martial law leader is murdered in Pittsburgh, Dee Baker and partner are dispatched to investigate. Plagued by tornados, and isolated under the Calm Act, Pittsburgh has gone rogue, its religious factions out of control, and it's up to Dee and crew what to do about it. But the forces afoot are darker than they imagined. And Dee's about to fall into their trap.If you enjoy vivid characters, compelling world-building, and page-turning action, you'll love Ginger Booth's day-after-tomorrow Calm Act series.

When the Dead Rise: The Outbreak

D.K. Fraser - 2020
    It happened over the course of several weeks. America was so wrapped up in what the media fed them that they were oblivious until it was too late. When society crumbled and the Dead walked the planet, resources became scarce causing strangers to become friends, neighbors to become family and some of the closest people to become enemies. Communities fortified their defenses, not only against the threat of the undead but the greed and jealousy of the living. When the Dead Rise follows several groups from the intial Outbreak through beyond.