Book picks similar to
Warm Blood - Cold Steel (Tocabaga #3) by Thomas H. Ward


The Lottery Winner

Pete Thorsen - 2017
    And his life needs changing too as a somewhat screwed up veteran. He starts to get his head on straight and then the nation’s economy starts to crumble. As things get worse and worse, Jake tries to think of ways to stay ahead of the game. He has fought battles before; this one is just different. It is not his style to give up, and he is determined to go down fighting every inch of the way. As always in my stories, there is no foul language or explicit sex though there is some violence. My stories are only meant to provide an afternoon or evening of reading enjoyment.

The Living Will Envy The Dead

Christopher G. Nuttall - 2012
    Unfortunately for Ed’s retirement plans, the long-feared war with Russia turns nuclear and the United States comes under nuclear attack. Trapped in the post-nuclear world, Ed and his town must struggle to survive, facing refugees, bandits, religious fanatics and hard decisions to ensure that some remnant of the United States remains intact…

Yesterdays War

Gerald Hall - 2017
    When one of his research projects opened a portal into Earth’s past, he had no idea that he would be using it less than a day later to escape a world doomed by a cataclysmic nuclear war. Now, James has had to assume a new identity on an Earth nearly a hundred years before he was even born. His quest is to somehow try to change history and prevent the devastating future war that only happened yesterday for him.

Operation Anadyr

James Philip - 2014
    On Saturday 27th October 1962 American and Soviet geopolitical brinkmanship resulted in the most terrible war in human history. The forever changed world that remained when the thermonuclear fires had burned themselves out is the world of ‘Timeline 10/27/62’. ‘Operation Anadyr’ is Book 1 of the alternative history series Timeline 10/27/62. ‘Operation Anadyr’ is about the first hours of that alternative history of the world. It is about living through the cataclysm, and wondering how it happened. How did the unthinkable happen? How could our leaders let it happen? How does one quantify the magnitude of the disaster? And what of the survivors living with the aftermath of a world gone mad? ‘Operation Anadyr’ confronts these questions. In ‘Operation Anadyr’ the anatomy of the disaster is writ plain and the men and women who survive it begin to find their voices. * * * Why Timeline 10/27/62? Because that date is a very significant date in my life and in the lives of everybody else in the world alive today because on Saturday 27th October 1962 World War III almost started. World War III probably wouldn’t have lasted very long because one side would have been swiftly obliterated in the first 24 hours of a cataclysm that would have left vast tracts of the Northern Hemisphere uninhabited and uninhabitable for decades to come. Perhaps, a quarter of the world’s population would have died in the firestorm or in the starvation and the plagues that would have ensued in the following weeks and months. In the October War of 1962 the hammer of the gods would have fallen upon the territories of the Soviet Union, central and Western Europe, and to a lesser extent, upon the extremities of continental North America. In the Soviet Union and in Europe from Paris to Warsaw, from Prague to Berlin, from the Alps to the Baltic, across the Low Countries and parts of the United Kingdom the thermonuclear fire would have burned with a merciless flame. Scandinavia might have escaped relatively untouched, likewise southern France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Ireland and possibly parts of England, Wales and Scotland. The ‘Cuban Missiles’ War would have been a Man made global catastrophe like no other in human history. In the aftermath, the USA, mourning the dead in half-a-dozen wrecked cities would have been the last major industrial and military power left standing. That world could never, ever be the world we know today. How close did we actually come to the edge of the abyss? Much closer than most people like to contemplate. On Saturday 27th October 1962, north east of Cuba, the commander of Soviet submarine B-59 had to be talked out of firing a nuclear-tipped torpedo at the American destroyer USS Beale. That’s how close we came to World War III! The Captain of the B-59 was a man called Valentin Grigorievitch Savitsky. He gave the order for a nuclear warhead to be fitted to a torpedo. In that era Soviet naval doctrine governing the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons onboard a warship at sea required the authorisation of three officers: the captain, the executive officer, and the vessel’s political officer. B-59’s political officer, Ivan Semonovich Maslennikov signed off on starting World War III but fortunately for us all, the submarine’s second-in-command, Captain 2nd Rank Vasili Arkhipov, dissented and Armageddon was narrowly averted. Timeline 10/27/62 is an alternative history of the modern world in which nobody ever got to know the name of Vasili Arkhipov because he died in the first act of the most terrible war in history.

Fortune and Glory (The Change)

John Birmingham - 2017
    Set in S.M. Stirling’s epic storyworld of The Change, ‘Fortune and Glory’ drops readers into the dead heart of post-apocalyptic Sydney.

Worst Case Scenario Book 3: Invasion

G. Allen Mercer - 2015
    Grace and Joshua have struck out on their own to help bring Leah to the Tiller farm, and Ian suspects that what they have experienced is only the beginning of a massive offensive. Will the family finally reunite, or are they fighting a war that they will never win? Book 3 of the Worst Case Scenario series, Invasion, will answer these questions and leave you wondering just who is the real enemy.

Everyone Left Behind: 4 minutes to chaos

Time Day - 2014
    He just wanted to retire in peace. Change descended when he accidentally shot a Peeping Tom. Though he buried him on his remote Montana property, he couldn't bury the man's curse. Haunted by it, and about to be found out, he sent up a desperate prayer. That night he had a strange dream. Priscilla's interpretation of the dream was to stockpile enough food to look after seventy people for five years because perilous times were surely coming . . .

Take Back Denver (Denver Burning Book 2)

Algor X. Dennison - 2015
    Now they face not only the fight for survival in the new post-grid world, but a fight for the civilization they once belonged to. Their prepper band face challenges at home and all around them as they feel their way past new dangers and toward each other. And in the end, each of them must come full circle and face what they left behind: the city in ruins that has become the key to the region's freedom.

Bug Out! Part 1: Escape in a Motorhome

Robert Boren - 2014
    The State Government is on the verge of collapse. State Pensions are gone. Banking is disrupted.State jobs are eliminated, and it washes through the economy like a tidal wave. Violence Looting. Wholesale destruction of property. Frank and Jane knowthey must escape. But how?They have a Motorhome. They can Bug Out!Follow Frank and Jane as they fight their way out of California. What dangers are waiting for them outside? Why are military convoys and tanks moving southand west on the roads? Why are checkpoints being set up everywhere?Is Martial Law coming? Are the preppers right?What is going on across the southern border? Scary people are coming across.Soldiers from Venezuela. Islamic Fighters.US Army and Private Militia forces are waiting to take them on, and Frank and Jane must thread their way through the battles. They have the perfect Bug Out Vehicle. Will they survive?Can they bug out and find safety?

The Western Front (The Western Front, Book 1, Part 1)

Archer Garrett - 2012
    The tentacles of darkness have inevitably traveled across the Atlantic and are now tightening their grip on the American republic.Now, faced with a collapsing economy, a failing currency and a society that is swiftly casting its humanity aside, the United States stands at the precipice of a bedlam and malevolence not witnessed since the fall of Rome.The story follows several characters who strive to navigate the chaos, including:Jake, his wife and brother are forced to flee the maelstrom of violence as it spills from the distant cities and into their small town enclave.A Texas State Guardsmen deep behind enemy lines on South Padre Island, stands with his compatriots against a wave of unspeakable atrocities committed by a ruthless cartel alliance committed to seizing the spoils of the American southwest.An outlaw and his Catahoula cur companion, learn to survive and even thrive in their river swamp domain as they seek a redoubt from the troubles that plague the world around them.Meanwhile, a radical revolutionary intent on plunging the wounded nation into revolution, stokes the flames of hatred and destruction.This version contains the complete Novel (Parts 1-3).80,000 WordsTry Part 1 for Free: Less

Jerry D. Young's Survival Fiction Library: Book One: The Hermit

Jerry D. Young - 2016
    YOUNG After losing his family to a tragic automobile accident, Neil Young withdraws from society to live a self-reliant lifestyle as a hermit. Shortly thereafter, the world economy implodes and a limited nuclear war ensures, changing the outside world he thought he knew forever. Given Neil's newly established, and quite comfortable position living in isolation, can he remain withdrawn as those around him suffer, or will he emerge to once again face society and try to use his influence to remake a better world? ABOUT AUTHOR JERRY D. YOUNG Author Jerry D. Young has been a fixture in the survival and prepping communities for more than twenty years. The author of more than 100 novels and short stories, Jerry’s writing has been a staple for men and women of all ages and from all walks of life that are interested in prepping, survival, and all-around self-sufficiency. Jerry’s books are written with the goal of educating as well as entertaining and generally enjoyed by all who seek to expand their knowledge of prepping and survival topics while enjoying a good book or short story. As daunting as the end of the world, nuclear fallout, World War III, Civil unrest, economic collapse, solar flares, EMP attacks, and other apocalyptic scenarios may be, society has always been interested in the “What If?” of a Post-Apocalyptic World. Jerry’s stories provide interesting and practical perspectives of heroes and villains navigating Post-Apocalyptic scenarios including everything from Mad Max type of events to more relevant plot lines that seem as if they could have come from the headlines of the modern world. Find more about Jerry D. Young at

Officer of the Watch

D.W. McAliley - 2015
    Captain Joe Tillman, a retired Navy Seal and Officer of the Watch witnesses the attack firsthand and the bloodshed that begins shortly afterwards. Meanwhile, Eric and a group of fellow park visitors in North Carolina are thrust together and must face the first days of desperate chaos as they try to find a safe haven to ride out the coming storm. As modern life and the social order it brings begins to break down, each of these two groups must come face to face with the brutality that resides deep within us all.

Tyrant: The Rise (Book 1)

L. Douglas Hogan - 2015
    The author of "OATH TAKERS" brings you his version of a neo-political post-apocalyptic novel of how America could end if patriots and oath takers refuse to honor their oaths to the Constitution and embody the American spirit of resistance to tyranny.

Dark Coup (The Dark Grid Series)

David C. Waldron - 2013
    However, looming dangers to life and liberty remain--and not all of them come from outside of the community.As the Colonel's attacks on neighboring bases increase in both number and ferocity, the rebels uncover the startling, almost unbelievable, truth about a corrupt and shadowy cabal linked by greed and lust for power, and their dangerous conspiracy to fulfill a lethal agenda that originated years ago. With diminishing resources and an unequal fighting force, can the rebels recapture America for those who value freedom, self-determination, and God-given rights, over exploitation and suppression?

Dark Horizon

Justin Bell - 2018
     An unprecedented terrorist attack rips apart the Gregory family, trapping them on opposite sides of the world. As Marilyn struggles to keep her three children alive and out of harms way, Marcus fights to stay alive in the middle of a war-torn region, all while searching for answer to a global catastrophe that threatens the lives of his family - and the world. Heaven's Fist is a near-future, what-if tale of a frightening apocalyptic future told through a gripping, roller coaster lens. Following a cataclysmic event that destroys the network of satellites in orbit around the earth and activates dozens of orbital kinetic bombardment weapons, cities across the globe are reduced to rubble and the status quo is changed as governments fall and millions die all in the blink of an eye. At 40,000 words or more per book, Heaven's Fist is a bi-weekly series. A new book in Heaven's Fist will be released every two weeks for a 6-month period, covering the period immediately before, during and after a devastating apocalyptic event sweeps across the world. This series asks a simple question: If the worst were to happen, would you be able to survive? Written as a collaboration between Justin Bell and Mike Kraus, this post-apocalyptic thriller is a gripping ride that takes a unique look at the post-apoc genre and will leave you breathless with every turn of the page.