Children Of The Greys

Bret Oldham - 2013

Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda

Karla Turner - 1994

Operation Trojan Horse

John A. Keel - 1970
    Keel's brilliant ultraterrestrial hypothesis needs to be read...albeit, with the proverbial grain of salt. Shortly after the 1970 version of this book was published, Keel was not only "contacted" by the subjects of his research--they refused to leave him alone! As a result he was driven insane. This is most clearly evident in his later work, The Eighth Tower. A few of Keel's other works (This Haunted Planet & The Mothman Prophecies) are noteworthy, but not in the same class as OTH. The opinion of the ultraterrestrials regarding this book seems to have been, "He wrote WHAT? Oh, no--can't have that! Let's put him at the top of our list of folks who need to be f**ked with." The 1st edition almost didn't see print. A 2nd edition was never published until this revised edition came out in the late '90s. Meanwhile, between Keel stating things like, "God is insane, & an ancient computer keeps sending beams into my head!" (paraphrased from Eighth Tower), & allegations of ultraterrestrial Dopplegangers impersonating him across the land--well, let's say his credibility has suffered. Regardless of Keel's mental illness (from which he eventually seemed to recover), sloppy research & bizarre speculations; OTH stands out as perhaps the best thing ever written about multi-dimensional entities. He spends a lot of time discussing the nature of the electromagnetic spectrum & goes in depth regarding little known facts common to many witness accounts (things which were left out of official reports, as they contradicted the preconceptions of scientifically biased investigators). His investigation shows this sort of thing has been going on throughout recorded history. Starting with ancient mythology, progressing to folk legends, then delving into old reports of airships, ghost planes, foo fighters & modern black helicopters, he presents a convincing argument that these aren't the result of human conspirators, but rather a multidimensional intelligence which can assume any guise. Perhaps the most important point that Keel makes is that these intelligences aren't to be trusted. Indeed, he states that the many reports of aliens observed performing nonsensical actions (making repairs, collecting soil samples, performing medical examinations & delivering lectures about the dangers of atomic energy to inbred hillbillies) are nothing more than a charade intended to make us believe that they're something other than what they are. He believes the only reason for such a ruse would be hostile intent. He then expands this argument by referring to the hundreds of contactees, spirit mediums & New Age channellers who've been given a series of valid prophesies--which then compel them to either go on a wild goose chase, make public announcements of impending doom or form cults. But consider this...what if it isn't hostile intent at all? What if the ultraterrestrials are just kicking back, drinking some beers, & one of 'em goes, "Hey--you know what would REALLY mess with their minds?" Perhaps it is nothing more than a warped sense of humor!--Tyr Shadowblade (edited)

Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances

Michael E. Salla - 2015
    Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. A detailed investigation of Goode’s and other insider testimonies reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances. Learn from this book: how the Vril/Nazi flying saucer programs in the 1930’s gave birth to the ‘Dark Fleet’; how Operation Paperclip scientists both helped and hindered the development of the US Navy’s ‘Solar Warden’; how the MJ-12 Group was behind the creation of the ‘Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate’; and how Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the creation of the ‘Global Galactic League of Nations’ space program. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these programs. The full disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances will unshackle the chains of deception holding humanity back from reaching its highest potential as galactic citizens.

The Cryptoterrestrials

Mac Tonnies - 2010
    At the same time, this groundbreaking work attempts to reconcile the mythological and contemporary accounts of "little people" into a coherent picture. "For too long, we've called them 'aliens,' assuming that we represent our planet's best and brightest," writes Tonnies. "Maybe that's exactly what they want us to think."

Messages: The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story

Stan Romanek - 2009
    And Stan Romanek can prove it.Romanek's gripping tale-augmented by video footage, photographs, and physical evidence-is the world's most documented extraterrestrial contact case.In print for the first time, Romanek relives his personal experiences, from his first sighting of a UFO to terrifying alien abductions. Romanek tells how he captured an extraterrestrial on film--the famous "alien in the window" video footage featured on Larry King Live. Messages includes photos, witness statements, lab reports, and other evidence supporting the validity of Romanek's fascinating story.But what's most shocking are the strange messages these unearthly visitors communicate to Romanek--authentic equations relating to space travel and planetary diagrams pinpointing what could be an auspicious date for the human race.

Disclosure: Military & Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History

Steven M. Greer - 2001
    The classic Disclosure book - full info re aliens taken directly from government official documents...

Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up

Thomas J. Carey - 2007

UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973

Richard M. Dolan - 2000
    Dolan is a gifted historian whose study of U.S. Cold War strategy led him to the broader context of increased security measures and secrecy since World War II. One aspect of such government policies that has continued to hold the public's imagination for over half a century is the question of unidentified flying objects.UFOs and the National Security State is the first volume of a two-part detailed chronological narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Working from hundreds of declassified records and other primary and secondary sources, Dolan centers his investigation on the American military and intelligence communities, demonstrating that they take UFOs seriously indeed.Included in this volume are the activities of more than fifty military bases relating to UFOs, innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by unknown craft and analyses of the Roswell controversy, the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel, and the Condon Committee Report. Dolan highlights the development of civilian anti-secrecy movements, which flourished in the 1950s and 1960s until the adoption of an official government policy and subsequent "closing of the door" during the Nixon administration.

Communion: A True Story

Whitley Strieber - 1987
    how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why...Believe it. Or don't believe it. But read it -- for this gripping story will move you like no other... will fascinate you, terrify you, and alter the way you experience your world.

The Phoenix Lights

Lynne D. Kitei - 2004
    Amber orbs in formation. It was a massive triangular array of lights moving silently but in unison as though they were connected. Many people throughout Phoenix and across the state of Arizona saw them.Optical illusion? Unlikely. Military aircraft? That's what the U.S. government wanted her to think. UFOs? That's what her evidence and subsequent years of careful research, interviews, and documentation, including photographic proof, strongly suggest. The result is The Phoenix Lights, a sober, well-researched account, both personal and scientific, of the story behind the lights, of the theories and cover-ups, the facts and denials that surrounded this event.Kitei, a well-respected Phoenix physician, had always thought of herself as grounded and practical, not one to be taken up with new age interests. But her firsthand experience and the undeniable reality of the photographs she took changed all that. She found herself a key insider in a complex mystery that has baffled humanity for centuries. What are UFOs? Who are the beings presumed to fly them? What do they want? How does it change your life to see one?The answers to these questions and more are found in The Phoenix Lights. Over the years since the sightings, she's become an ardent, tireless researcher into the truth of the Phoenix Lights and an advocate for public disclosure by the government about the subject of unexplained phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch : NO TRESPASSING

Ryan Skinner - 2014
    Due to the untold number and frequency of unexplainable encounters this location has earned itself the name of Skinwalker Ranch. But the Skinwalker—a legendary creature feared back before the time of the Native Americans indigenous to the Great Basin—is only a small part of a phenomena that includes some of the most intense UFO sightings ever witnessed and recorded, inter-dimensional portals, intelligent orbs of energy, physical entities beyond identification and other real-life manifestations. For the first time you have the opportunity to hear the voices and words of those who have dared to enter into that vortex, to know of their experiences first hand, to separate truth from fiction and decide for yourself if the world is really what you think it is. Skinwalker Ranch No Trespassing is Ryan T. Skinner’s second book exploring the paranormal activity associated with the property in north-east Utah. Unlike his first book which was drawn from his own personal experience and the deep emotional impact it had on him, this second work is a historical perspective that traces the origin of the Skinwalker back more than 3000 years up until the most recent sighting reported in and around the Great Basin and the Four Corners area of the United States, relying on and drawing from the stories and narratives of eye witnesses, including confidential sources with first person knowledge of and experience on and around the Skinwalker Ranch itself. Written with co-author D. L. Wallace, one of the field’s most prolific ghost writers, Skinwalker Ranch No Trespassing is assured to bring you where you have never been before.

Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience

Travis Walton - 1978
    One of them, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck to take a closer look. Suddenly, as he walked toward the light, Walton was blasted back by a bolt of mysterious energy. His companions fled in fear. When they reported an encounter with a UFO--something they would have considered impossible if they had not witnessed it themselves--the men were suspected of murder. For five days authorities mounted a massive manhunt in search of Walton or his body. Then Walton reappeared, disoriented & initially unable to tell the whole story of his terrifying encounter. In Fire in the Sky Travis Walton relates in his own words the best documented account of alien abduction yet recorded, the story of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of silent captors & his return to a disbelieving world of hostile interrogators, exploitative press & self-styled debunkers. Travis recounts the struggle to get a fair hearing & confronts his detractors with a stinging rebuttal.

Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters

John E. Mack - 1999
    Mack, M.D. demonstrates how alien abduction phenomena demand a new way of examining the nature of reality & our place in the cosmos. Mack shook the world when he published in Abduction the results of his research involving clients who reported they'd had encounters with alien life-forms. In Passport to the Cosmos, Mack, who has done additional research with abductees in the USA & around the world, asserts that this phenomenon is part of a new era in consciousness, a time in which we must be willing to embrace the idea that alien visitation is real on some level. The alien abduction phenomenon is a cosmic wake-up call that we live in a world filled with spirits & beings who can cross the barrier we've made between the material & immaterial worlds. Drawing on traditiona of non-Western & indigenous cultures, which more readily accept a multidimensional cosmos, he shows that by broadening definitions of what is real we can begin to explore a phenomenon that has deep & lasting implications. By sharing the encounters of experiencers, he illuminates a phenomenon that's changed the worldviews of those who've experienced it. Time & again, experiencers from all cultures say their lives have been altered by their encounters with aliens in ways both traumatic & transformative. This transformation seems to be an intrinsic part of the phenomenon, which is marked by a variety of elements that go beyond the physical manifestation of alien visitation. Passport to the Cosmos solidifies his reputation as an authoritative pioneer of the science of human experience.

Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah

Colm A. Kelleher - 2005
    Vanishing and mutilated cattle. Unidentified Flying Objects. The appearance of huge, otherworldly creatures. Invisible objects emitting magnetic fields with the power to spark a cattle stampede. Flying orbs of light with dazzling maneuverability and lethal consequences. For one family, life on the Skinwalker Ranch had become a life under siege by an unknown enemy or enemies. Nothing else could explain the horrors that surrounded them -- perhaps science could. Leading a first-class team of research scientists on a disturbing odyssey into the unknown, Colm Kelleher spent hundreds of days and nights on the Skinwalker property and experienced firsthand many of its haunting mysteries. With investigative reporter George Knapp -- the only journalist allowed to witness and document the team's work -- Kelleher chronicles in superb detail the spectacular happenings the team observed personally, and the theories of modern physics behind the phenomena. Far from the coldly detached findings one might expect, their conclusions are utterly hair-raising in their implications. Opening a door to the unseen world around us, Hunt for the Skinwalker is a clarion call to expand our vision far beyond what we know.