A Will of Iron: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda Beutler - 2015
    Their return finds Rosings swathed in mourning. In death, Anne is revealed as having lived a rich life of the mind, and she plotted rather constantly to escape her loathsome mother, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Anne’s journal—spirited into the hands of Elizabeth and Charlotte Collins—holds her candid observations on life and her family. It also exposes her final, and sadly fatal, means of outwitting her mother. Anne’s Last Will and Testament, with its peculiar bequests, sends Lady Catherine into a tailspin and throws into turmoil every relationship amongst the Bennets, Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Collinses, and even the Bingleys! Was Anne de bourgh a shrewder judge of character than Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy combined?Includes mature content.

Love Unsought

Kay Bea - 2020
    But fate, with assistance from Darcy’s scheming cousins, contrives to keep them together.When Miss Darcy is summoned to Kent, the couple has a chance to begin anew, and their budding friendship carries them to London and Hertfordshire. Their feelings deepen but before their new understanding is made known, Elizabeth is sent to Brighton as chaperone to her youngest sister. Her stay there ends in ruin when Darcy’s past comes to call.Upon discovering the situation is worse than he feared, Darcy determines he must be the one to make things right. His departure leaves Elizabeth in doubt and their future in question. Was their love too new to withstand a scandal?A series of missed chances, misdirected letters, and miscommunications keeps the couple apart; it make require the intervention of their nearest relations to bring them back together.

The Best Of Relations

Catherine Bilson - 2015
    Aunt Gardiner, who after all hailed from Lambton, was well acquainted with the Darcy family, and knew of Wickham's misdemeanours? How would the story have been different? This tale begins with an exchange of letters between Elizabeth Bennet and her favourite aunt, discussing the happenings in Hertfordshire as the Bennet family become acquainted with their new neighbours, the Bingleys and their house guest Mr Darcy.

Assumptions & Absurdities: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cinnamon Worth - 2018
    This classic couple’s romance is shaken off course when, shortly after leaving Hertfordshire, Darcy receives word that one of the Bennet sisters is engaged to the obsequious Mr. Collins. Darcy, a rich and powerful landowner, knows that Elizabeth is not a suitable match but, having already lost the battle with Cupid, he finds himself rushing back to the countryside. He is relieved to discover that it is Mary Bennet who is destined to become Mrs. Collins. But his path to happiness is still far from assured. Darcy may have resolved his internal struggle to accept Elizabeth’s as she is, but he must now overcome a rival and his own inability to interpret events around him. Read as all ofJane Austen’s favorite characters overcome hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps. Assumptions and Absurdities is a Regency Romance sure to entertain.

A Life Worth Choosing: A Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice" Variation

Anngela Schroeder - 2021
    He cannot forgive her harsh words; her assertion Mr. Wickham would have made a better son has cut him to the core.Suffering an accident while delivering the fated letter, he wakes to a world he does not know—and to those who do not recognize him. With a new life, a different name, and a fresh chance at winning the woman he loves, Darcy must decide which is “A Life Worth Choosing”––the past he remembers or a future he has created for himself.This Regency variation of Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by bestselling author Anngela Schroeder, is appropriate for all who wish to lose themselves on another path towards Darcy and Elizabeth’s happily ever after.

A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods

Brigid Huey - 2019
     Fitzwilliam Darcy returns to his beloved Pemberley with one thing on his mind—to forget Elizabeth Bennet. Riding ahead of his party and racing a storm, he happens upon the very woman he wants to avoid. To his astonishment, she is holding a baby whose name and parentage are unknown. Elizabeth Bennet never dreamed she had wandered into Pemberley’s woods on her afternoon walk. But when she finds an infant alone in the storm, she turns to the last man in the world she wants to see—and the only one who can help them both. As the mystery of the baby’s identity intensifies, Elizabeth finds Mr. Darcy to be quite different from what she expected. But when the child’s family is discovered, will the truth bring them together or tear them apart?

Sons of Pemberley: A Pride & Prejudice Reimagining

Elizabeth Adams - 2020
    a retelling of the circumstances that shaped the man we have come to love... a reimagining of the friendships and relationships that formed each iconic character... a tale of love, loss, heartbreak, and triumph—that is Sons of Pemberley.

Tact: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jeannie Peneaux - 2019
    Only know," and here she broke off, suddenly shy, "that even though I must deny myself the privilege of being your wife for love of my sister, I should very dearly like to have you for a brother!" Elizabeth Bennet does not set out to manipulate people; it is merely that the correct choice of words, accompanied by an engaging smile or a beseeching look, yields the most satisfactory results. The morning after the Netherfield ball, Lizzy dispenses with one unwelcome suitor to her hand so amicably and successfully that she sees no reason why she should not make use of her talent for tactful speeches and deal with other unwelcome suitors in the same deft manner. Unfortunately, not all young men are quite so obligingly obtuse as her poor foolish cousin, and Elizabeth finds that one particular gentleman from Derbyshire proves annoyingly impervious to her cunning.

Two More Days at Netherfield

Heather Moll - 2020
    Not sure what to think of his praise after all of their previous disagreements (and more flattered than she wants to admit) Elizabeth responds by teasing him, forcing Darcy to reconsider his opinion of a woman who has truly bewitched him.The ensuing day and weeks see confrontations and apologies and the beginnings of a friendship between Darcy and Elizabeth. But their warming acquaintance impacts the behaviour of those around them inciting jealousy, anger and malicious falsehoods. Is the strength of their emotional connexion enough to reunite them and put them back on the path to love?

The Child

Jan Hahn - 2018
    In Jan Hahn’s "The Child," Darcy flees England soon afterward, striving to overcome his longing for her. Upon his return two years later—while standing on the steps of St. George’s Church in Hanover Square—he spies the very woman he has vowed to forget. But who is the child holding her hand? Darcy soon discovers that Elizabeth and her family are suffering the effects of a devastating scandal. His efforts to help the woman he still loves only worsen her family’s plight. His misguided pride entangles him in a web of falsehood, fateful alliances, and danger. Will Elizabeth be able to forgive Darcy for his good intentions gone awry? And what effect will the child have on Darcy’s hopes to win Elizabeth’s love?

In Essentials: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Helen Williams - 2021
    However, her future is uncertain, and she struggles to maintain her equanimity—especially when Mr. Darcy returns to Netherfield and seems determined to improve her opinion of him. Now she must decide whether she is brave enough to trust him and embrace happiness—however fleeting it might prove to be.

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: Breathtaking: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Alyssa Jefferson - 2019
    All seems well, but when Mr. Darcy unexpectedly arrives from Pemberley, he reveals that things in Brighton were not quite as they had seemed. Drawn to Mr. Darcy in their mutual quest to restore balance and safety to both their families, Elizabeth finds herself struggling to recognize the man who had insulted her in Hertfordshire and Kent. So much has changed—yet can she rely upon the change? And will he still love her and wish to marry her when he sees her family and its folly fully unleashed in Brighton?

Mr. Darcy's Household: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation

Lyr Newton - 2021
    He has brought her home to Derbyshire, where he hopes she can heal the wounds of her soul and regain her spirit.But some things are beyond his control, as he discovers when a disease is brought to Lambton by two men, recently returned from the war. Miss Darcy, as well as many of the small town’s families and Pemberley’s tenants, is affected.Darcy’s household, although perfectly trained and highly efficient, is in great need of help. But, despite Mr. Darcy’s willingness to pay a large amount of money for someone to aid Mrs. Reynolds, his housekeeper, for a few months, he can find nobody who meets his high expectations and exacting requirements. Matters take a turn for the worse when the housekeeper also falls ill and is kept to her bed. Mrs. Reynolds writes to the daughter of her old friend, now Mrs. Madeleine Gardiner, about the situation, with no other hope than to unburden her heart.However, Mrs. Gardiner is hosting her lovely and spirited niece, Miss Elizabeth Bennet. The Bennet family is in precarious financial circumstances due to Mr. Bennet’s poor estate management and his disinterest in anything other than books.Willing to help her family by earning an amount of money that could cover Longbourn’s expenses for a few years, Elizabeth accepts the temporary position and she is taken to Pemberley in Mr. Darcy’s carriage. Once there, she holds the same position as Mrs. Reynolds. She is in charge of the management of the household, responsible for everything in the house. She is treated respectfully by everyone, and she even forms a sweet friendship, based on a slowly-developing trust, with Miss Darcy.Only the master treats her with cold politeness and distant reverence; he barely speaks to her, he gives her power but only wishes to see good results. A few weeks later, he is urgently summoned to London, while Elizabeth remains at Pemberley overseeing the household.In mid-September, Elizabeth returns to Longbourn with a considerable amount of money. Once there, she finds out that Netherfield has finally been let and a Mr. Bingley is expected to arrive, together with a large party of friends.Then, the Meryton Assembly takes place and Elizabeth is surprised to meet Mr. Darcy again.But how will he react? Will he treat her with mere politeness or with contempt, since he is her former employer? Will he even acknowledge her? Will he even recognize her?“Darcy’s Household” is a Regency “Pride and Prejudice” variation, the length of a novella (just a little under 40k words), less than 160 paperback pages), sweet, very romantic, amusing, with some reference to mature subjects but clean enough to be appropriate for all audiences.

Betrothed to Mr Darcy

Lin Mei Wei - 2020
    But the betrothal forces her into Mr Darcy's frequent company, and the better she knows and understands him, the more he bewilders and fascinates her.Meanwhile, behind the scenes, dark forces are at work. While Elizabeth slowly loses her heart to the man she once thought would be the last in the world she would ever marry, she is in danger of losing much more, when she discovers long buried family secrets, and understands what it means to be Mrs Darcy.Warning: This book contains scenes of a sexual nature.

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.