Acting on Faith

Jann Rowland - 2013
    Little does he know that his peace will soon be disturbed. To his surprise, his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, descends upon him in a fury, demanding that he agree to marry her daughter. She neglects to tell him, however, that she has just parted ways with Elizabeth in Hertfordshire, the "unsatisfactory" result of the meeting being Elizabeth's refusal to promise never to marry him. Amid what he fears is a whirlwind of rumors, Darcy is forced to move forward in his quest to secure Elizabeth's hand with no assurances of her regard. Unfortunately, neither Caroline Bingley nor Elizabeth's childhood friend Samuel Lucas intend to make it easy for him.Picking up after chapter 56 of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, this charming tale of love and determination explores what would have happened if Fitzwilliam Darcy had no indication other than his own observation, that Elizabeth Bennet’s opinion of him had changed. His fortitude and constancy once more put to the test in the face of blatant interference, her mother’s dislike, and her father’s ambivalence, Darcy is required to “act on faith” to secure the woman of his dreams.

The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Tiffany Thomas - 2022
    Darcy still find their happily ever after?Young William Collins spent his childhood under the oppression of an abusive father and an ill mother. When he becomes an orphan after a scarring tragedy, Collins is sent to live with his estranged cousins, the Bennet family, at Longbourn.At the same time, Fitzwilliam Darcy passes through his own crisis. The unique relationship between the Darcy and Wickham families is revealed late one night when Fitzwilliam discovers his father’s unsettling secret—one that affects George Wickham to the core.Elizabeth grows up loving Collins as a brother, but when he befriends Darcy and Wickham, Elizabeth wonders about her cousin’s choice in friends, and Darcy’s overbearing pride. What she doesn’t know are the heartaches of Darcy’s past that shape his intentions now.As the beloved characters of Pride & Prejudice grapple with their disturbing childhoods, how will the choices of their parents be carried on to the next generation? Can they find happiness, or are they doomed to a lifetime of misery because of the sins of their fathers?"The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation" by Tiffany Thomas is a full-length historical romance novel of 85,000 words.

Such Novel Notions: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Eselle Teays - 2021

What Comes Around: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2018
    Darcy overhears some less than flattering opinions of himself. Is fate trying to tell him something? Approximately 13,000 words.

Darcy Chooses

Gianna Thomas - 2016
     The last thing Fitzwilliam Darcy was looking for was a wife. However, he found he was unable to forget the young woman with the chestnut curls and flashing eyes that tempted him almost beyond decorum. Unbeknownst to him, a despised former friend has also set his sights on Miss Elizabeth Bennet and is determined to do what is necessary, including the unthinkable, to woo, wed and bed her. Elizabeth Bennet has found that her mind, heart and even her body have engaged feelings never experienced before that leave her unsure and frustrated. As a result, she finds it difficult to keep her temper regulated when around Mr. Darcy, even as her feelings for him continue to grow. Will these two passionate people ever resolve their differences and obtain their ‘happily ever after?’ Or will Darcy’s adversary be successful in winning Miss Elizabeth as his own?

The Olive Branch: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Sarah Courtney - 2021
    Collins or watch him destroy her entire family.Given a choice, Elizabeth would never dream of marrying the pompous, ridiculous Mr. Collins. But when she refuses his offer, he threatens to reveal a shocking secret that could ruin the Bennets.Fitzwilliam Darcy has no intention of giving in to his unsettling attraction to Elizabeth Bennet. Still, before he flees to London, he cannot resist seeing her one last time and discovers, to his dismay, that she is now betrothed to her odious cousin. She did everything in her power to evade Mr. Collins at the Netherfield ball, and the woman he sees before him now is not merely unhappy, but afraid. Elizabeth is in trouble, and Darcy cannot bear to abandon her in her distress.As the wedding day looms, Darcy and Elizabeth become desperate to break the engagement without scandal. It is only when a stranger arrives—a stranger Mr. Collins seems to fear—that Darcy and Elizabeth have any hope of extricating her from this frightening predicament.As Mr. Collins’s plan begins to unravel, it is clear that Elizabeth may not be the only one in danger. Will she and Darcy be too late to stop Mr. Collins’s vile plans?The Olive Branch is a clean, full-length Pride and Prejudice variation of about 90,000 words.

A Trifling Cold: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lory Lilian - 2019
    This Regency "Pride and Prejudice" variation is a clean, amusing, moderate angst and romantic full-novel of approximately 87.000 words. It takes place at the same time as in the original - from Mr. Bingley’s arrival at Netherfield, to the Ball, through the Christmas season. All the major scenes and characters from the original are here, different enough to keep the reader engaged - while new ones are added. And – a surprise for the readers – the author brings Elizabeth and Darcy back to a cottage, during a storm, only this time they are not alone, but accompanied by Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bingley, Jane, Mr. Wickham and several others. When the ladies are in great danger, who is the one gentleman who can save them and win their gratitude? And what is the price he will have to pay for his generous bravery? What will the Bennets do when they are forced by sad circumstances to face more of the Darcy family than they ever expected? At what point will Darcy realise he can stop the battle between his desires and his duty? Will Elizabeth admit that her feelings for Darcy are stronger and more profound than she imagined she would ever feel for a man?

The Blind Will See: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Laraba Kendig - 2020
    Instead, he is wounded in a training accident a few days after his arrival.Miss Elizabeth Bennet, distressed on Mr. Wickham’s behalf, confronts Mr. Darcy, the man she believes dishonorably deprived Wickham of a valuable living in the church. She learns, to her shock, that the handsome militia man had been thoroughly dishonest about his former dealings with the handsome master of Pemberley.With many false beliefs swept away, and a wounded and disfigured Mr. Wickham contemplating his life choices, beloved characters from Pride and Prejudice find themselves on a new trajectory for their lives. For when the Almighty shines His light into the lives of men and women, the blind will see.This is a low angst, clean, sweet Regency romance of 70,000 words.

Fitzwilliam Darcy Elopes: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Beth Wood - 2019
    Wickham, Mr. Darcy proposes a plan to divert gossip away from Elizabeth's younger sister in order to save her from a life as Mrs. Wickham. This humorous variation on Pride and Prejudice follows Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet on a rather unexpected adventure.

Escape with Mr. Darcy: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Valerie Lennox - 2018
    Darcy are at the mercy of one of Mr. Wickham’s dastardly schemes. They cannot give in to the wretched man. They must escape. But free from him, they find themselves alone and without any means to secure lodging or food. They have no way to prove their identities. It is only the two of them and the cold of the outdoor countryside. And to make matters worse, Wickham means harm to Georgiana Darcy if they do not get to her first. Huddling for warmth and working together would be easier if they didn’t continue to descend into arguing at every turn. Can they put aside their pride and prejudice to save Georgiana and stop Wickham?

At Pemberley: 3 Pride & Prejudice Short Stories

Georgina Pryke - 2017
    What could have possibly happened to produce a tight-lipped Darcy, a sheepish Elizabeth, and an embarrassed Georgiana? Colonel Fitzwilliam is determined to find out during one entertaining and unprecedented evening. The only problem lies in knowing that truth can be hard to discern from fiction, especially with three story-tellers. Overheard at Pemberley – The position as lady’s maid to the mistress of an estate is an enviable one in service, particularly for an unrepentant eavesdropper like Daisy Tiller. She is in a unique position to be confidante and observer both, apt to hear much of interest. When she is hired by Mrs Darcy, Tiller finds there is much to keep her entertained throughout the days at Pemberley, especially with a master and mistress like Mr and Mrs Darcy. A Stolen Day at Pemberley – After an insulting marriage proposal, Elizabeth Bennet desires nothing more than to never see rude Mr Darcy again. But that very night she endures a vivid nightmare of his home at Pemberley, one in which she is his wife, and mother to his children, and happy to be so! What is she to do with this confusion, even as she becomes more convinced that the nightmare world might be real? Could she really love Mr Darcy? This collection of short stories is the first publication from Georgina Pryke, based on the novel by Jane Austen.

For Worse and For Better: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Alexa Douglas - 2021
    A miserable wife. How can their marriage survive when “for better, for worse” becomes worse… and worse… and worse?Elizabeth Bennet does not want to marry Fitzwilliam Darcy. He's rude, arrogant, and selfish. But her father's illness changes everything: if she holds out for love, her family may be destitute. Hoping Mr. Darcy's friends are right — that he is truly a better man than she knows — she accepts him. Afterward she begins to glimpse the generous, affectionate man she'd heard about. Until he learns what she really thinks of him.Furious and betrayed, ensnared by a fortune-hunter who hates him, Fitzwilliam Darcy is nevertheless a man of his word. He will marry Elizabeth Bennet, but he will never again trust her with his heart. Returning to Pemberley and his sham of a marriage, he can hardly bear to be in the same room with his wife. Then he falls, and the real troubles begin.Shakespeare wrote, “The course of true love never did run smooth,” but the Bard never scripted a path so perilous as Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy's. Join them as they face disasters both natural and man-made in search of their happy ending.

Rebellion at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2020
    Collins has taken possession of the Longbourn estate. Although Collins and his wife Charlotte have allowed the Bennet sisters and their mother to continue living at Longbourn, the situation is difficult. Viewing Elizabeth and her sisters as little more than unpaid servants, Collins also mistreats the tenants, spends the estate’s money with abandon, and rejects any suggestions about improving or modernizing Longbourn. After one particularly egregious incident, Elizabeth decides she must organize a covert resistance among her sisters and the tenants, secretly using more modern agricultural methods to help the estate thrive. Her scheme is just getting underway when Mr. Darcy appears in Meryton. Upon returning from a long international voyage, Darcy is forced to admit he cannot forget his love for Elizabeth. When he learns of the Bennet family’s plight, he hurries to Hertfordshire, hoping he can provide assistance. Sinking into poverty, Elizabeth is further out of Darcy’s reach than ever; still, he cannot help falling even more deeply in love. But what will he do when he discovers her covert rebellion against Longbourn’s rightful owner? Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was not part of Elizabeth’s plan, but it cannot be denied. Darcy struggles to separate his love for her from his abhorrence for deception. Will their feelings for each other help or hinder the Rebellion at Longbourn?

Elizabeth Bennet's Wedding: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Olivia Kane - 2018
    Fitzwilliam Darcy are due to be married in a few weeks time in a double wedding with Mr. Bingley and Jane in the local church at Meryton. But Lady Catherine de Bourgh, still smarting from the loss of her nephew Darcy as a husband for her daughter Anne, has her own ideas about their wedding day and she can't help but interfere. Will Darcy live to regret inviting Lady Catherine back into his life, or will Lady Catherine's plan to take a little revenge on Elizabeth unwittingly backfire on her?

The Last Waltz: . . . another pride and prejudice journey of love

Pat Santarsiero - 2015
    Darcy. But the result of one Fateful night changes everything. Can she ever overcome her insecurities enough to allow herself to be loved? Experience has taught Fitzwilliam Darcy that love is fleeting at best, an impractical emotion that is hardly worth the effort. Will he ever find the courage to finally offer his heart to someone? The Last Waltz may be their last chance for happiness.