Book picks similar to
A Textbook Of Automobile Engineering by R.K. Rajput
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085
Ramesh Gaonkar - 1995
Providing a sound pedagogy - from basic concepts to applications - it prepares users to apply concepts learned to a variety of situations they may encounter in their future jobs. "Covers the hardware aspects of the microcomputer as a system - using a spiral approach in exploring and re-exploring topics from various perspectives; introduces programming step-by-step, beginning with 8085 instructions; examines programming techniques, program development, and software development systems; and integrates hardware and software concepts in interfacing and designing microprocessor-based products. Examines 68HC11 microcontrollers, 486 and Pentium 32-bit processors, and RISC processors, and considers the interfacing of I/Os - supporting discussions with many industrial and practical examples. Now replaces DMA controller 8257 with the 8237; shows how to interface a LCD module; replaces the Intel SDK-85 system with EMAC Primer (a stand-alone single-board microcomputer system with a Hex keyboard and LED displays which can be used with a PC); and provides complete data sheets for 8259, 8237, and a LCD panel. Both hardware and software troubleshooting problems are included.
Generation, Distribution, And Utilization Of Electrical Energy
C.L. Wadhwa - 1989
It describes conventional and unconventional methods of electricity generation and its economics, distribution methods, substation location, electric drives, high frequency power for induction and heating, illumination engineering, and electric traction. Each chapter contains illustrative worked problems, exercises (some with answers) and a bibliography.
Automotive Mechanics
William H. Crouse - 1970
The text provides explanations of the theory of operation, construction, maintenance, troubleshooting, adjustments, repair and rebuilding of all automotive components.
Irrigation Water Power And Water Resources Engineering In Si Units
K.R. Arora
Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Mikell P. Groover - 1980
It covers all the major cutting-edge technologies of production automation and material handling, and how these technologies are used to construct modern manufacturing systems. Manufacturing Operations; Industrial Control Systems; Sensors, Actuators, and Other Control System Components; Numerical Control; Industrial Robotics; Discrete Control Using Programmable Logic Controllers and Personal Computers; Material Transport Systems; Storage Systems; Automatic Data Capture; Single Station Manufacturing Cells; Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing; Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Manual Assembly Lines; Transfer Lines and Similar Automated Manufacturing Systems; Automated Assembly Systems; Statistical Process Control; Inspection Principles and Practices; Inspection Technologies; Product Design and CAD/CAM in the Production System; Process Planning and Concurrent Engineering; Production Planning and Control Systems; and Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing. For anyone interested in Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
Improve your IELTS Writing Skills
Sam McCarter - 2007
This series has three preparation courses, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, and Listening and Speaking. The courses develop language, skills and test techniques to help students achieve a higher IELTS score.
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Arun Bahl - 2005
Students , One of the distinctive featues of the text is its visual impact. Color graphics, illustrators, and molecular models and high resolution photos have been extensively used to highlight and reinforce the important points. Caolor has been used to highlight change and concepts. Table Of Contents: Getting Started2.Purification of Organic Compounds .Composition of Organic compounds 4.Empirical and Molecukar Formulae 5.Structure of Organic Molecules6.Organic Reaction and their Mechanism 7.Isomerism 8Nomenclature of Organiccompounds 9.Spectroscopy 10.Alkanes 11.Alkenes 12.Alkynes 13 Alkyl Halides------
English Handbook and Study Guide: A Comprehensive English Reference Book
Beryl Lutrin
A handbook for english speaking students and english second language students.Language, Text Analysis, Text Types, Literature, Visual Literacy, Public Speaking, Spelling and Vocabulary.
Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
G.K. Dubey - 2001
Suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in electrical drives, this book covers topics on: Dynamics and control of electrical drives; Selection of motor power rating; DC, induction and synchronous motor drives; Stepper motor and switched reluctance motor drives; Permanent magnet ac and brushless dc motor drives; and more.
A Textbook of English phonetics for Indian students
T. Balasubramanian - 1981
Sufficient information about General Phonetics has been included in the book, with a view to facilitating the reader's understanding of the Phonetics of English. Plenty of examples are given from English, Tamil, Hindi and Urdu/Arabic to illustrate the points made. There are a number of diagrams throughout the book,illustrating the articulation of the sounds of English. The book also includes some information about General Phonology and the Phonology of English. A few sentences, dialogues and a popular tale have been given at the end of the book, both in orthography and in simple phonemic transcription. The book covers the Phonetics/Phonology syllabus of most Indian universities and ELT institutes
Key to High School English Grammar and Composition
P.C. Wren - 2000
C. Wren, H. Martin carries solutions to all the exercises from High School English Grammar & Comp (M.E.). The answer key can help you check and gauge how much you have learnt from the former book.Key to High School English Grammar & Comp (M.E.) by P. C. Wren and H. Martin provides a comprehensive list of solutions to all the exercises and unsolved examples in High School English Grammar & Comp (M.E.) by the same authors.The key is sure to be extremely useful while checking how you've solved the exercises in the former book. This book is as frequently bought as the main one. The answer key will help you single out and focus on the areas where you haven't performed well.The textbook to this answer key is one of the foremost books written on English grammar and is widely considered as every Grammar Nazi's bible.
Schaum's Outline of Programming with C
Byron S. Gottfried - 1989
Includes some discussion of the Turbo C++ operating environment, as well as useful information on operators and expressions, data input and output, control sttements, functions, program structure, and arrays.