The Winds of Time

Chad Oliver - 1957
    They go into deep sleep while humanity matures. They resemble us & can both breathe the air & eat our food. Wes Chase discovers them while on a casual fishing trip. It was a long time before they were able to explain to him why they were on Earth or what they needed. They claim they're here to learn but their power makes it difficult to say what their real motives are. It was even longer before he conquered his horror & decided he could help them in their mission to bring peace to the universe. When he finally found the daring answer to their problems, he realized that he would have to leave his own life behind & go with them into the future & the winds of time.

In Alien Flesh

Gregory Benford - 1986
    He knew the risks, but he didn't know how his life would be changed forever by his contact with the huge aliens on a watery world.Contents:Blood on Glass (1986) poemIn Alien Flesh (1978)Time Shards (1979)Redeemer (1979)Snatching the Bot (1977)Relativistic Effects (1982)Nooncoming (1978)To the Storming Gulf (1985)White Creatures (1975)Me/Days (1984)Of Space/Time and the River (1985)Exposures (1981)Time's Rub (1985)Doing Lennon (1975)

The Solarians

Norman Spinrad - 1966
    Now, with the very existence of the human race at stake in a war with the machine-like beings of the computer worlds, they re-emerged with a completely new social order. They possessed strange talents, such as telepathy and total recall. And they had an ingenious strategy for defeating the Duglaars. From the beginning, Jay Palmer had sensed their "otherness" but he had to accept them and their plan of surrendering earth to the merciless, computer-like Duglaars--it was the only hope left.


Dean Koontz - 1972
    New coastal lines were formed, while jungle became desert, and desert and grassy plain became the bottom of the new seas. The old world was gone... but the legends remained. And they told of marvels hard to believe, even among men who had mastered the powers of the mind. The stories told that before the Blank men possessed marvels almost unbelievable; it was even said that the old people had conquered the skies (and, in whispers, space itself). Men like Shaker Sandow knew there was the truth in the fancies...and then a would-be master of the world uncovered a trove of pre-Blank treasures, and once more the world turned toward all-consuming war!

The Eleventh Commandment

Lester del Rey - 1981
    He set the stage for such in The 11th Commandment. Following a nuclear exchange which destroyed the Vatican, a new pontiff was elected by American Cardinals. When Europe also elected a Pope, Americans split from the Old World in a schism establishing the priority of an 11th commandment: "Ten were given to Moses, for the Hebrews, & our Lord instrusted us to observe them. But what we call the 11th—it should be called the Original—was given by God the Father to the entire human race thru Adam, to whom He said, 'Be fruitful & multiply & replenish the earth.' It was the foundation of our accomplishments." These principles found fertile ground in a decimated land. To Boyd Jensen, Mars colony immigrant, the culture is frightening. Four billion live in N. America, a billion in S. America. Most are American Catholic. Contraception is illegal. Boyd's profession, biologic research, is restricted to priests. Poverty is commonplace among the laity, practically unknown in the clergy. In addition to mass misery, mutations & plagues are everywhere. Boyd learns he'a not allowed to return to Mars, as he's been exposed to Earth diseases. There's a hint his DNA is damaged, that he was tricked into coming to Earth to remove him from Mars' gene pool. Boyd believes he'll survive without subscribing to the state religion. He wears an unobtrusive patch to keep him sterile; he isn't the type to succumb to the bleeding disease; he's more valuable training in cytology than many priests. He hasn't reckoned with two things, however. 1st, at a higher gravity than Mars', the contraceptive is ineffective. Boyd impregnates a woman. Her baby is taken by the Church to be raised in a special facility. Boyd is determined to help rescue it. 2nd, the Church knows more than admitted about the extent of the mutations. The 11th Commandment may be the only thing guaranteeing human survival. Del Rey's conception of a Catholic America is predicated on the 3rd world. Long Island seems like Caracas or São Paulo. He seems to suggest Catholicism causes poverty & overcrowding. Reading on, however, his message comes clear: The root cause of this misery is the need to contend for survival. You don't get to opt out of the game, as Mars has done with her pure racial stock. The crucible is where the metal is purified & made strong, not the shelf. The 11th Commandment seems hardly dated. Its plot needs little amendment to be conceivable as a possible future. The warning that the fruitful will multiply & the meek inherit the Earth, is worth considering.

When The Blue Shift Comes

Robert Silverberg - 2012
    A brand new work by the Grandmaster of Science Fiction, Robert Silverberg (with a sequel novella by Alvaro Zinos-amaro).What happens when the immortals of Earth are suddenly faced with their ultimate destruction?Hanosz Prime, a near-immortal (though not truly so, not being of true Earth stock) travels to humanity's ancient home to discover the ultimate answer to humanity's end.This book is part of the acclaimed Stellar Guild Series, edited by Mike Resnick.

The Woodrow Wilson Dime

Jack Finney - 1968
    Then one day he finds a Woodrow Wilson dime, which leads him into a parallel world of his dreams where he runs his own ad agency and shares life with a dazzling red-haired bombshell.

Them Bones

Howard Waldrop - 1984
     When he stepped through the time portal, he thought he was entering 1930s Louisiana. Instead, he found a world where Arabs explored America, Christianity and the Roman Empire had never existed, and Aztecs performed human sacrifices near the Mississippi as woolly mammoths roamed nearby. One hundred and forty people, plus equipment, were due to follow him. They didn’t appear. And Leake began to wonder if he could ever go back . . .

Northwest of Earth: The Complete Northwest Smith

C.L. Moore - 1982
    In her first story, 'Shambleu', Moore revealed a vast imagination, beautifully descriptive prose, and a throbbing sensuality rarely matched by her male counterparts. It also marked the first appearance of Northwest Smith, the quick-drawing outlaw of the spaceways who would become a science fiction archetype. Here, for the first time ever, all thirteen of Northwest Smith's adventures have been compiled into one rowdy thrill-ride, as sure to inspire readers today as it was seventy years ago.In a time when women were marginalized in genre fiction, Catherine Moore stepped forward and opened the door for generations of female science fiction and fantasy authors. Earning praise from contemporaries like H.P. Lovecraft and Fritz Leiber as well as modern authors from Greg Bear to Michael Moorcock, C.L. Moore remains a giant in the genre, and the stories in this compilation comprise an essential addition to any science fiction library.

Farewell Horizontal

K.W. Jeter - 1989
    A hustling young artist finds himself on the run from warring tribes, mysterious conspirators, body-swapping hackers and more, as he tries to both survive and strike it rich on the vertical surface of a skyscraper big enough to be its own world.

A Darkness In My Soul

Dean R. Koontz - 1972
    And the compulsion the generals applied to get him to probe the mind of the thing called Child had to be the greatest. Because Child was anything but that. In that incredibly monstrous infant appeared to be the potential for whole oceans of inventions and an entire cosmos of total creativity. But Child was vicious, insane, and short-lived.The encounter of Simeon Kelly inside the soul? mind? cosmos? of this final gene-construct is a novel which spans the crises of the present with the whole ultimate mystery of Creation itself -- possibly the most serious novel ever written by the rapidly rising SF talent of Dean R. Koontz.

No Ship for Tranquebar (Ring of Fire Press Fiction)

Kevin H Evans - 2013
    We are happy to offer this unitized edition.

Joseph Hanauer (Ring of Fire Press Fiction)

Douglas W. Jones - 2013
    Meanwhile, one man also has to live his life.A thought provoking and engrossing novel by Douglas Jones set in Eric Flint's 1632 Universe.An earlier version of this story was serialized in the Grantville Gazette.

Cries of the Children

Clare McNally - 1992
    Three little children, found abandoned in different parts of the country. Three wonderfully sweet and startlingly gifted children who won the hearts of the grown-ups who adopted them.But now all three children were gone. Had they run away or been stolen? Their foster parents had to find them to find out. And on a rescue search that led them across America and into a world-within-a-world ruled by a psychically terrifying envoy of evil, little did they realize that the young ones they loved so briefly were now the unwitting possessors of a deadly power to harm.

The Steps of the Sun

Walter Tevis - 1983
    All energy sources have been depleted or declared unsafe. China's world dominance is growing, and America is sliding into impotence. Firewood is $7 a stick. Macy's is a giant coal storage bin. Energy laws have outlawed elevators, and skyscrapers stand empty. The U.S. is a second-rate power run by the Mafia and the Teamsters. Space travel is illegal. Worst of all, a new Ice Age is on the way.What the world needs is a hero. A man rich enough to build his own spaceship. Brave enough to fly it. Crazy enough to want to save the world. Lucky enough to succeed. And here he comes...Ben Belson, a 21st century financier is the only man who has any hope of reversing the decline of civilization. Belson, undaunted, searches for an extraterrestrial fuel supply to reverse America's decline.