
Carol Lynne - 2007
    For five years, Justin has repressed his sexuality in order to keep the job he loves. His only serious temptation is the father of his star running back. Sparks fly between the two men, and one Friday night after a winning game, Justin just can't say no. Luc is the man he's been searching for his entire life. But is this new relationship worth risking his career?

The Last Text

Alice Winters - 2019
    I was told not to send you another text, but I never was any good at listening. I love and miss you. I always will.When I lost my partner of eight years, I felt like my world was crashing down around me. In order to feel some relief from the overwhelming emptiness, I’ve found myself sending him texts every year on his birthday, even though I know he will never answer. It makes me feel like there’s a piece of him still alive, at least in my heart.I’m sorry, you must have the wrong number. I apologize for not responding sooner, but I was at work.That is, until someone responds to my text. Jace is charming, sweet, and everything I could ever want. But how can I accept someone new in my life when Daniel’s only been gone two years? Even so, Jace starts to consume my world. It feels like I can finally breathe as he helps me understand that my life doesn’t have to revolve around my grief.Soon, I find myself laughing again as he pulls me away from the hopeless cycle I’ve been caught in, and I love spending time with him, whether it’s playing video games together or discussing our comic book alter egos. But I still need to let go of this guilt and allow Jace to show me that I can love another without replacing what I’ve lost. Jace rewrites my entire world with every word and smile he gives me, and it’s becoming harder to not give in and hand him my heart. Maybe Daniel did respond after all.The Last Text is a 37k word novella about overcoming loss, finding hope, and friendship that leads to new love.

Silver & Black

Tyler May - 2015
    But when a tragic health event leaves him vulnerable, he realizes those things are worthless. He is on a mission to fill the void in his life when he first meets the young, gorgeous Greyson Black, who is working his way through school as a barista at one of his coffee shops.Silver wants Greyson, and he’s used to getting what he wants. Greyson Black is determined to make the best out of his life, but despite his best efforts, life hasn’t played fair, and neither has love. He is nursing a broken heart when Brian Silver walks into his life, and for once, Greyson thinks fate has finally granted him the opportunity for happiness. But fate can be manmade, and Greyson soon discovers that a relationship with Brian Silver comes at a cost. Silver and Greyson emerge on a hot and passionate journey, but danger lurks in the darkness, threatening to destroy everything they’ve worked for. When the mind games make Greyson question Silver’s motives, he will have to determine if their love is worth the risk. Shots are fired, leaving all trust dead. They say love is blind, but Greyson would say, suspicion is the real killer. And sometimes, secrets are worse than bullets. Silver & Black is a gay mystery romance and is intended for readers 18 years of age or older for sexual content, language, and mild violence.Second edition includes: New cover, updated blurb, a chapter added, updated and added scenes, change of tense, added dialogue, new editing and formatting.There is SIGNIFICANT changes to the book, but the plot is the same. First edition, published May 2016; Second edition, published July 2018.

His Boy

Dean Cole - 2018
    Furious, he speeds away from the gates of his luxury home and life into the unknown. When he finds himself stranded on the side of the road in a remote village, his future looking bleak, his dreams wasted on a fairy tale that turned out to be a nightmare, he doesn’t expect the handsome but shaggy-looking bookshop owner, Nathan Marshall, to come to his rescue. A Divine Intervention if Charlie ever saw one.But the village is foreign land to glamour puss Charlie, who’s more at home in the bustling city, shopping for the latest trends. getting his hair coiffed and his nails buffed by his best friends, glamour girls Trinny, Kylie and Sasha than he is trekking through muddy hills in jeans and wellies. And Nathan’s never even seen the inside of a beauty salon, let alone considered having that tumbleweed on his chest waxed. How on earth can a queen even begin to craft himself into something fabulous in such dire circumstances?Hope seems lost until Charlie discovers that an amateur dramatics group are looking for budding stars to fill in two of their starring roles at the last minute. Could the village offer more than babbling streams, scenic moorland and the smell of horse manure? Could it offer a chance for Charlie to claim back the dreams he thought he’d lost? And, more importantly, could an unlikely romance be brewing on the horizon, even when the dark characters from this unlikely pairing’s pasts come back to make matters worse for them?A darkly comic look at love, death, dysfunctional family, emotional trauma and finding yourself, with a huge cast of characters. More than a romance. A story of self discovery. Gay romance. Gay romantic comedy.

Yes, Sir

Ellis Carrington - 2011
    Suddenly he's having very vivid dreams about a mystery man that seem all too real, and doing things in them he never thought possible. But what will become of the man of his dreams once he leaves the magic of the French quarter?

The Handyman Can

Dan Sexton - 2015
    It’s hard work, and you have to use just the right tool.When these straight-acting laborers first meet, they release their manly tension over a few beers and something much more sordid than sparks fly. Their strong libidos aren't used to experiencing feelings for another man, and it takes a few sticky situations before they understand the blossoming romance budding between them.Cute and tatted twenty-something, Jake Honeywell, will do anything for his kid sister. He loves landscape design and longs to travel north one day to see the fall foliage. He’s recently come out—at least to himself and a select few. While this has him circle jerking with his buddies watching football, there’s something missing.Cory Hamilton is tall, tough, and macho. He’s a successful real-estate flipper who prefers the modesty of a simple life instead of the lavishness his burgeoning career provides. When the Home Television network discovers him, things change and Cory struggles to manage a developing man-on-man love affair.Step one of building an m/m romance: lay a solid foundation. Step two: build the framework. Step three: raise the roof.But, will Jake and Cory be able to fill the cracks in their unstable foundation?Warning: Contains graphic sex and strong language. This book is intended for mature audiences— and those who can appreciate two men loving each other. The Handyman Can is a full-length, standalone novel. The first few chapters were released under the title Handymen Do It Better but have been revised here and include some deleted scenes.

Letting Go

Ashton Cade - 2018
    But when my brother's old best friend and my teen crush Ian Barrett is here too, I find myself making excuses to stick around a little longer. He's still everything I've ever wanted, but this former baseball star is also a big-time player... if you know what I mean. I don't know what Ian would ever see in steady, reliable Grant Rainier. But I also know I can't stay away. When we start working away together on his dream, I know I'm in trouble. One glance and my heart melts, along with my resolve. Being with him means staying in Umberland and giving up my big-city ambitions, but being without him means losing the best thing that's ever happened to me. How am I supposed to let go of either one? Ian: I've had my share of men, but I've also attracted more than my share of controversy. And since I was a teenager, the Rainier family has always been my rock—I feel like part of the clan. When I see Grant Rainier again, I can't help but remember him as a teenager just off to college... and now the boy is all man. For the first time in my life, the chemistry is there, and so is the caring. But should I subject him to the whirlwind of my life? And can I risk the peace and solitude I've given up everything for? Letting Go is the first book in the Rainier Family series and can be read on its own. 67k words of dreamy, steamy, wishes-come-true love, getting over long-standing fears, Rainiers running interference, and a whole big, bustling, small-town family waiting for its HEA.

Steele My Heart

Tatum West - 2018
    But Abingdon needs me. And Kendall Vincent might just get me to stay for good.Gil:I was tired of working the police beat in Northern Cali. Exhausted--my whole body was yearning for a place I hadn't been in years, my old home. When my mama died, I knew I had to come back, and my new job as police chief sealed the deal.I got away from heartbreak. From being so tired. From the constant, never-ending world of crime I'd come to know.In Abingdon, I can relax, see all my old friends from Jackson Academy. Maybe I can even change this place and make it better for all the kids like me. The ones who were different, who needed a place a little bigger and broader than a small mountain town could provide.I always promised myself I wouldn't come back.But Kendall Vincent--he might get me to stay for good. When I'm in his arms, I feel complete, whole again, like a man reborn to the world.Everything seems perfect, right up until the moment that it's not.When two gay kids get hurt bad by a gang of thugs, I realize that Abingdon needs me far more than I thought.And I'm here to protect the town--and the man--that I'm growing to love.Kendall:I've survived everything this world has tossed my way--ignorant parents, falling for men who want to play straight, and running a food truck in a town that likes its men butch and its hot dogs bland as all hell.I even got through chemo and three bone marrow transplants when I was a kid.But nothing prepared me for meeting Gilman Steele.Six feet of pure muscle with eyes that shine like gold and a smile I'd like to see every morning for the rest of my life.I know I'm crazy, but I swear to God almighty that I fell in love with that man of Steele from the first second I laid eyes on him.There's a secret I know that could change my relationship with Gil, a lie I've been hiding for over a year.It could threaten Gil's life here, everything he's worked for. But justice is justice, and I believe in the Abingdon that Gil wants to create.When the drama gets worse than I ever imagined, I realize that Gil's not the only one in danger.I'm toppling off a bridge and getting sucked down into the murky water of Holston Lake when I know for sure--this isn't the day I meet my maker.I didn't survive everything I've been through just to die at the hands of an evil man with a secret far darker than my own.I'll make my way back to Gil. He's mine, now and forever.This town might not be ready for us, but I am. And I plan to let the world know it.Steele My Heart is the first book in the Bridge to Abingdon series. Each book focuses on one amazing couple, and each can be read as a total standalone. There's lots of steam, a heaping dose of mystery, a dash of insta-love, and a happy ending that's guaranteed to make your heart melt. There are a few chilling scenes and some ignorant jerks who meet justice in every sense of the word. Gil Steele and Kendall Vincent are the future of Abingdon, and the men who set up the story for the rest of our lovers. Enjoy!


Shaw Montgomery - 2018
    Broad, strong Doms are supposed to look intimidating in leather, not sexy in leather and lace. When long looks and a curious encounter with his new roommate make Houston think there might be some interest from Reece, he isn’t sure what to do. Reece is straight, isn’t he? Reece knows who he is…but most men don’t seem to understand.Reece has known he was bi for a long time, but the Doms he’s met don’t seem to be able to accept that. When his new roommate makes Reece’s submissive side want to roll over and beg for a spanking, he’s not sure what to do. Houston gives orders like a seasoned Dom, but is taking a chance worth the possibility of embarrassing himself and being asked to leave?When two stubborn men both refuse to acknowledge what’s right in front of them, it might take a push to get them to see the truth.55k WordsStory Contains: M/m sexual content, BDSM elements, gender-fluid dressing, edging, and spanking