Toddler ABC Guide to Discipline: Quick Secrets to Loving Guidance

Michelle Smith - 2010
    Tired of being yelled AT. Tired of tantrums, hitting, kicking, whining, fussing, biting, fighting, refusing to sleep…when does it end? When do they stop smacking siblings or running from us in the mall? When do WE get to start enjoying how cute and sweet they are? When do we get to SLEEP?! Honey, I hear you. You are exhausted, have no time, and no idea where to start. Good news – this is your quick reference on loving discipline. If you’ve only got five minutes a day to flip through this book, that five minutes can change your life! Learn the inside, professional techniques on how to stop problem behavior in one to four year-olds, and turn your life around. Whether you are a single parent, a parent with little or no support from your spouse, a grandma, aunt, a traveling parent – it doesn’t matter. You can still open up the secrets to loving discipline and stop the nonsense. You will learn:*The 3 step ABC method to change unwanted behavior QUICK*How to eliminate the cycle of negative attention*The Five Basics to good behavior*How to meet needs to keep kids happy, healthy, and balancedand much, much more!

FREE: Love Your Work, Love Your Life

Chris Baréz-Brown - 2014
    They are not separate; they are one. If we want to live an extraordinary life, we have to make our work equally extraordinary. When your work resonates with purpose, you jump out of bed every morning, excited by the possibilities the day holds for you. Everything else in your life seems to have a glow about it, and you exude much more personal shine. My aim in writing this book is to help you feel like that every day. To help you make your work work for you. To feel truly free. Reading Free! will remind you that you are fantastic and have the ability to do amazing things; show you that work is your slave, not the other way round; help you make work your ticket to an extraordinary future; and put you in the driving seat and show you a route to freedom.

Fast Like Daniel: 21 Days That Will Change Your Life

Scott Williams - 2017
    This devotional is your definitive guide to… • Unpacking the Daniel Fast • A Closer Connection with God • The Four Keys to Powerful Prayer • How Fasting and Prayer Produces Breakthrough The book you’re holding walks you through Pastor Scott Williams’ own discovery of the Daniel Fast and the amazing life change, breakthrough, and success that followed. Since then, he’s done it on an annual basis for over a decade and has taught others to do the same. The results have been staggering! All 21 days come power packed daily dose of... • Scripture • Devotionals • Journal Ideas • Prayers • Fasting Tips Start a journey toward more intimacy with God as you learn to Fast Like Daniel.

Power of Letting Go: Break free from the past and future and learn to let God take control.

J. Martin - 2015
    It can feel like we are pulling a cart behind us with all are troubles and worries, it slows us down, we can become tired, depressed, even jealous, as life seems so easy for others. All we need to do is LET GO of the cart and we will feel lighter and free, but often we have held onto it so long that it has become part of us. Many of the people we know are also carrying carts, so it can seem normal. We talk about how heavy are cart is with anyone that will listen, at no point do we realize that we can set down that heavy cart that is keeping us from Gods love. We need to learn to Let go. In this book I will share with you stories of people that struggled with letting go and what happened when they did. God is only in the present moment, he is not in the past or future. The moment that we let go of the past God will turn the page to the next chapter of our life, which will be much better than the last. It will take courage and faith, but I invite you to take this journey with me. By the end of the book God will shine a light into your life that will illuminate you to… THE POWER OF LETTING GO.

Knitting Socks: Quick and Easy Way to Master Sock Knitting in 3 Days (Sock Knitting Patterns)

Emma Brown - 2014
    It enables you to have complete control over style, design, and color of your garments. And once you learn the basic practice, you can knit almost anything you can think of. What stands in most people’s way is getting started. How do you learn to knit socks? Where do you find knitting patterns? This book answers all of those questions and more. What will this book teach you? • Getting started knitting socks • How to find the right knitting tools and correct needles for knitting your socks • How to pick the best knitting yarn • 10 Most popular sock knitting patterns • How to size your socks • How to knit socks from the Top-down • How to knit sock from the Toe-up • Sock Cast-on techniques, such as, Long Tail cast on, Eastern/ Turkish cast on • The Double Point and Circular Needle methods • Tips on how to knit long lasting, beautiful socks • And so much more!.. Even if you have never picked up a pair of knitting needles before, you can easily start knitting your way towards a pair of perfect socks with this book. It even includes a Glossary of Knitting Terms as an added BONUS, so as you expand your projects to other designs and find other patterns, you will never be in the dark. This book also includes 1 basic top-down sock pattern and 7 additional popular sock patterns for you to work on. While this book is intended to get you started in the world of knitting, it can easily serve as a refresher for even the most experienced knitter! Whether you want to get started or want to get back to basics and hone your skills, "Knitting Socks for Beginners" is the book for you. From Tube socks to Fair Isle socks, you have all the information and knitting patterns you need. Socks are not necessarily the easiest thing to knit, but the techniques used to make a pair of socks introduces you to everything else you need to know about knitting. This book will guide you through every stage of the knitting process and help you create a pair of perfectly knitted socks, in just three days! There is no better book for learning the basics of knitting. This acts as the perfect springboard for more complex knitting projects, with all of the techniques, tips, and terms spelled out to keep you on the right track. If you are looking for a great book about sock knitting, look no further. Get your copy of "Knitting Socks for Beginners" today! Check Out What Others Are Saying... "This is a brilliant book for beginners. I've never tried knitting before but now can't wait to get started. The author goes through every step of the knitting process in fine detail. The book is very well written and has excellent photographs and diagrams. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to try sock knitting for the first time." - Lesley H "I've been thinking of knitting for quite a awhile now. I'm glad I stumbled on this book. I'm a total newbie so this book is perfect for me. "Knitting socks for beginners" gives step by step instructions to get started at knitting socks. Has tons of info- tools, needle size,yarn types. Great help for the beginner.

So L.A.: A Hollywood Memoir

Staci Layne Wilson - 2017
    But what is so moving about Staci Layne Wilson’s unconventional coming-of-age story is that in spite of her rocky childhood, she describes her parents with deep affection, generosity, and pride. Hers is a story of triumph over a legacy of alcoholism, suicide, and Hollywood burnout, but more than that, it’s a tender, gripping tale of unconditional love (with a healthy dose of humor). Despite the downsides, her upbringing gave her the powerful determination to carve out a successful life on her own terms. Vintage Los Angeles Staci Layne Wilson tells tales of bygone eras – she grew up with showbiz parents in L.A. in the sixties and seventies, had ponies in the backyard and a psychotic monkey in the house, mingled with the stars on the Sunset Strip rock scene in the eighties, partied at the Playboy Mansion, nearly died (twice!). She ultimately found love, purpose, and success as an author, film director, screenwriter, pop culture pundit and notable red carpet reporter has interviewed the biggest celebs in the world. First-hand stories about: The Doors Led Zeppelin Guns N’ Roses Metallica Keanu Reeves Heath Ledger Liam Neeson Jennifer Lawrence Denzel Washington Ben Stiller Mia Farrow …to name just a few! Dozens of full-color photos PRAISE “A touching, laugh-out-loud memoir.” – Daily Sweets “Refreshingly honest look at Los Angeles, past and present.” – Curb Appeal “Charming, self-deprecating.” – Los Angeles Readers & Writers “As a music fanatic, I was in heaven over all the inside stories about The Ventures (through their 50+ year career!), Metallica, Led Zeppelin, and the glam-rock scene on the Sunset Strip. There’s also a whole master class on the heavy metal hangouts of Hollywood: The Rainbow, The Roxy, The Troubadour… Staci’s seen it all!” – Gene Katz, director of The Hair Band Tease If you want to read a time capsule of a specific period in Southern California pop cultural history, look no further. If you want to read a book that’s as delightful as it is insightful, one that stays with you long after you close its covers, this is that book. If you want to be simultaneously educated and entertained, you won’t find a better reference than this one. Staci Layne Wilson not only has a penchant for detail, she has a memory like a bear trap. Nothing escapes her notice, and she has been kind enough to let us see the world through her keen, sentimental (but never maudlin) eyes. The book should come with one caveat emptor, however: if you read it at night, you can forget about sleeping. Not all the coffee in the world can knock down the reading hangover you’re going to have the next day after flipping page after page the night before. – Stacey Keith, author of Stripped Down: A Naked Memoir A book that rivals the best of Huell Howser's TV shows digging up the cherished as well as perished landmarks of the City of Angels.

Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down

Sonia Ricotti - 2011
    They can leave us feeling drained and drowning in depression. Author Sonia Ricotti draws upon her own experiences, as well as those of other high-profile self-help leaders, to help you overcome these difficult situations with ease, and bounce back quicker and higher than you thought possible.Unsinkable is not only inspiring, but it offers clearly written, step-by-step tools, strategies, stories, and exercises that will teach you how to: Powerfully move forward, take action, and create the life you deserve.Transform your way of thinking--and feel better now.Experience inner peace and happiness--no matter what your circumstances.Release your negative past experiences and create a new and exciting present and future.Ricotti gives you direct access to her unique gifts as a world-renowned transformational teacher, including the 20 Lessons to Live By When Life Knocks You Down. Lessons such as: Say Yes! to Change.Let Go of What Was.Within Every Crisis Lies a Golden Opportunity.Have Faith in What Will Be.Recreate Your Reality.

The Champagne Diet: Eat, Drink, and Celebrate Your Way to a Healthy Mind and Body!

Alwill Leyba, Cara - 2013
    It's for the woman who doesn't want to trade in her champagne for skinny jeans. It's for the woman who is done with dieting, and ready to start paying attention to her health before that number on the scale. It's for the woman who is ready to stop letting her weight define her, and is ready to understand why it always did. This is not a diet book. This is a lifestyle guide. This book will change the way you view your weight and yourself forever. You will walk away feeling empowered, inspired, and downright sexy (and probably craving a glass of bubbly). You will learn how to celebrate yourself and your body. You will learn to make your health a priority, always. And most importantly – you will learn to love yourself, exactly as you are. So get ready to embark on a complete dieting and lifestyle overhaul, sister. You are now on The Champagne Diet! "The Champagne Diet will resonate with every woman with it’s realistic and simple approach to dieting. Alwill delivers a personal, relatable, and funny guide to shedding pounds without deprivation." - Kim Barnouin Co-Author, Skinny Bitch

What Is Love? A Simple Guide to Romantic Happiness

Taro Gold - 2003
    Presents practical, Buddhist-based guidelines to achieving happiness in romantic relationships through a series of inspirational quotes complemented by thematic watercolors and divided into three sections that explore the concepts of illusion, reality, and life.

30 DAYS: Change your habits, Change your life

Marc Reklau - 2019
    All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get everything easily while others don't? Are you tired of waiting for your life to change? How long are you willing to wait till your circumstances change magically?30 Days is a simple, fast-paced book where you will learn what it takes to create the life you want.In this book, international bestselling author Marc Reklau introduces the readers to some proventips, tricks and exercises that can improve their life beyond imagination! All it takes is followingthem constantly and persistently.More good news: You can start by creating new habits and working towards your goals consistently,doing things that bring you closer to your goals every single day. This book shows you how tomake it possible. You can do it! You deserve it!Thirty days does make a difference and you CAN really create a happier, healthier and wealthierlife. All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!

Faith Takes Back What The Devil's Stolen

Kenneth W. Hagin - 2005
    Believer's can reach out in faith, take back what belongs to them and begin to live in success, happiness, and liberty.

The Magic of Manifesting: 15 Advanced Techniques To Attract Your Best Life, Even If You Think It's Impossible Now

Ryuu Shinohara - 2019
    What if there were straight-forward, easy principles to get everything you want in life? Maybe you already manifest regularly or you’ve heard of it, but never tried it. Using manifestation means using the power of your thoughts, feelings or beliefs to bring something into your physical reality. At first, it sounds abstract, but science has proven, everything is made of energy: objects, animals, thoughts, and humans. There are laws that control how this energy flows and where it goes just as there are laws of gravity and laws of growth. The more you know about these laws the easier it is to navigate the energy you need in the right direction. No wonder that even stars like Will Smith, Jim Carey, Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga swear by manifestation as the secret to their success. Jim Carrey makes it sound really simple. He says: “As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and then working towards it while letting go of how it comes to pass.” Yet, there are reasons why some people are better at manifesting than others. There are a couple of fundamentals you need to understand in order to apply manifestation effectively. Yet, with a little guidance and the right techniques, your best life is waiting for you. This is only a select sample of what you’ll discover in The Magic of Manifestation: Flap or Fab: Why you should care about manifestation more than you think The scientific secret behind changing your reality Why you might be manifesting your misery and how to avoid these common mistakes The smartest and most powerful way to attract anything you want in life How scientists manipulate your life with one particular weakness that outweighs all of science’s strengths (check page 27) Is everything connected? Essentials about energy, flow, and connection Why your ego is the enemy and what you can do about it 5 practices to guarantee your manifestation success story The #1 mental exercise Olympians and star athletes practice daily to increase their performance Intention vs. goals: The major difference and which is best to achieve success in life The biggest money lie revealed (check page 102) and how to create true abundance Warning Signs that you have a scarcity mindset and how to get rid of it And much more. If you think “manifestation” is just another 2020 buzzword, then you haven’t heard the success stories of millions of people who made their dreams come true with this one powerful tool. It goes from 6-year-old Kabir who manifested to become the Malaysian David Copperfield and got invited to perform in The Magic Castle in Hollywood to family father Daniel who manifested his dream house in Maui.

The Ultimate Guide to Raising a Puppy: How to Train and Care for Your New Dog

Victoria Stilwell - 2019
    In this fun and informative guide, her first for puppies, she teaches you how to navigate each stage of a puppy's growth, from the first weeks through adolescence. You'll learn:- puppy-proofing your home- toilet training- building leash-walking and play skills- preventing nipping and excessive barking- caring for your puppy's health- and more!

No Encore!: Musicians Reveal Their Weirdest, Wildest, Most Embarrassing Gigs

Drew Fortune - 2019
    The embarrassment is palatable, but perseverance is the most touching part of these stories. These awful things that happened don't interrupt the dream. The dream of performing and stardom. The dream of connecting with an audience. No Encore! is a glimpse into the analog past; a trip to a distant world when artists made albums and suites of songs you listened in order." —Bret Easton Ellis   “They hated us and started throwing cups, bottles, change, chairs, and anything that wasn’t nailed down.” —Dean Ween This hilarious, sometimes horrifying, collection spans four decades and chronicles the craziest, druggiest, and most embarrassing concert moments in music history—direct from the artists who survived them.  “In the midst of my insanity, I thought it would be a very romantic gesture to go into Fiona Apple’s dressing room and write a message on her wall in my own blood.” —Dave Navarro From wardrobe malfunctions to equipment failures, from bad decisions to even worse choices, this is a riveting look into what happens when things go wrong onstage and off. “Ozzy had a sixty-inch teleprompter with the song lyrics, and that got stolen, along with microphones, snare drums and cymbals. Our drummer at the time was stabbing people in the neck with his drumstick.” —Zakk Wylde No Encore! is an unflinchingly honest account of the shows that tested the dedication to a dream—from Alice Cooper’s python having a violent, gastric malfunction on stage to Lou Barlow’s disastrous attempt to sober up at Glastonbury, from Shirley Manson’s desperate search for a bathroom to the extraordinary effort made to awaken Al Jourgenson as Ministry was taking the stage. As Hunter S. Thompson famously wrote, “Buy the ticket, take the ride.”  “I go to exit the venue, and there’s 25 people marching towards us. It’s about 3:00 AM, and they weren’t there to be nice. They were carrying bats, boards, chains, hammers, and they were coming for us.” —Dee Snider

The Joyful Environmentalist

Isabel Losada - 2020
    And to do this wholeheartedly, energetically and joyfully.’ Finally! A book about saving our planet that is fast, funny and inspiring too. Isabel doesn’t bother with an examination of the problem but gets right on with the solutions. Her aim: to look for every single way that we can take care of the planet; how we live and work, travel, shop, eat, drink, dress, vote, play, volunteer, bank – everything. The feel-good book of the year for anyone who loves nature and knows that one person can make a HUGE difference. ‘This is the joy we need in our lives.’ - George Monbiot ‘She gave my spirit a lift and my feet somewhere to stand.’ - Sir Mark Rylance ‘Practical and realistic as well as visionary.’ - Dr Rowan Williams ‘A manifesto of brilliant advice offered with humility and good grace. A practical guide to empower us all.’ - Isabella Tree ISABEL LOSADA is the bestselling author of six previous books including The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment.