Book picks similar to
High Cotton Country by Leta McCurry
Would You Rather?
Donald Shaw - 2018
Awesome illustrations provide a visual aid to kids who easily get tired of reading. Funny cartoons also make it a perfect book for early readers! When kids answer Would You Rather questions, they develop reasoning skills. What's also great, each scenario is funny and there are no wrong answers! They always love to share those silly jokes with family and friends. Therefore, it helps children to make new friends, to develop and improve conversational skills, and so on. Examples of silly questions: Would You Rather eat a hamburger with maple syrup or a jelly pizza with peanut butter? Would You Rather sleepwalk every night and wake up in odd places like a supermarket or a library or only be able to fall asleep on a kitchen table? Would You Rather be required to paint your nails every hour or have to color your eyebrows the colors of the rainbow every day? Would You Rather have zebra-style stripes all over your body or replace your right hand with the one of a giant crab? Would You Rather have a new crayon every time you touch your left ear with your right toe or have a new balloon every time you lick the tip of your nose? Already getting excited? :-) Buy this book NOW and make your kids roll on the floor laughing! Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!
Summary: Where the Crawdad Sings | A Comprehensive Summary to the Book of Delia Owens (Epic Summary Books 3)
Epic-Summary - 2019
Sеvеn-уеаr-оld Catherine “Kуа” Clаrk lіvеѕ іn a ѕhасk іn thе ѕwаmр wіth hеr mоthеr, fаthеr, аnd ѕіblіngѕ. Hоwеvеr, one dау, Kуа’ѕ mоthеr lеаvеѕ thе ѕhасk fоrеvеr іn оrdеr tо еѕсаре thе рhуѕісаl аbuѕе іnflісtеd by Kуа’ѕ fаthеr. Kya’s ѕіblіngѕ ѕооn leave оn thеіr оwn аѕ wеll, lеаvіng оnlу Kуа аnd Pа. Pа ѕреndѕ increasingly mоrе tіmе аwау frоm thе ѕhасk оvеr thе уеаrѕ, аnd whеn Kуа іѕ аbоut tеn уеаrѕ оld, Pа lеаvеѕ fоrеvеr. Kуа hаѕ bесоmе thоrоughlу ѕеlf-ѕuffісіеnt by thіѕ tіmе, lіvіng off of thе land аnd оссаѕіоnаllу trаdіng іn tоwn fоr nесеѕѕаrу ѕuррlіеѕ. Whеn Kya іѕ 14 уеаrѕ оld, a kіnd lосаl bоу nаmеd Tаtе Wаlkеr bеgіnѕ tо vіѕіt Kуа, аnd he teaches hеr hоw tо rеаd. Hе іѕ аbоut fоur уеаrѕ оldеr thаn Kуа. Hе аlѕо gіvеѕ Kуа hіѕ оld tеxtbооkѕ frоm school. Whеn Kуа іѕ 15 уеаrѕ оld, ѕhе аnd Tate fаll іn lоvе, but Tate іnѕіѕtѕ thаt they dо nоt have ѕеx untіl Kуа іѕ оldеr. Tаtе ѕооn lеаvеѕ fоr college, аnd аlthоugh hе рrоmіѕеѕ tо lоvе аnd rеmеmbеr Kуа, Kуа fееlѕ аbаndоnеd. When Kуа іѕ 19 уеаrѕ оld, ѕhе ѕuddеnlу becomes аttrасtеd tо a уоung local mаn nаmеd Chаѕе Andrеwѕ. Chаѕе begins vіѕіtіng her оftеn. Chаѕе ѕауѕ thаt hе lоvеѕ hеr аnd іѕ еаgеr tо hаvе sex wіth hk
The Saul Marshall Thrillers: Books 1-3:
Richard Davis - 2018
All the MENACE of Gone Girl. All the MUSCLE of Jack Reacher. ‘I’m hooked.’ – Oscar de Muriel, author of the Frey & McGray series ‘Hollywood, take note, Saul Marshall is destined for the big screen!’ – Michelle Ryles at The Book Magnet ‘The most chilling book that I've read in many, many years.’ – Henrik Bosman Join Saul Marshall as he locks horns with a chilling host of enemies. A serial-killing cult that silently stalks and torments its victims. A terrorist cell that has infiltrated the Dark Net – the sordid underbelly of the Internet – and knows your darkest online secrets. And a schizophrenic video-game addict who obsessively hunts his prey amid the savage riots he engineers. If you’re a fan of Mark Dawson, Lee Child, and J. B. Turner, you’ll love this gripping new series that takes the shocks and surprises to a whole new level. Over 185 five star reviews across Amazon. * Book 1: False Prophet What would you do if your son was taken by a cult? America’s East Coast has been set alight by three of the most bizarre murders in law enforcement history: in each instance, the victims have been forced to kill themselves. For ex con-artist turned FBI agent, Saul Marshall, it seems like just another day in the office. But when Saul discovers that the victims all have something in common – a close relative who’s been missing for years – he immediately feels a personal connection: his own son is missing, presumed dead. And when out the blue he receives a note from his son, communicating he’s been kidnapped, Saul realizes this couldn’t be more personal. As Saul learns more about his son’s captors – a serial killing cult, run by the psychopathic Ivan Drexler – he's forced off grid to fight back. But not only is Drexler giving his son just a week to live, he’s also got even more shocking attacks in the pipeline. Book 2: Never Forget What if terrorists knew your darkest online secrets? California is witnessing a wave of strange murders: pairs of bodies are turning up under small town landmarks, killed by a single sniper bullet. But ask Saul Marshall – an ex-FBI agent on the run – and he’ll tell you it ain’t his problem. But when Saul rescues a young academic from a kidnapping in Los Angeles, and realizes she was in fact next on this mysterious hit-list, he's thrown into the deep-end. And when Saul learns this woman is an anti-China dissident with a secret online presence, it becomes clear they’re not just facing some workaday serial-killer. As Saul finds himself in the sights of a rogue team of Chinese nationalists ruthlessly targeting enemies abroad, he's forced to respond. But his enemy have a powerful weapon. They’ve found a vulnerability in the Dark Net. Book 3: Riot Could a video game convince you to take someone’s life? Saul Marshall arrives in Atlanta in the wake of a shocking incident: a cop with a pristine record has inexplicably massacred peaceful protesters occupyin
Remember the Starfighter (The Endervar War, #1)
Michael Kan - 2015
The enemy is consuming all intelligent life throughout the galaxy. And to stop them, the stars may have to die.Enter Julian Nverson, a disgraced pilot reactivated to fight in a conflict humanity lost long ago. He joins the remnants of mankind, in the midst of another invasion, another exodus, when billions of lives have already been swept away.Perhaps the end is inevitable. But Julian won't be alone in his fight. Forces that were formerly dead, forgotten or trapped will converge together, all in the hopes of freeing the galaxy once and for all.
Memories in the Drift
Melissa Payne - 2020
I’m thirty-six years old. It’s September. I know what I’m doing and why I am here…for now.Ten years ago, Claire Hines lost her unborn child—and her short-term memory—following a heartrending tragedy. With notebooks, calendars, to-do lists, fractured pieces of the past, and her father’s support, Claire makes it through each day, hour by hour, with relative confidence. She also has a close-knit community of friends in the remote Alaskan town where she teaches guitar to the local children. It’s there, in the reminders.As determined as Claire is to regain all that’s disappeared, she’d prefer to live without some memories of her before life—especially those of her mother, Alice, who abandoned her, and Tate, the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart.But when Alice and Tate return from the past, there’ll be so much more for Claire to relive. And to discover for the very first time. Through healing, forgiveness, and second chances, Claire may realize that what’s most important might not be re-creating the person she was, but embracing the possibilities of being the person she is.
Honeysuckle Season
Mary Ellen Taylor - 2020
Though her new life as a wedding photographer provides a semblance of purpose, it’s also a distraction from her profound pain.When asked to photograph a wedding at the historic Woodmont estate, Libby meets the owner, Elaine Grant. Hoping to open Woodmont to the public, Elaine has employed young widower Colton Reese to help restore the grounds and asks Libby to photograph the process. Libby is immediately drawn to the old greenhouse shrouded in honeysuckle vines.As Libby forms relationships and explores the overgrown—yet hauntingly beautiful—Woodmont estate, she finds the emotional courage to sort through her father’s office. There she discovers a letter that changes everything she knows about her parents, herself, and the estate. Beneath the vines of the old greenhouse lie generations of secrets, and it’s up to Libby to tend to the fruits born of long-buried seeds.
Steve Jobs' Life By Design: Lessons to be Learned from His Last Lecture
George Beahm - 2014
They witnessed history: Jobs' 22-minute prepared speech subsequently reached 26 million online viewers worldwide. It is by far the most popular commencement address in history, framed with "three stories" that succinctly summed up the most important lessons Jobs learned in life. Life-changing lessons, he explained, can only be connected when looking back, which he had done in preparation for his talk.Steve Jobs' Life by Design starts with Jobs' own words in the text of his talk and expands outward from there. In the address, Jobs gave us the dots, but he didn't have the luxury of time to connect them. So much about his life, his viewpoint, and his personal and business philosophies were mentioned but not explained. We know what he said, but what actually did he mean? What can we learn from him?This book connects those dots. We see Jobs' life and career through his own eyes, in context, and in proper perspective. His process of looking back illuminated his life—and by doing so, he serves as an inspiration to illuminate our lives as well.
By the Numbers
Jen Lancaster - 2016
Knowing that 60% of spouses cheat and 50% of marriages end in divorce, she wasn't too surprised when her husband had an affair. (That he did so with a woman their daughter's age? Well, that part did sting a bit.) She just made sure she got everything in the divorce, including their lovely old Victorian house. And as soon as her middle daughter has her hipster-fabulous wedding in the backyard, she's trading it in for a condo in downtown Chicago...Well within the average market time in her area, Penny gets an offer on the house. But then life happens. Her children, her parents and her ex come flying back to the nest, all in need of Penny's emotional and financial support. Spread thin, Penny becomes the poster child for the sandwich generation, when all she really wanted to do was make managing director, buy a white couch, and maybe go on a date...
When Never Comes
Barbara Davis - 2018
For a while, she found a safe haven in her marriage to bestselling crime novelist Stephen Ludlow—until his car skidded into Echo Bay. But Stephen’s wasn’t the only body pulled from the icy waters that night. When details about a mysterious violet-eyed blonde become public, a media circus ensues, and Christy-Lynn runs again.Desperate for answers, she’s shattered to learn that Stephen and his mistress had a child—a little girl named Iris, who now lives in poverty with her ailing great-grandmother. The thought of Iris abandoned to the foster care system—as Christy-Lynn once was—is unbearable. But she’s spent her whole life running—determined never to be hurt again. Will she finally stand still long enough to open herself up to forgiveness and love?
It's Time!: My 360-Degree View of the UFC
Bruce Buffer - 2013
And if you’re a fan, then you probably recognize my face. Yeah, that’s right—I’m that guy you see at every UFC match, spinning around and roaring into the microphone and getting up in fighters’ grills. Okay, so I might not be the most subtle or refined announcer in the business. But I hope I communicate my passion for the sport in a way no other announcer does. I’ll say it again: Passion. Because that’s what this book is about. In these pages, I want to tell you about the passion that first led me to bet everything on this sport of ours, way back when MMA was outlawed in half the country and there wasn’t a dime to be made on it. I want to tell you how that passion all started, with my larger-than-life father, a former Marine Drill Sergeant who, by the time I was ten, had taught me to play poker and blackjack, field-strip a Luger pistol blindfolded, and recite poetry. He was a man who thought nothing of confronting a group of thugs armed with nothing but his fists—and who expected the same strength and honor from his sons. I want to take you inside the incredible brotherhood that makes up the UFC as nobody ever has before, to tell you about the bond we all share and the crazy times I’ve had over the years with guys like Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, Chuck Liddell, BJ Penn, and Jon “Bones” Jones. I want to give you my Octagon-side insights on many of the big fights you remember, and just maybe, to tell you about a few memorable fights that took place outside of the octagon, too—from my own sparring match with a youngster named Royce Gracie back before the phrase “Mixed Martial Arts” even existed, to some other brawls you might’ve heard about. And I want to tell you about the remarkable, late-life meeting with the celebrity brother I never knew I had—a brother whose existence my parents had never once breathed a word about!—that helped inspire me to chase my own dreams of standing up in the Octagon. Surprising stuff from the guy in the fancy tux, right? And that’s just the start. There’s a lot you don’t know about me yet. And now… IT’S TIME! I told you.
Everything We Keep
Kerry Lonsdale - 2016
But when her fiancé, James Donato, vanishes in a boating accident, her well-baked future is swept out to sea. Instead of walking down the aisle on their wedding day, Aimee is at James’s funeral—a funeral that leaves her more unsettled than at peace.As Aimee struggles to reconstruct her life, she delves deeper into James’s disappearance. What she uncovers is an ocean of secrets that make her question everything about the life they built together. And just below the surface is a truth that may set Aimee free…or shatter her forever.
The Marriage Code
Brooke Burroughs - 2021
But after turning down her boyfriend’s proposal, everything starts to crumble. In an effort to save the one thing she cares about—her job—she must recruit her colleague, Rishi, to be on her development team…only she may or may not have received the position he was promised. (She did.)Rishi cannot believe that he got passed over for promotion. To make matters worse, not only does his job require him to return home to Bangalore with his nemesis, Emma, but his parents now expect him to choose a bride and get married. So, when Emma makes him an offer—join her team, and she’ll write an algorithm to find him the perfect bride—he reluctantly accepts.Neither of them expect her marriage code to work so well—or to fall for one another—which leads Emma and Rishi to wonder if leaving fate up to formulas is really an equation for lasting love.
Better in the Morning
Fern Ronay - 2016
And when he tells her he has big news, she’s certain he’ll pop the question. But instead of proposing, John informs her that he’s moving to London.Heartbroken, Veronica feels lost. Salvatore and Antoinette, her dead grandparents, begin to visit her dreams in an attempt to steer her in the right direction. At their suggestion, Veronica takes a news reporting class, which leads to a challenging freelance assignment covering a conspiracy trial. She also begins dating an unlikely suitor: creative Syd Blackman.Just when her love life and career are looking up, Veronica is tossed back to square one by an event that makes her question all her new choices.
It Only Takes Once
Susan Colleen Browne - 2011
Juggling the needs of her daddy-hungry son with her first love Ben and her estranged father, she’s fresh out of her klutzy charm to help her sort out the mess she’s created.Lying low at her granny's cottage in the small village of Ballydara, in County Galway, Aislin is faced with decisions about trust, forgiveness, and the true meaning of family. Can a commitment-shy young mother find lasting love?Books by Susan Colleen BrowneThe Village of Ballydara SeriesThe Secret Well, short story ebookA Christmas Visitor, short story ebook and the sequel of The Secret Well It Only Takes Once, A Village of Ballydara Novel, Book 1 (print and ebook)Mother Love, A Village of Ballydara Novel, Book 2 (ebook, coming soon in print)Children’s StoryMorgan Carey and the Curse of the Corpse Bride, a lighthearted Halloween story for middle-grade readers (ebook, coming soon in print!)Memoir Little Farm in the Foothills: A Boomer Couple’s Search for the Slow Life (print and ebook)