Shadow Warriors

Chris Bostic - 2019
    He spends his time with Katelyn’s brother at the roadblocks, waiting to see if the government will launch an offensive to clear out the park. Increasing drone strikes rain death from above, so the rebels take to hiding in caves in the less accessible areas. When word comes of a military build-up outside the park, a pre-emptive strike might be in order…. Blowing bridges. Scaring them away. Giving them a black eye, and making it not worth coming back. Fall colors beautify the Smokies, but the rest of the world is ugly—turning brown and dying. It’s up to Zach and his prepper family to survive for the rebirth, if they can make it that long.

FROM THE FIRE Omnibus (Episodes 1 Through 6)

Kent David Kelly - 2014
    Sophie Saint-Germain, wife and scientist and mother of one, was not among them. She lived for a time, and so her words endure. The reclamation of her terrifying story is a miracle in itself. Uncovered during the Shoshone Geyser Basin archaeological excavations of 2316, Sophie’s unearthed diary reveals the most secret confessions of the only known long-term female survivor of the Holocaust in central Colorado. Her diary reveals the truths behind our legends of the High Shelter, the White Fire, the Great Dying, the Coming of the One, and the Gray Rain Exodus, her horrifying journey into the wasteland made with the sole conviction that her daughter, Lacie, was still alive. For these are the first of words, chosen by the Woman of the Black Hawk: FROM THE FIRE / GIVE ME SHELTER / THAT I MIGHT ENDURE THE STORM, / GIVE ME THE STRENGTH / TO PRAY MY DAUGHTER WILL PREVAIL. From the Plague Land, from the Fire. This is the book of the woman who was, this is the codex of our ancestors’ revelation. An epic saga of post-apocalyptic fiction, FROM THE FIRE is the acclaimed second novel from Kent David Kelly. This unforgettable epic comprises 131,000 words, over 400 printed pages. From Wonderland Imprints, Only the Finest Works of Fantasy.

Surviving the Collapse: A Tale Of Survival In A Powerless World- Book 2

James Hunt - 2017
    Millions of Americans are left to fend for themselves, struggling to survive in the harsh elements of winter. But even more dangerous than the weather, or the terrorists roaming the country, could be each other. In a world without power, there are those that seek to take advantage of the situation, and those that fight to improve the situation of others. Captain Kate Holloway hopes that she finds the latter.

The Ranch: A Legacy of Darkness (The Legacy Series Book 3)

Sean Liscom - 2019
    He had worked the same job his entire adult life, he had never married and he had no children. He was used to doing things on his own. His comfortable life was shaken to the core the day he learned of his fathers death. It set in motion life altering events and the allure of a new life that was too great to walk away from. When an Electromagnetic Pulse brings the modern world to its knees, Jason's choice proves to be the right one. EXCERPT “You should see yourselves,” the rough male voice said. There was something eerily familiar about it. He chuckled a little. “You see, I told you girls, didn’t I? The looks on their faces would be purely magical, priceless even!” the man said. The two women stepped farther into the light. They were identical twins. I knew one as Kari, Braden knew the other as Isabella. When the man stepped into the light. My heart stopped. “OH….” Jill said quietly. “MY….” I whispered. “GOD….” Braden finished. “Is that any way to greet your father and your sisters?” Jack Sterling asked as the trio closed to a few feet from us. I felt my knees go weak; my head was spinning. I wasn’t even sure if I was still breathing. The fine line that separates reality from imagination was suddenly gone. What had only a few minutes before been a straight, defined path, had become shrouded in a mist of skepticism and fear. Just before I’d lost sight of that path, I could swear I’d seen a “Dangerous Curves” road sign. I also knew things were travelling far too fast to even attempt negotiating those twists and turns. There are times when reacting too slowly can save your life. For instance; you have a blowout on your car at 70 MPH on the freeway. Reacting slowly can keep you from doing the opposite and rolling your car. This wasn’t one of those times. This wreck was going to happen. Just like the blowout, I was experiencing the sudden onslaught of emotions. Panic.... Surprise.... Anger.... Most of all was fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. You know, the kind of fear that leaves you unable to speak or scream. The fear that leaves you unable to move, let alone run for your life. The fear that can cause time to stop along with your heart. A slight breeze picked up in the late summer night and it felt like a blast straight out of the arctic, in the dead of winter. I could feel the goosebumps on my arms and neck. Even though I was sweating profusely, my entire body was frozen. All I could do was stand there, mouth open, thoughts racing. My mind was beginning to explode with questions for the man before me, my father, Jack Sterling. Every thought stopped just short of exiting my mouth. The words prob-ably couldn’t get past the fact that my heart was jammed firmly in my throat. That’s probably the same reason I hadn’t taken a breath either. Was I dead? Was this the spirit of my father coming to take me into the light? That thought left as quickly as it had come only to be replaced by anoth-er, darker notion. Maybe he had come to take me to Hell.... I stood, unmoving, as he began to cover the last few steps between us. This was it. This is how it all ended. He stopped less than an arm’s length away. I could smell him now. The slightest hint of body odor with just a hint of diesel fuel. The only scent of him that I could remember was his cologne. He’d always been clean shaven, wearing a pressed blue or black suit and that damned cologne. He reached for me, and as much as I wanted to, I was unable to pull away. I wanted to run away screaming like a small child. I could feel my muscles tremble as his hand came ever closer.


J. Thorn - 2017
    The horror she discovers amongst the ruins is far worse than she could have imagined. The masked warriors of the Venganza clan chase Katy through the post-apocalyptic landscape, forcing her to decide between her past or the survivors’ future — a decision that could determine the fate of the human race. *For a limited time, the exclusive short story prequel BARREN: Blood Moon is included for FREE

A World Slowed: The Jared Chronicles

Rick Tippins - 2019
    While many people hunker in their homes, waiting for government assistance, Jared quickly realizes he needs to take some sort of action if he intends to survive. Fending for himself proves far more difficult than he realized. When an old man, Bart, takes him in, Jared learns skills he is forced to use when hiding and scavenging are no longer options. Even before Jared acquires the skills to sustain his own life in this new world, he unexpectantly becomes the caretaker of a seven-year-old girl who is left all alone after her parents are tragically murdered. From the beginning to the end of this book, Jared is tested to his limits, escaping harm time and again only through his thoughtful approach to a new way of living. A World Slowed, stretches the Post-Apocalyptic genre in a slightly different direction as the story follows an unprepared Silicon Valley computer engineer, Jared, through his struggle to surviving in a world devoid of modern amenities connected to electricity. While many people hunker in their homes, waiting for government assistance, Jared quickly realizes he needs to take some sort of action if he intends to survive. Fending for himself proves far more difficult than he realized. When an old man, Bart, takes him in, Jared learns skills he is forced to use when hiding and scavenging are no longer options. Even before Jared acquires the skills to sustain his own life in this new world, he unexpectantly becomes the caretaker of a seven-year-old girl who is left all alone after her parents are tragically murdered. From the beginning to the end of this book, Jared is tested to his limits, escaping harm time and again only through his thoughtful approach to a new way of living. A World Slowed, stretches the Post-Apocalyptic genre in a slightly different direction as the story follows an unprepared Silicon Valley computer engineer, Jared, through his struggle to surviving in a world devoid of modern amenities connected to electricity. While many people hunker in their homes, waiting for government assistance, Jared quickly realizes he needs to take some sort of action if he intends to survive. Fending for himself proves far more difficult than he realized. When an old man, Bart, takes him in, Jared learns skills he is forced to use when hiding and scavenging are no longer options. Even before Jared acquires the skills to sustain his own life in this new world, he unexpectedly becomes the caretaker of a seven-year-old girl who is left all alone after her parents are tragically murdered. From the beginning to the end of this book, Jared is tested to his limits, escaping harm time and again only through his thoughtful approach to a new way of living.

Divided: Silent Nation Book One

Joseph Coley - 2019
    His grandmother died, his ex-fiancee was trying to take his daughter away, the snow was coming down, and he was on his way back from Ohio. Then something happened. As he stops at a rest stop in northwest Ohio, the power goes out. Not just the lights, but the cars, phones, and everything else that made up everyday life. He has to get home, and he has no idea how to do it. Stuck in the snow amid a cataclysmic event that no one can precisely explain, he sets out to help not only himself, but those trapped with him. He has to find a way to travel the 300+ miles home, and he needs to do it fast. His family at home is saddled with problems of their own, and they have no way of knowing what has happened to him. As the world slowly spirals out of control, Ben must try to make it home...or die trying. From the bestselling author of the Six Feet From Hell and Refuge From the Dead series comes a realistic take on TEOTWAWKI - the end of the world as we know it. No zombies this time, just pure survival.

FORTRESS: A Post Apocalyptic-Dystopian EMP Attack Thriller (Reckoning Book 3)

Lee West - 2019
    As they settle into their new life among friends and fellow survivors within the university's hidden tunnel system, the U.S. military continues its relentless seizure of seemingly innocent civilians. After a student is openly murdered by soldiers, the Birch's and their close group of friends decide to take their chances on the outside. They make their way to a nearby survivalist camp, where Joe's brother has presumably hidden to ride out the disaster. However, they quickly discover that the survivalist camp is anything but safe, and that nothing is what it seems in the aftermath of the RECKONING.

The Last Disaster

Kellee L. Greene - 2018
    She and her family had kept themselves hidden and isolated from the dangers of the outside world.When the storms returned, everything her parents had built over the years was destroyed. Even though she was afraid of what waited outside, she was left with no choice but to venture out and survive the brutal winter in an attempt to find a new home.Now, with nothing but a few supplies and the clothes on her back, she must figure out a way to get safe again.Alone.Afraid.Nothing will ever be the same.---The Last Disaster is the first book in a new series set in the Ravaged Land world. You do not need to have read the Ravaged Land series to enjoy this one, but each book within a series must be read in order.

I'll Cry Alone

Jacqueline Druga - 2011
    What you don't know won't hurt you. What you don't fear… will kill you. The unthinkable has happened. We are at war. Across a crippled America struggling to rebuild in the after effects of what has happened, one woman faces a different battle. Separated from her family in the midst of a violent war upon American soil, she returns home to find her husband has died, her mother has been murdered and her children are gone. Through the chaotic torn country, with limited means of resources and communication, she begins a search. A search she will not give up no matter what the cost until she is reunited with her children or finds a painful truth in what has become of them. This new version contains the originally omitted epilogue.

Operation Anadyr

James Philip - 2014
    On Saturday 27th October 1962 American and Soviet geopolitical brinkmanship resulted in the most terrible war in human history. The forever changed world that remained when the thermonuclear fires had burned themselves out is the world of ‘Timeline 10/27/62’. ‘Operation Anadyr’ is Book 1 of the alternative history series Timeline 10/27/62. ‘Operation Anadyr’ is about the first hours of that alternative history of the world. It is about living through the cataclysm, and wondering how it happened. How did the unthinkable happen? How could our leaders let it happen? How does one quantify the magnitude of the disaster? And what of the survivors living with the aftermath of a world gone mad? ‘Operation Anadyr’ confronts these questions. In ‘Operation Anadyr’ the anatomy of the disaster is writ plain and the men and women who survive it begin to find their voices. * * * Why Timeline 10/27/62? Because that date is a very significant date in my life and in the lives of everybody else in the world alive today because on Saturday 27th October 1962 World War III almost started. World War III probably wouldn’t have lasted very long because one side would have been swiftly obliterated in the first 24 hours of a cataclysm that would have left vast tracts of the Northern Hemisphere uninhabited and uninhabitable for decades to come. Perhaps, a quarter of the world’s population would have died in the firestorm or in the starvation and the plagues that would have ensued in the following weeks and months. In the October War of 1962 the hammer of the gods would have fallen upon the territories of the Soviet Union, central and Western Europe, and to a lesser extent, upon the extremities of continental North America. In the Soviet Union and in Europe from Paris to Warsaw, from Prague to Berlin, from the Alps to the Baltic, across the Low Countries and parts of the United Kingdom the thermonuclear fire would have burned with a merciless flame. Scandinavia might have escaped relatively untouched, likewise southern France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Ireland and possibly parts of England, Wales and Scotland. The ‘Cuban Missiles’ War would have been a Man made global catastrophe like no other in human history. In the aftermath, the USA, mourning the dead in half-a-dozen wrecked cities would have been the last major industrial and military power left standing. That world could never, ever be the world we know today. How close did we actually come to the edge of the abyss? Much closer than most people like to contemplate. On Saturday 27th October 1962, north east of Cuba, the commander of Soviet submarine B-59 had to be talked out of firing a nuclear-tipped torpedo at the American destroyer USS Beale. That’s how close we came to World War III! The Captain of the B-59 was a man called Valentin Grigorievitch Savitsky. He gave the order for a nuclear warhead to be fitted to a torpedo. In that era Soviet naval doctrine governing the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons onboard a warship at sea required the authorisation of three officers: the captain, the executive officer, and the vessel’s political officer. B-59’s political officer, Ivan Semonovich Maslennikov signed off on starting World War III but fortunately for us all, the submarine’s second-in-command, Captain 2nd Rank Vasili Arkhipov, dissented and Armageddon was narrowly averted. Timeline 10/27/62 is an alternative history of the modern world in which nobody ever got to know the name of Vasili Arkhipov because he died in the first act of the most terrible war in history.

Fortune and Glory (The Change)

John Birmingham - 2017
    Set in S.M. Stirling’s epic storyworld of The Change, ‘Fortune and Glory’ drops readers into the dead heart of post-apocalyptic Sydney.

Friends of the Family (The Colter Saga)

Joel Baker - 2009
    To escape, they decide to return to Jesse's childhood home of Haven. On the perilous journey they encounter a deserted genetics lab. That evening the results of a genetic experiment, five massive dogs working as a team, walk into their camp. The dogs finally disappear back into the dark. On a second visit, the dogs become friends of the family. As they near Haven, a sheriffs warning about a brutal gang, triggers a buried childhood memory for Jesse and the gangs involvement in the death of his parents. The gang decides to visit Haven. The Colters set a brutally effective trap. Jesse is severely injured, but survives. Sarah and Jesse, with the help of their friends, build a future and slowly things get better. At the end Jessie is alone and dying. It's his time, and he feels complacent. He's an old man with a bent back and a deep love for Sarah, sitting in a small clearing on the side of a mountain overlooking Haven.

It Hit The Fan: Piney River Apocalypse

John Sullins - 2019
    When a Missouri school teacher is fired from his job, he heads to a small river to get away from his problems and the virus. It might be the best decision he ever made.


Scott B. Williams - 2017
    Battles between dissident factions rage from coast-to-coast as cities and towns become war zones. With travel and communications severely restricted and food, fuel and other essentials in short supply, the nation is on the brink of collapse... Professional security contractor, Eric Branson has been away fighting ongoing insurgencies in Europe when he realizes his own country faces the same fate. But before he can make his way back home to Florida, a catastrophic hurricane deals the final blow to an infrastructure ravaged by riots and terror, leaving survivors cut off and on their own. Amid the death and destruction in the aftermath, Eric begins his most dangerous mission yet, searching for the family he left behind.