Courage Rises: A Pride and Prejudice Continuation

Melanie Rachel - 2016
    In her husband's absence, Elizabeth is faced with an influenza outbreak at Pemberley, and she must make a dangerous decision to keep everyone alive.

By Charm or By CHOICE?

Shana Jefferis-Zimmerman - 2019
    Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters. If you are looking for a renewal of the angst and suspense caused by poor first impressions and romantic misunderstanding, this may not be the book for you. But if you’ve ever wanted to know what happiness is found by Elizabeth Bennet as Mrs. Darcy or yearned for a reunion with the beloved cast of Pride and Prejudice that succeeds the original storyline, this book satisfies those cravings!While many of her acquaintance may have concluded that Elizabeth Bennet was leading a charmed life, her choice to adhere to her principles by rejecting the certain security of two marriage proposals in order to marry for affection and esteem should not be ignored. As a happily married woman of means Elizabeth Darcy now lives a more worldly, knowledgeable, fashionable, and public life. She also has many new household, estate, and family responsibilities she must learn to meet. But she still has the choice to be guided by her principles in her thoughts and deeds. Can she help her shy new sister Georgiana Darcy prepare to be introduced into London society? With Longbourn as entailed away as ever, what will happen to Mary and Kitty Bennet? Have they any hope of making good matches in the limited society of Meryton with an indifferent father and an insensible mother? Has Elizabeth’s view of Charlotte’s decision to marry Mr. Collins changed? Can Mrs. Collins remain content or perhaps even find happiness living in Kent? Who shall return from the war on the continent possibly needing assistance? After learning the conniving Miss Bingley is being banished from her brother’s new estate, can Elizabeth help her beloved Jane by seeing Miss Bingley properly settled? Amidst the familiar faces, continued follies, new absurdities, and sometimes harsh realities of all their acquaintance, the Darcys, with the considerable resources at their disposal, must decide when and if to intervene on behalf of those they love. Can Elizabeth help those she left behind? Should she?By Charm or By Choice? is the first of two books that comprise the Pride and Prejudice Continues series. It is a sweet and clean Regency romance and a full length novel of 108,000 words.

That's What Makes It Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Iris Lim - 2019
    But what happens when a certain Derbyshire gentleman sees things in a completely different way? A childhood illness leaves Fitzwilliam Darcy with physical limitations that keep him from seeing the world as it is. When his trust is challenged again and again by those dearest to him, will he ever recover enough to discover his own path to true love? Explore an alternate reality where Elizabeth Bennet strikes up an unlikely friendship with a blind Mr. Darcy - only to find herself armed with unique perspectives that will challenge both him and her in how they view themselves, their loved ones, and the world at large.

The Adventures of Miss Olivia Wickham

Kay Bea - 2020
    But as days pass and her four sisters’ hunger grows, Olivia Wickham takes matters into her own hands and determines that a journey to Derbyshire to seek help from Aunt Darcy is their only hope.The Adventures of Olivia Wickham takes up where Love Unsought leaves off, as the girls make their way south to seek a new life at Pemberley. Although it is a standalone short story, the reading of it will be greatly enhanced for those who have read Love Unsought first.

Consequence & Consequences: "Ooops" A Regency Romance inspired by P&P

Sydney Salier - 2021
    As he is leaving the area, and afraid that he might have raised the young lady's expectations, he informs her that the difference in their stations prohibits him from following his heart.Miss Elizabeth Bennet is furious with the arrogance of the man, but she has quite recently found out that her father, Mr Thomas Bennet is the heir to an almost forgotten great-great-uncle, the Duke of Barrington, which will make her the daughter of a Duke.Elizabeth, without mentioning her background, agrees with Darcy that the difference in their stations would be perceived by society as an unsuitable match.A few months later, when Mr Darcy finds out about the change in fortune of the Bennet family, he has a difficult choice - be labelled as a fortune-hunter or refrain from courting the woman he loves.He never considered that his unfortunate attitude about consequence could have such consequences…

A Sister's Sacrifice

Lelia Eye - 2020
    Determined to remedy the situation, Elizabeth decides to stay with her aunt in London, thereby forcing the truth of Jane’s circumstances to rise to the surface.It is in London that Elizabeth meets Fitzwilliam Darcy and his younger brother, a rake of a man who is more interested in dalliances with women than in maintaining the small estate bequeathed upon him by his father. Despite Darcy’s great efforts, his brother simply refuses to listen to reason and curb his excesses, leaving Darcy at a loss concerning how to proceed.Because both Elizabeth and Darcy are so focused on their siblings, neither expects to catch the other’s eye. But as they spend more time together, they find themselves to be willing allies and perhaps even something more. If they work together, is it possible to ensure that all parties involved will achieve happiness? Or will the sacrifice of Elizabeth’s sister proceed, causing sorrow to enshroud the future and forever banishing any hopes for marital bliss?

An Inn-cidental Compromise

Dee Kay - 2021
    They decide to keep the marriage a secret until they can have a proper English wedding, so their sister’s marriage prospects are not tainted by scandal. Sometimes keeping a secret can get hard. (Warning: British spelling variants used.)This is a racy Pride and Prejudice comedy. If you do not like farce, this may not be the book for you. Then again, maybe you will enjoy all the improbable situations our odd couple find themselves. Experience the trials and tribulations of trying to keep a secret marriage a secret while wanting nothing more than to be alone so you can…I apologize in advance for any mistakes; please forgive me. I had an editor lined up to help me out, but unfortunately, it fell through like much of last year. So I was forced to slog through it on my own, along with the program Grammarly. It tells me I have done a decent job, but I find some of the suggestions it tells me to make suspect. Therefore I am suspicious of its accuracy in finding problems. Also, if you think it is a typo it could be the British variant spelling of the word.As a struggling author in these difficult times, I did not have the time to find another editor. I hope the reader will understand. As many times as I have read through the story, I always find something wrong. Or something I want to change. At a certain point, one must move forward or be forever stuck in the same spot in anything one does in life.

In the Way of Other Rich Men

Lori Light - 2019
    Darcy's biggest fan, but I've always wondered why it took him so long to confess his mistake to Charles Bingley. How would the story have changed if Darcy had spoken to his friend right away, sharing his new knowledge that Jane Bennet really did harbor feelings for Charles, and admitting his previous knowledge of her being in London all those months? Would an earlier marriage between Charles and Jane throw the remaining Bennet sisters in the way of other rich men, as Mrs. Bennet predicted? And how would such competition affect Darcy's chances of winning Elizabeth's heart? Find out how just one confession might have triggered an entirely different string of events in this sweet and clean Pride and Prejudice re-imagining! Jane Austen fans will recognize many of their favorite quotes, as much of the great lady's original words are woven in throughout the story. Enjoy!

What Happened in Lambton: A Pride and Prejudice Short Story

Jennifer Kay - 2018
    Darcy's entrance just after Elizabeth receives news that Lydia has run away kicks off the string of events that leads to Lydia's salvation - and that of the entire Bennet family. But what if he did more than offer his condolences and leave? What if, touched by Elizabeth's distress or a moment of insanity, Mr. Darcy gave into his feelings and kissed her then and there? It is a moment neither Darcy nor Elizabeth ever expected, but the odds are still stacked against the couple. As the weeks go by and Darcy shows no sign of renewing his advances, Elizabeth begins to wonder if what happened in Lambton will be nothing more than a sweet memory. Will circumstances conspire to keep them apart forever? Or will Darcy and Elizabeth find their happily ever after? At roughly 12,000 words, What Happened in Lambton is an alternate ending to Pride and Prejudice beginning when Elizabeth receives news of Lydia's elopement.

Rebellion at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2020
    Collins has taken possession of the Longbourn estate. Although Collins and his wife Charlotte have allowed the Bennet sisters and their mother to continue living at Longbourn, the situation is difficult. Viewing Elizabeth and her sisters as little more than unpaid servants, Collins also mistreats the tenants, spends the estate’s money with abandon, and rejects any suggestions about improving or modernizing Longbourn. After one particularly egregious incident, Elizabeth decides she must organize a covert resistance among her sisters and the tenants, secretly using more modern agricultural methods to help the estate thrive. Her scheme is just getting underway when Mr. Darcy appears in Meryton. Upon returning from a long international voyage, Darcy is forced to admit he cannot forget his love for Elizabeth. When he learns of the Bennet family’s plight, he hurries to Hertfordshire, hoping he can provide assistance. Sinking into poverty, Elizabeth is further out of Darcy’s reach than ever; still, he cannot help falling even more deeply in love. But what will he do when he discovers her covert rebellion against Longbourn’s rightful owner? Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was not part of Elizabeth’s plan, but it cannot be denied. Darcy struggles to separate his love for her from his abhorrence for deception. Will their feelings for each other help or hinder the Rebellion at Longbourn?

The Curse of Land's End: A gothic 'Pride and Prejudice' variation

Rose Lorimer - 2019
    Something buried in his past is always trying to emerge. Unable to overcome his pain, he hides from the world. Until a letter reaches him. Bingley, one of his best friends, is inviting him to spend some time at the coast, in the neighbouring area of Penzance, Cornwall, where he is not just dealing with his business, but also enjoying the first months of his new life as a married man. His bride is an angel-like gentlewoman called Jane, whom he met during a visit to Hertfordshire, last Summer. In case Darcy accepts, Bingley has only one request to make: that he may bring with him one of his new sisters, a Miss Elizabeth, as a favour to his dearest wife. After such a painful summer, and considering he had already missed his friend’s wedding, against all the odds, Darcy decides to accept. What he does not know is that this single decision will change his life forever. First, because he will meet the only woman not just handsome enough to tempt him, but also the one who breaks the walls of his prison, opening for him a door to a happiness he never thought possible. And, second, because he will never be the same ever again after this, which will also be the most terrifying experience of his life. “The Curse of Land’s End” is a story about secrets, intrigue and mysteries which challenges rationality and faith, and demands a courage strong enough to transcend every instinct of self-preservation in the name of honour and love. “You will do nothing in this world without courage, for it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” (Aristotle) Rated Mild+ (Contains up to 10 mild swear words; contains kisses, and mild, non-seductive description of intimacy — 'My Book Rating'). FROM THE AUTHOR Suddenly, I felt compelled to write a story which would take me (and JAFF) far from my comfort zone, and try something new. It was watching ‘Crimson Peak’, a biting-nail horror story, that the inspiration finally came to me. How would it be to write a story about ghosts, combining romance and mystery, but with no ghosts? "The Curse" is set in 1815, a year when Romanticism — a movement marked by the exaltation of feelings of loss and guilt related both to nature and men — was the fashion and drama, an essential component of the works of this time. "Songs of Experience", by William Blake (1794), "The Corsair", by Lord Byron (1814), and "Frankenstein", by Mary Shelley (1818), are all good examples of how committed the authors were in exploring human's woes; sometimes the sombre tone and dramatic plots are almost too depressing to endure. I can understand the bad reviews related to this point. But I cannot regret my choice. As another reviewer said, “we are all entitled to our own opinions”; the good reviews show it. I grant — my choice in writing a story using Romantic features was bold, but, for me, the result was very pleasing, especially considering the happy ending — what is not the norm for the Romantics. I should not be saying this, but it doesn't matter how much Literature I study, I always love a good happy ending. Another important choice was the deep POV of ODC. In P&P, we live the story through the eyes of Elizabeth and do not learn about Darcy’s struggles until very close to the end. I intended to show the huge abyss between his aloof appearance and his troubled mind — but here, he another reason for it.

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.

Mr. Darcy's Courtesan: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Valerie Lennox - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy hears that Miss Elizabeth Bennet is about to become mistress to another man, he is appalled. It has been five years since Miss Bennet spurned his proposal, but he has never quite gotten the proud beauty out of his head. Mr. Darcy knows that the Bennets have fallen on hard times. Her father has been dead for years now, and they make their way on their own. Mr. Darcy seeks Miss Bennet out, resolving to do whatever is necessary to help her, including paying back the mountain of debt that her late mother left behind. But Miss Bennet is still proud. She refuses his charity. When he opens his mouth to convince her that she must change her mind, he finds himself making her a different offer altogether. A scandalous offer. A dishonorable offer.

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Beth Poppet - 2019
     Her sister, Elizabeth, is distraught over the engagement, and although aware of an unspoken attraction between Jane and Mr Bingley, she is powerless to alter her sister’s inevitable future without encouraging a scandal. Elizabeth’s displeasure is often manifest by way of general complaint to the even wealthier and more distinguished Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, who confesses a propensity for offending wherever he goes. Despite assurances that Jane has made a most suitable match, Elizabeth is determined never to marry for mere security and familial obligations, but her sharp wit and biting tongue produce obstacles in making a fortunate alliance of her own. “My Dear Readers, If you have taken up the delightful chore of reading this novel, I hope that you are as fond of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and its author, Jane Austen, as I am. I make no claims of being her equal in writing, though I strive to preserve her style and characters in a way that will do justice to those presented to us in the original. I am under no delusion that my adaptation must appeal to every reader of Jane Austen fan-works. Yet I have done my utmost to deliver to you the sort of drama we might expect from a novel of this period; that of familial duty and regret, of sisterly quarrels and affection, enduring friendships, first impressions, and yes, now and then a runaway animal, and a bit of family scandal. For any inaccuracies written in ignorance, I apologise. For liberties taken for the sake of writerly whims, I can only request your indulgence. These liberties may be most apparent in the continuing stories compiled in Volume II, as this is where my novel expands into new territory and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ could not be consulted for material, leaving me to rely on speculation. My original design to end the story by Volume I was thwarted when I found it impossible to do some of our favourite couples and their endings justice under such limitations. My wise editor, fellow author, and eternal friend, Miss Catherine Miller, suggested I take a page from the illustrious Jane Austen herself and expand into a second volume, the better to tell everyone’s stories in the most satisfactory manner. A last word to those astonishing persons who have made it this far. Thank you ever so much for choosing to read this humble author’s adaptation of such a beloved and enduring novel. I know there are a multitude of fan-works to choose from in this sphere, and I am absolutely delighted that you would consider mine worthy of your time and attention. May it prove so! Your Little Scribbler, Madam Beth Poppet”

The Bennets Take on the Ton (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 12)

Perpetua Langley - 2018
    Bennet has brought her two eldest daughters to town for some shopping and they happily ensconce themselves at Gracechurch Street. Mrs. Bennet has managed to wrench an amount of money from Mr. Bennet’s grip so that she might spruce her girls up with new bonnets, gloves and ribbons. She really does not know what else will get them married. After an interesting meeting on Bond Street, Elizabeth and Jane find themselves entering a world they had never thought to encounter. Within that world there are to be found the charming Mr. Bingley, the standoffish Mr. Darcy, the foppish Beau Brummel, the cold Lady Catherine, a poodle, a mastiff and a host of other regular visitors to the environs of Pall Mall. Two of those visitors are intent on marriage, three on amusement and one on murder. And of course, there is the little matter of Mr. Collins and the entail. Perpetua Langley is the author of the twelve book Sweet Regency Romance Series. These books are clean and wholesome and true to the period.