Darcy's Uneasy Betrothal: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Zoe Burton - 2020
    Darcy is hoping they’re wrong.Elizabeth Bennet is enjoying a stroll around her father’s estate when she finds herself in unexpected danger.Fitzwilliam Darcy is on his way to spend a few weeks with a friend when he stumbles across a beautiful woman running for her life. He throws himself between her and the danger, not realizing his selfless act will change both their lives forever.Forced to marry, Darcy and Elizabeth each face the same dilemma – hold onto anger at their situation or look for the good in the other person. Will they remain strangers forever, bound by law but separated by feelings, or can they find common ground and a lasting love?Darcy’s Uneasy Betrothal is a novel-length Pride and Prejudice variation. If you like courageous heroines, swoon-worthy heroes, and interesting plot twists, you’ll love Zoe Burton’s most recent offering to the JAFF world. Pick up a copy and escape for a few hours into Darcy’s Uneasy Betrothal.

Yearning For You

Lory Lilian - 2018
    It contains descriptive, intimate scenes and is appropriate for MATURE audiences only! Blurb: The Darcys are finally married at Longbourn and in a great hurry to travel to London. They are both eager to consummate their marriage and to finally become one in the solitude of their town-home. But the moment they have so long awaited is delayed by several circumstances they cannot control, so their patience—and the readers’—must bear a daunting trial. This is a sweet, amusing, low angst, “hot mush” tale about our beloved couple. “Yearning for You” is the first in a series of independent stories of around 25,000 words each that follows Elizabeth and Darcy during the first months of their marriage. Each book can stand on its own. The next two will be published in August and September.

With Love's Light Wings

Jann Rowland - 2019
    For the Darcys of Pemberley consider the Bennets of Longbourn to be untrustworthy and proud, a sentiment their more prominent neighbors return in every particular. Despite the rampant distrust and suspicion, two members of the family dare to view one another in a different light. Fitzwilliam Darcy, heir to the Pemberley legacy, sees in Elizabeth Bennet, the second daughter of the Baron of Arundel, a woman who is untainted by the perception his family holds concerning their rivals. In turn, Elizabeth sees in Mr. Darcy a man who is honorable and just, and she soon discovers she can love him with all her heart. As the two become better acquainted, events conspire to keep them apart, for tensions between the two families escalate. Though the two lovers come to see each other as a means of healing between their families, others are unwilling to see past their revulsion. Events threaten to force the lovers apart, and their love becomes forged in the fires of resistance, hardening Elizabeth and Darcy's resolve to do whatever it takes to ensure not only that they are together, but that the hostility between their families is resolved once and for all.

An Overheard Proposal: Darcy and Elizabeth What If? #13

Jennifer Lang - 2018
    All the novellas in the Darcy and Elizabeth What If? series are separate, standalone stories. They can be read in any order. What if Lady Catherine's companion had overheard Mr Darcy proposing to Elizabeth at Rosings? When Lady Catherine fears her nephew is to marry Miss Elizabeth Bennet, she allows her daughter, Anne, to marry Colonel Fitzwilliam. Anne feels indebted to Elizabeth, and in an effort to thank her she persuades Mr Bingley to return to Netherfield. Mr Darcy joins his friend, and Elizabeth is brought face to face with Mr Darcy at a second Netherfield ball.

A Sister's Curse: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jayne Bamber - 2019
    This tragedy breeds years of sorrow and misunderstanding as well as prosperity and even romance in an emotional coming of age tale not only for Elizabeth Bennet, but for her sisters, and even the adults who let them down. For nearly two decades, Edward Gardiner is haunted by the difficult decisions he has made. Lady Anne Darcy must bear all the guilt and delight of being granted her heart’s desire... at a price. The Fitzwilliam family has motives and misgivings of their own as the Earl of Matlock tries to keep them all together, right the wrongs of the past, and pave the way for the next generation. Fitzwilliam Darcy realizes too late what it means to be a brother, and is faced with a parts of his past he regrets, just as his desire to protect the family he loves leads him back to the woman he was destined to love the most… a woman who despises him. Elizabeth Bennet struggles through the turbulence of adolescence, her judgement clouded by past trauma and the complicated dynamics of her extended family. Secrets are revealed and re-examined as she is forced to come to terms with the truth of her past and the promise of her future, in a family bound together by heartbreak. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is based on a deviation from canon 18 years prior to the opening of Pride & Prejudice. Several canon characters are omitted entirely, and aside from Darcy and Elizabeth, the story will focus on several minor canon characters. Some of these characters have developed differently from canon due to the events of the story as they unfold. New characters have also been introduced: the Earl and Countess of Matlock and their children: the Viscount and Lady Charlotte, as well as the Dowager Countess of Matlock, lady Olivia Gardiner and Rose Gardiner, Sir Lewis de Bourgh and Elliot de Bourgh. This story may be unsuitable for anyone triggered by the loss of a spouse, parent or child. Elizabeth Bennet struggles through the turbulence of adolescence, her judgement clouded by past trauma and the complicated dynamics of her extended family. Secrets are revealed and re-examined as she is forced to come to terms with the truth of her past and the promise of her future, in a family bound together by heartbreak.

Their Secret Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novelette

Renata McMann - 2020
    Darcy expected Elizabeth to approve when he issued his infamous insult at the dance? When Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet meet for the first time, they quickly recognize a connection that could change their lives, but how can they explore their attraction with Mrs. Bennet sure to pounce on Darcy as a candidate for marriage to Elizabeth and with Darcy’s family certain to censure him for his choice? They need a good plan, or their relations could destroy their love before it’s hardly begun. Their Secret Love is a light, sweet Pride and Prejudice Variation Novelette of approximately 17,000 words.

Darcy to the Rescue: A Pride & Prejudice Variation Novella

Martine J. Roberts - 2016
    However, she miscalculates the weather and is caught in a raging snowstorm, and when a stranger on horseback begins to pursue her, she flees into the forest. Mr Darcy, acting as a reluctant Good Samaritan, comes to her rescue. But as the storm worsens, they are forced to seek shelter. There, Mr Darcy sets about tending to the unconscious Elizabeth. With Elizabeth’s reputation in tatters, Darcy does the honourable thing and proposes to her. But, will the noble Mr Darcy be able to persuade Mr Collins to give her up, or will Elizabeth have to marry her odious cousin after all?

Darcy Steps In: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicole Goodall - 2019
    Principles and feelings must now be forgotten: Elizabeth knows what she must do in order to save her family. As unpalatable as it is, she prepares to swallow her pride and travel to Kent. There is one factor Elizabeth did not anticipate: Fitzwilliam Darcy. Is he really as hard as he seems or is a kinder nature lurking just below the surface? Elizabeth does not dare allow herself to hope. Darcy may be the only one who can save her from a life of unhappiness.

Men Of Consequence: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

Francine Rainey - 2019
    Yet will this reasoning cause Darcy to lose the only woman he has ever wanted? Darcy has scorned Elizabeth’s ability to attract men of consequence due to her lack of fortune and lowly connections. However, when Elizabeth joins the newly wedded Charles and Jane Bingley in London for a season, what will the company of two men of consequence mean for Elizabeth’s prospects? Meanwhile, Darcy is confronted with his past and actions that could challenge his place in the world and destroy his opportunity with the woman he loves. Will Darcy unravel the mystery and avoid a scandal before Elizabeth accepts another? And along the way will Darcy discover what truly make men, Men of Consequence.

Pride & Distance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2021
    The roads are closed and the residents of Meryton are required to go into lockdown. While out for a morning stroll in Longbourn’s grove, Elizabeth Bennet encounters Mr Darcy. Is he as insufferable as she imagined?Although Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot return to London as he planned, nothing can prevent him from escaping Netherfield and the encroaching Caroline Bingley. While riding through the neighbouring fields, he is startled to find Miss Elizabeth unaccompanied. How can he cast her out of his mind when she insists on being unforgettable?The influenza epidemics mentioned in this story are purely fictional; however, this sweet story may have some coincidental resemblance to recent events.

A Marriage of True Affection: Pride and Prejudice Continues

Jodi L. Covey - 2019
     That a couple in love truly know one another makes not for a Happily Ever After, but rather prepares them better for the rough road ahead. Such is gradually discovered as Mr. and Mrs. Darcy begin their marriage in sensual bliss, each looking forward to a lifetime of felicity, and neither of them cognizant of the great challenges therein. A Marriage of True Affection is a collection of vignettes chronicling the first eleven years in the union of the most beloved couple in English literature. Beginning on their wedding night, the work highlights significant moments that sometimes test, but moreover strengthen the Darcys' relationship as they struggle to overcome the very faults that so nearly separated them forever. For despite the lessons learned and the love they share, our supremely stubborn couple remains, in essentials, very much what they ever were. Chapters include: A Midnight Embrace - Awakened on their wedding night, Darcy and Elizabeth express physically what they cannot in mere words Disturbing Recollections - As they remain haunted by past transgressions, the couple wonder if forgiveness can ever truly be attained The Storm - The onset of a violent storm en route to Derbyshire leads to their first heated quarrel as a married couple The Dinner Party - Soon after the birth of their first child, Mr. Darcy battles sexual frustration and jealousy as his charming wife enchants the neighbors Welcoming Janie Darcy - Elizabeth falls into labor at a time most inconvenient, while Darcy works diligently to save their land from a natural disaster For Better or Worse - A terrifying encounter befalls the traveling couple, leaving them to work through the ensuing grief and a shared desire for revenge (warning: some disturbing scenes) Christmas in Spring - When a poacher is caught in Pemberley Wood, the Darcys are not in accord with regards to his punishment A Jarring Revelation - In Pemberley's library, Elizabeth makes a remarkable, yet potentially devastating discovery. Dare she share it with her husband? And many more! With the return of some of our old favorites come new characters, as well, each of whom either helping or hindering our dear couple in good times and bad. And as they learn and grow from each new experience, by their eleventh anniversary, can we really expect the idyllic love Jane Austen so expertly built to have endured? This work is meant for mature readers.

Service of a Friend: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Speck - 2017
    Their friendship develops quickly and their pride and prejudice are set aside to form a lasting bond. Happy, low-angst story of friendship.

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

What Comes Around: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2018
    Darcy overhears some less than flattering opinions of himself. Is fate trying to tell him something? Approximately 13,000 words.

Elizabeth and Darcy Beginning Again: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Elaine Jeremiah - 2021
    Worse still, she is left alone with him for a significant amount of time. Her reputation at risk, she is forced to make a decision about her future. Now her life will never be the same again.Can Elizabeth ever be happy? Or will she always loathe Mr Darcy?