Book picks similar to
Heartstrings by Jessa Ryan


Why Love Matters

Jay Northcote - 2016
    His mother runs cuddle workshops, which could help Alastair overcome his fears--if he's brave enough to try. Alastair is nervous not only about the workshop, but also because he will be sharing a room with Martin, who's starred in his fantasies more often than an assistant should.Alastair reluctantly decides to give it a try, so they head to a commune in Wales where Martin grew up. The weekend at the commune with Martin proves to be transformative in more ways than one. NB: All royalties from sales of this story will be split equally between two LGBT charities: The Human Rights Campaign in the USA and Stonewall in the UK.

The Lodestar of Ys

Amy Rae Durreson - 2013
    It’s a good thing that Celyn is engaged to Sjurd’s brother, not him, because Sjurd loathes the brat, and it’s quite mutual. When an elopement and the threat of invasion force the two princes together, however, they have no choice but to marry and fake true love to keep their countries safe. Can warrior Sjurd and diplomat Celyn find any common ground?

Something Sweet

Megan Derr - 2011
    The kind of day he loves, even if the looming New Year's Eve leaves him feeling nostalgic and a little lonely. But then the last person he ever expected to see walks through the door of his shop, and Sherlock realizes that some things don't fade with time, but grow stronger.

Bring Him Home

Sammy Goode - 2013
    From living the horrors of war to falling in love. Will their love survive a life altering injury and PTSD?Please write these guys a story where they find peace and a HEA with each other. I don’t expect it to come easily.Photo Description: One man sits, leg drawn up, his head resting on his knee. He and the man kneeling behind him are naked. The other man has his arm wrapped around the seated man, holding his hand. Their eyes are closed and their posture cries out their love and care for each other.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

The Vampire and the Bear

Deanna Wadsworth - 2012
    He needed to get rid of him immediately! The government goons would be here soon and the human would only be a bloodstain on the ground. He looked at the human again and fought the surge of lust he felt for him. He had to protect him.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Read the story here or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 10.

A Magnetic Couple Dilemma

Naaju Rorrete - 2012
    The real trigger for his decision is losing his best friend, Mauricio, who died of AIDS, and whose last letter stirs forbidden desires, besides asking Esteban to look out for Mauricio’s widower, Javier Lozano.Without Mauricio's love Javier collapses, and the only thing which keeps him going on is to fulfill Mauricio's last wish. Javier has to personally return twenty years of letters to Mauricio's pen pal and best friend, Esteban. Someone Javier hasn’t meet, but whose voice over the phone, helps Javier cope with his ignorant family that doesn’t even understand the difference between being HIV positive and having AIDS. The meeting between Javier and Esteban changes their lives, but standing between them is a lethal virus, Esteban family’ prejudice, an age gap, and the memories of the man—both once loved.Original PromptDear Author,I gave you years of my life, my love, and my trust. All you gave me was "I'm sorry" before you died and left me with a crumbling house, a failing business, and your STD. Is there any hope that there is someone out there who will truly love me and take the mess that I have become?Obviously an HEA is required here :)Photo Description: A black and white photo depicts a lonely man sitting with his knees drawn to his chest on a desolated area of shoreline. He sits a few feet away from a leafless tree which is bending in the wind. This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Read the story here or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 6.

Pink Lace and Stolen Hearts

Jake C. Wallace - 2014
    He’s been depressed, and maybe even suicidal, ever since his boyfriend found out that he likes to wear feminine underwear, especially the sheer styles like the one in the picture above. He was so in love with that loser. He even told me that he was holding off from having sex until they got to know one another, because he wanted it to be perfect. He’s old-fashioned that way—a history major who’s enthralled with the history of dating and romantic relationships throughout the centuries. He believed he could find his own Prince Charming and have a Happily Ever After romance. Because he’s a bit embarrassed and unsure of himself about his underwear fetish, he’d always wear "tighty whities" when he was with Simon, or Simple Simon as I like to call him in my mind. Why Simon never questioned that a flamboyant gay man like Greg would wear simple white briefs, I’ll never know.When Greg started to feel comfortable in their relationship, and was ready to go all the way, he finally got up the nerve to wear his favorite pair of undies—a silky smooth, sheer lace, pink bikini with tiny embroidered roses. He was hoping to please Simon, but when he saw them, Simon became enraged, smacking Greg in the face, calling him sick, and storming out the door.Now, there’s Greg standing at the railing, looking at nothing in particular, lost, forlorn, sad, all the things that I don’t want him to be. I love him—as a friend, and maybe even more, though I’ve never told him. I’m straight, at least I think I am, but when I first saw him in a pair of pretty powder blue panties, I swear my heart skipped a beat, and I think I even drooled a little. My reaction made me question my own sexuality, but I haven’t explored anything further with him. I’m happy that he trusted me enough to reveal his secret to me, but now my heart is broken for him due to Simon’s rejection.Greg is so special, so wonderful, please dear author, give him a love story, even if it can’t be with me. He deserves to find happiness with someone who loves him unconditionally and appreciates all the facets of his personality.Photo Description: A man leans heavily on the railing of his balcony with his back to me. His hands grip the metal railing tight. He has a long, lean back and slim hips. He is wearing a pair of sheer boy shorts, which show off his nice round butt. He has black hair, longer on the top and shorter on the sides. His head is bowed, and his shoulders slumped, showing the tension in his body.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.


S.H. Allan - 2013
    Two years ago, Derrick Cole took one of his teenage probationers to learn about a new program that helped at risk kids by teaching them how to train shelter dogs. There he met the executive director and founder, Nigel Rutherford. Although the two men came from different worlds, they immediately found common ground in an interest in social issues and a desire to help others. A strong mutual attraction grew over time into the kind of solid loving relationship that so many people only dream about.But getting to this point wasn't easy. Bias and intolerance barred the way, and Derrick's foster father, Ronald Bryant, was at the core. When Ronald dies tragically, the couple is forced to face demons from their past that threaten to destroy everything they've fought so hard for.Death does a lot of things to people. Nigel and Derrick must fight to make sure that their relationship isn't yet another tragic loss.Warnings: Contains grief and loss, death of a parent, lots of crying, a bit of PTSD, snarky teens, adorable but opportunistic dogs, foul language, emotionally intense hot man on hot man sex action, and an excessive number of pumpkins.--------------------------------------------------------------This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Back From the Past

Mia Downing - 2013
    Sure, we used to get the occasional day or two of scorching heat, but lately it’s been unrelenting. For weeks now, I’ve been heading to the river every evening to find some relief, and yesterday I saw him. I know I should’ve walked away. I know I shouldn’t have watched… but I couldn’t help myself. He’s still as beautiful as he ever was. When did he get back?Why?I’m heading back to the river again today. Maybe I’ll have the courage to ask him why he left me without warning… why he broke my heart.Photo Description: He stands naked in hip-high water in a lake, gazing down as his hand dips beneath the surface in a ripple of muscle and grace. Damp, dark hair drips from his head, his dark-eyed gaze one of contemplation. He’s perfect in form, chiseled through the waist, his abs rippled, his chest broad and firm. However, as beautiful as he is there’s a vulnerable air about him that begs one to question how he got there.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

A Single Step

Vicky Heysham - 2015
    I laughed so hard and spent the rest of the night looking at the whole blog. It was full of this goodness that I had to get to know who ran this blog! We started getting to know each other…Photo Description: A cheeky young lad, reminiscent of Just William, sits on Santa’s knee, clutching a long list and apparently in midrecital. The caption reads: “Dear Santa: This year I want your list of bad boys and their phone numbers. Thank you.”This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

By Chance

Cat Grant - 2009
    Growing up with a cold, unfeeling father and unstable mother has taught him exactly what he doesn’t want out of life or love. The troubled young man prefers a solitary life and is content to keep it that way until a campus emergency saddles him with an unwanted roommate.Popular, wholesome, straight Nick Thompson is far more temptation than Eric’s prepared for, but Nick’s warm, easygoing manner gradually cracks through Eric’s prickly protective shell.After Eric suffers a traumatic attack, their friendship gives way to an intense passion. Eric’s no stranger to casual sex, but what he feels for Nick is something deeper, and more fragile.Independent Eric doesn't know the first thing about being in a relationship, much less with a lover who can't even admit he's gay. But conservative Nick can't seem to find his way out of his own personal closet. 'Rock', meet 'Hard-Place'.


E.M. Lindsey - 2015
     Nicolas Michaud, the prodigy composer and pianist, grew up apart from the world. A mother who neglected him, and a father who never met him. But when he's suddenly orphaned, Nicolas is taken from his comfortable home and thrown into a life where no one understands him. Consumed by his desire to find the perfect musician for his Magnum Opus, he turns away from human relationships, and it turns him cold. Taking a job at the University in the United States, Nicolas is met with disappointment and regret. Until he meets Cedric Blum, a young chemical engineering student with a secret talent for music like Nicolas has never seen. But Cedric has his own past to overcome. With the help of an old friend, and new relationships, the pair begin their journey toward love, life, and the Magnum Opus. In the end, will Cedric's happy nature thaw Nicolas' icy exterior, or will Nicolas find himself consumed by his fear of love?

Like and Subscribe

Jay Bell - 2013
    Just imagine if you had a chance to meet him and all your fantasies started coming true. There's only one catch: Between you and your dream guy is his less-than-pleased boyfriend. They say that love conquers all, but can love conquer love?Like and Subscribe is a new short story by Jay Bell, the author of Something Like Summer.

Be My Boy

Casey K. Cox - 2011
    When he finally gives in and gives up, an angel pulls him from the filthy ground of a back alley.Mitchell isn't in the market for a new boy, but he can’t bear to stand by and watch Owen's demise from the sidelines. He finds more than a companion in the older man when he takes him under his wing, and makes it his mission to show Owen it’s never too late to teach an old dog some new tricks.Original Prompt:Dear Author,I'm an older sub who has lost my Dom (you tell us why). Could this younger man with the killer eyebrows be my new love? I feel so lost and vulnerable. Can I trust this new lover? Is this man the one who will provide me with comfort and stability?Picture Description: Two naked, wet, soapy men, one older, one younger, hold each other in the shower, faces turned toward the viewer. The younger, dark-haired man has both arms wrapped around his lover's neck. The silver fox has his left hand at his lover's waist, his right cupping his lover's ass.Download the story, read it online or find it in Don't Read in the Closet, Volume 2.__________Genre: contemporary slave fictionTags: gay m/m, d/s, kink, light BDSMWord Count: 9,109

The Lion and the Crow

Eli Easton - 2013
     Sir Christian Brandon was raised in a household where he was hated for his unusual beauty and for his parentage. Being smaller than his six brutish half-brothers, he learned to survive by using his wits and his gift for strategy, earning him the nickname the Crow. Sir William Corbett, a large and fierce warrior known as the Lion, has pushed his unnatural desires down all his life. He’s determined to live up to his own ideal of a gallant knight. When he takes up a quest to rescue his sister from her abusive lord of a husband, he’s forced to enlist the help of Sir Christian. It’s a partnership that will test every strand of his moral fiber, and, eventually, his understanding of the meaning of duty, honor, and love.