Book picks similar to
The Hairy Man: A Story in the World of The Last Brigade by William Alan Webb


From Near Extinction: A Dystopian Novel of Survival and Adventure

Victor Zugg - 2018
    Without enough manpower and expertise, the infrastructure and power grids are still down. Farms, processing plants, factories, and refineries remain dormant. Modern conveniences are largely still a thing of the past and, with few exceptions, walking is the only mode of travel.Leroy Tubbs, an active duty sergeant without an army, has been traveling solo from the west toward a new government rumored to be forming in the east. He’s tried to avoid trouble along the way, but a chance encounter with a young woman needing his help changes all of that. Soon, he finds himself part of a motley band of survivors, endeavoring to keep moving.In this post-apocalyptic world, can this small group navigate the many hardships awaiting them and make it to their destination? Welcome to the aftermath.


Karri Kadin - 2021
    She was wrong.A single bite changed her life forever.She’d spent years pushing people away, but to survive as the world spiraled into an apocalypse would be impossible alone. So, when her estranged brother offered to help get her to safety she accepted.Now she just had to make it to the pickup location. The clock was ticking. The sick are hunting. And the infection was spreading.Can she survive long enough to reach the safety of the bunker?The outbreak is just the beginning…You’ll love this remarkable twist on the zombie/dystopian adventure. This novella is a prequel to the novel After the Outbreak.


J.R. Tate - 2017
    The power-grid across the United States crashes, leaving all computerized machines crippled, sending the country into a disastrous tailspin. Alice Shepherd is working the emergency room when hundreds of injured people pour in needing help. With no electricity, resources are limited—Once the back up generators fail, the hospital will not be able to handle the influx of patients being brought in, guaranteeing that all hell will break loose. Everyone is speculating and panicking. No one knows what really happened. The only thing everyone can agree on is their simple, convenient, technological world is gone. Everyone is left to fight—Kill or be killed. Survive or die.

Stand Your Ground: A Post Apocalyptic/Dystopian Survival Fiction Series (American Strong Series)

Chris Pike - 2018
    Air Force One is down, infrastructure has failed, and enemies of the United States are after the President. Ella Strong and a group of survivors are thrust into a chaotic world of compromised infrastructure and unforeseen complications. They will have to fight traitorous villains, even those who have sworn their allegiance to protect the President. They will have to stand their ground to survive. But do they?

Forgive Us

E.T. Gunnarsson - 2020
    Generation after generation, survivors fight on enduring the world caused by their ancestors.In 2153, fledgling nations clash over land and resources. London is a veteran of the wasteland, struggling to protect his adopted daughter Rose as the world decays around them. Little does he know that both he and Rose will soon find themselves drawn into a warJust how far is London willing to go to protect Rose from a world full of violence, hate, and apathy?Fans of The Gunslinger and Mad Max will love E.T. Gunnarsson’s multi-award-winning book Forgive Us, a story readers call “thrilling, brutal, awesome, and completely unique.”


Scott Nicholson - 2018
     A researcher studying the virus suffers a fever and launches into a bloody killing spree that ends with two police officers dead. A second researcher, Dr. Meg Perriman, has just flown home for the Easter holiday with her family in North Carolina, unknowingly carrying the virus. Within days, the infection spreads across the planet, sparking martial law, chaos, and widespread slaughter as many of the infected turn into flesh-eating zombies. Meg and a few others appear to be immune, however, and the survivors gather in a megachurch called Promiseland that the U.S. government has established as an emergency shelter. The Rev. Cameron Ingram, a charismatic televangelist the president has appointed as the “zombie czar,” believes the catastrophe is a sign of the Biblical apocalypse. When a rash of natural disasters accompany the outbreak and civilization breaks down, people turn to Ingram for salvation in the face of fear and despair. But Meg and her group of friends soon discover Ingram is not what he appears, and they are caught between the devil and the living dead.

DRYP: The Final Pandemic

R.A. Scheuring - 2020
    The Race is On to Stop a Catastrophic Pandemic.After an exchange student with bubonic plague turns up in a Reno hospital, a contractor with identical symptoms dies in Los Angeles.The government‘s official stance is that the cases are isolated, and the outbreak is under control. But George Mack, a 30-year public health veteran, quickly realizes this is no ordinary plague. The death toll is too high, and the spread pattern make no sense. As Reno’s hospitals fill with plague victims, Mack begins to believe that there is more to the epidemic than the CDC is letting on—and that he must take drastic steps if he hopes to save his city.Medical resident Dr. Susan Barry just wants to finish her training and get a real job. But when plague patients start showing up in her Los Angeles hospital, her plans for the future suddenly go off the rails. Faced with a growing crisis, Susan teams up with an old research mentor to determine the unthinkable: is the rapidly spreading plague an act of bioterrorism? Racing against the clock, Susan must also confront another disturbing possibility. She may be one of the plague’s few survivors.In Eastern Oregon, John Harr makes a pact with his fellow ranchers to keep the “California” plague out of the high desert where they live. Using roadblocks and quarantine, Harr and his neighbors think they’ve secured their home—until a mysterious and heavily armed convoy comes to town, and Harr must use his training from his past life in the military to protect the people he loves.

Final Days: The Complete Series

Jasper T. Scott - 2021


G. Michael Hopf - 2015
    Marred by the pain of a neglectful mother and the early death of her father, she could only find solace in shallow friendships and arm's length relationships. The one person she loved and trusted was her younger sister, Carey, but even their relationship was strained. With no purpose and aimlessly wandering from job to job, she was on a path that would lead nowhere. Then the lights went out and life changed - for everyone. In the early morning a spectacular attack against the United States was carried out. It was the fulfillment of a grand conspiracy that would leave millions dead and many more millions on a trajectory towards a fate worse than death. The super-EMP would destroy the power grid and leave most electrical devices useless. With the infrastructure devastated and the government incapacitated, Lexi would find her purpose, but the cost would be greater than she could have ever imagined.

A World Torn Down: A Novel of Survival After the Apocalypse

Rebecca Fernfield - 2019
     Cassie Morgan watched the world die from the comfort of her penthouse suite. She never expected her life of privilege to come to an end but, with all food gone, she has to face the survivors in the city alone. Sometimes, when the SHTF, you have to kick off your strappy sandals, let your fake tan fade, your Brazilian grow out, and become the woman you were meant to be. Rick Carter is the last of his unit to survive. To stay alive he must escape the disease infested city and head north to his prepper friend's self-sufficient farm. The last thing he needs is to rescue a woman with zero survival skills. When the apocalypse arrives, most will die, some will survive, whilst others will thrive. With most of the city dead, and no sign of rescue, Cassie and Rick have to rely on their own ingenuity to deal with the end of the world. Working together wasn’t what either had planned, but these are desperate times. Does Rick have what it takes to get them to the farm? Can Cassie rise to the challenge of survival? Will Rick have the stomach to help when he discovers Cassie's secret? 'A World Torn Down' is an epic tale of the apocalypse with a fresh take on TEOTWAWKI. Read today! Previously published as six books: 'The Road to Ruin', 'The Savage Road', 'The Outcast's Journey', 'The Path to Despair', 'The Route to Justice', and 'The Road to Redemption'. What readers say: The series gave me a very Walking Dead comic feel. I loved it, and the characters were all very well written. The detail that went into all the characters was brilliant. It was fast paced and kept you interested right to the the last sentence. I loved the strong female characters, Cassie being my absolute favourite, I love how she just gets things done and doesn't let the male characters walk over her. This series kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading. I would have to stop to go to work, and all I could think of was the book and getting back to finding out what would happen next.

All We Have

Sean Patrick Little - 2018
    There are crops to plant and harvest, and animals to feed. There is the daily grind of life after a viral apocalypse where things they used to take for granted, like food, water, and safety, are no longer a given, especially with predators prowling at the perimeter of the farm. It is two against the world, and all they have is each other.

Edge of Disaster: An EMP Post-Apocalyptic Survival Prepper Series (American Fallout Book 2)

Alex Gunwick - 2017
     At the end of EDGE OF COLLAPSE, Luke managed to get within sixty miles of his family's Bug Out Location. As he struggles to make it home, he faces new threats. He teams up with a mysterious stranger to battle the lawless world. Without power, food, or water, they face a grueling uphill battle against the forces of darkness. He'll have to get creative if he wants to survive, but nothing will keep Luke from getting back to his family. Nothing. Not even the people who stand in his way. Liz struggles to defend the cabin from the preacher and his men. With too much land to cover and not enough resources, she reluctantly teams up with other people in the canyon. Their thread-bare agreement might not hold up under pressure, but it's better than nothing. Post-apocalyptic America is a desolate, dangerous world on the edge of disaster. Unable to trust strangers, family is more important than ever. Liz will do whatever it takes to protect her kids. One day Luke will return home, but until then, she's ready to take up arms against anyone who threatens them. EDGE OF DISASTER is BOOK 2 in the thrilling post-apocalyptic survival prepper EMP fiction series: AMERICAN FALLOUT.

A Long Lonely Road

T.J. Reeder - 2012
    It’s a tale of the drive to get home come hell or high water. I’m writing it about the way I myself would get home after an event. I can only hope I would do as well in real life.I have the will and the drive and know how but maybe the ol body is low on fuel. Time will tell.


E.S. Richards - 2019
    As fire and ash consume all in their path, signs point to the disaster not being as natural as it first appears... Barely escaping the disaster in a small plane that takes off from the Yellowstone airport, Mia finds her Texas A&M life turned upside down as the days of class and studying turn into a fight for the very air she needs to survive. While she tries to help her fellow survivors, her niece and nephew are being watched over by her parents on a small farm that quickly succumbs to the choking clouds of ash. Both sides of the family must fight against man - and nature - in this unique take on the classic Yellowstone post-apocalyptic story. Written by ES Richards in conjunction with #1 best-selling post-apocalyptic author Mike Kraus, this thrilling post-apocalyptic series features characters that are vulnerable, naive and inexperienced who work alongside the prepared and experienced to get through the end of days. The Escaping Darkness series will be 6-books long, published at a rate of approximately one book per month.

Zombies on The Block

Mike Evans - 2019
    Unfortunately, it was not the same for everyone. There were three types of people. The first had no diseases, the second had the flu, and the third were busy fostering a zombie virus that was going to bring the nation to its knees. This story isn't about heroes, there are no guarantees. This is a story about Mike and his family, and what they have to endure to survive. If they want to see another day they are going to need the help of their neighbors and friends. The situations leaving the main characters in the depths of hell are only outweighed by the comical situations that they get put in. There's no telling what or who is going to survive. Those that survive must fight or flight and in some cases do both. Civilization will be something new when dawn's light falls on the Earth for the second day of the apocalypse.