Book picks similar to
The Hairy Man: A Story in the World of The Last Brigade by William Alan Webb


The Dark Times: Part One - The Beginning

Jerry D. Young - 2014
    YOU KNOW THEIR NAMES They are etched deeply in the new history books. things in common. First is the need to take care of themselves and their loved ones. Second is a sense of independence. Third is a willingness to work hard to achieve their objectives. Fourth, and fortunately for the human race, they all possess an understanding of history and the way history relates to possible futures. Last, but certainly not least, is the foresight and wherewithal to prepare for any number of futures, both good and bad. All of the Twelve Groups were rather well respected, if not always well liked, even before the Dark Times began. And each member of each Group became the stuff of legends during those terrible, fateful days that became known as the Dark Times. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jerry D Young was born at home, in Senath, Missouri July 3, 1953. At age 5 the family rented a small farm house on an active farm 40 miles southwest of St. Louis. While the family weren't farmers, they lived something of a homestead type life, raising a milk cow, sometimes two, and calves, a pig or two, chickens, and the occasional goat. Along with the stock, a large garden helped to feed Jerry's three brothers and two sisters for several years. Fishing and hunting contributed to the pantry, as did foraging the wild edibles on the property. At the age of 14, the family, minus a brother and two sisters that were now adults and on their own, moved back to Senath. Having been encouraged from an early age to read, Jerry was a regular patron of the Senath Branch Library. A love of a good story was born within him, and shortly before graduating high school, for a lack of stories that he liked at the library, he began to write short vignettes, and started taking notes for stories that he wanted to tell. Well, a full life interceded, and the writing didn't resume for several years. But while working a job with a much free time, and the then newfangled home computer, Jerry began to write in earnest. With the occasional gap in the process, Jerry continued to research and write, never believing he could ever be published. But when he turned 50, he wanted a change in his life, left the job he was doing and began focusing on his writing. When he became ill, the writing stopped, but not the inspiration. When he started writing again, in 2004, after getting the medical problems under control, he began to read some on-line stories dealing with emergency preparedness, one of his other loves. The die was cast. Now with over a hundred of the vignettes and short stories about how to survive disasters written, along with his other novels, Jerry decided to go for broke, adding one of his previous works every few days to his list of stories now available, Jerry continues to write, both the Prep/PAW stories, as well as action adventure with a little romance type stories that first got him started.

The Storm Before the Storm: A Novel of Preparedness and Survival (American Sundown Series Book 1)

Joe Russell - 2017
    But when something goes terribly wrong halfway through a backpacking trip with his wife and family, his world is turned upside-down and he is tested in a way he had never planned for.The trip into the Alleghenys of West Virginia starts off well enough, but takes an unexpected turn when the two women, Sandra and her sister, Jen, leave camp and don't return from a nearby stream. Dave and Mike, Jen's new boyfriend, go looking for them and find evidence that the women may have been kidnapped. Miles from civilization and with no working cell phones, Dave and Mike will set off to find Sandra and Jen, unconnected and unconcerned about what is happening in the world around them. Dave has been hardened by real-world, self-defense scenarios in the past, and has naturally equipped himself with tools that may be required for an unexpected circumstance. He will have to work together with Mike, who he sees as more of an annoyance and a liability than a useful ally. They will have to work together to beat the clock, the elements, and a group of dangerous locals, in order to rescue their companions in this realistic, rugged, and action-packed story of preparedness and survival.The storm is just beginning. Will Dave and his companions have what it takes to survive?The Storm Before the Storm is the premier novel by Post-Apocalyptic author Joe Russell, and the first installment in the American Sundown series.

Long Road to Survival: The Complete Box Set: A Post-Apocalyptic, Survival Thriller

William H. Weber - 2017
    As the power grid goes down, his fear is magnified by the knowledge that his wife and daughter are a thousand miles away in Atlanta.When his prepper father-in-law, Buck, insists on being part of the rescue, things go from bad to worse. Paul and Buck have hated each other for years. Now, with deadly radiation sweeping in from the coast and the rule of law crumbling around them, the two men must put aside their long-standing feud in a desperate race to bring their family to safety... that is, if they don't kill each other first.

Chaos of the Covenant Series Box Set #1-3

M.R. Forbes - 2018
    Thousands are dead. A fleet is in ruins. Can a group of criminals the galaxy doesn't want become the heroes the galaxy needs? *SPECIAL NEW RELEASE PRICE FOR A LIMITED TIME.* Book one - HELL’S REJECTS: The most powerful starships ever constructed are missing. Thousands are dead. A fleet is in ruins... Lieutenant Abigail Cage never expected to find herself in Hell. There was a time when she was one of the most respected soldiers in the military. Now she's doing hard labor on the most miserable planet in the universe. Not for long. The Earth Republic is looking for the most dangerous individuals it can control. The best of the worst, and Abbey is one of them. The mission is simple. Find the missing ships and kill the traitors who stole them. It's most likely suicide, but she has nothing to lose. There's only one problem... A new evil is rising in the galaxy. One with a power unlike anything anyone has ever seen. One that's been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time. And they want Abbey too. Book Two - FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: Abbey is pissed. You would be too if you had been blamed for something you didn’t do, given something you didn’t want, and changed into something else. She still isn’t even quite sure what that else is. The one thing she does know? Things are getting messy, and this is only the beginning. Gant is gone, Captain Mann has been captured, her so-called team is ready to make a run for the stars, and she’s pretty sure the gift that saved her life is no gift at all. Even worse? The enemy didn't just steal the two most powerful starships in the galaxy. They’re building a whole fleet of them. Book Three - THE DEVILS DO The devil you know or the one you don’t? For Abbie and the Rejects, things are guaranteed to get ugly whichever they choose. On the plus side: They know where the enemy fleet is being built, they’ve got a killer new ride, a few surprising new allies, and they don’t all hate one another quite as much as they used to. On the minus: The enemy fleet is coming online faster than they hoped, the new ride is running on backup life support, the new allies can barely be trusted, and there isn't anywhere in the galaxy where Thraven can't reach. There’s nowhere to rest. There’s no time to reload. The stakes are higher, the pressure is up, and only one thing is certain: One way or another, there’s going to be hell to pay. The rest of the CHAOS OF THE COVENANT series (not included): 4. Kill the Queen! 5. Damned If You Don’t 6. Good Intentions 7. Queen of Demons Perfect for fans of Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or anyone who enjoys a hearty blend of military science-fiction and space opera spiced with magic. Pick it up today, and then try to put it down.

Class of 1989: A Post Viral Apocalyptic Story

Jack Hunt - 2020
     A group of estranged friends, now in their forties, reunite in Gerlach, Nevada for their 30-year high school reunion at the time of the annual Burning Man Festival. They soon find themselves at the heart of a viral apocalypse and are forced to rely on the very people they were at odds with to survive.

The Fall

K.M. Fawkes - 2021
    Trying to live the straight life as a journalist, a relapse to her former hacker lifestyle uncovers some harrowing news; an international death cult is planning to release a nerve gas worldwide, killing the entire population. And they’re going to do it soon.When you know you’re right, and everyone else is wrong.With the government, security services and media all unwilling to believe a lone, female computer hacker with a record, Michelle doesn’t know who else to turn to. Forlorn, she decides to find shelter. Her uncle, a doomsday prepper, seems to have the perfect solution: Michelle should join him and some select friends underground, and wait out the apocalypse…When the only way to survive is to bunker down.As the world comes to a shuddering death rattle above ground, tensions fray below ground, and Michelle’s unstable uncle seems to be losing the plot. Prepared for the worst, but unable to handle the reality, a series of violent escalations means Michelle has to risk it all; she has to go above ground.When the time comes to climb above the surface, and survive…

Silo: Summer's End

Jay J. Falconer - 2019
    A missile silo prepped for war... Threats looming everywhere... After a new ice age smothered the planet, most perished along with the sunlight, leaving only the desperate. It was kill or be killed, pitting neighbor against neighbor in an epic battle for survival. Now humanity is almost gone. Armed camps remain. For some, strength comes in numbers, attacking anything that moves in a blur of anger and revenge. For others, keeping their dignity and a few scavenged items are the only things worth saving. It’s the classic struggle of good versus evil. Except no one truly knows which side they’re on.

Cyber Armageddon Box Set: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Saga

Mark Goodwin - 2020
    America will not survive! Cyber Security Analyst Kate McCarthy knows something ominous is about to happen in the US banking system. She has a place to go if things get hectic, but it’s far from the perfect retreat.When a new breed of computer virus takes down America’s financial network, chaos and violence erupt. Access to cash disappears and credit cards become worthless. Desperate consumers are left with no means to purchase food, fuel, and basic necessities. Society melts down instantly and the threat of starvation brings out the absolute worst humanity has to offer.In the midst of the mayhem, Kate will face a post-apocalyptic nightmare that she never could have imagined. Her only reward for survival is to live another day in the gruesome new reality which has eradicated the world she once knew.As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this book contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you're offended by conservative principles and references to Scripture, this book might not be for you.

RESET: Book 3 of the Obsolescence Trilogy

Chris Muhlenfeld - 2018
    While his friends go on a desperate search to find him, the planet continues to unravel. Will they find him before it’s too late?Humanity’s next great leap in evolution is starting to look like the trap that Alexa had always suspected it was.A frantic escalation of action drags the world unwillingly to a mind-bending climax that will have you on the edge of your seat. Will anyone survive obsolescence? Grab your copy now. RESET is the final book in The Obsolescence Trilogy. Plausible, near-future sci-fi that's full of rich, insightful characters and compelling ideas. Make time now because you’ll be hooked instantly once you start reading this thrilling page-turner. Get it now.

Trail of Misery

N.A. Broadley - 2019
    Now forced to set out on the Appalachian Trail with only her backpack, two guns and a turkey carving knife. Will it be enough for one woman alone in the wilds?On a mission to find safety and a place to survive, Beth finds others in an unlikely trio struggling to find a new life. A young girl, mute with eyes blue as glass, a convict with a rage against evil, and a dog left abandoned by the merciless virus. But… There are others on the trail. And they have more sinister motives. They're on a mission, too - to take whatever they can from whomever they find. They won't give up the chase until they get what they want.And they want everything."

Athelon - War of the Three Planets

Justin Bell - 2019
    A young girl submerged into a galactic conflict. A single chance to help win the war. The daughter of a royal family, Brie Northstar believes she knows what to expect from life. She's wrong. During a routine shuttle trip to one of the outer planets, Brie's transport is destroyed and she finds herself thrust into a centuries old conflict between three warring planets, a conflict she is suddenly in the middle of. Yet somehow this young teenager from Athelon has skills and abilities she shouldn't have - she can't have. Now separated from her family with only her wits - and her newfound abilities - to help she travels from planet to planet, risking her life to prevent galactic destruction and unite a rebellion to save the galaxy. For the first time ever - the complete nine book War of the Three Planets series is available in a single omnibus for a ridiculously low price. If you love Ender's Game you will love War of the Three Planets.

Necrose Apocalypse: The Complete Collection

Tim Moon - 2018
    Catch up today with the complete collection! First they rise. Then they spread. Soon...they'll evolve. Dead Apocalypse - Necrose Series Book One You don't expect the zombie apocalypse when you're on vacation. The Necrose-7A virus is spreading. It catches up to Ben Chase on his way to Kona, Hawaii for an adventurous trip with his friend Ty. Unwilling to acknowledge the reality of the horrors they witness, they nevertheless find themselves surrounded by flesh-eating monsters - zombies. The infection spreads virtually unchecked, forcing them into a daring fight for survival. When Ben is faced with a critical decision that places the fate of his friends in his hands, what he must do to save them is unthinkable. Dead Apocalypse will leave your skin crawling as you follow Ben's desperate attempt to survive the doomed island paradise. Dead Horde - Necrose Series Book Two First, the zombies rose. Now, they're closing in. Ben Chase and his friends are taking refuge in a government run Quarantine Center. His heart calls him home to save his mom, but the military is planning to evacuate them further away on the uninfected island of Molokai. Flights from Hawaii to the mainland are grounded. It's an impossible task. Just as the infected are sweeping across the Big Island of Hawaii, and all seems lost, a glimmer of hope catches Ben’s eye. But will it be worth the cost? Dead Frozen - Northern Infection Book One The zombie apocalypse has struck Alaska! Working security at the airport is often interesting but rarely dangerous. Yet Gavin McKnight finds himself up against a tough choice: follow the rules or defend his coworker. When things spiral out of control, Gavin rallies survivors in a heart-thumping battle that will forever change his life. Long Way Down - A Necrose Series Story Would you face your worst fear to survive? I never thought I'd have to answer this question. We never really know what we'll do until the stuff hits the fan. Split-second decisions can alter our lives forever. When some idiot burned down my high-rise apartment building, and my friends and I were forced to hit the streets of Miami, I found out exactly what I was capable of. Because reality is harsh when the streets are filled with zombies and the world doesn't give a damn how you feel about it. Not everyone is up to the challenge. Are you?

Friggin Zombies

N.C. Reed - 2015
    This installment is written in first person, sort of a diary format, as one man recounts his frantic, often hilarious and occasionally dangerous odyssey of preparing for the oncoming Zombie Apocalypse.

Fight the Shock: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (World in Collapse Book 1)

William Oday
    An EMP attack knocks planes out of the sky and turns roads into disaster zones. And that’s just the first minute. The attack leaves Cade Bowman stranded a thousand miles from home and those he loves most. He’ll do anything to get back to his family, but it may not be enough.A weekend in Las Vegas turns deadly for his daughter Lily and her best friend. She knows she has to get out of the city before it’s too late. But with junkies and opportunists on the hunt for easy prey, she’ll have to be stronger than ever to survive.Fight the Shock is the first book in the heart-stopping World in Collapse series. Could you fight through the shock and do what it takes to survive?Get it now!

Hunter Homestead

Boyd Craven Jr. - 2019
    & China. Out of control sectors of government. Unrealistic regulations. Genetically engineered food.From the mind of Boyd Craven Jr. comes a story world that most readers find "Scarily Believable..."  "Right out of today's headlines..."  "Different than anything else in this genre that I've read..."HUNTER HOMESTEAD — Smack dab in the middle of all that, Jacob and Elaine Hunter sell their home on the water in a small Michigan city for more than they could've ever dreamed, and at the perfect time—just before the big real estate crash. With a fist full of cash, and timing on their side they retire from their jobs and set out to find the perfect place to settle down to a life of homesteading and sustainability. They might have found the perfect place, out in the middle of nowhere in South Carolina, but they also found something they hadn't counted on. His name was Mike Ford.★★★★★ The start of a new world!!  This first book in a new series I found quite enjoyable!! It's well written and the characters are fleshed out very well! I look forward to reading the next in the series!★★★★★ A Scary Premise!! Great start to a fascinating storyline. I love the characters - being as I am of the older generation - their doubts, and their hopes and dreams. It's a scary premise - the whole genetic manipulation and I am really anxious to see where this series is going. Well done, Boyd Craven Jr.★★★★☆ Different This story is different than what I'm used to from the Craven guys but still enjoyed it. Think it's actually the first story I've seen along these lines. I can say honestly the storyline interested me because I worry about what these big companies are doing to our food. Looking forward to starting book two.