Las Palabras De Amor - Words of Love

K-lee Klein - 2013
    A few hours after I took this photo Danilo got the phone call that his wife had gone into labor, we had agreed that when the baby was born we would finally go our own way. A week later I left for my Peace Corps mission in Africa.That was two and a half years ago, now I’m back in the neighborhood and it’s like it’s always been. I’m still the gringo, the only white kid on the block.Everything is the same… But it isn’t. Danilo is raising his son alone, and I am not the boy I was, I am not settling for being his little secret anymore. Ten years of hiding were enough for me. I still love him though… He called me last night and asked if I wanted to meet his son, Lucas. His son who he named after me… I wanted to be strong and say no, but I said yes anyway.I never could stand to disappoint Danilo.Photo Description: Close-up photo of two men’s heads, and part of a muscled arm in front of them. One man is facing forward with only half his face showing, and the other is turned to the side. The man on the left is darkly-stubbled, and ethnic in appearance. The man on the right has one eye staring into the camera.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

The Finder

Brandon Fox - 2011
    The Empire claimed and culled his childhood friend, and he has never forgiven the government for its callousness. When Rhan is assigned to help Imperial soldiers find a dangerous heretic, he is hard-pressed to keep his opinions—and his invisible advantages—to himself.Surprisingly, one of the young guides in the hunt, Aerik Rodan, shares some of Rhan’s ideas. As the journey brings their minds closer, it also ignites the passion between them. But any thoughts of happiness are threatened as the hunt for one heretic soon leads them to the source of the heresy and a truth about their world that could bring chaos and war upon them all.

Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists

Angel Martinez - 2017
    It washes glasses, puts dishes away, and even dusts. At least he hopes it's a cleaning-obsessed poltergeist and not his own anxieties burbling over into neat freak fits he doesn't remember. When his property manager suggests he call paranormal expert, Jack Montrose, Taro's skeptical but desperate enough to try even a ghost hunter.Jack's arrival crushes Taro's hopes of a dashing Van Helsing-style hero. Instead of an invincible hunter, he gets Ichabod Crane. As the paranormal puzzles multiply and Jack begins to suggest the entity might not be a ghostly one, Taro adds a budding friendship with Jack to his pile of anxieties. It's a race to see whether Taro's poltergeist or his relationship with the obviously-not-ace Jack will reach maximum strangeness first.Word Count: 35,454

Ghost Star Night

Nicole Kimberling - 2009
    Destruction. Destiny.Thomas Myrdin knows that intrigue is part of life at court, but that doesn’t make his king’s betrayal any easier to take. Yet heartbreak troubles him less than the apocalyptic visions that haunt him. Fiery premonitions that show the world burning in ruins—and the cause, the king’s daughter. Visions and vengeance awaken a strange new power within him, but not even he is sure if he is the kingdom’s savior, the king’s pawn.Lord Adam Wexley harbors a secret longing for the elegant Thomas, but his duty is to protect the newborn princess. When a sudden threat arises, Adam seeks to procure services of Grand Magician Zachary Drake. Even if it means sacrificing his own soul—and his body.Drake has seen the worst of kings and courtiers. Now he protects himself with powerful sorcery and the adamant refusal to affiliate with any of the Four Courts. But the grand magician isn’t without weaknesses and Adam may be the one enticement that could draw him to ruin.In a rising storm of magic with the power to strip away men’s souls, the thread of desire connecting three men could be the kingdom’s last lifeline…Warning: This story contains men, magic, man-on-man moments, orangutans speaking in sign language, beehive hairdos and an army of soulless janitors that seeks to destroy them all.

Angel Undone

Leta Blake - 2016
    He fought wars and shoved his brother Lucifer out of heaven all before the Dark Ages rolled around. His role as protector of Israel now encompasses all of humanity, and while he performs his job perfectly, there's little personal joy in it.Until one night in a bar when he meets Asher. Michael isn’t sure what it is about the vulnerable, self-deprecating Asher that calls to him, but something about his restrained depths, gentle smiles, and encyclopedic knowledge of flowers tugs at Michael in a way that can’t be denied. Too bad romance isn’t part of his mission.Facing an eternity of perfect submission to God’s authority, rebellion stirs in Michael. Questions of free will, angelic vocation, and the role of love and lust demand answers that just might cost Michael his place in heaven. Warnings: this novella contains urban fantasy, wings, angels doing unangelic things, erotic content, and playful blasphemy.Word Count: 25,000

The Cellmate

Rachel West - 2010
    On his first night in prison after his drunk driving conviction, his cellmate, Jesse Cohen, surprises him by crawling into his bed. The sex is impersonal, not at all Andy's style, but somehow exactly what he needs, and it feels so good to be close to someone again that he doesn't question it. The two men gradually forge a friendship, to their mutual surprise. As Andy learns more about the dark periods in Jesse's past, they begin to understand that they have more in common than they once suspected. Andy and Jesse are on a slow and painful road, and they will struggle to acknowledge something of substance between them... and to discover whether what they have can survive the tough road that lies ahead.

The Knight and The Prince

Dru Wellington - 2013
    Though a dangerous venture--as Northerners are usually welcomed with the end of a sharp sword--it’s worth the risk for a night of true liberation ... and to vex his father. After losing half his men in a violent battle at the border of the North and South kingdoms, Sir Axle of the South seeks to drown his sorrows at the bottom of a Tankard of beer. He hates Northerners for their cruel and obnoxious ways, hates them for taking his people as slaves to work the mines, hates them for the murderers they are.His motto: Meet a Northerner, and unsheathe your sword. And when a cloaked Northerner enters his tavern, unsheathe his sword Axle does ...

Momo: My Everything

Posy Roberts - 2014
    He has no one to go home to. He’s never found a man worth sticking around for. He’s never been in love. And he's convinced he's happy with his lone-wolf life.Nate Kelly is William’s opposite, social and easy going. He comes into William’s life as the elegant geisha Momo. When William realizes Momo is a man in drag, he’s captivated.From their first date, William’s world changes. Nate is nothing like his usual type. And William soon finds out being with this carefree man means always being on display and attracting attention, which makes him want to retreat. He tries to keep Nate at arm’s length, but it’s no use. Nate’s transformed his life in a matter of months and keeps drawing him back in.If they stand a chance, William has to be comfortable standing next to someone so at home in the limelight. Their future together and William’s happiness depend on it. Is Nate the man finally worth giving up William's solitary existence? Is he worth sticking around for?*Extensively reworked from the short story, The Measure of a Man.

Best in Show

Kelly Jensen - 2016
    Before he can settle into the joys of cat ownership, however, he discovers something very unusual about his new companion.Macavity Birch is cursed. By day he is a large tabby cat. At night he can be himself—a human male with ginger hair and oddly yellow eyes. He didn’t mean to end up in the animal rescue, but he never meant any harm when playing the prank that resulted in his curse, either. Happily, Julian adopts him. But while exploring his host’s home, he discovers the diary of a long-dead relative.Unfortunately, not all of Mac’s ancestors are dead and buried. His great-great-great-grandmother is very much alive, and she’s a powerful witch who doesn’t take kindly to the sharing of family secrets. When Mac reveals himself to Julian in order to save him from bigger trouble, he achieves just the opposite, plunging Julian deeper into a magical mystery with him.

Forever in One Second

Finn Marlowe - 2012
    Nothing would please him more than to share those stolen moments with the man who, literally, held his life in his hands. First, though, he has to find him. Then convince him it’s safe to come out of his self-imposed shadows.Even if it means playing dirty.Court has no regrets about manipulating that one second of fate to save Dane’s life, but having this accursed power to cheat death isn’t the only thing darkening his lonely existence. The last thing he needs is an eternal optimist shining a cheery light on the dark, tortured corners of his past. Except now that Dane has found him, there’s no shaking him...and the longer Court basks in Dane’s relentless warmth, the more he begins to believe that maybe, just maybe, happiness can at last be his.Distracted by the devilish sparkle in Dane’s eyes, Court begins to forget that there are those who would kill to control his stunning power. And that Dane is the perfect bait…Warning: Beware—features a man with absolutely no scruples about resorting to seduction and cheap tricks to get what he wants. Plus a skittish, supernaturally gifted paramedic who’s about to discover that it’s okay to go along for the ride.

Butterbean and the Pretty Princess Make a Home

R. Cooper - 2019
    He’s fallen for Eli, his adorable teddy bear of a roommate, but can’t express himself when said teddy bear is around. Eli is a responsible adult who makes risotto, worries too much, and falls asleep on the couch while watching the news. Riley wants nothing more to fall asleep next to him. He has been trying to shake his younger self’s reputation, but he feels that, compared to Eli, he’s just a pretty but useless artistic type. All that changes when Riley finds two abandoned kittens and brings them home. Eli has no idea what to do with the helpless strays, which means, for once, Riley takes charge and has an excuse to stick close to his roommate—something Eli hardly objects to. If anything, he seems to like Riley around the house. He seems to like the kittens, too, so much that Riley has to wonder if Eli could also like them all together. One soft, anxious bear, one pretty but not useless artist, and two balls of fluff might just make a happy home.

Captive Fire

Erin M. Leaf - 2015
    When he’s forced to buy a slave, he defiantly chooses Drakon instead of a woman. Because he’s determined to overthrow his father’s empire, he can’t afford to show vulnerability, but Drakon is more compelling than he’d anticipated. For an Arethuza warrior, affection is a weakness that can lead to death. Drakon isn’t really a slave—he’s a black dragon, considered cursed by everyone. Despite his people’s distrust, he will do anything to keep them safe, even submit to an Arethuza prince. He never expected to find love, and that complication could ruin his plans to sabotage the emperor’s war campaign. Though Ryuu is his fated mate, their fledgling bond is a secret too dangerous for Drakon to reveal. Will their duty tear them apart? Can honor prevail in a war that might be too violent for even the strongest dragon warrior?

Chaps and Hope

Bailey Bradford - 2013
    They found each other and a love not many people could imagine. It worked for them, and they’ve been handed a chance at a new life and a home of their own.The Mossy Glenn Ranch, owned by three siblings, Nick, Rory, and Annabelle, used to be flush with success. Then the previous owners destroyed almost everything, selling their heritage right out from under the three.They bought part of it back, and asked Carlos and his partners to make the place successful again. It’s a chance he grabs with both hands once his guys agree, but there are challenges for all of them, and Will’s desire to make the place specifically LGBT-employee friendly and safe may cause more trouble than they already find when the get to their new home.From a situation in town that reminds Will all too much of his own abusive past, to the surprising support of many of the townsfolk, the trio find themselves facing new challenges and reaching for the love and support that grows stronger between them.Reader Advisory: This book contains mild BDSM: spanking and bondage.

Green but for a Season

C.S. Pacat - 2016
    It follows the relationship between Jord and Aimeric and is set during the events of Prince’s Gambit.

Tall, Mean & Darkly

A.J. Llewellyn - 2009
    Somehow, some way, she will come back to him. He is grief stricken...and believing in ghosts, he hopes she will return.Time passes and he's given up until an unexpected visitor arrives at his door. Jackson Avery is a big, tall, handsome, but very aggressive guy. He insists he is Chrissie and she--he--wants Gavin back. But Gavin isn't gay and not at all attracted at all to Jackson. It's never, ever gonna happen...or will true love really be able to conquer all?NO LONGER AVAILABLE