
Ricky Fleet - 2015
    Portsmouth, England. A global particle physics experiment releases a pulse of unknown energy with catastrophic results. Scientists in their laboratories search desperately for a solution to the broken fabric of existence, but they are already too late, the sanctity of the grave has been sundered. There is no virus or bacteria to combat, just chaos and horror as a million graveyards expel their tenants from eternal slumber. The world is unaware of the impending apocalypse, realisation only dawns with the appearance of the mouldering corpses who devour everything they encounter. Governments crumble and armies are scattered to the wind. Kurt Taylor, a self-employed plumber, witnesses the start of the horrifying outbreak. Desperate to reach his family before they fall victim to the ever growing horde of shambling corruption, he flees the scene, watching the unfolding cannibalism and destruction in his rear view mirror. In a society with few guns, how can people hope to survive the endless waves of zombies that seek to consume every living thing? With ingenuity, planning and everyday materials, the group forge their way and strike back at the Hellspawn legions. Rescues are mounted, but not all survivors are benevolent. The evil that is in all men has been given free rein in this new, dead world. With both the living and dead to contend with, is there any hope for the Taylor family?

After the EMP: The Chaos Trilogy

Harley Tate - 2018
    As an air marshal, he doesn’t have time for commitment. When his plane emergency lands outside of Eugene, Oregon, he knows it’s the beginning of the end. When he sets off on his own, he’s ready to face the future alone. Rescuing a kid isn’t part of his plan. When you have nothing left, can you find the will to survive? Dani’s only fifteen, but she’s no stranger to hardship. When the pangs of hunger drive her to the brink, Dani makes the difficult choice to steal. She knows she might get caught. She never expects a stranger to save her. The end of the world brings out the best and worst in all of us. Colt and Dani will have to fight to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. Joining forces isn’t part of the plan, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With danger around every corner, will they find the strength to trust each other? Or will the past ruin any chance of seeing the future? The EMP is only the beginning. The Chaos Trilogy comprises books four through six in the After the EMP series, a post-apocalyptic thriller series following ordinary people trying to survive after a geomagnetic storm destroys the nation’s power grid. It can be read first, although reading in series oder will provide a more complete timeline.

Bled Dry (Oil Apocalypse Book 3)

Lou Cadle - 2017
    Retaliation is inevitable. Sierra's tactical brainstorm leads the neighborhoods to Payson in a surprise attack. Sierra, Dev, and the others need to liberate those under the control of the brutal invaders to guarantee their own safety. The numbers are against them. The stakes are high. And it has to be done now. Can our heroes survive the end of oil?

Fortress Farm Trilogy: Volumes 1, 2 & 3

G.R. Carter - 2015
    Chilling in concept, the series remains hopeful as people work together to survive a worldwide catastrophe. This box set contains: * The Case for Continuity (Brand new prologue) * The Pullback - Book 1 (New scenes surrounding the timeline of the Reset) * Shield of the Okaw - Book 2 (New chapters with added character background) * Red Hawk Rising - Book 3 * A key to important terms, characters and maps in the world of Fortress Farm. Includes pictures. Also includes three never before published short stories complete with background information on related characters: * History of the North American Caliphate * Jenkins Family Dilemma * Fruit of the Valley: Quest for the Phoenix The motivation for the Fortress Farm series was simple; all across America there’s one thing people can agree on…something just isn’t right. A gut reaction is warning us that we as a people are in grave danger. Special interests tear at each other and divide us. Mounting debt becomes more unsustainable with each fiscal cycle. Most important, for the first time in human history, we don’t know how to feed ourselves. Society teeters just nine meals from chaos. We are at the mercy of intricate supply chains for the most basic of needs. If tomorrow that supply chain stopped, and the grocery store was empty, what would we do to care for our families? In the setting of the Fortress Farm series, the world’s electrical and communications grid fails. People are left people without food, water or heat. Leaders seize remaining resources for their own benefit, forsaking those they claimed to serve. Bandits roam the countryside preying on the weak. Humans once more fear what lurks in the night. Fortress Farm charts the progress of different societies as they reform in the void. Some try to create libertarian republics, others benevolent dictatorships, caliphates and military rule. Some Churches join forces and once again help lost souls find hope, while other religions take the opportunity to prove God's judgement is upon them. Each situation presents unique challenges and this new dark age survivors to the point of collapse. But all is not lost. This is not just a story detailing the implosion of a fragile society, but a blueprint for how we might prepare before catastrophe strikes and how we rebuild afterwards. More important than governmental theories, Fortress Farm follows common people doing the best they can to defend and care for their families in a chaotic world, each trying to build a better life for their loved ones.

Their Darkest Hour

Christopher G. Nuttall - 2014
    Swiftly, the aliens take control of Britain’s cities and force the remainder of the British military to go on the run. With the government destroyed, the population must choose between fighting and collaborating with the alien overlords. This is truly Britain’s darkest hour. Caught up in these events are a handful of ordinary people, struggling to survive. The Prime Minister, forced into hiding, and an unscrupulous politician looking to find fame and power by serving the aliens. Soldiers fighting an insurgency and senior officers trying desperately to find the key to driving the aliens away from Earth; police officers faced with a choice between collaboration or watching the aliens brutalise the civilian population. And ordinary citizens, trying to survive a world turned upside down. But resistance seems futile and the aliens appear unstoppable – and the entire population is caught in the middle. As the alien grip tightens, the last best hope for freedom lies with those who will never surrender...and are prepared to pay any price for the liberation of Earth.

Driver 8: A Post-Apocalyptic Novel

G. Michael Hopf - 2017
    Out of the ashes, small pockets of survivors banded together to forge new societies in the few areas not ravaged by the nuclear holocaust. One community has not only risen but thrived. Known as The Collective, they pride themselves on an orderly system of government with a functioning infrastructure. The citizenry owe their success to their founder The Number One, who presides over them with an iron fist. Life in The Collective centers on contribution and purpose. All are assigned responsibilities and if one cannot fulfill them, they are cast out. The most coveted but dangerous responsibility is that of a driver. Drivers ride the lonely and barren roads scavenging and exploring the outer reaches. Over the years only one has emerged as a legend and his name is Driver 8.

Coming Together: The Blaine Family Chronicles Vol 2

David Nelson - 2014
    Matt Blaine's fears have been realized: EMPs (electromagnetic pulses) have knocked out all power across the globe. Now his "Disaster Circle" buddies, Rondell Mixon, Lonnie Llewellyn, and Frank Marshall, must make their way to the safety of Matt's secluded farm near the shores of Lake Huron. Traveling from various points across Michigan's mitten, they all have to deal with adversity- thieves, rapists, weather, injuries, and a gang of raiders calling themselves the Vikings. With communications nonexistent, they have no way of knowing if the others will make it to their destination. They all meet new people- a teacher, a survivalist wannabe, an expectant couple, and a pair of hiking enthusiasts. Dodging bullets and bandits, the Disaster Circle members are helped by some, and pay it forward by helping others. The question on everyone's mind is, Will they all make it to the farm, and will they make it in one piece? Travel with Matt's friends as they struggle to come together.

Breaking Point

Boyd Craven - 2015
     We hear with increasing frequency, reports of mass shootings or terrorist activities on American soil. Don’t you get tired of the media sensationalizing everything? Do you hate how the police have their hands tied on how they can react, by politicians who are more worried about political correctness, and getting re-elected? Don’t you fantasize about just giving the bad guys what they have coming to them? That’s what this story is about. It’s guaranteed to offend the crap out of some people! It’s not illegal to fantasize in this country… Yet. -Rated R by us, for language and violence-

The Scattered and the Dead

L.T. Vargus - 2018
     Catch up with old characters and meet new ones in the sixth volume in the Scattered and the Dead series, the penultimate entry. War rages across the empty world. Those who follow Father, the Crusaders, creep through the woods to fight the Raiders from the Sovereign Cities. Bloody battles separate limbs and torsos, heads and necks. It's a struggle for control over resources and territory, but the shape of the future hangs in the balance as well. Meanwhile, a year has passed for Izzy and Erin, and their world keeps shifting into a meaner one. Harsh and violent and hateful. A trip to the market morphs into a horrifying affair. Pits them face to face with thieves, murderers, and slavers. Shoves them into a life and death conflict. After all this time, the apocalypse still holds many secrets. How did this happen? And why? Catch glimpses of the darkest visions yet. Vivid and grim. Are the people we know really who they seem? Does the future hold any hope at all? BOOK 2.6 picks up where BOOK 2.5 left off, so grab it now and get caught up in the apocalypse. Praise for The Scattered and The Dead series: "Comparable to The Stand... I don't say this lightly. This book is amazing." - Rain "It is a heart pounding, nightmare inducing read that is also sad and nostalgic, poignant and even endearing." - Queen_of_Chaos "Tim McBain and L.T. Vargus have written yet another spectacular and vivid story." - Heather Di "Best book in this genre I've EVER read!" - Krycek "I loved the characters and their stories, can't wait to see who makes it to the end. Very entertaining!" - Dina "Man, got sucked in from page 1. Very well written, hard/impossible to put down. Love being immersed in this world with relatable dialogue and story to boot. 10 out of 10 would read again." - Paul King "Dark and fast paced, with vivid imagery." - Michael J "The best zombie series you will ever read! Love King, Cronin, or Koontz? The Scattered and the Dead is for you." - Kurt Robair Recommended reading order of The Scattered and The Dead series: The Scattered and the Dead (Book 0.5) The Scattered and the Dead (Book 1) The Scattered and the Dead (Book 1.5) The Scattered and the Dead (Book 2.0) The Scattered and the Dead (Book 2.5) The Scattered and the Dead (Book 2.6)

The End: An Apocalyptic Novel

Matt Shaw - 2016
    The people on the ground - those still alive at least - aren't sure what happened and no longer care. The truth wouldn't fix anything for them. It wouldn't help them survive each day; their first priority. But for why? There's nothing left to live for. Everything is gone. This is The End. An apocalyptic horror from Matt Shaw, the author of Sick B*stards.

Dawn of Affliction

D.I. Telbat - 2019
    TELBAT is Book One of the LAST DAWN SERIES, a Christian Post-apocalyptic, End Times Novel.Twenty years have passed since the Meridia Virus ravaged America. Cities have burned and civilization has crumbled. One hundred million have died, leaving behind a suspicious, selfish populace in small settlements across the scarred landscape.But out of the charred ruins of San Diego, Levi Caspertein emerges. For twenty years, he’s grown up in the shadow of his heroic father, Titus. Now, Levi must respond on his own to a disturbing communication he receives from New York. An old friend, Jenna Dowler, is in trouble.With bold faith, Levi sets off on foot to the east, crossing desert wasteland into the Plains Zone where travelers are sooner shot than welcomed. Behind him, a rogue military general—who wants COIL’s stockpiled weaponry—is chasing him. But Levi won’t be hindered unnecessarily from his trek east, even with his mother and cousin in tow, and he stands courageously for Jesus Christ.At every town and resupply stop, Levi is thrust into fresh misery, violence, and strife. Each person who joins him is put at risk, but every enemy who stands against him must look down his barrel of determination to care first for the afflicted. He is a Caspertein. He is a Christian. And America desperately needs a symbol of hope—a new dawn—in her smoking ruin.The needs are intense and God's people are ready, but evil has never been more brutal . . .

Best Laid Plans: An EMP Post-Apocalyptic Survival Series (The Crusader Book 1)

Tom Abrahams - 2021

Edge of Disaster: An EMP Post-Apocalyptic Survival Prepper Series (American Fallout Book 2)

Alex Gunwick - 2017
     At the end of EDGE OF COLLAPSE, Luke managed to get within sixty miles of his family's Bug Out Location. As he struggles to make it home, he faces new threats. He teams up with a mysterious stranger to battle the lawless world. Without power, food, or water, they face a grueling uphill battle against the forces of darkness. He'll have to get creative if he wants to survive, but nothing will keep Luke from getting back to his family. Nothing. Not even the people who stand in his way. Liz struggles to defend the cabin from the preacher and his men. With too much land to cover and not enough resources, she reluctantly teams up with other people in the canyon. Their thread-bare agreement might not hold up under pressure, but it's better than nothing. Post-apocalyptic America is a desolate, dangerous world on the edge of disaster. Unable to trust strangers, family is more important than ever. Liz will do whatever it takes to protect her kids. One day Luke will return home, but until then, she's ready to take up arms against anyone who threatens them. EDGE OF DISASTER is BOOK 2 in the thrilling post-apocalyptic survival prepper EMP fiction series: AMERICAN FALLOUT.

The Exterminators Trilogy: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller Box Set

Mark Gillespie - 2018
     And all the people are going mad in the darkness. Has humanity met its match? Or will hope spring from the unlikeliest of places? For the first time ever, The Exterminators Trilogy (Black Storm, Black Fever, Black Earth) is available for you to own in one handy box set. Read this chilling post-apocalyptic horror series from start to finish at your leisure with no waiting in between for the next installment. And when it’s all over, you’ll never take sunlight for granted again… Get The Exterminators Trilogy now!


Alister Hodge - 2018
    While her body awaits transfer to the morgue, Harry is stunned to witness the corpse lurch off the bed and attack his staff. It’s not an isolated incident. Lysan Plague has crossed the species divide from bat to human and mutated with devastating effect. Burning across the country in a tide of bloody violence, it overwhelms an unprepared police force and government. Bite victims re-animate as plague ‘Carriers’, creatures lost to conscious thought, consumed by rage and an urge to feed on the non-infected. No-one is safe in the apocalypse, and only those who are willing to fight will survive. Harry forms an alliance with several other survivors, but will it be enough for them to hold out until the Army regroups to fight back?