Lost and Found (Dave&Carter)

Quin - 2018
    And goddamn, I needed him to need me.”A May/December Romance. After their first encounter in “Take it All”, Lost and Found explores how Dave and Carter’s relationship took root and blossomed.Lost and Found contains graphic language and explicit sexual content and is intended for a mature, adult audience looking for an emotional ride.
Content preview: a sprinkle of Daddy kink, spanking, dirty talk, major age gap, romance, no cliffhanger

Rule Breaker

Lily Morton - 2017
    Two long years of sarcastic comments. Two long years of insults, and having to redo the coffee pot four times in the mornings to meet his exacting standards.Not surprisingly he has devoted a lot of time to increasingly inventive ways to murder Gabe. From stabbing him with a cake fork, to garrotting him with his expensive tie, Dylan has thought of everything.However, a chance encounter opens his eyes to the attraction that has always lain between them, concealed by the layers of antipathy. There are only two problems - Gabe is still a bastard, and he makes wedding planners look like hardened pessimists.But what happens when Dylan starts to see the real Gabe? What happens when he starts to fall in love with the warm, wary man that he sees glimpses of as the days pass? Because Gabe is still the same commitment shy, cold man that he’s always been, or is he? Has Dylan had the same effect on Gabe, and has his solid gold rule of no commitment finally been broken? With his heart taken Dylan desperately needs to know, but will he get hurt trying to find the answers?From the author of ‘The Summer of Us’ comes another scorchingly hot romantic comedy, showing what happens between two men when rules get broken.

Snow Angel

Sharon Maria Bidwell - 2006
    What he doesn’t know is that while he made puppy dog eyes at her, her younger brother Jay spent time looking at him the same way.Now, years later, he considers the two Reid siblings as close friends, nothing more. Little does he know Jay is still in love with him, always has been, always will be, but he’s about to find out. When he does, it not only throws his sexuality into question, it shines an ugly light in his direction.Reacting as he often does, on impulse, he’s about to make an understandable but life-altering mistake ... and then he makes another one. Dean has to take a long look at himself and he isn’t sure he likes what he sees. He can’t remember being this arrogant, not to mention a control freak, and that’s only a few of the nicer things April Reid has taken to calling him in defence of her brother. Can he change? Does he want to? Does he even need to, or is it really just a question of making the right choice?It’s winter and snow is falling, but he doesn’t yet know which of them might yet be left out in the cold. If Dean isn’t careful, he might lose the one person who can take him just as he is, ego included.

The Holiday Hookup

Baylin Crow - 2021
    He dresses like it's Casual Friday every day of the week.2. Everyone loves him, even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually get any work done. It's the smile, I think. Definitely the laugh.3. He's so relaxed, sometimes I can't even tell if he's awake. Or conscious.4. He doesn't respect my office space boundaries. Stay in your own office and stop messing with my stuff!Okay, the list is actually really long, but none of it matters because it's time for the annual Secret Santa exchange, and guess whose name I draw.Hunter freaking HollidayAnd he knows this because, I repeat, he won't stay out of my office and leave my things alone.Even though I didn't ask, he has no problem telling me exactly what he wants.Me. For one nightThe Holiday Hookup is an MM Christmas short story with high heat and low angst.

Everything In Between

Michele Notaro - 2016
    Okay, he actually greeted me. Now I need to say something… anything. Run down my internal checklist—Step One: wipe drool from mouth; I wiped my mouth; check. Step Two: open mouth and speak; say something… come on, anything… nope, I got nothing. Step Three: refer to Step One and repeat. Sigh. This gorgeous man now thinks I’m a moron. Of course, I know that my secret—okay, not so secret—crush, Reese Willoughby, could never have any interest in me anyway. There’s just no way that he hasn’t noticed me openly ogling him at work. I know everyone else in the office has surely seen it. When Reese finally asks for my help with a work project, I can’t help but feel over the moon. Now I can only hope that he notices just how much I like him, because there is no way I’m about to make the first move. ***Everything In Between is the first book in the series Finding My Forever, but is a standalone novel. Each book in the series will feature a different couple, but the couples will show up throughout the series. It is approximately 100,000 words and a contemporary romance between two men with explicit language and graphic sex intended for Adults Only.*** ***Please beware that there is mention of child abuse that could be a trigger for some people.***

Always You

K.M. Neuhold - 2018
    But this year it isn’t just any school year ending, it’s our college graduation, and I’ve decided there’s no time like the present to finally tell my best friends the truth I’ve kept from them for years. What I care most about is how my best friend, Dante, will feel. Not that I think he’ll return the ridiculous feelings I’ve been harboring for him, but a guy can hope, right? When a leaky ceiling drives Dante from his own bed into mine, the night might end up getting a lot more interesting than I expected. This is a steamy short story (~11k words) featuring first times, finally requited love, and late-night shenanigans.

Leaning Into Love

Lane Hayes - 2017
    He’s part owner of a highly successful tech firm, he has a supportive family and a great group of close friends. But something is missing. Or maybe he’s reacting to his business partner and ex’s wedding news. He knows his former lover is making a big mistake but he also knows it’s time to move on. And hopefully avoid falling for another friend.Zane Richards is an avid sailor and surfer with a laid-back approach to life. He firmly believes there’s a time and place for everything if you’re willing to take a chance. Like letting his best friend know he’s interested in being much more than friends. Eric has always been half in love with Zane but going from friends to lovers isn’t an easy sell for someone protecting his heart. Eric will have to decide if he’s willing to risk it all by leaning into love.THIS EDITION INCLUDES BONUS CHAPTER

The New Normal

L.J. Hayward - 2020
    Two of his closest friends are getting married, and he’s taking a new, exciting step in his career as a doctor. Most amazing though, his best mate has been given the all clear from cancer. But Brian’s normal has just been tipped A over T and the friendship he’s relied on for years is in danger. All because of five little words.Andrew Fitzroy should be on top of the world. The cancer that’s haunted him is gone. He can finally get on with his life—except he doesn’t know what that life is anymore. Is he brave enough to come out as bisexual? Should he pursue architecture or stay in construction? Either way, Andrew knows happiness won’t be his until he has what his engaged friends have—love, joy, passion. So, he says those five little words to Brian—I’m in love with you.Friends since childhood, Brian and Andrew have always been closer than brothers. Best mates. Nothing could ever tear them apart. Except for those five little words. Now, Brian’s not sure about so many things—their friendship, his own desires—and the foundation Andrew’s built his world on feels like its crumbling. But if they manage not to destroy everything they have together, Andrew and Brian might just find a new normal with each other.

A Taste of You (Chef's Table #1)

Irene Preston - 2015
    He has a Michelin-starred restaurant in New York City, a hit reality TV show, and a new man in his bed every week. Yes, he secretly thinks his business partner, Giancarlo “Carlo” Rotolo, is hotter than a ghost pepper, but he would never jeopardize their friendship with a fling. Then Garrett overhears some juicy gossip among the crew and realizes he’ll have to break Giancarlo’s cardinal rule, no banging the staff - for Carlo’s own good, of course. Just a taste of Carlo should be plenty. Long-term relationships aren’t on Garrett’s menu.Giancarlo’s been in love with Garrett forever. He’s sure Garrett will eventually realize they are destined to be more than business partners. But when Garrett installs his latest boyfriend as their new chef d’cuisine and announces plans to leave Carlo in New York while he opens a second restaurant on the west coast, Carlo is forced to re-evaluate his life. Can a high-strung British chef and a nice Italian boy from Brooklyn find the perfect fusion of fine-dining and family-style?

Learning to Love

Felice Stevens - 2016
    Getting the holiday catering job at his childhood synagogue is the first step in demonstrating to everyone he didn’t turn out to be the failure they predicted. What he doesn’t count on is Rabbi Jonah Fine, his high school nemesis and secret crush, stirring up old feelings Gideon thought long gone and secrets he’s buried deep for years.An unexpectedly passionate encounter shocks Gideon, but he pushes Jonah away, convinced he isn’t good enough to be in a relationship and would never be accepted by Jonah’s father. But Jonah hangs tough—he won’t allow Gideon to hide or run away from life again. And when it comes to love, Gideon learns the most important lessons aren’t always taught in school.

Harvest Heat

Carol Lynne - 2009
    A trip to the Mandarra Horticultural Show had him itching to work on an authentic Australian farm. What he didn’t expect to find in the bush was a field of sunflowers and a man who made him tremble with need.Lochlan McBride has resigned himself to living alone in the Australian bush. Since returning from Sydney to run the family property, he’s put his sexual desires on hold knowing his mates would never understand. When he takes a chance and hires a young good-looking tourist to help him on the homestead, Lochie begins to wonder just how heated this year’s harvest will be. Will he be able to put worries aside and take a chance on love?

Cupid Hates Me

Romeo Alexander - 2020
     Brendan: Romance isn’t my thing, and I hate Valentine’s Day. All that matters is I’ll be working that day at the restaurant…or so I thought. I wasn’t expecting the crazy guy in the alley to try to kill me, or the hot paramedic who showed up to start flirting with me. Now the red-headed medic wants a date, but given my cursed love life, of course, I turned him down…for now. Ryan: Okay, so maybe hitting on an injured guy in a dirty alley, no matter how cute, wasn’t the smoothest move. But sometimes my mouth gets the better of me, so after they stitched him up, I asked him for a date. Well, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! He turned me down, but I made sure he has my number… Brendan and Ryan have very different views of romance and, in particular, Valentine’s Day. Can the romantic spirit of the holiday work it’s magic to bring these two hot men together?

True North

Bethany Brown - 2009
    The surprise is the magnetic, heated attraction to the enigmatic Julian Piet, a charming doctor with killer good looks that appears to treat him, sending Jack off his lonely course.Now that their paths have crossed, Jack and Julian head off in a new direction - but between Jack's reluctance to be open about his sexuality and Julian's shattered self-confidence, they can't seem to decide what direction that is. It takes a push from Julian's meddlesome sister to send them stumbling headfirst into romance.Happily wrapped up in their fledgling relationship, Jack and Julian think they may have found their way until unexpected roadblocks appear on their path to forever. Wrathful storms, dangerous illness, family connections, and broken hearts threaten their tenuous balance and will send them spinning apart – their love scattered to the four winds - if they cannot believe and trust that together, they can find true north.

Professor Adorkable

Edie Danford - 2018
    Forgetting to eat, sleep, and leave his lab has triggered some epic personal disasters. When his family insists he hire live-in help, he discovers home life has awesome benefits. His new housekeeper's smile sparks more energy than a supernova. And the way he moves? It rocks Marek's galaxy. Pete Schulz took a tough fall from his high-flying life in Hollywood. But how does a guy whose best skill is getting dirty clean up his act? His new gig with Domesticated Inc seems like a great first step. Keeping house for a nerdy young astrophysics professor is exactly the low-key, no-chance-for-trouble job he needs, right? Living together is surprisingly easy for both men. And fun. And more than a little hot. It's when they're faced with the idea of living apart that the truly messy work begins…This is a 90,000 word stand-alone novel with two quirky heroes--one who actually likes to vacuum, and one who enjoys studying Weakly Compressible Homogeneous Isoptropic Turbulences.

Protecting My Commitment

Taylor Rylan - 2018
    After spending a little over ten years with the Denver PD, he’d had enough and joined Wildlife Services, not expecting it to be such an isolating career. When his job takes him on assignment to Crooked Bend, he jumps at the chance to work with actual people again when the town’s sheriff needs to hire a few more deputies. While at his new boss’ wedding reception, he unexpectedly meets a blue-eyed architect that makes his brain go fuzzy. Collin McKenzie has trust issues. After countless bad experiences, culminating in spending over a year hidden in the closet by his ex, he decided enough was enough. He not only broke up with him, but he moved to a different state to start fresh. He loves working for the Welsh brothers and living in Wyoming puts him closer to his family. He’s sworn off men, but while attending a wedding, he sees a dark-haired man that makes him catch his breath. After spending an unforgettable night together, Collin mistakenly lumps Dalton in with his past experiences. Things are awkward between them, but the attraction is there and undeniable, so they agree to give it a try. But when Collin’s ex finds him in Wyoming and won’t take no for an answer, Dalton steps up and claims what he wants, Collin. But will he be able to protect the man he’s quickly falling hard for? And will Collin ever trust him enough to let him in? Protecting My Commitment is the first book in the Sulfur Springs series. This is a Men of Crooked Bend spin off, but it isn’t a requirement that you read that series to enjoy this one. Familiar faces will be seen, but this series takes you off of the ranch and into the lives of those in Sulfur Springs. While each book focus’ on a different couple and may be read as a standalone, you will receive maximum enjoyment reading them in order. Each book contains sexually explicit material between two men and is intended for adults over 18.