The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach
Robert Simmons - 2005
Two introductory chapters detail the authors’ theories about how to work with crystals and stones—including the concept of crystal resonance and the scientific observation that living organisms (such as ourselves) are liquid crystalline structures. An illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, stone by stone, follows.Each entry begins with the stone name and photo, plus its elemental and chakra correspondences, as well as keywords that indicate its properties. Next comes a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers an essay on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with summaries of the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone, and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. The book’s presentation is straightforward enough to make it an excellent introduction for beginners, yet the level of detail and the depth of research make it an invaluable resource for the most experienced stone practitioners.
Practical Elemental Magick: Working the Magick of Air Fire Water & Earth in the Western Esoteric Tradition
Sorita d'Este - 2007
" Working magick with the elements helps to connect us to the tangibly present natural powers in our physical world, whilst at the same time we are returning to the building blocks of magick by rooting our feet in the material world. Since Empedocles formalized the system in ancient Greece in the 5th century BCE, the four elements have become an integral part of the Western Esoteric Tradition passing from ancient Greek magick, through the Qabalah, & Grimoire Traditions into modern derivative traditions of ceremonial magick and paganism. In Practical Elemental Magick the authors provide an unprecedented combination of research and techniques for working the magick of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, as well as the spiritual creatures associated with each. The Elemental Gods, Archangels, rulers and other types of elemental beings (including Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines & Gnomes) are discussed and explored. Both the spiritual and physical aspects of the four elements are considered, together with how they interact with each other and their appropriate use for magickal work. The creation and use of Elementaries (Elemental Thought Forms); Elemental Tools, the Elemental Tides and correspondences are all considered in detail, together with previously unavailable original ritual & meditative material including the Unification Rite, the Inner Talisman, the Elemental Pyramids, the Elemental Magick Circle & the Elemental Temples. In mastering the four elements within & without we master ourselves, bringing the external forces of the natural world & the internal forces of our existence into harmony.
Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive
Kristen J. Sollee - 2017
This innovative primer highlights sexual liberation as it traces the lineage of “witch feminism.” Juxtaposing scholarly research on the demonization of women and female sexuality that has continued since the witch hunts of the early modern era with pop occulture analyses and interviews with activists, artists, scholars, and practitioners of witchcraft, this book enriches our contemporary conversations about reproductive rights, sexual pleasure, queer identity, pornography, sex work, and more.Kristen J. Sollee is instructor at The New School and founding editrix of Slutist, an award-winning sex positive feminist website."
A Little Bit of Astrology: An Introduction to the Zodiac
Colin Bedell - 2018
Explore the zodiac, and see how it affects your life! Astrology is an ancient art in which the movements of the stars and planets can divine the future. Find out more about the practice, its history, and each of the 12 sun signs—and then follow the detailed information on how to create a natal chart and use it to craft personalized horoscopes.
Sigil Witchery: A Witch's Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols
Laura Tempest Zakroff - 2018
Tracing through history, art, and culture, this illustrated book offers an innovative and fresh approach to sigil magick that is accessible and intuitive. You don't need a degree in art or magick to make effective sigils!Learn how to manifest your will through your very own designs. Explore traditional and modern meanings of shapes, symbols, numbers, letters, and colors, while receiving guidance on how to add personal meaning to your marks. Sigil Witchery includes methods of application, tips for choosing materials, and important considerations for both temporary and permanent sigils. This book helps you improve your drawing techniques, use sample exercises to challenge yourself, and gain deeper metaphysical insight and inspiration--all to guide you to develop your own powerful sigil magick.
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions
Joyce Higginbotham - 2002
Based on a course in Paganism that the authors have taught for more than a decade, it is full of exercises, meditations, and discussion questions for group or individual study.This book presents the basic fundamentals of Paganism. It explores what Pagans are like; how the Pagan sacred year is arranged; what Pagans do in ritual; what magick is; and what Pagans believe about God, worship, human nature, and ethics.For those who are exploring their own spirituality, or who want a good book to give to non-Pagan family and friends A hands-on learning tool with magickal workings, meditations, discussion questions, and journal exercises Offers in-depth discussion of ethics and magick
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation
Mat Auryn - 2020
Featuring over ninety exercises, this groundbreaking book helps your magick and your senses reach their full potential.Witchcraft and psychism are two sides of the same coin--they complement and strengthen one another. Psychic Witch provides everything you need to not only master the perception and manipulation of energy, but also to perform magick anywhere and at any time. This ingenious book teaches you how to use subtle energy in new ways and manifest your perceptions into instant magickal results.
Weaving Fate
Aidan Wachter - 2020
These practices can help us to re-imagine the possibilities available to us and to shift our lives into more beneficial forms.The Black Book is a journaled form of hypersigil, a long-form written approach to magic that allows us to write the life we desire into being.The Corridor is an imaginal tool used to visit other times and places. Through it we can shift unhelpful influences from past events in positive directions and connect with our future selves to help manifest the lives we desire.The Fever Stone is a magical process for releasing energy trapped in traumatic events and ancestral pain-states. We can then transmute this energy into raw power for use in creating the internal and external changes we seek.Weaving Fate is for those willing get their hands dirty in the guts of the thoughts, memories, internal, and external forces that shape our lives. It is for those who understand that our fates are mutable and that we have great power to influence them.
Witchcraft: Witchcraft for Beginners: A Guide to Bringing Real Witchcraft Spells and Witchcraft Rituals into your Daily Life (Witchcraft Magick and Spells ... Books- Wicca - Witchcraft Spells -)
Edith Yates - 2015
In ancient history witchcraft was termed as the "craft of the wise" since the practitioners who followed this path were in perfect harmony with the forces of nature and in this book you will find out what real witchcraft is and also more importantly how you can start on the path of incorporating this craft into your life so you can live a fulfilling life Before the name of Witchcraft was tarnished by the religions of the time magic practitioners of all walks of life were extremely revered from different regions of the world and were the seers,healers, wise ones, rainmakers, medicine men and women and they practiced magic in one way or the other, may you follow the craft as well Here is a preview of what you will learn What real Witchcraft is and the many misconceptions people have Explain White Magic and Black Magic and the dangers and benefits of both Different styles of common Witchcraft and what they entail How to become a witch and tools and tips to get you started on your path Learn different spells for beginners witchcraft supplies Conclusion and encouragement Tags witchcraft, witchcraft supplies, witchcraft spell books, witchcraft books
Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft
Ann Moura - 1996
Positive, practical, and easy to use, Green Witchcraft brings together the best of both modern Wicca and the author's family heritage of herb craft and folk magic.Green Witchcraft explores the fundamentals of the Wiccan religion, providing magical training for the independent thinker. Step-by-step instructions on a wide variety of magical techniques as well as basic rules of conduct make this the ideal book to get you started. Green rituals for self-initiation, rites of passage, seasonal celebrations and activities provide an excellent foundation for your own magical tradition.Discover the fine art of spellcasting, the magical uses of herbs, divination with the tarot and more. Explore the Sabbats, Esbats, and other rituals attuned to the cycles of nature and the universal powers. Find out for yourself what this organic approach to Witchcraft is all about.
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America
Margot Adler - 1979
Margot Adler attended ritual gatherings and interviewed a diverse, colorful gallery of people across the United States, people who find inspiration in ancient deities, nature, myth, even science fiction. In this new edition featuring an updated resource guide of newsletters, journals, books, groups, and festivals, Margot Adler takes a fascinating and honest look at the religious experiences, beliefs, and lifestyles of modern America's Pagan groups.
The Book of Runes
Ralph H. Blum - 1982
Martin's (1993) Language: English
Grimoires: A History of Magic Books
Owen Davies - 2009
In Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, Owen Davies illuminates the many fascinating forms these recondite books have taken and exactly what these books held. At their most benign, these repositories of forbidden knowledge revealed how to make powerful talismans and protective amulets, and provided charms and conjurations for healing illness, finding love, and warding off evil. But other books promised the power to control innocent victims, even to call up the devil. Davies traces the history of this remarkably resilient and adaptable genre, from the ancient Middle East to modern America, offering a new perspective on the fundamental developments of western civilization over the past two thousand years. Grimoires shows the influence magic and magical writing has had on the cultures of the world, richly demonstrating the role they have played in the spread of Christianity, the growth of literacy, and the influence of western traditions from colonial times to the present.
You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance and Living Your Purpose
Chani Nicholas - 2018
Gone are the days of "on Tuesday you will meet your prince charming" horoscopes. Instead, Nicholas is spearheading a radical new approach to astrology. In her hip, inspirational weekly horoscopes, she doesn’t tell readers what will happen to them. Instead, she encourages her devotees to take control—to confront themselves, their desires, and their needs—to fulfill their potential using the power of the stars.Written in her lyrical, cool-girl, feminist writing style, You Were Born for This explains how knowing your star signs and what they mean for your individual character can be revelatory. Understanding the astrological chart can help you refine your intentions, identify your strengths, recognize areas for growth, become more connected to your core self, and steer you on your spiritual path.In an era when growing numbers of people feel a sense of meaninglessness and a desire to learn more about themselves, You Were Born for This teaches you how to harness the zodiac to help you become more in tune with yourself and your place in the universe.
Call of an Angel
Patricia O'Toole - 2017
This was no chance meeting between heaven and earth and they soon became part of a phenomenon that would change their lives forever. 'In the still silence of the night, I said a little prayer asking the angels never to do anything that might startle me. Feeling somewhat reassured by this, I snuggled down and drifted off to sleep. I am not so sure I would have been quite so easily placated if I had had any notion of the sheer volume of angels and spirits that were soon to come into my life at every opportunity and everywhere I went, from that night forward.' Call of an Angel will appeal to a wide audience, including the many fans of angel author Lorna Byrne, and the growing force of modern millennial followers of angel gurus Kyle Gray and Radleigh Valentine.