Book picks similar to
Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience by Philip David Zelazo
Summary of Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman: Valuable Knowledge in Less Than 30 Minutes
La Moneda Publishing - 2016
Summary of the ideas from Kahneman’s book “Thinking Slow, and Fast". This short Kindle work discusses and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Daniel Kahneman is a Senior Scholar and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs Emeritus at the Woodrow Wilson School, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University, and a fellow of the Center for Rationality at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002 To learn more, read " Thinking Slow, and Fast".
Peter Lamborn Wilson - 1996
In MILLENNIUM, Hakim Bey both sustains and expands the ideas of his groundbreaking work, THE TEMPORARY AUTONOMOUS ZONE. Here, Bey suggests that mere detachment from (or even outright rejection of) the monolith of global capital is not enough; that either we accept ourselves as the 'last humans,' or else we accept ourselves as the opposition. The book also contains an illuminating interview with Bey, in which he discusses his body of work and assesses our collective position at the turn of the millennium.
Getting In: A Step-By-Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology
American Psychological Association - 1993
This title shows what criteria admissions committees use to evaluate applicants, their qualifications, and how to showcase their talents in personal essays, letters of recommendations, and preselection interviews.
The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases What Doctors Never Learned
Jeff T. Bowles - 2019
This book has at least twice the life-saving information contained in his first book and describes in detail how all autoimmune diseases can now be easily cured without doctors or drugs. How you can virtually bullet proof your health by correcting the 5 deadly deficiencies of the modern age. And the shocking part about this is that doctors in general have no clue as to what is really making us all sick! This information in this book could literally wipe out 90% of the medical industry if everyone adopts its advice. Bold claims to be sure! Unbelievable? -Yes! But overwhelming proof is provided for all the claims! Once you read this book, the blindfold will be lifted and you might laugh and say...."So Simple! Why didn't I think of that!?". In this book, cures for every autoimmune disease known to man are described in detail, including a chapter that relates a number of case studies of people who have cured their Multiple Sclerosis with this protocol. And further describes how 100,000+ people all around the world have cured their MS using this simple information. But it doesn't stop there, cures for many more diseases are described and examples are provided for asthma, psoriasis, COPD, lupus, myasthenia gravis, eczema, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic hives, depression, etc. etc. and even cancer! The bottom line premise is simple; virtually all diseases not caused by old age or genetic mutations are caused by an unfocused immune system. Lazy when it comes to bad actors such as viruses, infectious bacteria, fungi, and newly emergent cancer cells while being hyperactive when confronted with good tissues that should normally not be attacked. The solution? Simply fine tune your immune system to operate correctly, and all these diseases will be a thing of the past. And it is so easy to do. Why don't doctors know about this? Could it be that it is bad for business or were they just taught incorrectly in med school? Hard to tell. Most diseases are caused by incorrect advice from doctors concerning a hormone that we all make that the author calls the ultimate biologic. This hormone fine tunes 2,700+ genes that control your immune and tissue-remodeling systems. Incorrect advice from many doctors keeps us all from producing enough of this hormone to remain healthy. Another large segment of diseases is caused by modern farming practices that deplete soils of essential cofactors to this hormone that leave approximately 80%+ of us deficient. And doctors basically never test for these deficiencies and know very little about them! Simple neglect and ignorance on the part of health professionals? Impossible you say? Well you will just have to read the book and find out how possible it is!
The Assassination of JFK - Who Really Did It And Why
Craig Newman - 2013
So what's different about this book, "The Assassination of JFK - Who Really Did It And Why"? Written by a lawyer, it cuts through all the misinformation surrounding the Kennedy assassination and focuses only on the evidence available. Something the Warren Commission strangely failed to do. It also reveals how the assassination went wrong and why the subsequent cover-up was so important for the perpetrators. This is something that almost all other studies into the John F Kennedy assassination overlook. And it takes us back to the early days of the Kennedy family business empire, in the 1920s, and throws light on aspects ignored by other Kennedy assassination investigators. Such as the activities and boundless ambition of Joe Kennedy, the family patriarch and father of the president. Talking of boundless ambition, how did Johnson, JFK's Vice-President, feel at the 1960 Democratic Party Convention, when JFK won the nomination in the first round? Why did he accept the comparatively menial post of Vice-President under Kennedy? Especially when throughout much of the preceding Eisenhower administration he had been more senior in rank to JFK as Senate Majority Leader? And at 52 years of age he wasn't getting any younger. Did he know something even then? Since 1978 the official version of the Kennedy assassination acknowledges that it took place "probably as the result of a conspiracy". So there WAS a Kennedy conspiracy! Who, then, were the conspirators and why did they plan and carry out this murder? Who benefited? How did US policy towards certain foreign countries change after November 1963? What happened with domestic and financial policy? The clues are there. Craig Newman takes us behind the scenes for a glimpse of who really makes the decisions, and who has the power to murder the President of the United States and then order an "investigation" that covers up their crimes? This is one book that no-one remotely interested in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy should be without. This Second Edition contains some new material, including an additional Appendix on the Warren Whitewash/Report.
The PlayStation Dreamworld
Alfie Bown - 2017
The PlayStation Dreamworld is - to borrow a phrase from Slavoj Zizek - the pervert's guide to videogames. It argues that we can only understand the world of videogames via Lacanian dream analysis. It also argues that the Left needs to work inside this dreamspace - a powerful arena for constructing our desires - or else the dreamworld will fall entirely into the hands of dominant and reactionary forces. While cyberspace is increasingly dominated by corporate organization, gaming, at its most subversive, can nevertheless produce radical forms of enjoyment which threaten the capitalist norms that are created and endlessly repeated in our daily relationships with mobile phones, videogames, computers and other forms of technological entertainment. Far from being a book solely for dedicated gamers, this book dissects the structure of our relationships to all technological entertainment at a time when entertainment has become ubiquitous. We can no longer escape our fantasies but rather live inside their digital reality.
Co-Creating Change: Effective Dynamic Therapy Techniques
Jon Frederickson - 2013
Co-Creating Change includes clinical vignettes that illustrate hundreds of therapeutic impasses taken from actual sessions, showing how to understand patients and how to intervene effectively. The book provides clear, systematic steps for assessing patients' needs and intervening to develop an effective relationship for change. Co-Creating Change presents an integrative theory that uses elements of behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, emotion-focused therapy, psychoanalysis, and mindfulness. This empirically validated treatment is effective with a wide range of patients.
On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders: An Introduction to Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
Viktor E. Frankl - 1956
Evidence for the growing significance of logotherapy includes institutes, societies and professorships in many countries of the world, as well as conferences and publications. On the Theory and Therapy of Neuroses: An Introduction to Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, the translation of Viktor Frankl's Theorie und Therapie der Neurosen by James M. DuBois, will allow for the first time English-only readers to experience this essential text on logotherapy.
The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety: A Step-by-Step Program
William J. Knaus - 2008
If you're ready to stop letting your anxiety have the upper hand, The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety can help. This workbook offers a step-by-step program you can use, on your own or with a therapist, to end anxiety and get back to living a rich and productive life.With this book, you'll develop a personal plan using techniques from rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), powerful treatment methods proven to be even more effective in the long term than anxiety medication. You'll learn to recognize your anxiety triggers, develop skills to stop anxious thoughts before they get out of control, and stop needless fears from coming back.The powerful tools in this book will help you:Silence the irrational thoughts that trigger anxiety Create a personal plan to overcome excessive fears and worries Stop expecting perfection from yourself and start feeling confident Calm yourself when panic takes hold Defeat depression and other conditions that often occur with anxiety Build self-esteem Track your symptoms and maintain your progress This book has received the prestigious accolade of being included in The Albert Ellis Tribute Book Series—created to honor the life and work of Albert Ellis, the founder of rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT). REBT is one of the most widely-practiced therapies throughout the world and is the foundation for cognitive-behavioral therapy and other evidence-based approaches. These books provide proven-effective treatments and tools to improve psychological well-being, while also supporting advancements in psychotherapy for the betterment of humanity.
Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You
Robert J. Sternberg - 1997
In this comprehensive anthology, authors selected for their distinction in their chosen careers offer their professional - and personal - perspectives on 19 different graduate-level careers in psychology. Few fields of study offer more career opportunities than does psychology, and readers will find thoughtful discussions, leavened with tips and insights gained from personal experience, on the full range, including (to name only a few) academia, clinical psychology, health and school psychology, clinical neuropsychology, and government service. Each chapter discusses the nature of the career, its advantages and disadvantages, how to prepare for it, typical activities, ranges of financial compensation, opportunities for employment, and the personal attributes needed for success in the career. realities, challenges, and rewards of each career that the lab or lecture hall rarely provides. Reprinted eight times since the publication of the first edition in 1997, Career Paths in Psychology is recognized as the go-to sourcebook for anyone seeking a candid portrait of different careers in this ever-changing field. The second edition has been expanded (discussions of five new careers added) and updated to reflect current trends and changes in the field.
The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism Before Its Triumph
Albert O. Hirschman - 1977
Hirschman here offers a new interpretation for the rise of capitalism, one that emphasizes the continuities between old and new, in contrast to the assumption of a sharp break that is a common feature of both Marxian and Weberian thinking. Among the insights presented here is the ironical finding that capitalism was originally supposed to accomplish exactly what was soon denounced as its worst feature: the repression of the passions in favor of the "harmless," if one-dimensional, interests of commercial life. To portray this lengthy ideological change as an endogenous process, Hirschman draws on the writings of a large number of thinkers, including Montesquieu, Sir James Steuart, and Adam Smith.
Essential Skills in Family Therapy: From the First Interview to Termination
JoEllen Patterson - 1998
From initial client intake to the nuts-and-bolts of the interview, assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, treatment planning, intervention techniques, troubleshooting, and termination, the book translates current research findings into cogent recommendations for practice. Numerous case examples and sample treatment plans, forms, and questionnaires complement the text.
Infinite Distraction (Theory Redux)
Dominic Pettman - 2015
But what if the problem is not that we are all synchronized to the same motions or moments, but rather dispersed into countless different emotional micro-experiences? What if the effect of so-called social media is to calibrate the interactive spectacle so that we never fully feel the same way as other potential allies at the same time? While one person is fuming about economic injustice or climate change denial, another is giggling at a cute cat video. And, two hours late, vice versa. The nebulous indignation which constitutes the very fuel of true social change can be redirected safely around the network, avoiding any dangerous surges of radical activity. In this short and provocative book, Dominic Pettman examines the deliberate deployment of what he calls 'hypermodulation,' as a key strategy encoded into the contemporary media environment. His account challenges the various narratives that portray social media as a sinister space of synchronized attention, in which we are busily “clicking ourselves to death.” This critical reflection on the unprecedented power of the Internet requires us to rethink the potential for infinite distraction that our latest technologies now allow.
Che Guevara on Global Justice
Ernesto Che Guevara - 2002
Is there an alternative to the neoliberal globalization that is ravaging our planet? Collected here are three classic works by Che Guevara, including his essay, "Socialism and Man in Cuba." (Also available in Spanish as Justicia Global ISBN 1-876175-46-X)
The Brain: A Beginner's Guide
Ammar al-Chalabi - 2005
However, as the authors of this accessible guide demonstrate, there are at least some things we do understand about the brain, things which may lead us to think quite differently about the way we view ourselves and workings of our minds. Starting off with a brief tour of the history of neuroscience, from Aristotle's view that the function of the brain was to cool the heart to the ancient practice of drilling a hole in the skull to relieve headaches, the book covers all of the key areas - including the anatomy and development of the brain, the workings of the sensory and nervous systems, the function of sleep and the capacity for language - in a clear and comprehensible manner. The authors also consider the roots - and possible treatments - of some of the most common psychological disorders, and examine the way in which science may help us to find answers to philosophical questions about the nature of consciousness and the identity of the self. to be able to extend life well beyond the standard three score years and ten, this lively and entertaining introduction assumes no previous scientific knowledge and will be suitable for readers of all backgrounds.