Book picks similar to
Year of the Golden Ape by Colin Forbes



Steven Konkoly - 2011
    A secret his government has hidden in the deepest vaults of the Pentagon.Someone is trying to raise Black Flag from the dead, and drag Petrovich back into the poisonous life he abandoned. Someone who knows his darkest secrets.In exchange for the promise of a clean slate, and a chance to keep the life he has built with the woman he loves, he agrees to carry out one more mission. Now Daniel has an even bigger problem. The assassination of Mohammed Ghani, a wealthy Muslim importer, wasn't the uncomplicated mission he had been promised. Seven other prominent Muslim businessmen are killed on the same night along the East Coast, suddenly extinguishing Task Force HYDRA, the most significant counter-terrorism investigation in recent FBI history.Daniel's life is about to disintegrate, as he becomes the focus of a relentless FBI manhunt, and the target of a vengeful CIA agent. To survive, he'll be forced to release a dark side he fought for years to keep suppressed. A dark side with no boundaries, and few loyalties.

Sea Wife

Amity Gaige - 2020
    With their two kids—Sybil, age seven, and George, age two—Juliet and Michael set off for Panama, where their forty-four foot sailboat awaits them. The initial result is transformative; the marriage is given a gust of energy, Juliet emerges from her depression, and the children quickly embrace the joys of being feral children at sea. Despite the stresses of being novice sailors, the family learns to crew the boat together on the ever-changing sea. The vast horizons and isolated islands offer Juliet and Michael reprieve – until they are tested by the unforeseen.Sea Wife is told in gripping dual perspectives: Juliet’s first person narration, after the journey, as she struggles to come to terms with the life-changing events that unfolded at sea, and Michael’s captain’s log, which provides a riveting, slow-motion account of these same inexorable events, a dialogue that reveals the fault lines created by personal history and political divisions. Sea Wife is a transporting novel about marriage, family and love in a time of unprecedented turmoil. It is unforgettable in its power and astonishingly perceptive in its portrayal of optimism, disillusionment, and survival.


John Oehler - 2013
    An accidental tea spill damages the royal papyrus she has been struggling to interpret, the papyrus purported to be Queen Tiye’s last message to her son, Tutankhamun. But the spill also exposes hidden writing below the surface hieroglyphs. Horrified at the damage but aching to read the entire secret text, Rika agrees to let visiting remote-sensing expert David Chamberlain smuggle the priceless document out of the museum and scan it with instruments on his aircraft. The results are stunning. They show Tiye, previously a footnote in history, to have been the power behind the thrones of her husband and sons, as well as the architect of a monotheistic religion unique in ancient Egypt. Riveted by these revelations, Rika and David devise a covert plan to locate Tiye’s tomb. But Major Hassam of the Egyptian Secret Police misreads their activities as a plot to overthrow the government and vows to stop them at all costs. Reared in revolution, Rika feels a spiritual bond with Tiye, an African commoner who revolutionized Egyptian society by introducing a religion that freed Egypt from the tyranny of the Amun priests. Rika’s quest to find Tiye’s tomb parallels the queen’s last journey up the Nile, three thousand years before, to be buried alive in a tomb like no other. In a league with Michael Crichton, Dan Brown, and Wilbur Smith, John Oehler has created a cinematic page-turner of explosive yet poetic brilliance. And readers who liked Lisbeth Salander in Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, will love Rika. Papyrus was a semi-finalist in the 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award competition (top 1% of 10,000 entries) and garnered more than a hundred 5-star reviews.

Night of the Fox

Jack Higgins - 1986
    Wounded and adrift for days, he washes ashore on the German-occupied island of Jersey. The news spreads panic through the Allied high command: Kelso knows the time and place of the invasion. He must be rescued -- or silenced. A British professor turned Nazi impersonator and a young Jersey girl posing as his mistress set off to find Kelso in the fiercely guarded island fortress. The pair join a deadly game of wits that they must win....or perish in the darkness of the "Night of the Fox"

The Guide

Peter Heller - 2021
    Sandwiched between barbed wire and a meadow with a sign that reads Don't Get Shot! the resort boasts boutique fishing at its finest. Safe from viruses that have plagued America for years, Kingfisher offers a respite for wealthy clients. Now it also promises a second chance for Jack, a return to normalcy after a young life filled with loss. When he is assigned to guide a well-known singer, his only job is to rig her line, carry her gear, and steer her to the best trout he can find.But then a human scream pierces the night, and Jack soon realizes that this idyllic fishing lodge may be merely a cover for a far more sinister operation. A novel as gripping as it is lyrical, as frightening as it is moving, The Guide is another masterpiece from Peter Heller.


Simon Toyne - 2011
    This is no ordinary suicide but a symbolic act. And thanks to the media, it is witnessed by the entire world.But few understand it. For charity worker Kathryn Mann and a handful of others in the know, it is what they have been waiting for. The cowled and secretive fanatics that live in the Citadel suspect it could mean the end of everything they have built – and they will kill, torture and break every law to stop that. For Liv Adamsen, New York crime reporter, it begins the next stage of a journey into the heart of her own identity.And at that journey's end lies a discovery that will change EVERYTHING …SANCTUS is an apocalyptic conspiracy thriller like no other – it re-sets the bar for excitement and fascination, and marks the debut of a major talent in Simon Toyne.

The Ninja

Eric Van Lustbader - 1980
    A sprawling erotic thriller that swings from postwar Japan to present-day New York in a relentless saga of violence and terror elaborately designed for the most savage vengeance of all...


Danielle Steel - 2015
    Barred forever from the undercover work he loves, he has nothing—no close friends, no family, no hometown or base, and no desire to settle for life behind a desk. He’s called to action in the most unlikely of places when he stumbles upon a beautiful girl burying an old steel box in a Parisian park. Drawn into the mystery, Marshall soon discovers that she is Ariana Gregory, daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Argentina, who is trying to find herself again after being kidnapped and brainwashed by radical revolutionaries. But there are powerful forces at large who will not rest until they secure revenge, and Marshall and Ariana will face yet more trials—and another beginning—before they can truly bury the dark past and embark on a new life together.