Bind Me in Steel

Beast . - 2018
     All his life, Wren has known only his clan. His place. His service to his lord. Young, vulnerable, sheltered within one of the last fortresses held by wolves in a ruined, drowning world, Wren was raised to know only one thing: As an omega, he was born to be his alpha’s mate. But when the alpha of his pack challenges a stranger trespassing on their lands, a devastating loss to the mysterious, soft-spoken brute of a wolf leaves their pack shattered and without a leader. Yet when the dark stranger demands not dominance, but Wren himself as his price and his prize, Wren finds himself torn from the wolf-eat-wolf world he’s always known to become one half of a pack of two with no home but the wandering road and open sky. The strange man known as Ero Wake claims he isn’t an alpha. Isn’t a leader. Isn’t anything but a lone wolf finding a way to survive in a broken world, where dryads and werewolves war for space with humans and halflings; where blood frenzies turn man into beast and beast into monster; where the Echo’s subliminal whispers seek out the unwary and lure them north, to a centuries-old Disc waiting with its eldritch songs that broke the world. But Ero knows more than he lets on, secrets as old as the end of the Earth, and something about the strength beneath his silence calls to every primal thing buried inside Wren. It’s animal. It’s instinctive. It’s a need deeper than blood, a craving to belong to Ero and Ero alone. Every day with the much older wolf stokes the mating heat in Wren’s blood higher—yet for Ero, the risk of mating with Wren is too dangerous. Too frightening, when losing control of himself could unleash a beast more feral than any the world has ever seen. Half broken, touched by the Echo, Ero isn’t like any wolf Wren has ever met. But if Ero isn’t careful…he’ll find himself tamed and bending to Wren’s delicate touch, both his heart and his wildness bound up in steel.

Still Waters

Alex Gabriel - 2015
    Almost.A deadly hunter.Hraban has dedicated his life to taking down creatures like Drakjan, protecting those who cannot protect themselves.An uneasy truce.When fate forces them together, the nix and the hunter discover a dangerous attraction… and a threat that can destroy everything Drakjan has come to love.~~~~~~This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. "Still Waters" contains sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. ~~~~~~This story prompt and photo inspired "Still Waters":Dear Author,I only have two words for you: ginger merman! Everything else is up to you.Photo Description: A redheaded, muscular young man with a short beard stands in a lake, a scraggly stand of seaweed-draped deadwood behind him and mountains in the distance. He looks directly at the viewer, wearing a neutral expression. The water comes up to just above his waist, and he is lifting a sturdy white net from the water with both hands.

Pledge Slave

Evangeline Anderson - 2007
    On the last night of Hell Week, Andrew completes his initiation with a carnal act designed to humiliate him. But instead of disgusting him, the deeply erotic encounter arouses him almost unbearably. Andrew is confused and tortured by his reaction. He doesn't want to think about the terrible urges he keeps buried inside, let alone act on them.urges that will get him kicked out of the fraternity and disowned by his family. Tony Ginelli is an Alpha Psi brother, the recipient of Andrew's act of erotic initiation. When Andrew becomes his slave for the next two semesters, Tony masters the handsome pledge in every way that counts. As Tony discovers Andrew's long-held secrets and desires, the lovers forge a bond that lasts beyond college. But while Tony helps Andrew face his demons, he is terrified to reveal his own dark that could kill the very man he loves.


A.E. Via - 2017
    Following in his father’s large paw prints was a responsibility he met head on. Now at age thirty-three, he is alpha of the alphas. As a direct descendant of the original Siberian pack, his wolf is bigger and stronger than Justice, himself is sometimes able to control. His wolf howled long and hard but Justice kept it inside. It felt like a bass drum beating against his rib cage. The harsh breaths, angry snarls and the determined pacing inside him was overtaking him.Justice takes his role of leadership and his legacy very seriously. He has little time for romance, not to mention a true mate. His packs are his priority. With a human government trying to regulate them, an uprising of rogue shifters, and a violent team of scientists trying to experiment on them, Justice has his hands way too full. Chadwick ‘Wick’ Bentley is not enthusiastic when the captain of his escort tells him he has to leave his comfortable London home and go back to the States. As the Vampire King, he has no choice but to get his species back in line before they cause anymore chaos. At over one-hundred years old, Wick is no one to trifle with, but his smooth, charismatic manner makes him quite unique, despite the negative reputation vampires have. Wick has had nothing but time up to this point. He doesn’t feel the need to make issues pressing. Nothing is urgent in his life. Until he meets Justice. His beloved.“Natural enemies can’t be mates.” Or so Justice thought. He knows his skepticism and rejection is hurting his mate, so while he fights their connection, Wick gets help from a source very close to Justice to help him win his beloved’s heart. Wick is a force all on his own, but when he’s blessed with a special gift from the Mother herself, not even Justice’s powerful wolf can prevent the prophesy from being fulfilled. This story DOES NOT contain/mention MPREG. No multiple pairings. No cliffhangers. It ends with a very HFN. Warning: This book is MM paranormal: If you DO NOT like hot, alpha men shifting into large wolves, or vampires feeding from their mates, this may not be your read.