Wish Upon a Star

Ola Wegner - 2017
    What if Darcy and Elizabeth had come to understanding in very different circumstances and a bit later than in the novel? --------------------------------- Elizabeth walked back to the desk. Mr Darcy was writing busily, a frown of concentration gracing his forehead. “Yes, Miss Bennet?” he asked, interrupting his work to look up at her. “Have you changed your mind about keeping my company?” “The door is closed.” “Closed,” he repeated. She nodded. “Yes. I cannot open it.” “It must have gotten stuck.” “Well, I have no strength to push it open.” Darcy stood up, walked around the desk and straight to the door. After a moment it turned out that he was as unsuccessful at opening the solid oak door as she was. “What is the meaning of this?” Elizabeth asked. “It appears that someone must have locked the door from the outside.” Her eyes widened. “Locked it?” “Yes, I cannot explain it otherwise.” “Why would someone do such a thing?” “Yes, why would someone do such a thing…why indeed?” Darcy asked, his expression both bewildered and dazed. “What shall we do now?” she wanted to know, expecting him to find a solution to their dilemma. “We should wait,” he answered quickly. “Wait?” “If someone locked it by accident, this person must open it in due time,” Darcy stated. Elizabeth was not convinced with his reasoning. “Perhaps,” she said, the tone of her voice doubtful. She stepped to the door and pulled at the handle. She did not know why she did it. The door was closed, after all. “Should we not cry for help?” she suggested. “Or look for the key? Mr Bingley might keep a spare key in one of the drawers of the desk.” “Are you in any danger, Miss Bennet?” he asked. “Do you not trust me?” “No, of course not. I mean, I do trust you, sir. Nevertheless, it is all rather strange, will you not agree with me?” “I am confident that it is nothing more than a simple misunderstanding. As for the key, I have never seen one.” “Could it be a servant? The person who locked the door?” “Quite possibly.” Elizabeth felt that her confusion was growing. “I do not understand,” she whispered.

Anything Is Possible: A Story of the Darcys and Bennets

Don H. Miller - 2018
    She is on her way to America to retrieve her sister, Lydia, who had eloped to America with George Wickham, but their marriage went sour, he abandoned her, and thus, pregnant and penniless, she wants to return to England. Unknown to Elizabeth, she is sailing on a ship which Darcy had built in honor of his mother, and he, his sister Georgiana, and his cousin Col. Fitzwilliam, are also sailing on the ship. The three of them are on the ship both because they wanted to be on its maiden voyage and because they wanted to visit America for the first time. Part 1 of the story is about the forty-five day voyage to America and the romantic struggles of Darcy and Elizabeth, as well as an unexpected attraction between Col. Fitzwilliam and a woman he meets on board. Part 2 tells of their reception back in England by their respective families and friends and the subsequent romantic adventures of Georgiana and Catherine Bennet, Elizabeth’s next-to-youngest sister.

Smoky Dreams: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2018
    Now is his chance to be the hero and get the girl by helping his friend to his own romantic happily-ever-after. Or is it? Darcy soon learns that showing up is only the first step in the battle when his true enemy is his own pride and arrogance. Now he must change his own ways and undo the harm he has unwittingly done. Only then can he hope to win the hand and heart of the woman he loves. As he overcomes the flaws in his own nature and the opposition of a prideful aunt, he is helped along by family and friends in ways he would never have expected. Will his smoky dreams of sorrow and guilt turn to a living dream of happiness? Read on and find out...

A Beneficial, If Unwilling, Compromise

Bronwen Chisholm - 2017
    When Mrs. Bennet discovers all her worse nightmares are about to come true, she does not react the way her family expects. Instead the normally silly woman takes matters into her own hands and gives marching orders to her daughters. Will they follow them to the letter? Will any of them find their happy ending? Just remember, the secret to a long and lasting relationship is compromise.

Leaving Longbourn: A Compilation of Five Short Stories

E.A. Batten - 2020
     Finding Elizabeth Abducted from her home just before her third birthday, Elizabeth is taken in by the Bennets. It is only with the arrival of a new tenant at Netherfield that her true identity is discovered. According to Mr Bennet, Elizabeth was found wandering in the gardens of Longbourn but will the truth of the matter ever be known? Her Grandmother’s Wisdom Elizabeth and Mary Bennet on holiday with their Aunt and Uncle Gardiner in Derbyshire. It is there that they first meet Fitzwilliam Darcy a year after his father’s passing. Four years later, Darcy is pleased to discover the young lady he had thought of often resides on the neighbouring estate to the one his friend Bingley has recently leased. Miss Bennet’s Adventure Following the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy, Mary is invited to join her sister and new brother at Pemberley. There she meets again a certain colonel in His Majesty’s Army. Sequel to Her Grandmother’s Wisdom. Hurst Knows All What if Hurst was more aware of what was going on around him at Netherfield and shared his wife’s and sister’s liking for gossip. Storms over Hunsford The morning after the ill-fated proposal at Hunsford, Elizabeth is walking aimlessly in the grounds of Rosings Park as she reads Darcy’s letter. So caught up in reading and re-reading the missive, while chastising herself, she does not notice the approaching storm until it is too late.

Practical Engagements: A Fitzwilliam Darcy Story

Sophie Rae - 2017
    This story is as much about Elizabeth and Darcy's torturous road to love, as it is about Colonel Fitzwilliam's parallel, purgative journey. It is a tale about falling in love, falling out of love, and just falling. Intended for ages 17 to 117, due to some implicit but more mature themes.

An Unwelcome Guest at the Netherfield Ball

E. Bradshaw - 2016
    The reader later discovers the truth of this situation; that Mr Wickham was keen to avoid Mr Darcy that night – for it was entirely possible that he could have faced (entirely justifiable) retribution from Mr Darcy if he had attended. The reader – and Elizabeth – are unaware at that point in the novel of Mr Wickham’s true, deceitful nature – and, of course, no one in wider society is aware of Mr Wickham’s scandalous behaviour concerning Mr Darcy’s younger sister. However, in this alternative narrative, the reader is shown how events could have varied in Pride and Prejudice if Mr Wickham had thrown caution to the wind and had instead attended the ball on that fateful evening. In this re-telling of the famous story, events start on the evening of the much anticipated Netherfield ball, and Elizabeth quietly frets to herself over the potential for her family to create a public scene. She knows very well that Mr Bingley’s conceited sisters hold her family in contempt, just as she is very aware of Mr Darcy’s obvious disapproval. She dreads the prospect of enduring her promised dances with Mr Collins, and is appalled at her mothers’ blatant matchmaking efforts. However, with the one pivotal change – of Mr Wickham being unexpectedly present at the ball – Elizabeth’s night, and her prospects for an enjoyable evening, change completely. And as a consequence of his attendance at the ball, the events of the novel begin to differ from there onwards as well. The neighbourhood of Meryton is entirely scandalised when Elizabeth takes a dance with the gallant Mr Wickham – and Mr Darcy is beside himself with rage to see the woman he secretly admires dancing so merrily with his arch enemy. ‘Elizabeth looked up at Mr Wickham’s face as he spoke, and realised, as she followed the direction of his pointed gaze, that he had locked eyes with Mr Darcy across the space of the crowded ballroom. She had not noticed before that Mr Darcy was observing them; though it was clear that Mr Wickham had known exactly where Mr Darcy was within the room – as well as having been entirely aware that Mr Darcy had been watching the two of them. The air seemed to spark between the two men, and Elizabeth could not fail to notice the palpable tension which flowed in waves between them. She saw the scornful sneer that Mr Wickham shot towards his enemy – and Mr Darcy bristling in return.’ In fact, Mr Darcy is so unsettled by the sight of Elizabeth dancing with his enemy, and so jealous, that he acts immediately to separate them. Unfortunately for Elizabeth, this is only the first of a series of humiliating experiences that she is to face that evening – and the consequences of Mr Darcy’s actions are to cause a scandal which will unavoidably change her future.

A Sister's Sacrifice

Lelia Eye - 2020
    Determined to remedy the situation, Elizabeth decides to stay with her aunt in London, thereby forcing the truth of Jane’s circumstances to rise to the surface.It is in London that Elizabeth meets Fitzwilliam Darcy and his younger brother, a rake of a man who is more interested in dalliances with women than in maintaining the small estate bequeathed upon him by his father. Despite Darcy’s great efforts, his brother simply refuses to listen to reason and curb his excesses, leaving Darcy at a loss concerning how to proceed.Because both Elizabeth and Darcy are so focused on their siblings, neither expects to catch the other’s eye. But as they spend more time together, they find themselves to be willing allies and perhaps even something more. If they work together, is it possible to ensure that all parties involved will achieve happiness? Or will the sacrifice of Elizabeth’s sister proceed, causing sorrow to enshroud the future and forever banishing any hopes for marital bliss?

A Year Without Summer: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    The Bennet family recognizes that the winter is very cold but nothing prepares them for the ‘year without a summer’ that follows. Frost and cool temperatures every month of the growing season reduce harvests of important grains, vegetables, and fruits. Their England is dependent upon locally grown foodstuffs and the people are unable to bring in food stuffs from other parts of the world–in fact other parts of the world would not have had surpluses of food to send. Horse and oxen-drawn wagons could only move produce so far in any single day.With some good luck, Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet separate after the Ball at Netherfield on excellent terms. Through happenstance, the couple meet at Hunsford at Easter during the cold spring, fall in love and become engaged. However, as the families and tenants struggle to harvest diminished harvests of grains and hay, the Bennet and Darcy families struggle to remain hopeful. The poor harvests do not prevent the marriage of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam, and they travel from London to Pemberley for the lean winter that affects the inhabitants of manor houses and farmhouses.In Hertfordshire, Charles Bingley must deal with Caroline and his aunt from Scarborough, and Jane must rally her family as they discover how much they miss Elizabeth’s humour and wit. But in spring 1817, the weather makes all of England a green and bountiful land once again, and Jane and Charles find their way toward the happily-ever-after they deserve.

Tall, Dark and Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Harriet Knowles - 2020
    Kidnap. Murder. Madness.And it all began at the Netherfield Ball…Ensnared in compromise; Elizabeth Bennet receives four offers of marriage.Not one is welcome.She could wish her life somewhat less eventful.Tall, dark, and impossibly handsome,Darcy strides into every drama where someone needs help or assistance.But why, in heaven’s name, did he have to embroil himself this time?He knows the answer. The thought of seeing Miss Elizabeth Bennet wed to his friend would torture him forever.But who would try and compromise her with another?And who will not accept their marriage must be the end of their plot?When Elizabeth vanishes, he must begin a desperate search to find her before it’s too late — for both of them.Tall, Dark and Darcy is a sweet and clean Regency novel of 84,000 words.

Meryton Medley: Four Pride and Prejudice Novelettes

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2016
    "Her Derbyshire Friend" - What if Elizabeth responded to Darcy's letter? Would our dear couple find their way to each other? This story begins the day after the Hunsford Proposal. "Hunsford Day" - The day of the Hunsford proposal is repeated over and over, Groundhog Day style; from Elizabeth's point of view. This out-of-character story begins after the disastrous Hunsford proposal. "Secret Valentine" - What if Elizabeth received a series of valentines from a secret admirer? This short story is not intended to change any events in our favorite story. "Frog Pride" - What if Darcy was a prince with a spell cast on him by evil Catherine? (A short and clean Pride and Prejudice / Frog Prince fantasy.)

Darcy's Secret Marriage: A Pride & Prejudice Novel Variation

Zoe Burton - 2019
    Will they get a second chance at a future? When Fitzwilliam Darcy sees Elizabeth Bennet across a ballroom, he cannot believe his eyes or his good fortune. After four years of searching, he has finally found her, and he is determined that nothing is going to keep them apart this time. However, their reunion does not go completely as planned. The same person who tore them apart years ago is still not pleased to allow them to be together. Secretly, Darcy and Elizabeth pledge themselves to one another, but will a marriage formed in secrecy be enough to help keep them together or will their nemesis succeed in separating them forever?

The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Tiffany Thomas - 2022
    Darcy still find their happily ever after?Young William Collins spent his childhood under the oppression of an abusive father and an ill mother. When he becomes an orphan after a scarring tragedy, Collins is sent to live with his estranged cousins, the Bennet family, at Longbourn.At the same time, Fitzwilliam Darcy passes through his own crisis. The unique relationship between the Darcy and Wickham families is revealed late one night when Fitzwilliam discovers his father’s unsettling secret—one that affects George Wickham to the core.Elizabeth grows up loving Collins as a brother, but when he befriends Darcy and Wickham, Elizabeth wonders about her cousin’s choice in friends, and Darcy’s overbearing pride. What she doesn’t know are the heartaches of Darcy’s past that shape his intentions now.As the beloved characters of Pride & Prejudice grapple with their disturbing childhoods, how will the choices of their parents be carried on to the next generation? Can they find happiness, or are they doomed to a lifetime of misery because of the sins of their fathers?"The Sins of Their Fathers: A Pride & Prejudice Variation" by Tiffany Thomas is a full-length historical romance novel of 85,000 words.

Pride and Prejudice and Poison: A Pride and Prejudice Novel Variation

Bella Breen - 2018
    Now, with Miss Elizabeth's life on the line, Mr. Darcy is the only one with the connections and means to save her life... Does Mr. Darcy bring help in time or is he too late? What caused Miss Elizabeth to be violently ill? And most importantly, who did it? Pride and Prejudice and Poison is a 52,000 word novel with over 113,000 reads on another site. Print length is 368 pages.

Reunited: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation (Loving Elizabeth Book 2)

Rose Fairbanks - 2018
     Jilted for years, Elizabeth Bennet has vowed to never allow Will Darcy back into her life when he arrives in Meryton five years too late. However, her defenses begin to crumble with his sweet words of regret and persuasive kisses. When he proclaims they will wed, Elizabeth’s friends and family reinforce what she already knows: she should never trust Will with her heart. Facing his demons, Will finally journeys to Meryton determined to make Elizabeth truly love him this time. Soon, he learns he had misjudged her—she was never unfaithful. Someone plotted to tear them apart, preying on their insecurities. With many suspects and few clues, Will must discover who sabotaged their relationship while endeavoring to earn Elizabeth’s trust. Her respect is the one thing he cannot buy and may never attain. The second volume in the Loving Elizabeth series, Reunited tantalizes readers with a swoon-worthy hero, passionate encounters, and a love that transcends all obstacles. Perfect for a fast-paced summer read, buy today!