Duels of Every Sort: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sarah Brown - 2019
    What if the Bennets did have a son? How would the addition of another one of those witty Bennets to the story alter Darcy's point of view? Arguments, adventure, romance, and duels of every sort are sure to follow.

A Trifling Cold: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lory Lilian - 2019
    This Regency "Pride and Prejudice" variation is a clean, amusing, moderate angst and romantic full-novel of approximately 87.000 words. It takes place at the same time as in the original - from Mr. Bingley’s arrival at Netherfield, to the Ball, through the Christmas season. All the major scenes and characters from the original are here, different enough to keep the reader engaged - while new ones are added. And – a surprise for the readers – the author brings Elizabeth and Darcy back to a cottage, during a storm, only this time they are not alone, but accompanied by Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bingley, Jane, Mr. Wickham and several others. When the ladies are in great danger, who is the one gentleman who can save them and win their gratitude? And what is the price he will have to pay for his generous bravery? What will the Bennets do when they are forced by sad circumstances to face more of the Darcy family than they ever expected? At what point will Darcy realise he can stop the battle between his desires and his duty? Will Elizabeth admit that her feelings for Darcy are stronger and more profound than she imagined she would ever feel for a man?

Meryton Vignettes: Tales of Pride and Prejudice

Elizabeth Adams - 2016
    Time leads these beloved characters down roads of self-discovery, courage, and heartbreak. And sometimes the journey takes them to surprising places. The stories are -1 - Mistress of Longbourn2 - Life After Darcy3 - First Attachments4 - To Do Her Duty: 5 - To Fool A Fool6 - He Had It Coming

Mr. Darcy and the Victim of Circumstance: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2021
    As she recovers, Darcy finds himself attracted to his guest, but her low social status silences his desires. Soon Darcy discovers the wreck was no accident, but the work of his old nemesis George Wickham, drawing him into the official investigation. While Darcy gathers evidence of the crime, his friend Charles Bingley falls in love with Elizabeth’s sister Jane. Bingley leases an estate near her home in Hertfordshire, bringing Darcy once more into contact with Elizabeth. After Wickham is captured by an intrepid Bow Street investigator, the monstrous motive for his crime is revealed, and he is arrested for murder. Meanwhile, Bingley secures Jane’s hand, forcing his friend to confront his reservations about Elizabeth. Feeling he is free of Wickham’s shadow, Darcy follows his heart and proposes to Elizabeth, and the double wedding of the two sisters goes forward. But then, unforeseen problems arise. A vitriolic attack by Bingley’s sister Caroline, long obsessed with Darcy, shocks Elizabeth. Georgiana has a distressing secret she is afraid to share with her brother. And Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine deBourgh, exhibits bizarre symptoms that force her brother, Lord Matlock, to intervene before a major scandal damages the entire family, threatening Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s future. Now, as the newlyweds settle at Pemberley, Wickham goes on trial, and Darcy must testify against his one-time friend, sealing Wickham’s fate. With Wickham sentenced to die, honor, treachery and one last act of evil force a crisis no one could have imagined, and bring Darcy face to face with death..

The Netherfield Fire: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story

Timothy Underwood - 2020
    Darcy saved Elizabeth from the fire, but will her infected burns still kill her?When Elizabeth smelled the smoke and heard the cry of ‘Fire!’ during the Netherfield ball she did not hesitate to run up to the higher floors. A servant who had grown up at Longbourn had broken her leg, and would need help to escape the flames. But as they hurried downstairs they became lost in the thick, roiling smoke. Elizabeth was struck and burned on the face by falling debris.Just when she began to despair, she heard Mr. Darcy’s hoarse voice cry her name.Mr. Darcy still disdains Elizabeth’s mother and connections, and the next time they meet will be at Rosings Park under Lady Catherine’s watchful gaze…

Less Proud and More Persuasive

Sophie Turner - 2015
    Darcy to make a more Persuasion-esque proposal?Author Note: Readers considering this work should be aware that, unlike the Constant Love series, this novella is written in third-person present tense, so if they routinely read only past-tense writing, they may wish to peruse the sample before purchasing.They should also be aware that it uses lines from Jane Austen's Persuasion as well as Pride and Prejudice. Readers who have not read Persuasion are encouraged to read that novel first, less because of spoilers than because it is absolutely wonderful.

Until My Last Breath: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rose Lorimer - 2018
     After his unfortunate marriage proposal, Darcy writes Elizabeth a letter and, in his attempt to hand it to her, everything changes – both of them are kidnapped. In just a few days, Elizabeth finds herself floundering in fear, loneliness and despair, facing a terrible future at the hands of heartless mercenaries, while Darcy, injured, is left behind. Determined to save the lady who holds his heart, Darcy embarks on an uncertain journey to rescue Elizabeth. Together with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, he discovers the power of love, friendship and trust, which goes beyond any familial connection. In this romantic, dramatic adventure, involving sea travels, mercenary pirates and bloody fights able to determine life or death, Darcy and Elizabeth come to realise that they must never let hope die. Hope and their mutual love are all they have to keep them alive. Until their last breath. EXTRACT Richard was now very curious about how Darcy had managed to bear the journey from London to Portsmouth in his present condition. Darcy chuckled at his enquiries. “Richard, you know me well enough to guess I could not stay back when so much is at stake, when Elizabeth’s life is in such danger.” He looked around and all eyes were on him. He became serious again. “They say that love and hate are the two most powerful forces to move a man. I can guarantee you all, I have plenty of both.” ABOUT THE AUTHOR As a non-fiction writer and polyglot, I am fascinated by the beauty of writing, and the gift of combining words and sentences to achieve the perfect expression of ideas and critical analysis. But writing fiction also takes one a step further and expresses, at a much deeper level, not only creativity, but feelings and emotions. And that is my intention from now on: to write stories that can arouse people’s feelings and dreams. And what could be better than starting it with something I just love? As a huge fan of 'Pride and Prejudice' – my favourite book by far – I have spent the last two years reading not only the original, but also hundreds and hundreds of P&P variations. As a result, while increasing my knowledge of the English language on an academic level, I decided I would like to start writing my own versions. I can only hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. POST SCRIPTUM - 27th Sep 2018 Please, allow me to add a small comment about some of the reviews I have received in USA. Indeed, English is not my native language, but contrarily to what was said, I am aware of my limitations and had this story analysed by an editor and copyedited by a registered professional. Unfortunately, as it seems, I was not very happy with my choices. I can just add that I have a deep respect for my readers, and that I have already corrected those mentioned mistakes.

One Bride & Two Grooms: A Pride & Prejudice Novella

Christie Capps - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has competition for the hand of the only woman he will ever love. Making a poor first impression, he had no idea how far out of the hole he needed to dig himself until she could view him as anything other than arrogant and unworthy. Miss Elizabeth Bennet loathed Mr. Darcy. His selfish disdain for the feelings of others, including herself, made him the last man on earth she would ever marry. Of course, she felt the same about his competition. Based on Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride & Prejudice, will Darcy and Elizabeth ever obtain the happily-ever-after they desire? With each other? Enjoy Darcy's point-of-view as he tells a tale that might take you by surprise. It sure did the both of them. One Bride & Two Grooms is appropriate for all readers. This story can be read in just over an hour.

An Intolerable Situation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Lynbrook - 2019
    As spirited Elizabeth tries to accustom herself to the status of poor relation, she longs for her elder sister to have a better fate than marriage to the new master of Longbourn. Jane’s rescuer arrives in the nick of time, along with an unexpected romance for Elizabeth, but the path of true love is not without obstacles. Fortunately, the sisters have fortitude, resourcefulness, and the wisdom gained from reading novels.

The Very Essence of Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Andreea Catana - 2020
    Bingley. Elizabeth's dislike of Mr. Darcy is stronger than ever; he has ruined, after all, the happiness of her beloved sister.She is determined not to forgive him, and not to forget his contribution to Jane's misery. Still, a chance encounter will see Elizabeth, Jane and Georgiana Darcy coming together, prompting an acquaintance between them. The bond between Jane Bennet and Georgiana Darcy strengthens after Elizabeth's departure to Kent, and soon they become inseparable friends.At Rosings, Mr. Darcy struggles with his feelings for the young lady with the fine pair of eyes. He is determined to disregard all his previous objections and ask for her hand in marriage. But neither Mr. Darcy nor Elizabeth Bennet realise that before they can come together, they must face the shadows of the past and understand the nature of love... the very essence of love.

To Love Mr Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Martine J. Roberts - 2016
    With Mr. Bennet’s full blessing, Fitzwilliam Darcy informs Elizabeth they are to be married. Furious that they have decided her future for her, Elizabeth sets out to change Darcy’s mind. However, the untimely interference of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Darcy’s subsequent actions makes it impossible for Elizabeth to break their engagement. The events that follow lead to betrayal, a renewal of affection, and even death. Yet, in the midst of all this chaos, love blossoms, and in the most unlikely manner... To Love Mr Darcy, is an exciting alternative to the original Pride & Prejudice novel by Jane Austen. UK English, spellings, grammar and terminology are used throughout this book.

Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: The Tree on the Green

Alyssa Jefferson - 2018
    The girl is Miss Georgiana Darcy, and Elizabeth begins an acquaintance with her and her brother that leaves Elizabeth thoroughly charmed. She is even more delighted to find, upon her return to Hertfordshire, that Mr. Darcy is among the party now settled at Netherfield. Mr. Darcy’s regard for Elizabeth is obvious—but so, too, is his disgust toward her family. When he discovers that his attentions toward Elizabeth have given rise to a general expectation of their mutual attachment, he determines it best to create distance between himself and the captivating young lady he met in Lambton. But the arrival of an old adversary causes greater anxiety and distress, and Mr. Darcy must learn whom he can trust and what is truly important.

A Very Meryton Christmas: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Olivia Kane - 2018
    But when Fitzwilliam Darcy stays on at Netherfield Park thru the New Year, she is convinced he will ruin her holiday with his rude comments and prideful ways. Yet when she learns a painful secret about his past, she resolves to spread a little Christmas cheer his way. Can Elizabeth melt Mr. Darcy’s frozen heart or will jealous forces ruin their budding romance? A Very Meryton Christmas is a lighthearted novella; in the spirit of the time frame, it is a genteel romance where only the tea is steamy.

Travelling Towards Happiness: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kevin Lawrence - 2021
    It is the story of a powerful, determined, honourable and brave Darcy, ready to put his life in danger for the woman he loves, and a strong, witty, kind-hearted Elizabeth, ready to admit her errors and to receive and return his ardent love. What if, instead of meeting for the first time after the failed proposal at Pemberley, their first encounter instead takes place while they are both travelling toward the North.The story begins in July, at the beginning of the Gardiners’ and Elizabeth’s journey towards the Lakes. A storm thwarts their plans and a broken wheel on their carriage forces them to make an impromptu stop at an inn, which is already overcrowded and has no rooms left to accommodate them. With no place to stay, no carriage to continue their travel and even in danger of falling ill, their plans seem entirely ruined. Unless…Still grieving over his failed marriage proposal, Darcy is on his way home to Pemberley. As usual, he stops for the night at his favourite inn, together with his valet and two coachmen. An unexpected storm causes the inn to be overcrowded and, faced with so many people without shelter, he is trying his best to offer his support. To his utter astonishment, one of those in need is the woman of his dreams and nightmares, Elizabeth Bennet.Since they seem to share the same destination, the same regrets and sorrow and the same hopes, could they mend the past and build a happy future whilst travelling together? What if new villains and new dangers threaten their lives, forcing them to face the most difficult choices? Will Darcy be able to protect his love?Find out all the answers in this romantic and adventurous tale of our beloved couple.

An Unpleasant Sort of Man: A Variation on Pride and Prejudice

Nicky Roth - 2018
    Angry and mortified at first, Elizabeth soon realises that Mr Darcy seems to carry a dark secret and though at initially little inclined to forgive him for his slight, she soon finds herself irresistibly drawn towards him. When she discovers what the secret is and what burden he carries on his shoulders she cannot but forgive him as they grow ever so much closer. Trigger warning: This story does contain very vague and non-graphic references to the rape of a minor! Novel-length book with around 59.000 words.