Practical Engagements: A Fitzwilliam Darcy Story

Sophie Rae - 2017
    This story is as much about Elizabeth and Darcy's torturous road to love, as it is about Colonel Fitzwilliam's parallel, purgative journey. It is a tale about falling in love, falling out of love, and just falling. Intended for ages 17 to 117, due to some implicit but more mature themes.

Gentlewoman Urgently Seeks Husband

D.L. Carter - 2017
    Bates and Miss Bates(from Jane Austen’s EMMA), Elizabeth Bennet is sent to Hunsford with orders to become a flirt and return married or not at all. Unfortunately her mother’s letters to Mr. Collins are misunderstood and the local gentry assume that she is ‘in a certain condition’.You know that won’t end well.

Mr. Darcy's Twelfth Night: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Sequel

Elizabeth Ann West - 2021
    For the first time, Elizabeth is thrown head-first into the world of Mayfair shopping, dinners, and balls. You can take the headstrong woman out of the country, but London's highest society isn't ready for Mrs. Darcy's fearless ways.Warned by his uncle that marriage changes a man, Fitzwilliam Darcy confronts expectations not only from his peers, but also his household and even his wife! Absolved of joint decisions when they were with the Bingleys in Hertfordshire, residing in London even for a few weeks places a strain on the new Darcy marriage. Old insecurities and parlor privateers demand a price to be paid and it's the first time Mr. Darcy's wealth may not be enough.One thing is certain, with those fiery tempers come fiery passions. The love shared between Mr. Darcy and his Elizabeth helps smooth over their struggles in communication. If only people would stop knocking on the door! When the Matlocks' Twelfth Night Ball becomes the can't be missed event of the Ton, Darcy and Elizabeth have a big decision to make. Will they remain in London answering to the whims and antics of the fast set close to the Prince Regent? Or will they carry the topsy-turvy night beyond dawn and run away to Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Twelfth Night is a steamy Regency romance novel for fans of If Mr. Darcy Dared.

A Happy Accident: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2019
    And only the understanding that he is away from home allows her the freedom to explore the peaks around Pemberley, his magnificent estate in Derbyshire. But as Elizabeth as navigating the treacherous ground on her return to Lambton, she and Darcy come upon one another unexpectedly. Her shock caused Elizabeth to lose her footing and stumble. Darcy never thought he would have a greater shock than seeing Elizabeth Bennet exploring his lands only weeks after she broke his heart. That was until he had the shock of seeing her lose her footing and stumble from his sight. While Darcy cares for Elizabeth’s injuries at Pemberley, the two tentatively grow closer as they explore the misunderstandings and the growing feelings between them. But not everyone is pleased by Elizabeth’s stay at Pemberley. And they are prepared to do all they can to keep them apart. Even if it means corrupting their own honour and destroying the happiness of Elizabeth and Darcy forever. A Happy Accident is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words.

A Bennet of Royal Blood: A Pride and Prejudice Reimagining

Shana Granderson A Lady - 2021
    The woman is a daughter of an Earl. After more than a year of marriage, all of the time with his beloved wife spent at her estate of Netherfield Park in Hertfordshire, the Prince reveals his marriage to his father hoping the elapsed time will protect them. The King orders his son to leave the lady and plans to have the marriage annulled. The King was at least convinced by his son not to annul the marriage, so instead he orders a speedy divorce.The reason was NOT that the lady was unsuitable, the opposite was true, but for political reasons, the King has promised his son’s hand to a European princess to strengthen alliances for England. It saddens the King to do so, especially as this son is one he is very close to, knowing he is breaking his son’s heart the King forces the divorce as the other country in question is one England sorely needs as an ally.In the meanwhile, the lady had become best of friends with Mrs. Francine Bennet of Longbourn. They met not many months after Jane was born, shortly after the lady moved into Netherfield Park. When her devastated husband informs her of the forced divorce, his wife does not inform him she is with child to try not hurt him more than he has been already. It so happens Fanny Bennet is also pregnant with her second child at the same time.Due to the ignominy of divorce and worried about the social ramifications coupled with making assumptions about what the royals would expect of them, the lady’s family cut ties with her when she needs her parents more than ever. The only one she feels she has left is Fanny Bennet. A few other friends write but the broken-hearted lady is not ready to accept their overtures and respond yet. As both ladies near their confinements Thomas Bennet is called away—for what he tells his wife—is to assist his good friend from Cambridge, the Earl of Holder, in Staffordshire. He is actually investigating ways to break the entail on Longbourn.Fanny moves into Netherfield to be with her best friend during their confinements along with 2-year-old Jane. Before the final confinement, her brothers, Phillips, the solicitor, and Gardiner, the man of business are summoned. Phillips draws up a will for the lady and Gardiner is given management of her fortune. Just in case the worst happens, the lady writes a number of letters, among them one to her unborn child, one to the Prince, one to Bennet, and one to her parents as she has a plan in the event of her death.The best friends go into labour within hours of each other. Fanny delivers a stillborn son and some hours later, her friend delivers a healthy baby girl, who is the legitimate daughter of a Prince, making her a Princess. The friend has complications of birth and will not survive long. She implores her best friend—her sister of the heart—to take her daughter and raise her as her own and she will claim the dead baby son. Fanny cannot deny her friend her dying wish.The Lady names her baby Elizabeth after her grandmother. The lady charges Fanny with waiting until she feels Elizabeth is ready, to reveal her birth right to her, explaining her reasons for waiting. Other than a few small bequests to some, the lady's last will bequeaths her child all of her worldly possessions, including an enormous fortune and Netherfield Park on reaching his/her majority of 21. When Bennet returns he is introduced to, and falls in love with, his second daughter. Jane and Lizzy are both loved equally by their parents.The story looks at how the Bennets’ lives are different with a much different Fanny than canon. Also how will Elizabeth and the world around her react to the news when her true heritage is revealed. The Bennets meet the Darcys and Fitzwilliams much earlier than in Miss Austen’s masterpiece.

The Golden Apples of the Sun: A Variation on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Ivy May Stuart - 2018
    “Mr. Darcy, who are you to dictate? My sister is twenty-one years old: therefore an adult. I will guarantee nothing on her behalf! Of course, you may treat Mr. Bingley as a child if you choose. It would be quite in keeping with the rest of your arrogant behavior. And now, I bid you a very good day, sir.” Angry tears pricked behind her eyelids and she turned to walk away. But Darcy reached out and placed a heavy hand on her arm. “Not so fast, Miss Elizabeth…” he began to say, when a shrill voice called out behind them. __________________________________________________________________________________ A QUEST FOR A LIFE OF MEANING. Elizabeth Bennet, a young woman possessed of a keen intellect and sharp wit has spent most of her young life in forced seclusion in the small rural village of Meryton. But with the arrival of two wealthy young gentlemen, things look set to change for the Bennet family, especially when Elizabeth encounters and clashes with the arrogant and controlling Fitzwilliam Darcy, never dreaming that he will come to admire her or that the social barriers between them can ever be surmounted. Darcy, despite being born to power and privilege, has always been discontented with his lot – not least because family obligations make marriage to his sickly cousin, Anne, unavoidable. Until he visits the small town of Meryton his attitude is characteristically contemptuous and bitter and it is only when he has to contend with Elizabeth Bennet and her disturbing ability to pinpoint his faults while mocking him at every turn that he is compelled to examine his own behaviour more closely. Slowly, Darcy travels the path to self-knowledge and in the process over comes his cynicism and begins to yearn for a life of purpose, passion and real fulfilment. BUT CAN DARCY HONOUR HIS OBLIGATIONS TO HIS FAMILY AND RESIST HIS DESIRE FOR ELIZABETH AND THE PROMISE SHE HOLDS FOR ENDING HIS LIFE OF LONELINESS? AND CAN ELIZABETH OVERCOME A FAMILY SCANDAL AND HER ABSORPTION IN THE WORLD OF IDEAS, TO SEE PAST DARCY’S ARROGANT EXTERIOR TO THE MAN WHO IS ON A QUEST FOR THE MOST PROFOUND FORM OF LOVE?

Misunderstandings & Ardent Love

Susan Adriani - 2021
    ELIZABETH BENNET WOULD MORE THAN WELCOME his return to Longbourn. Yet despite such mutually ardent feelings, her most beloved sister and Darcy’s own uncle hold quite the opposite points of view.TORN BETWEEN PERSONAL LOYALTIES and responsibilities, the couple must balance finding a discreet solution for a family scandal in London and dealing with new outrageous actions by Mr and Mrs Wickham, all while facing a Jane Bennet who cannot forgive Darcy his interference in her love story.Can the two overcome misunderstandings and meddling and find their way to one another at last?

To Teach the Admiring Multitude: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Continued

Eleanor Wilton - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has married Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a young lady with neither fortune nor connections. Will Mr. Darcy regret his choice? Can the new Mrs. Darcy prove her worth to an incredulous and envious society?In this elegant, romantic and faithful continuation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Eleanor Wilton explores how Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy might have lived the early months of their marriage, telling their journey in a manner that seeks not to alter the essence of what made their story so unforgettable and beloved to begin with, but to enrich it. It is a story about the bonds of matrimony, a love story about two people entirely different in disposition, experience and background, striving to create a sustainable happiness against the backdrop of friends and relations who either do not understand or do not approve their union.True to the tone and tenor of the original novel, To Teach the Admiring Multitude is a captivating homage to Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice. An uplifting exploration of marriage, intimacy, family and forgiveness, admirers of Jane Austen’s novels will be delighted with this carefully crafted continuation of her most famous story.

A Royal Disposition: A Pride and Prejudice Novel

Amy Cecil - 2012
    Elizabeth and Darcy are in love and plan to marry, until Elizabeth comes face to face with Lady Catherine De Bourgh. Although standing strong during the worst confrontation of Miss Elizabeth’s life, she soon realizes that she cannot marry Mr. Darcy and refuses him. Futile attempts by Mr. Darcy to win her back fail, until he finds out the most astonishing information about Elizabeth Bennet.Show More Show Less

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Man of Fortune (Dimensions of Darcy, #5)

Jennifer Joy - 2021
    He carries out his plans perfectly … until he wakes up on a pirate ship.Thrust into a dangerous world with no rules and fewer scruples, Darcy must make a deal with a knife-flinging pirate out for revenge against the man who scorned her—a man with a striking resemblance to Darcy. When Elizabeth is kidnapped and brought aboard the ship, blades fly and swords clatter as Darcy protects the woman he loves. But Elizabeth's humor helps her make an unexpected friend who teaches her a strength she never knew she possessed—a strength that deepens Darcy's admiration and respect.Together, Darcy and Elizabeth achieve what he could not accomplish alone, embarking on a thrilling adventure that unites our dear couple while they uncover a shocking secret that is certain to land the Darcy family in the center of an epic scandal.Fitzwilliam Darcy, Man of Fortune is a Sweet Regency Romance for readers who crave a pulse-pounding adventure and a page-turning mystery to solve.

Disruption at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2018
    Ever since she harshly rejected his proposal of marriage months earlier, she has dreaded seeing him again. How could she have been so wrong about him? How could she ever look him in the face, knowing how badly she misjudged him?
Elizabeth and the Gardiners are not the only ones taking advantage of the master's absence. While travelling through the woods, their carriage is held up by three highwaymen who have been terrorising the countryside. In the scuffle, her uncle is injured, and Elizabeth is almost taken with them before they are saved by the last person she expected to see.

Fitzwilliam Darcy has struggled to overcome his feelings for Elizabeth Bennet. Ever since she rejected his proposal of marriage and made it clear how much she disliked him, he sought to put her from his mind. His only comfort is if he ever did see her again, he might prove himself a better man than the one she believed him to be.
Needing to return home to Pemberley earlier than anticipated, he takes a shortcut through the woods at night only to come across a carriage being held up by a gang of highwaymen. He intercepts and chases the thieves away. On his return, he is startled to find the woman he never thought to see again.

Darcy and Elizabeth put aside their emotions at seeing one another and agree that Elizabeth's uncle should be taken to Pemberley to receive care. Forced to live under the same roof, Darcy and Elizabeth finally have a chance to face their true feelings for one another and see if the wrongs of the past can be overcome. Can Darcy prove to her that he has changed from the man she thought him to be? And is Elizabeth still dear enough to him that he can overcome his hurt pride at her rejection?

Their growing closeness is disrupted when one of the highwaymen is captured and reveals information that forces Darcy and Elizabeth to make a decision about their relationship. And an old enemy from the past threatens to ruin everything that has been growing between them.

A Most Alarming Report: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella

Atlee Rose - 2019
    Darcy's failed proposal at Hunsford, he delivers a letter to Elizabeth Bennet to explain himself. Except, she gets a papercut on the letter and faints at the sight of blood. Then, the brush catches fire, lightning strikes, and the local dam breaks. Darcy and Elizabeth must stick together to save themselves while further odd incidences – wild animals, jewel thieves, and rioters among them – thrust the couple into a most improbable adventure. As the pair navigate through the events of their unlucky day, it is up to them to settle their differences – and perhaps find themselves lucky in love in the end. In this humorous, action-packed variation on Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, the fates conspire against Darcy and Elizabeth at every moment. Fans of all ages will appreciate this sweet, exciting adaptation of a beloved classic. This novella is 20,000 words in length and perfect for fast and fun journey into the world of Pride & Prejudice.

A Consuming Love

Kelly Miller - 2021
    What can solve his dilemma?When circumstances compel Darcy’s return to Hertfordshire in assistance of his friend Mr. Bingley, he must confront his unfathomable attraction to Miss Elizabeth.In this "Pride & Prejudice" Regency novella, one afternoon spent in company with Miss Elizabeth Bennet is enough to make an indelible and life-altering impression upon Darcy, setting him on a rocky course towards the fulfillment of his desires. Will Darcy attain happiness, or will his ingrained pride be his downfall?

Mistaken Identity

J. Dawn King - 2021
    Two ladies with the same appearance. What happens when they meet? MURDER!!!When Fitzwilliam Darcy’s life is threatened, he seeks refuge in Hertfordshire where he meets a woman who looks remarkably like the female who twice shot at him. Why was Elizabeth Bennet trying to kill him? How could he be attracted to her when he should do everything in his power to stay away?Accidentally mistaking Mr. Darcy for someone else, Elizabeth Bennet determines to have nothing to do with him until she learns that her first impression might have been a mistake. Where she expected arrogance, he was kind. When she anticipated a lie, he proved himself trustworthy. Who was the man behind the name, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and why was she drawn to him despite knowing he was dangerous?In this Regency romance with a hint of dark mystery written by bestselling author, J Dawn King, the true nature of the characters from Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice are revealed as they search through a complex web of deceit to find hope and lasting love.

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.