The Lady's Jewels: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 14)

Perpetua Langley - 2019
    Her coachman, grooms and horses are gone, along with the lady’s jewels. The lady in question happens to be Lady Castlereagh, arbiter of Almacks, wife of the much-maligned foreign secretary and owner of such things as a kangaroo and a bad-tempered tiger. The lady’s injuries dictate that she must not travel for at least a month and she will stay at Longbourn for the foreseeable future. Determined to discover what has happened to her, Lady Castlereagh summons her dear friends Darcy and Bingley, and Bow Street man Horatio Quinn to Hertfordshire. Longbourn’s drawing room is given over to Mr. Quinn as he directs all involved in their efforts to solve the mystery. Who stole the jewels? What has happened to the coachman and grooms? Was it the coachman who executed the scheme? Could it have been highwaymen? Perhaps it was the lady’s errant maid and the butler she ran off with? Or maybe the mysterious Mr. Cratchet? As the party follows clues, Elizabeth and Darcy circle each other warily. She thinks he’s handsome and has a certain wit when he is not so serious. He thinks she’s uncommonly pretty and happily devoid of the coldness of a London lady. But he is too reserved and judgmental for her and she is too carefree and flouting convention for him. They are not at all suited. And yet… Hertfordshire is a hive of activity as proposals are made, proposals are rejected, theories are floated, red herrings are chased, a clergyman bumbles, a stern lady miscalculates, a devious miss is the architect of her own undoing and one Bennet daughter pays the piper.

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emma Crawley - 2017
    When a storm obligates them to spend the day at their inn, Elizabeth befriends a young girl called Georgiana Wickham, who is travelling with her brother, George. The two become close right away, but it is obvious Mr Wickham is uneasy about their friendship. And it is just as obvious Georgiana is not whom she says she is. Why else would she seem so uncomfortable in her charming brother’s presence? When Georgiana confesses that she and Mr Wickham have travelled from Ramsgate to elope to Gretna Green, and begs Elizabeth to help her, Elizabeth is determined to do all she can. Including reaching out to Georgiana’s proud brother, Mr Darcy, who is in Bath in search of a wife of his own, and completely unaware of his sister’s plight. Can Elizabeth help Georgiana escape the avaricious ambitions of Mr Wickham? And will Mr Darcy arrive on time to save her from his old enemy? When Georgiana disappears with Wickham from her room at the inn, Elizabeth and Darcy are forced to team up to rescue her. And the experience forces a closer intimacy between the two than might otherwise have been expected.

The Goodness of Men

Anngela Schroeder - 2017
    “You never will be able to make both of them good…Take your choice, but you must be satisfied with only one. There is but such a quantity of merit between them; just enough to make one good sort of man…” -Pride and Prejudice  From her youngest days, Elizabeth Bennet’s ability to accurately judge the character of others has been recognized and noted by those around her in such a consistent manner as to lead her to believe it herself. The misfortune of meeting Mr. Darcy, a wealthy landowner from the north, only solidifies this belief. The memory of his disapproval of her family, proves his character is lacking and sadly unlike his childhood friend’s, the charming and affable Mr. Wickham, who is esteemed by all he meets. Although her opinion once lost is not lost forever, the effort to regain her favor is great. With Elizabeth’s youngest sister fortunate to be in company with Mr. Wickham in Brighton since the spring, and her own travels to Kent cancelled, she must await the pleasures of a summer holiday to the North with her aunt and uncle Gardiner. However, it is there that she is once again thrust into Mr. Darcy’s presence and must determine if he is truly the architect of the many wrongs she has laid at his door. Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot exorcise Elizabeth Bennet from his thoughts. A chance meeting at the estate of his friend reignites all the flames he has attempted to suppress since their last meeting. Believing in her partiality, he is stunned to overhear her true estimation of him and is determined to change her opinion. Battling with memories and secrets from his past, Darcy must fight against his natural reserve to win the heart of the woman he loves. Will the unexpected appearance of a stranger encourage Elizabeth’s change of heart? Might an episode from Mr. Darcy's past force Elizabeth to see the man within? Can one man have all the goodness and the other only the appearance of it?  Join us for another sweet "Pride and Prejudice" reimagining, suitable for ages teen and up.

Love & Betrayal: A Pride & Prejudice Continuation

E. Bradshaw - 2020
    They are deeply in love and about to consummate their marriage vows – only they are abruptly interrupted by news of the most terrible kind.Georgiana has been kidnapped under the cover of darkness from Darcy’s carriage – and no one knows where she might be now, nor what harm might have befallen her. But who could be behind her kidnapping and what do they want?And how can Darcy and Elizabeth’s fledgling marriage survive through such terrible strain?‘Having no time to lose and feeling desperate to be off, Darcy quickly turned to Elizabeth then and briefly took her hand within his own to press a swift kiss on her knuckles. “Goodbye, Elizabeth,” he murmured quietly; “I’m so sorry to have to leave you like this. I’ll send word if I can.” And with these words, he abruptly departed, swiftly remounting his stallion before riding off into the night as if he were being pursued by the devil himself.’This story is a long read, at approximately 100,000 words long, and it contains scenes of a sexual nature and references to violence.

Secret Arrangement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Deborah Ann Kauer - 2020
    Because of a death bed promise, he will only marry a lady who will unconditionally love the infant and whom he can love. However, in his past searches, Darcy found most society ladies saw only his wealth, connections, and property. How is he to find a lady who sees past what he has and loves who he is?Elizabeth Bennet wants to marry only for love, and of one thing she is absolutely sure, she loves Mr. Darcy’s infant ward. The question is, can she love the man as well. If she does choose to marry, she does not want her mother planning a lavish, overly embellished wedding, so how can she thwart her mother’s plans — through a secret arrangement.Besides the issue of love, what other problems could occur? A mother who will take control of the engagement and wedding arrangements, another lady's jealousy, and a grandmother who wants her infant granddaughter to disappear.Will Elizabeth and Darcy find love and happiness?

Equal Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Layla Johnson - 2021
    It tells the old beloved story of Elizabeth and Darcy with new, original, unexpected twists. It speaks about the depth of feelings versus shallow infatuation, about appearances and truth, about regrets and redemption.The story focuses on Elizabeth and Darcy's interactions, the development of their characters and their slowly building affection that grows into a deep, everlasting love. Alongside them, there are Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley, with their own tale that appears similar and yet proves to be quite different.The book starts in London, in April 1812. Elizabeth has returned from Kent after Darcy’s disastrous proposal and stays in London, at the Gardiners, together with Jane. Both sisters try to overcome the distress caused by the gentlemen that had once lived at Netherfield.The plot pushes Elizabeth and Darcy into each other's path, inducing them to struggle with pride, prejudice, flaws and misunderstandings, along their journey towards the point of equal affection.Among well-known classic characters, a new one claims her share of conversation: Mrs. Welford, Mrs. Gardiner's aunt, a lady who spent her youth in Lambton and her adulthood living an adventurous life.Married and widowed three times, Mrs. Edwina Welford possesses a large fortune, manners on the edge of decorum, a passion for life, and genuine affection for her relatives. She interferes in the story bringing mockery, fighting, tears and laughter, spicing up the tale and adding more surprising turns of events between the main characters."Equal Affection" is the author's second JAFF book. It comes after the readers' wonderful reactions that turned the first one - "Locked in the Netherfield Library" into a bestselling novella.

Where There's a FitzWILLiam Darcy: There's a Way

Regina Jeffers - 2018
     ELIZABETH BENNET’s world has turned upon its head. Not only is her family about to be banished from their beloved Longbourn after her father’s sudden death, but Mr. Darcy has appeared upon her threshold, not to renew his proposal, as she first feared, but, rather, to serve as Mr. Collins’s agent in taking an accounting of the estate’s “treasures” before her father’s cousin steals away all her memories of the place. FITZWILLIAM DARCY certainly has no desire to encounter Elizabeth Bennet again so soon after her mordant refusal of his hand in marriage, but when his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, strikes a bargain in which her ladyship agrees to provide his Cousin Anne a London Season if Darcy will become Mr. Collins’s agent in Hertfordshire, Darcy accepts in hopes he can convince Miss Elizabeth to think better of him than she, obviously, does. Yet, how can he persuade the woman to recognize his inherent sense of honor, when his inventory of Longbourn’s entailed land and real properties announces the date she and her family will be homeless?

Mr Darcy & Elizabeth: Unexpected Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra Knightley - 2017
    She hoped to ensure the happiness of her sisters, what she didn't expect was to fall in love with the very man she vowed to hate. Lady Catherine's objections will be the least of their concerns when compared with the nasty schemes of Mr Wickham, not to mention the scandals posed by Elizabeth's own relations! Can Mr Darcy handle the chaos that is the Bennet Family? Can Elizabeth put aside her hurt pride long enough to allow her true feelings to shine? Will these two withstand scandal and scorn to finally discover their happily ever after? Previously published under the title: Felicity in Marriage

The Adventures of Lizzy Bennet - Book 1: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Speck - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy moves into the neighbourhood with his ailing mother and develops a great friendship with the young girl and she becomes in invaluable part of the Darcy Family. Rated K+ for mild language. Non-canon.

The Longbourn Quarantine

Don Jacobson - 2020
    A feared specter has escaped London’s grimy docklands and now threatens the wealthy districts. Amongst that ragged stream is a single carriage jostling its way toward Meryton. Inside are the Darcy siblings along with Charles and Caroline Bingley. They desperately seek the safety of Netherfield Park.For all their riches, they could not evade the epidemic’s dark hand. Bingley’s leasehold had been reduced to rubble as roving bands raped, pillaged, and burned. The only sanctuary was Longbourn where, once installed, the Darcys and Bingleys were barred from leaving by a fortnight’s quarantine.Events converge with disease in The Longbourn Quarantine. Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy abandon old prejudices to face grief and mourning. Pride is set aside as Death hovers nearby. The couple forges ahead. knowing that love unexplored is love lost: that words must be said lest they remain unspoken in the time of smallpox.

Artifice and Attraction: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation

Maddie Rowden - 2017
    Darcy is in need of a wife. Business keeps him in London, but Georgiana must go to Pemberley for the sake of her health. He cannot trust her care to the servants. He knows his duty - he must seek a wife. A ball at Almack’s is the place to seek a wife of good breeding and wealth. So Mr. Darcy must force himself to attend. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is pleasing to look at. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is lively, playful and intelligent. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is wearing exquisite, costly gowns. Miss Elizabeth Bennet has a voucher to Almack’s, so she must be from a highly suitable family. Mr. Darcy knows his position in life is such that no lady will refuse his offer of marriage, even when he makes it clear that the arrangement does not include affection. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Artifice and Attraction is a sweet and clean Regency Romance novel of over 89,000 words

The Mist of Her Memory: A Pride & Prejudice Romantic Suspense Variation

Suzan Lauder - 2019
    She continues to suffer from strange, angry voices in her head and to recall events that people tell her never happened. Even those who love her refuse to believe her. Elizabeth can barely endure the confusion. Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate for any hint of his beloved’s well-being, yet he lacks the information he seeks as her family forbids him contact with Elizabeth. His frustration mounts when he learns that her mental impairment incited taunting and torment in her home village of Meryton. Which of Elizabeth’s recollections bear the closest resemblance to the truth? And what is the result of her sister Lydia’s elopement with Mr. Wickham? How is Mr. Darcy to rekindle his romance with Elizabeth when her aunt and uncle strictly shield her from him? Prepare to grip the edge of your seat during this original romantic tale of suspense and mystery, another Pride and Prejudice variation by bestselling author Suzan Lauder.

Against Her Will: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2018
    Due to his “arrogance, conceit, and selfish disdain of the feelings of others”, Elizabeth Bennet refused his offer of marriage. What if Darcy refused to accept Elizabeth’s refusal? What if he learned nothing from her bitter admonishments and continued with that same self-centered, imperious behavior? What if he did the unthinkable and abducted Elizabeth from Rosings with the intent of making her his bride? What if his own family opposed him and forced him to question his behavior? We explore these questions in Against Her Will.

Infamous Relations: A Pride And Prejudice "What If?" Tale

Catherine Bilson - 2016
    Mr Collins had been even more despicable than in Jane Austen's original tale?Would such an infamous relation destroy Elizabeth and Darcy's chance of happiness forever, or would his actions set in motion an entirely different sequence of events?

To Love Mr Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Martine J. Roberts - 2016
    With Mr. Bennet’s full blessing, Fitzwilliam Darcy informs Elizabeth they are to be married. Furious that they have decided her future for her, Elizabeth sets out to change Darcy’s mind. However, the untimely interference of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and Darcy’s subsequent actions makes it impossible for Elizabeth to break their engagement. The events that follow lead to betrayal, a renewal of affection, and even death. Yet, in the midst of all this chaos, love blossoms, and in the most unlikely manner... To Love Mr Darcy, is an exciting alternative to the original Pride & Prejudice novel by Jane Austen. UK English, spellings, grammar and terminology are used throughout this book.