Call of F. Gardner

F. Gardner - 2021

Gettin' Hot

Jerry D. Young - 2012
    YOUNG WITH THINGS GETTING HOT IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE... Larry must find a way to keep his cool...and save his life. He finds refuge in an old, remote family property handed down to him from his grandfather and moves out of town to beat the heat and the craziness. As he settles in he meets a local waitress that just so happens to be not only the pretties girl in town, but the girl who steals his heart as well. With the world heating up and society breaking down, can Larry help them both survive to live the kind of life they want to build together? ABOUT AUTHOR JERRY D. YOUNG Author Jerry D. Young has been a fixture in the survival and prepping communities for more than twenty years. The author of more than 100 novels and short stories, Jerry’s writing has been a staple for men and women of all ages and from all walks of life that are interested in prepping, survival, and all-around self-sufficiency. Jerry’s books are written with the goal of educating as well as entertaining and generally enjoyed by all who seek to expand their knowledge of prepping and survival topics while enjoying a good book or short story. As daunting as the end of the world, nuclear fallout, World War III, Civil unrest, economic collapse, solar flares, EMP attacks, and other apocalyptic scenarios may be, society has always been interested in the “What If?” of a Post-Apocalyptic World. Jerry’s stories provide interesting and practical perspectives of heroes and villains navigating Post-Apocalyptic scenarios including everything from Mad Max type of events to more relevant plot lines that seem as if they could have come from the headlines of the modern world. Find more about Jerry D. Young at

Rampant Destruction (Cerberus #10)

Andy Peloquin - 2021
    The Protection Bureau’s day of reckoning has come!Armed with the proof that Agent Styver betrayed him and locked him in the Vault, Nolan is determined to sever ties with the Protection Bureau once and for all.If only it was that simple or easy…Even with a small army of fellow Silverguards and a newly upgraded Taia, he’s taking on the most powerful secret government organization in the Nyzarian Empire, one that possesses unlimited resources and technology beyond anything he’s encountered or defeated.The battle is already fierce, but things will get really ugly when the Protection Bureau decides to threaten everything and everyone Nolan loves. Don't miss Book 10 in the explosive Cerberus Series!

Hide the Lightning (The Coalition Book 1)

Kevin Steverson - 2019
    Humans and aliens working together would seem novel…but then again, outside of Earth and the Sol System, humans are aliens, too. Having salvaged, repaired, and rebuilt a number of warships, the Salvage Fleet is a presence to be reckoned with. The Ground Force, including its specialty unit, the Bolts, has also continued to grow, and they spend their time training with the weapons of war—mechs, tanks, artillery, and battle armor—and anything else they can get their hands and paws on that will give them an edge in battle. When the Nazrooth System calls, they are once again compelled to right a wrong. It won’t be easy…but then again, it never is. Just don’t tell Harmon the odds—he doesn’t want to know them. Despite a staggering imbalance in forces, Harmon boards his flagship, Salvage Title, and leads the majority of his fleet to free Nazrooth. Only a small, defensive fleet is left behind, full of trainees and reservists. Both Salvage Fleet and the home forces are ready to face the odds, but what if this time they’re insurmountable?

The Word Is War

Richard Tongue - 2019
    Across the myriad colonies of humanity, rebel forces are rising, clamoring for freedom from the increasingly repressive government of Earth, launching raids on the Confederation Fleet as they prepare for the conflict to come. On the frontier, however, a darker force is emerging, an ancient threat long forgotten, returning to once more threaten eternal, endless tyranny, silent ships massing in the cold depths of space, ready to strike. All that stands between victory and defeat is the Scout Cruiser Xenophon, destined for the scrapyard but recalled to the flag and placed under the command of a renegade officer, Commander Jack Winter, and given a mission that will either save humanity…or seal its fate.

The Magelands Epic (Books 5-8) An epic fantasy series

Christopher Mitchell - 2020

The Bad Company Complete Series Omnibus: Books 1 - 7

Craig Martelle - 2020

Twelve Gems

Lane Milburn - 2014
    The mysterious Dr. Z has enlisted three space heroes to search the galaxy for the fabled Twelve Gems of Power: the hulking alien-brawn Furz; the beautiful and deadly sabre-wielding Venus; and the soft-spoken canine technician, Dogstar. They meet many strange and storied characters on their journey, but none so strange or sinister as their dear benefactor himself. With a heavy dose of humor and wall-to-wall action, this is one of the most action-packed and funny books of the year.


Mikey Way - 2020
    Collapser DJ Liam James finds himself in a cosmic conflict beyond his wildest dreams.There's a voice in the head of Liam James questioning everything he does--from his job at the nursing home to keeping his relationship with his girlfriend afloat. Liam suffers from anxiety, and the only thing that quiets it is music, which makes a weekly DJ gig his one saving grace. But Liam's life changes forever when he receives a black hole in the mail (yes, you read that right), one that takes up residence in his chest, grants him insane superpowers, turns him into a celebrity and draws him into a cosmic conflict beyond his wildest imagination. Liam finds himself in an intergalactic arms race that centers around him!