Book picks similar to
Never Look Back by Geraldine Solon


A Greek village waiting for God (Mynos Series Book 0)

Michael Saunders - 2016
    Episkopi is a Greek village, waiting for God. Discover how the village steps back from the grave and humorously goes about breathing new life into itself. The power of a new-fangled computer which is first used to secretly provide all the old boys with lustful moments, is harnessed for the benefit of everyone. The Mynos Series encompasses traditional village life in Greece with two old goats reflecting on their way of life, one being the kafenion owner, the other a ten bob millionaire from having sold land for expats to buy a home. There’s a story behind every person who moves to Episkopi and with each book you’ll discover their life experiences and discover how and why they made their move to a place in the sun.

Mommy Can I Have A Puppy?

Jamie S. Korngold - 2011
    Mommy Can I Have A Puppy? is a choose-your-own adventure book to help parents & children decide if a pet is right for their family, based on teachings from the Bible.

Flip to the Rescue (Childrens Marine Life #3)

Tara Star - 2015
    It is an adorable children’s picture book about Flip the baby dolphin embracing the depth and longevity of friendship and learning to fearlessly stand up for what is right; and to speaking out against unfair treatment of the vulnerable. Flip and her best friend Aqua portray the classic grace, playfulness and social nature of dolphins. Not to mention their artistry and athleticism while swimming and playing in the water. Truly beautiful creations of nature physically as well as personality-wise. The book is a treat for the entire family with pictures to stimulate the interest of children and adventures and life lessons for everyone. A great story that can be read to those younger than 5, a read alone or with guidance book for kids age 5-8, or as a read alone tale for kids 9-12 who are looking for a new sort of hero. Who doesn’t want to know more about a couple of adorable dolphins? A wonderful addition to any library, especially those collecting Kids Picture Adventure Books for the Kindle or animal picture books. *****

Ghetto Love 3 (Ghetto Love)

Sonovia Alexander - 2014
    She is determined to hold things together for herself more so then for her children. What will happen when she loses everything. Who will the girls have to depend on besides each other. Ronnie learns a shocking truth from her mother and is given a decision to make. Will she make the right or wrong decision and at what cause. Find out the answers when reading this ghetto twisted tale.

The Secret of Crybaby Hollow

Cara Swann - 2013
    Soon she meets a county sheriff's deputy, and together they begin to discover there's something all too real and sinister behind a local superstitious folk legend. [Mystery/Romance]NOTE: New edited/updated version July 28, 2013

On The Edge of Time, Part One

Russ Scalzo - 2013
     It is two weeks after millions of people have mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth, and, like millions of others, Jerry Westfield, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is upset and perplexed at that loss, particularly since it took his best friends, Jeremy and Kathy Palmer. His personal concerns must be set aside, however, when the international situation frantically signals the immanent destruction of the state of Israel. It is there that Jerry is sent to cover the story of his journalistic career and is reunited with Jacob Klausman, a ‘retired’ member of the ‘Mossad,’ Israel’s secret service. It is also there that he will meet with a cataclysmic series of monsters and miracles, including Ruth, the woman who will change his mind about marriage, and the charismatic Demetrius Strapollos, who soon is hailed as the ‘Messiah’ who will rescue Israel and restore her former glory. This quick-moving tale of suspense and power on a cosmic scale is intricately detailed and researched, providing the reader with insights into international politics, Biblical prophecy, the darkness of the human heart, and the challenge of faith in the face of disillusionment and pain. As current as this morning’s newspaper, this book will challenge the reader’s belief system, introduce him or her to the intricate world of international intrigue, and insure that the reader will never look at the Mid-East situation in quite the same light ever again.

Matty: A Matt Turner Series Short

Michael Siemsen - 2013
    When a young girl is snatched on her way home from school, Matty's police detective father knows that every minute counts. For the first time - but not the last - Detective Roger Turner enlists his son's unique help.With over 130,000 copies sold, the Matt Turner Series launched author Michael Siemsen to bestseller status. The Dig (Book 1) and The Opal (Book 2) hint at the troubled psychometrist's shocking childhood, using his ability to "read" an object's history to help his father solve the worst kinds of crimes. Only now, with the short story Matty are we offered a firsthand glimpse into a young Matt's first case - tracking down a kidnapped girl named Joss Lynn Leland.

Us Against the World: Finding Love in the Trap

Porscha Sterling - 2015
    Days later, her brothers were arrested by the Feds and she was left alone with no way to support herself. Then Andre enters her life and tries to help her set things right. Although Queen is hesitant to trust anyone, she can't ignore his boss nigga status, impeccable swag and thug mentality. Soon he becomes everything she needs and teaches her the rules of the streets as well as the rules of the heart. With him by her side, Queen gets control of her father's empire but when jealousy rears its ugly head in the form of a childhood enemy of Queen's who has her eyes and affections set on Andre, things start to go very wrong. Tiffany has hated Queen since grade school when she first laid eyes on the pampered princess whose family was treated like hood royalty everywhere in Harlem. When she sees the relationship that Queen has with Andre, someone she had been sweating for months, she can't help but want to ruin everything Queen has going. And although she's nothing but a hoodrat, she has a sister in high places who could help her with her plans.Kelis is an NYPD officer in East Harlem with a secret of her own; her baby daddy is Trinidad, a notorious dopeboy in the same area she patrols. When she lands a promotion that puts her on a case, she is ecstatic until she realizes she may be hunting the man she loves. But Trinidad has another secret, which he shares with Kelis' ratchet sister, Tiffany.

25 Real Estate Lead Generating Strategies That Work

Greg Reed - 2014
    Well ‘next’ might be exaggerating it a little. A sale would be more appropriate. Each night I’d return home and let out a bunch of expletives that would make my dog blush. I was often in a foul mood. Then after 10 years of struggle I discovered, developed and implemented a bunch of real estate marketing strategies which I am going reveal in this book that saw my income virtually double in one year. After 2 years of using these real estate lead generation skills my income shot up another 50%. The word soon got out that I had discovered a way to make ‘easy’ (no such thing) real estate sales. Real estate referrals became my method of operation. Companies were approaching me to move camps. In fact one company placed me on a $200,000 package to help boost sales. The strategies worked for me and they’ll work for you. This book is for real estate sales people, real estate agents or brokers who are totally overwhelmed with the complexities of selling real estate. It’s for agents seething with frustration at their pathetic sales. And it’s also for successful real estate agents wanting to take their real estate career to the next level. You have two obstacles from making a killing in real estate sales: 1. You have no idea what business you are REALLY in. Most real estate sales people think that they are in the real estate business to assist people with their real estate buying, selling, leasing or managing needs.While partly ‘true’ unless you have a real estate lead that wants to buy, sell, lease or manage a property through you, you have no business. PERIOD. 2. A belief that you are ‘Gods’ answer to all things real estate.Let’s face it. Real estate agents are an egotistical bunch. How often do you see advertisements stating “Billy Blogs – No. 1 For XYZ Real Estate” or “Cheryl Champion – Top Real Estate Marketer, Mars Tribune” Who gives a toss. The public certainly don’t and nor should you especially if you are a newbie just getting started. With my real estate lead generation tips you’ll soon be the ‘king’ or queen’ of your local area. My real estate lead generation strategies are by no means complete. But they are a good start in raising you from the depths of despair to making you the champion agent you so rightly deserve to be. Here’s my appeal to you. Believe in yourself. Believe in your real estate career. Follow my suggestions. Implement those that appeal to you and be consistent. These real estate lead generation strategies take time but they have helped me sell over $400 million of real estate. They will work for you to.

Tristan Finch: A Novel

Jacqueline Spencer - 2014
    The Royal Family is the lead story in every newspaper and on all television channels as the world watches with great anticipation, captivated by this terrible story. Will Prince James survive? American Jennifer Dressen, 28, is living in London working for a large British daily paper. One evening, her elderly neighbor insists on speaking to her. “I'm dying. And I have to tell the truth about something. Something that happened many years ago. Something so big, it will....” Her voice trailed off. Then she seemed to gather what strength she had left and announced, “I can't die like this. With no one knowing what I know. I have to share it. It is vitally important.” Jennifer's dream is to be an investigative reporter and, after hearing the old woman's story, she thinks this could be the one that gets her there. As she begins her research to find out if the woman's fantastic tale is true, she meets the man's of her dreams - a handsome solicitor who lives with his younger sister, a woman with special needs. In short order, Jennifer finds herself deeply in love. But fate deals her a challenging blow during her research when she is forced to take measure of herself and answer a simple question: is she willing to sacrifice happiness in her personal life for success in her professional one? Because the story she is about to break will rock the world with new revelations about the Royal Family. And forever change the life of the man she loves.

Christmas Wishes Come True

Jessica Coulter Smith - 2009
    A divorce has left her feeling more like Scrooge than Santa. But will the handsome, charismatic Nathan be able to change her mind? He may be just the present she needs this year.

The Billionaire's Proposal (Book 1)

Melody Sanders - 2013
    Vicki had spent the intermission backstage, chatting with two of her favorite singers who would soon grace the stage once more as the booming baritone Magnifico and his daughter Angelina, a dazzling soprano whose career had reached new heights during these ten, high-profile New York performances.Vicki couldn’t conceal her delight at the absolutely full house. “I guess the new marketing firm really hit one out of the park,” she commented quietly to Martin as the lights dimmed. “All ten performances are sold out!”Her lawyer friend smiled. “It’s the inspired leadership they’ve been getting,” he replied. “New blood, new ideas. It’s just magnificent.” The maestro appeared at the edge of the orchestra pit and received enthusiastic applause. “Although even I would admit that Rossini’s genius might have something to do with it,” Martin said, raising his voice over the audience’s appreciation. “Still, you’ve broken the glass ceiling yet again, I would say. Bravo, Miss Vydra.”“You’re too kind,” she said, patting his hand as the strings stirred in a quiet but ominous tremolo, quickly ushering in a sudden and violent orchestral tutti, brassy and loud, which filled the huge auditorium with the dark ferocity of the storm it depicted. Vicki let the eruption pass through her, finding herself carried by its torrential force, allowing the moment to fill her with an awed respect for nature’s power. She knew that it could not last, and the audience was soon deposited kindly into the peaceful meadow of the storm’s passing. Horn calls signaled the all-clear and, as one can always expect from Rossini, the good humor and delicate, social fun-poking resumed.***Content warning: For adults only!***

False Worship - Book 1 (Amish Faith

Rachel Stoltzfus - 2014
    As Beth and her daed Marcus struggle to rebuild their lives in the Amish community of Indianasburg, Marcus finds love awakening in his heart when a new family -- a widow and her two sons -- move into their quiet community. But things are not as they seem, and the more Beth learns about this new family, the more reason she has to fear. Will Beth uncover this new family's secrets before she loses everything? Start reading Beth's story in Book 1 of the False Worship Series. If you love Amish fiction books, scroll up and grab a copy today.

The Little Pink Pill

K.L. Smith - 2014
    ....The world can be a scary place to navigate when you’re brain damaged. Even scarier when you aren't entirely sure what you might have done during a blackout while your alternate personality is running around in your body. My wife calls him ‘The other one’. If you can’t trust your own eyes or the people around you, sometimes it pays to take a leap of faith. I have, I stopped taking my little pink pill. I wonder what will happen?... Flynn was on a bus in London that was attacked by a suicide bomber. He lost his fingers in the explosion and gained left frontal lobe damage to his brain, leading to violent mood swings, blackouts, suicidal thoughts, and psychopathic tendencies. Flynn’s doctor determines that the left frontal lobe syndrome has left him with symptoms similar to schizophrenia, which develop a secondary personality during times of stress. Flynn and his wife refer to this secondary personality as ‘the other one’. However, after he is given a little pink pill by his doctor, an anti-psychotic pill normally reserved for schizophrenics, his moods level out to the point that he can function almost normally again, apart from the fact that the pink pill leaves him feeling emotionally numb. He is relatively content with his new life, after all, thanks to the pink pill, he can’t feel enough to care anyway. Until he decides to stop taking the pink pill in an effort to feel things again. He wonders if he can fool everyone around him into thinking that he is still taking the little pink pill, whilst in reality starting to live a double life. After a chance meeting with another patient during his hospital appointment, he befriends Sid, who also suffers with schizophrenia. The two embark on a sometimes humorous journey of twists and turns in an effort just to stay in what they believe to be a state of equilibrium. The only problem is, neither of them knows if what they perceive is real or not. Especially when experiments with LSD get thrown into the mix. Flynn also has a worrying eye on the news, as more and more people seem to be going missing, and he can’t be certain if he, Sid or any of their ‘other’ selves may have played a hand in it. Please note this novel contains strong language.

Devil's Due

Robert Stanek - 2013
    Still a man on the outside looking in, Scott Evers is working security onboard the Sea Shepherd, an Island class vessel performing fishery protection patrols in the Mediterranean Sea. No, Scott Evers hasn't become an environmentalist. He's about as far from the pie-in-the-sky happy people he has sworn to protect as any person could ever be. But he's got a job to do. Namely, to keep the yuppies from doing stupid things that will get them killed. With tensions heating up in the Mediterranean Sea and with terrorists afoot, Scott's an instant away from everything going as terribly wrong as he fears. When the dust clears, his world will never be the same again.