Book picks similar to
Fire Sorcerer by David J. Normoyle


The Darklands

Dale J. Young - 2016
    As he sits on the side of the road trying to calm his nerves, a man driving a red El Camino pulls up and invites him to have a drink at a saloon just up the road. At first Barlow doesn’t think much about the man in the meticulously-restored classic car, but when he gets back on the road and continues his journey into the mountains he starts to get the sinking feeling that something is just not right.On his way to the saloon he stops at a gas station that appears to be from a bygone era. There he meets Velton, the gas station attendant who rides a 1947 Knucklehead Harley. But there is something strange about Velton that he can’t quite put his finger on. And later, when he arrives at the saloon and meets Lucy, the bartender and driver of the El Camino, Barlow begins to realize that despite what he might have thought, the near-miss he had with the truck might not have been such a near-miss after all.***Infused with healthy dose of dark humor and set against a vivid backdrop of the author’s version of Hell, The Darklands is a haunting tale of the afterlife played out in a bizarre landscape populated by the souls of the damned. Follow along the winding backroads with Barlow and Candy, a sexy hitchhiker he meets along the way, as they ride through the eternal night while searching for the reason both of them have been dealt such a horrific twist of fate.Will they find a way out? Or will they suffer the same fate as the rest of the condemned souls and be forced to ride the haunted roads of The Darklands forever.


Nikki Jefford - 2012
    Not until her diabolical twin sister decided to go on a rampage that could expose them all. To add to the aggravation, coven reject Raj McKenna catches Gray performing a complex spell and is convinced they would make a powerful couple. He can delude himself all he wants. Gray has sworn off dating warlocks, especially delinquents who play with fire.  But even Gray’s mysterious death won’t deter Raj, not after Gray is brought back from the great beyond. Only she’s not truly back. Her body’s still six feet under and she’s on borrowed time. There are forces threatening Gray’s existence and a powerful wizard willing to help . . . for a price. Gray doesn’t know who to trust or how long she has left before she vanishes for good, but she’s determined to stick around no matter what the cost.

The Strike Trilogy Box Set

Charlie Wood - 2014
    Tobin Lloyd's life is perfect: he's a senior at Bridgton High, he's one of the funniest kids in school, and his only worry is whether or not his latest prank is going to result in yet another detention. But when he wakes up in the world of Capricious, a place where superheroes are real and attacks by super-villains are just another hassle of living in the city, all of that changes. Suddenly, Tobin's last year of high school is not going as he expected. Far from home and pretty sure he's gone insane, Tobin must join a strange group of companions (including a beer-drinking dog and a genius, three-foot-tall robot) as he begins his harrowing quest to get back home to the world of Earth. However, there is a disaster looming on the horizon: the most powerful super-villains of Capricious see the weak, chaotic planet of Earth as a grand opportunity, and they have a plan for conquest. Together, they are searching for a mysterious creature known as the Daybreaker--a super-villain so powerful that no one on Earth--or Capricious--will be able to stop it. Who is this Daybreaker? Where did he come from? And what is his connection to Tobin's new friends? The answers to these questions will lead Tobin down a road he may never recover from, newfound superpowers or not. Full of action, humor, and superhero adventure, THE STRIKE TRILOGY is the collected edition of STRIKE: THE HERO FROM THE SKY, STRIKE: DAWN OF THE DAYBREAKER, and the epic third book of the series, STRIKE: THE RETURNING SUNRISE.

Go Dwarf Yourself

Martha Carr - 2020
    Period." James BrownstoneJohnny Walker was a good bounty hunter in his day. James Brownstone good.But everybody has a line. Johnny found his when his teenage daughter was murdered. Who was the killer? Even Johnny couldn’t figure it out.Everybody’s favorite Dwarf retreated to his cabin in the swamp with his two hound dogs by his side, and retired with his guns, his whiskey and his memories.Except magical monsters weren’t done with him… yet.A young female shifter has gone missing and her parents are dead. The Feds know that Johnny is her only hope and the clock is ticking.Johnny can’t say no this time.He’s off to New York City with Light Elf Fed Lisa Breyer to get her back.Dwarf the Bounty Hunter is back to kick ass and take names. Or maybe just kick ass.What will he do when the clues connect to the fifteen-year-old cold case of his daughter’s murder?

Stones: Data

Jacob Whaler - 2013
    Genghis Kahn. Julius Caesar. Attila the Hun. Mao. Stalin. For thousands of years, the Stones have been hidden among us, giving a privileged few the power to rule over masses, destroy old empires and create new ones. Now it's near the end of the 21st century. On the eve of a trip to Japan, Matt Newmark finds a dark rock in the shape of a claw, and it changes everything. With the help of a Shinto priest, he discovers it’s a Stone, a piece of ancient alien technology that gives him a sweeping view of history and control over time, matter and energy. But Matt is not alone. Mikal Ryzaard, a survivor of the Nazi death camps, has a Stone of his own and a burning vision to eliminate suffering and bring back Paradise. With all the resources of the world's largest multinational corporation behind him, he tracks down Matt and makes him an offer. Join me or die. This is the first book in the Stones series, a new techno-thriller quadriligy by Jacob Whaler.

A Drop of Blue

Isa Briarwood - 2017
    And she's not there alone. Stranded amongst countless others struggling to grasp that the year is 2043, she meets Angus Danann, a handsome 19-year-old boy from Ireland. They are magnetically drawn to each other from the beginning, although Cate tries to suppress her feelings. But then Angus tells her about an intriguing Irish myth involving a goddess of dreams and the man who loves her. They both recognize themselves in the legend, and admit to having independent yet eerily coincidental experiences. It becomes clear that Angus and Cate are destined to be at The Village together, if only to figure out how to help the other “rifters” back to their own time. As the two of them struggle through one harrowing situation after another, they attract the attention of General Lyons, the stern overseer of The Village. He suspects the rising toll of incidents associated with Angus and Cate aren't happening by chance. With their lives at risk, Angus is forced to reveal a secret that changes the game completely—for all of them. If they give General Lyons what he wants, they get to go home. But if they succeed at their task, Cate and Angus doom themselves to being stranded in vastly different times, separated from one another forever.

Turned at Dark

C.C. Hunter - 2011
    She did not believe in vampires, until she turns into one. Should she follow her vampire cousin's lead and walk away from everything she knows, or join Shadow Falls, a camp for special teens?This short story from C.C. Hunter gives readers a look into Della's history.

The Trials of Hercules: Book One of The Osteria Chronicles

Tammie Painter - 2014
    Turney, comes this page-turning series that brings the myths of Ancient Greece to life as you've never seen them before.Convicted of three heinous murders, Herc Dion is sentenced to a series of trials that will pit him against formidable monsters, push his physical and mental endurance to the limit, and deliver him to the edge of Hades.Throughout these ordeals, Herc endures the brutal cruelty of Hera, the goddess whose hatred of Herc has blinded her to the near ruin of her realm and to plans that will spell the end of her existence. Realizing Hera has done everything to ruin him, will Herc risk his own life to protect hers?Vividly set in a future Pacific Northwest, this imaginative and absorbing retelling of the legend of Hercules teams with gods and heroes torn between love and jealousy, loyalty and revenge, and rivalry and honor.If you like mythological fantasy fiction full of adventure, romance, heroism, and characters that come to life, you’ll love The Trials of Hercules.Grab your copy of The Trials of Hercules today to lose yourself in a captivating new world.

Baroota: The Hunting Ground (The Director Series Book 1)

Zach Fortier - 2016
    He gets sucked in to an “off the books Black Ops mission” to rescue victims of Human Trafficking being sold into sexual slavery. He meets Nõnkos Zia or Nõn. A woman born in South Africa and herself a former victim of Muti-medicine, a type of medicine still practiced in South Africa that weaves the occult and human sacrifices into the locals belief system. She is also a victim of human trafficking, from which she barely escaped after taking revenge on her captors. They are outsiders in a dark twisted tale of deceit, lies and double crosses that take them to the “Darien Gap” of Panama, one of the most remote areas in the world to hunt human traffickers.

Descendant: The Revelations of Oriceran

A.L. Knorr - 2018
    Get her PhD in forensic linguistics, make her State Senator father proud. Find the perfect Virginia man to marry and pop out a few more Kacy's.If only Jordan could let the past rest.When your mother disappears without a trace it carves a gash that bleeds a long time. Jordan has never given up hope that her mother is alive. So when Jordan's old nanny shows up with a mysterious locket containing a portrait of Jordan's mother, Jordan believes her hope was not in vain.When the locket opens a portal to an alternate universe and a stranger hurtles through to earth, it's not her first clue that something very strange is at play. Teaming up with Sol, a disgruntled courier who's lost his wings, Jordan embarks on a haphazard quest. Facing off with interfering barmaids, terrifying harpies, and disorganized elves with a penchant for inventing magic they can't reverse is only the beginning.Can Jordan find her mother and learn the truth about her disappearance? And what happens if the truth is far from what she expected?


Mike Shelton - 2018
    Now, she had a strange green TruthStone and the magic made her uneasy. The keeper’s words rang in her ears. What did it mean?“You are the one to save all the gemstones.”At fifteen, she was more interested in watching her brother Cole practice his sword fighting than listening to a strange prophecy, but there was something in her voice as the bright gem passed between them, that made Shaeleen believe.Why was she chosen?In that moment, surrounded by the chatter of barter, and for a reason beyond her comprehension, she decided it wouldn’t hurt to do a little digging around.But now every time she heard or told a lie she felt physical pain……Would her life ever be the same again?You’ll love this YA Fantasy, because it’s full of action, adventure, and magic…and just might make you think a moment longer before you tell your next lie!


Casey Odell - 2012
    But legends sometimes forget the true history of things and Claire’s eyes are soon opened to a world she never knew. One that has been kept from her for most of her life. All Claire wants to do is return home and start looking for her mother, the only family she ever had. But the elves have different plans. The mysterious mark that appeared on her arm isn’t a curse, at least not to them anyway, and before she knows it, she is whisked away on a mission she never agreed to, unless they help her in return.Now she is stuck on an adventure with the perverted elf, Aeron, and one with an attitude, Farron. But there is more to this adventure than she’d ever hoped for.

Assassins and Liars

C.L.R. Dougherty - 2015
    He's about to leave Puerto Rico on a mission when he meets Mary. She wants to hitch a ride on his sailboat; she doesn't care where he's going.Finn thinks she's a rootless kid looking for adventure. He'll take her along; she'll provide cover for his clandestine activity.They're preparing to leave when Finn learns there's more to Mary's baggage than her backpack. He has second thoughts about giving her a ride, but it's too late. They need to get away from Puerto Rico in a hurry.As they sail down island, Finn grows fond of Mary. She's had a run of bad luck, and he's sympathetic. When they reach their first stop, they discover that she didn't leave her troubles behind.What's Finn gotten himself into? Read Assassins and Liars  and find out.

Deadlines & Dryads

Rebecca Chastain - 2017
     Dryads are a reclusive, passive species—or they used to be. Overnight, the peaceful woodland creatures have turned violent, attacking travelers with crude weapons and whipping the trees of their grove into a ferocious frenzy. When rumors of the dryads’ bizarre behavior reaches journalist Kylie Grayson, she pounces on the story, determined to unearth the reason behind the dryads’ hostile transformation. Accompanied by Quinn, her young gargoyle friend, Kylie plunges into the heart of the malevolent grove. But nothing she’s learned prepares her for the terrifying conflict she uncovers... USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Chastain returns to the beloved world of the Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles for a brand-new spellbinding adventure of elemental magic and courageous gargoyles. If you love action-packed stories filled with mythical creatures, brave heroines, and adorable sidekicks, you’ll love Deadlines & Dryads.

Threads That Bind

Brant Williams - 2012
    Everything changes the summer before her junior year of high school when her eyesight inexplicably corrects itself, and she begins to rapidly lose weight. However, her new look comes with an unexpectedly expensive price. Madison’s first kiss with the boy she has had a crush on for years triggers powers she can’t control, almost killing him.She discovers she is a Berserker, a powerful being chosen to guard the world from the Havocs, ancient creatures brought into our world by magic thousands of years ago. They cause destruction and death, but cannot be killed. Only the Berserkers’ life-blood can bind – and free – the Havocs. One Havoc is free and wants Madison’s blood to free another. Instead of enjoying her new look and popularity at school, Madison must now work with the Berserkers to master her powers and bind the Havoc before it kills her. Oh, and if that weren’t bad enough, it turns out she is the first female Berserker since, well - ever.