Book picks similar to
Fire Sorcerer by David J. Normoyle


Risky Magic

Tori Centanni - 2018
    They call me the Trash Witch because I play fast and loose with spell ingredients. Personally, I think of myself as an innovator, pushing the boundaries of what magic can do. So imagine my surprise when the handsome young Witch Council member Jaden Blackmore asks for my help finding a missing witch behind the council’s back. No matter how dangerous and reckless it is to defy the council, I just can't say no to Jaden's beautiful green eyes. But then parallels to my own mother's disappearance come to light and enemies crawl out of the woodwork. With the help of Jaden and my uptight, rule-abiding roommate, Valerie, we must test the limits of my magic and find the missing witch before whatever happened to him happens to me. And it turns out my magic may not be what it seems… Risky Magic is a stand-alone novel set in the same world as The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles and Avery Burke appears briefly in Wicked Moon. Risky Magic is suspenseful urban fantasy with humor and romance.

The Librarian

Ciara Graves - 2020
    A very different state of unrest.Nienna Havard. College student. Librarian. No one special. She’s keeping a secret. Her mother’s in an mental institution after vanishing for several years. She came back talking about elves, goblins, and wars.To compound matters, she’s having a hard time breaking up with the guy who clearly isn’t right for her. Or maybe she’s not right for him. Either way, she can’t figure out how to tell him that they aren’t working out.Alred Lightvale. Elf. Hot. Protector of the Historian. He traveled to the human world to find a girl who’s supposed to replace the recently murdered Historian. He’s got a tight timeline to get the next Historian in place.One problem. She’s not exactly buying it. And she sure as heck isn’t interested in joining the cause.


H.G. Chambers - 2017
    What is left of humankind now live out their lives in New Arcadia, under the ever watchful eye of the Ministry.Seventeen-year-old Oren Hart is on the run. Ministry authorities have shattered his once unremarkable life, forcing him to flee into the deadly Miralaja desert. With sharp-taloned predators soaring overhead, and Ministry assassins close behind, can Oren survive long enough to discover the disturbing truth behind his exile?Clementine has gotten over Oren's disappearance...or so she tells herself. A born survivor, she relies on her ingenuity and cunning to carve out a life on the unforgiving streets of New Arcadia. When she reluctantly agrees to infiltrate a Ministry defense building, she too must flee with a dark secret too big to ignore.As Ministry forces quietly converge, Oren and Clementine find themselves caught up in a centuries-long battle for the survival of humanity itself.


Jack Croxall - 2013
    The journal soon draws them into a covert and sinister conspiracy, a conspiracy centred around an otherworldly artefact with the power to change everything …Karl and Esther have spent almost every day of their thirteen years in the quiet market town of Shraye. Stifled by their rural surroundings and frustrated by their unfulfilled ambitions, they find the allure of the journal’s mysterious pages impossible to ignore. The book seems to be beckoning them away from Shraye, away from their homes and towards the coast where an unsolved disappearance has set a dark chain of events in motion.The voyage Karl and Esther soon find themselves undertaking is one of desperate importance and true peril. It will change the way they see the world, and each other, forever.Tethers is the first book of the Tethers trilogy.

The Elyrian

D.P. Rowell - 2018
    But when he discovers a mysterious stone on his grandfather’s ancient Earth ship, he’s forced to confront the lies he was raised to believe.Not only are they real, they’re taking over the world one wicked deed at a time. Now only one thing can stop them. The Emerson Stone.Ace is faced with a choice. Run and hide? Or risk everything at one last chance to save Yutara.

Mutts Like Me

Keri Armstrong - 2017
    Unfortunately, with my mother dead, my grandmother drunk most of the time, and my dad... well, who knew who he was, much less where he'd disappeared to. No brothers, sisters, or cousins that I knew of. Until now. I just found out there's a whole other world out there that I'm a part of, thanks to my dad. Who it turns out is a freakin' werewolf. And still missing, by the way. But now it seems I might be able to track him down - if I can just survive long enough to learn the truth about what happened to him, and somehow resist the pull of the silver-eyed fox who kidnapped me. Happy flippin' holidays to me. Mutts Like Me. The stand alone first in a series set in the world of The Awakening, where every supernatural creature you ever heard of is not only real, they're coming out of the closet and into the streets.

My Soul to Keep

Sean Hayden - 2012
    They seem like a great idea at the time, but if you had stopped to think about it a moment…I’m talking about those ideas where you just seize the moment and do what your heart tells you to. Then, after the dust settles and you get bandaged up, your parents say, “What the hell were you thinking?”“But, Dad, I wasn’t!”I had one of those moments.I guess if you want to be technical, I had a whole chain of those moments leading up to the big bang moment. The problem was I didn’t have anyone standing around saying, “What the hell were you thinking?”The moral of this story?There are several.First, stores don’t sell black candles for a reason. They’re bad news. If you happen to come across one in the mall that sells questionable items…walk away. Trust me on this one. Black candles are bad.Second, always know what you want out of life. Coasting along, not caring about anything will get you into trouble. Maybe more than you can handle.Lastly, if someone offers to grant you your fondest wish, wish for something you really, truly want. Wish for something that will make the world a better place or you a better person. Never ever wish to be a monster…

Nephilim Falling

Felicia Beasley - 2017
    I say people should mind their own damn business. My brother, Damian, has been my rock ever since mom left. Didn’t matter that I'm demon-blooded. I was his and he was mine. But nothing lasts forever. He wants me to go to college. I’d rather fight a hundred sentinels than lead a boring, safe life hiding who I am. So when a nephilim goes missing, I go behind Damian’s back to find the teen. Maybe if I can solve the case, he will upgrade me to his partner in crime solving. As bodies begin dropping, I realize I’m in way over my head. But there’s no way I’m going to admit that, not when my future hangs in the balance. It's do or die time, and I'm not going down without a fight. TRENTON INVESTIGATIONS Nephilim Falling Descent Whips, Chains, and Brimstone (coming soon) Hell Bound (coming soon)

Dark Moonlighting

Scott Haworth - 2013
    In a typical week he works as a police officer, lawyer and doctor and still finds time to murder someone and drink their blood. He used to feel guilty about the killings, but now he restricts himself to only eating the worst members of society. Few people in Starside, Illinois seem to care about the untimely deaths of spam e-mailers, pushy Jehovah Witnesses and politicians. However, the barriers between Nick's three secret lives start to crumble when a mysterious man from his past arrives in town seeking revenge. Nick must move quickly to prevent the three women in his life, and the authorities who are hunting him, from discovering his terrible secret.Dark Moonlighting is the first book in the humorous series. It explores four of the biggest clichés in popular culture, and it pokes fun at a number of popular television shows including Law & Order, Bones and House. It also takes a more realistic and amusing approach to the vampire cliché. For example, the average human has the equivalent of five Big Gulps worth of blood in their body. Nick takes twenty minutes to kill someone and, like the vampire bat, must immediately urinate afterwards.

Vita Aeterna

Jay Allan Storey - 2018
    Appraisal is supposed to be a routine right of passage. But no scenario he's ever heard of has prepared Alex for his own experience - abducted, imprisoned, and subjected to brutal medical experiments in a high-tech lab.He escapes and goes on the run, a heartbeat ahead of a ruthless army led by the most powerful man in the world. When he finally pieces together the clues behind his kidnapping, they lead to a treacherous plot that only he can derail.But to succeed, he must penetrate the First Circle, the forbidden abode of the ruling class.

Through the Valley

Stephanie Erickson - 2017
    But Lily has a secret: the very accident that stole her vision granted her a new kind of sight. Each human soul radiates a special light announcing the person’s moods and intentions—a light only Lily can see. Her ability has helped her navigate an otherwise dark world, but what use is such a talent to a simple waitress? Then Lily meets the frustrating yet appealing Asher Symonds, the one person whose soul she cannot see, and discovers her destiny is anything but simple. A centuries-old legend is playing out in real life, and if someone doesn’t put a stop to it, a series of horrors will unfold. Lily’s parents, both seers who worked for an organization called The Valley, predicted this disaster—and they believed Lily was the only one who could prevent it. After their deaths, she was hidden away, protected until she was needed. Until now. But Asher’s secret mission is compromised by how much his damaged soul is drawn to the beautiful, talented seer. If Lily trusts Asher, she must accept that her comfortable, uncomplicated life is over. But can one person really stop a disaster that’s been centuries in the making?

Guilty by Association

E.A. Copen - 2016
    When a young werewolf is murdered on the Paint Rock Supernatural Reservation, the local cops think it’s a drug deal gone bad. BSI agent Judah Black knows better. An occult expert, she knows magick is at work from the beginning. Using only her wits, knowledge of the supernatural and her limited magickal abilities, she must untangle a web of cover-ups and lies before the killer finds his next victim.

Demon Girl

Penelope Fletcher - 2010
    Rae Wilder has problems. Supernatural creatures swarm the earth, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Stalked by a handsome fairy who claims she is like him, demonkind, Rae thinks maybe it was a mistake breaking the rules by going over the Wall into demon territory. Plunged into a world of dark magics, fierce creatures, and ritual sacrifice, she is charged with a guarding a magical amulet. The changes to her mind and body are startling, but rather than accept her purpose she struggles against who she is destined to be. Throw in a big lust for a vampire who can't keep his hands off her, and life starts to get complicated. Rae is forced to make the ultimate choice: to live and die human, or embrace her birth-right and wield magics that could turn her into something wicked, a force of nature nothing can control. BrE.

Pile of Bones

Bailey Cunningham - 2013
    In another world, they are a company of heroes in a place of magic and myth called Anfractus……   The Cree called the area Oscana, "pile of bones," a fertile hunting ground where game abounded. The white settlers changed that to Wascana. And centuries later, it became Wascana Park, a wooded retreat in the midst of the urban sprawl of Regina.   For a select few, who stay in the park until midnight, the land reverts into a magical kingdom, populated by heroes and monsters. They become warriors, bards, archers, gladiators. In the city called Anfractus, they live out a real-life role playing game.   All harmless fun—until they find themselves in the middle of an assassination plot which threatens to upset the balance of everything.  Politics are changing, and old borders are about to disappear.  The magic of Anfractus is bleeding into the real world—an incursion far more dangerous than the students suspect. Only they know what is happening—and only they can stop it...

Chest of Souls

Michelle Erickson - 2010
    In Chest of Souls Book 1, we meet nine year old Talon and the adventure begins . Talon and a young man named Nyk end up running for their lives. Talon meets Brenna, a beautiful six-year-old with power beyond the imagination. Talon and Brenna are the only hope to destroy Sogo. Together they would make a formidable team...if they could live long enough to develop their powers. Michelle Erickson does exactly what all authors should do...begin the book with a dynamic, attention grabbing scene. However, she doesn't stop there; she continues with one heart pounding scene after another. There are plenty monsters to fear and battle in Chest of Souls. Brenna was one of my favorite characters. Although only six years old, she already has self confidence and knows she belongs with Talon. This is the first book in a new series; I can hardly wait to see what our two heroes face in the next book.From the back of the book: Brenna doesn't know that her mother is Hi-Sha of Eyes, or that her father was an assassin and he’s supposed to be dead. She doesn't even know her pet is the Queen of all Shee’s. Brenna is safe because she is oblivious to all but Talon. Talon felt safe until he met Brenna. Once he is ordered to protect her, he's had to fight monsters he never knew existed, run away from an assassin, and escape a forest full of carnivores. His father burned down their cottage and left him with people he just met and he isn't sure who to trust. Talon and Brenna are destined to bring down the wickedest city in the world. They've been hunted their entire lives by the very evil they must destroy. They don't know that when they finally meet that evil, they may not win. In the meantime the Chest of Souls waits to be powered and neither child can guess the price.