Cessez de manger vos émotions

Isabelle Huot - 2017
    Equipped with vast experience supporting people who binge-eat or experience episodes of compulsive eating, Huot and Senécal have developed exercises, tips and tools that are sensible and practical, and that work! By rethinking your relationship to food, reconnecting with your body’s natural signals and modifying the thoughts that cause anxiety, you can break the compulsive-eating cycle and enjoy your life.

How to Live When a Loved One Dies: Healing Meditations for Grief and Loss

Thich Nhat Hanh - 2021
    Internationally-beloved Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh's down-to-earth teachings challenge our conventional ways of looking at dying, and show us the gentle path to healing and transformation.This book offers guidance on how to work through the storm of emotions surrounding the death of a loved one and offers simple but powerful practices--starting with mindful breathing and mindful walking--that can help us. The book is rounded out by concrete ways to help us reconcile with death (and loss), feel connected to our loved one long after they have let go of their physical form, and transform our grief into joy.

The Lost Art of Putting

Gary Nicol - 2018
     To be childish is to expect a certain outcome will come your way, that you deserve to hole the putt or that you shouldn’t miss from a certain distance. The Lost Art of Putting will help you become more child-like on the greens and less childish. Leading tour coach Gary Nicol and performance coach Karl Morris have 60 years’ combined coaching experience. It is their belief that the game of golf is not about finding ‘the’ way to do it but more a case of discovering, or perhaps more importantly uncovering, ‘your’ way to do it. The perspective and concepts they share with you in this book have the potential to liberate you so that you can experience what you are truly capable of on the greens.

The Dynamic Laws of Prayer

Catherine Ponder - 1987
    DeVorss & Company; 2nd Revised edition (May 1, 1987)

A Book of Secrets: Finding Solace in a Stubborn World

Derren Brown - 2021
    By sharing his own moments of anger, frustration, loneliness and loss, Derren reveals how it's possible to find consolation and compassion in our most challenging times.A Book of Secrets is a profound and practical guide to finding value in sadness and strength from what life throws at us - it is from the difficulty of life that we find meaning and grow.

Meditation Now: A Beginner's Guide: 10-Minute Meditations to Restore Calm and Joy Anytime, Anywhere

Elizabeth Reninger - 2014
    Meditation Now: A Beginner’s Guide provides friendly advice, step-by-step guidance, and a range of ten-minute meditations that fit easily into tight schedules. Filled with time-honored practices and insightful discussions, Meditation Now: A Beginner’s Guide makes it easy to learn meditation, with: • Step-by-step instructions for 18 meditation techniques that can be practiced anytime, anywhere • 14 “Take Ten” meditations to promote mindfulness in everyday situations like traffic jams and work presentations • Essential advice and guidelines for overcoming common obstacles like boredom and relating skillfully to thoughts and emotions • 3 focused 28-day meditation plans for those months when you need extra emotional support, happiness, or relaxation • Inspirational quotations and practical tips that motivate you to deepen your practice With Meditation Now: A Beginner’s Guide, peace, clarity, and wisdom can be yours with just ten minutes of restful breathing a day.

The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge: Sleep Better, Lose Weight, Boost Energy, Beat Anxiety

Andy Ramage - 2017
    Drawing on their own experiences of ditching the drink, and bringing together the collective experience of the thousands of people they have helped, Andy and Ruari bring you unparalleled insight into how you can make your break from alcohol an empowering, life-changing experience. Andy Ramage and Ruari Fairbairns started their website One Year No Beer to connect with like-minded people who no longer wanted to deal with the adverse effects of drinking alcohol. In The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge Andy and Ruari share their extensive experience of going alcohol free, including having a great time at parties, resisting appeals from friends to 'just have the one', and, most importantly, how to make the most of the health benefits of going sober.

Master Dealing with Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists - A Handbook for the Empath

Transcendence - 2015
     This handbook was compiled by a once-naïve empath who encountered psychopaths in various avenues of the author's life: heart broken, illusions stripped away, career path shattered, and a radical transformation undergone. Somewhere in an abyss of self-searching darkness, the author was finally able to put the puzzle together with the help of an inkling of spiritual insight and wisdom, as well as our common human will to rebound, rebuild, regenerate and re-strategize. This instinct led to an obsessive quest to devour information through forums, books, resources, consultations. The author read over almost all available resources – from the scientific, to the practical, to the spiritual and esoteric. Thousands of hours spent in understanding the subject matter – all with the goal to provide you with a handy guide that is practical, simple and extremely useful. Cheat Sheet: Master Dealing with Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists – A Handbook for the Empath … is meant as a solid guide for empathetic individuals that you can reference over and over again. It is written with the aim to help empaths navigate this hidden terrain with practicality and total clarity. The goal for the guide is to: 1. Have an effective reminder to reference and read, again and again, especially at moments when at risk of a fall into the internal battle of controlling our “niceness” to the undeserving. 2. Thoroughly analyze and summarize the modus operandi of this type of being, giving the empath a counter-method of operation; to review again and again as a lifetime reminder. Learn: ✓ A critical list of points to read when feeling irresolute on the NCEA rule. ✓ The Psychopath pattern and method of operation at work, romance and other domains. ✓ How to repel, defend against, and ensure they can never impact you again. ✓ How to change your own mental conditioning so you are immune to their tactics. ✓ The underlying principles to influence the psychopath in the short-term and in unavoidable situations. ✓ How to maneuver yourself out of their webs. ✓ A concise but thorough summary to identify them - from experts such as Hare, Sheridan, Stout, and more. ✓ 4 strategies to get over them in real life. And much much more… The author plans to research additional topics that are important to the empath, and include them in constant future updates. For existing buyers, however, the eBook is a one-time low cost, and new updates will be free to view. Get this now while you can! Tags: Sociopath, Psychopath, Psychopath free, Psychopathic, Manipulation, Narcissist, ASPD, Mental Health, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychopath vs Sociopath, Anti-social, Personality Disorder, Spot Lies

How to Take Revenge on a Narcissist: Take your power back by using the secret techniques of emotional manipulators – against them

Richard Grannon - 2015
    A manual full of practical tips, tricks and tactics that teaches how to get inside the mechanics of the narc psyche to cause maximum angst to the predator. Learn practical research-based strategies that empower you to either take revenge or through understanding find the strength to disengage across a variety of contexts and objectives. Not every narcissist will be an ex lover, sometimes it could be a boss, family member or just some irritating dimwit at work who cant shut up. This book covers a spectrum of contexts and needs from outing a narcissists true nature in a court room, to a cutting put-down in a bar. Whilst this book handles a serious subject, every effort has been made to lighten the darkness and to use humour to give some healthier options of response. Whether you choose (as a mature, responsible grown up) to use it as an actual guidebook for vengeful action, an exercise in angry fantasizing or as a means of just letting go, this book is a sincere effort by two people who have experienced narcissistic abuse to bring peace to the victims of this horrible, potentially life destroying disorder.

Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation

Tricia Barker - 2019
     One woman’s courageous story. Tricia Barker was a depressed, agnostic college student at The University of Texas in Austin...until a profound near-death experience (NDE) during surgery revolutionizes her entire world. As she learns to walk again, Tricia lets go of painful wounds from childhood and integrates some of the aftereffects of her spiritual journey into her daily life. She returns to college with renewed vigor, intending to embark on a new path by becoming an English teacher. But after a year of teaching in the US, Tricia travels to South Korea, where she is the victim of a sexual assault. Now, she must use the wisdom she gained on the Other Side to heal herself; and later, guide countless junior high, high school, and college students to greater peace. Through teaching and mentoring others—many of whom are struggling with traumas of their own—Tricia decides to devote her life to bringing the “light” she experienced during her NDE to individuals who are seeking solace, inspiration, and overall well-being.

Overcome Social Anxiety and Shyness: A Step-By-Step Self Help Action Plan to Overcome Social Anxiety, Defeat Shyness and Create Confidence

Matt Lewis - 2017
     Maybe, you’ve only recently started to struggle with social anxiety or shyness, or have lived with it for a very long time. This maybe the first time you’ve looked for help, or you may have tried different methods to manage your social anxiety or shyness before and remained stuck, or after some initial improvement you found yourself bogged down with same anxious thoughts and feelings. Books and methods that promise instant and magical transformations to overcoming social anxiety and shyness lose their impact when we have to leave our comfort zone and the fairy dust blows away. Whatever the case, you’re probably looking for something that really works, something that is effective, practical, real, and evidence based. There are four main steps in this revolutionary approach and I’ve seen it change people’s lives time and time again. You’re going to learn how to: Understand how social anxiety and shyness develops Build a solid foundation for behaviour change Effectively manage anxious thoughts and feelings Be confident in social situations In Overcome Social Anxiety and Shyness: A Step-by-Step Self Help Action Plan to Overcome Social Anxiety, Defeat Shyness and Create Confidence, university academic and mental health teacher Dr Matt Lewis will take you through a step-by-step programme, in a workbook format, using simple but powerful exercises that will take just a few minutes each day, allowing you to start overcoming social anxiety and shyness, and being back in control and able to enjoy life. Social anxiety can make us feel paralysed and sometimes the smallest and quickest of tasks can seem insurmountable, so the information has been reduced into small chunks, using brief chapters that can be digested easily and quickly. The book contains practical exercises in a workbook format, access to audio exercises and online resources, and an end of book project to help put all the learned skills into real life practice. The principles and practices you will learn in the book go beyond managing social anxiety and shyness. They will also help you to become unstuck, build confidence and really live. Using referenced scientific and academic research, the book teaches you how to: Understand how and why social anxiety and shyness develops. Learn how living in ‘safety mode’ can diminish your life. Create a mindset that will allow you to believe change is possible. Build the foundations for a calm and peaceful mind. Avoid mental exhaustion and increase energy. Effectively handle anxious thoughts and feelings as they arise. Tame the voice in your head and reduce anxiety in social situations. Become unstuck and able to take action in situations you would normally avoid, withdraw, or distract yourself from. Build your confidence step-by-step in both small and large social situations. Take steps to create a fulfilling and meaningful life. This book will be helpful for those who struggle with: Social Anxiety Shyness Low confidence Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks Panic Disorder Agoraphobia If you f

The Key to Living the Law of Attraction: The Secret to Creating the Life of Your Dreams

Jack Canfield - 2008
    THE KEY explains not only what you need to KNOW but what you need to DO in order to attract what you want in your life. It addresses important issues of CLARITY, PURPOSE and ACTION. This thought-provoking guide will take you step by step through the processes of defining your dreams, goals and desires. And along the way you will gain a greater understanding of yourself - a sense of who you really are and why you are here. Your journey begins right here, right now. You can change your life, increase your awareness and empower yourself to create an amazing future - one that is filled with love, joy and abundance.

Mental Combat: The Sports Psychology Secrets You Can Use to Dominate Any Event!

Phil Pierce - 2015
    The problem is that many of these techniques are kept secret and other guides are heavy and full of jargon. So how can you use the simple power of Sports Psychology techniques to revolutionize your performance today? Clearly you need more than just a system, you need the right kind of system. Not just the science behind mental strength but a super-simple, step-by-step guide to unlocking the power of your brain. As a bestselling author, martial arts and fitness coach, I’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the best experts around the world. With input from top instructors and researchers I discovered easy tactics that can be effortlessly used by everyone. From fitness fans, runners and gym athletes to combat styles like boxing, MMA, and martial arts. Even the busy office worker can dominate any competitive or stressful event in minutes! This is “Mental Combat”... and once applied to your training it quickly revolutionizes performance – every time! What Is Mental Combat? Mental Combat is a simple, easy set of tactics for unlocking the full power of your brain and body. Moreover, it gives you the proven scientific benefits of Sports Psychology without needing to understand the complex history and theories. Whilst traditional guides can be heavy and difficult to follow, Mental Combat is a simple, tactical approach. Perfect for martial artists, fitness fans, gym enthusiasts and even the busy office worker! Stressful, nerve-wracking events become a walk in the park when transformed using the right techniques. A busy and cluttered mind becomes laser focused. Would you like to know the quickest and easiest way to experience the incredible benefits of mental training? The Easy New Way To Get Started with Mental Training Inside “Mental Combat” you’ll discover… How to “psych-out” an opponent. “Mind Hacks” for instant, rock-solid confidence and cool. Powerful motivation and concentration skills. Revealed: the body position to banish nerves quickly and easily. The truth behind meditation. (and why it’s easier than you think). How to unlock the power of your brain for any event. The secret to managing victory, like a pro. The secret to handling defeat… and coming back stronger. How you can use Sports Psychology tactics even if you don’t do sports! And much more! Want To See For Yourself How Mental Combat Can Transform Your Performance? Click and grab your copy of Mental Combat now to see you’ve been missing! To say thanks for checking out this book you can claim your free guide: “3 Steps to Explosive Power” FREE from my website. Just visit: www.BlackBeltFit.

Daddy Sir!: A true story about surviving childhood incest and physical abuse

Christine McAteer - 2019
    It is the story of a young girl who was raised in a 1960’s rural Texas town where she was physically and sexually abused by her oldest brother, uncle, father and grandfather. As a result of the trauma, she developed DID. Creating several alter personalities to survive the abuse, she was forced to watch the battering and neglect of her siblings. A child already trying to nurture those siblings, she cared for an invalid and ineffectual mother. From child to adolescent to adult, she courageously lived, surviving the most traumatic abuse. Daddy Sir! is a story of healing, recovery and hope. Christine Anderson’s story is not fiction. . .

Universal Laws: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: 7 Natural Laws of the Universe

Creed McGregor - 2016
    Looking up at the stars or witnessing a beautiful sunrise leaves us feeling like there has to be more to our existence. Is there more out there than this? Who am I? What is my purpose? The answers to these questions are hidden in the Natural Laws of the Universe. These Cosmic Laws govern ALL things and shape our inner and outer worlds. They do not leave uncertainty or doubt. They are the key to ALL things in existence and they can help you to achieve anything you desire out of life. Unlock the secrets of the universe to help open your mind to a more fulfilling life. What you will gain from this book: Learn that there is more to life than what there seems How to gain knowledge and anything you want in life Why we are not told about the laws and why they are hidden from us How the laws are the key to ALL existence How to stop struggling and start living a meaningful life The Law of Attraction is one of the best known universal laws. It can help manifest anything you desire, but combined with other valuable laws it will reshape your thinking and bring more meaning to your existence. Not only can you have anything you desire, you can increase your quality of life and make more sense of the world around you. This book could be the most life changing book you've ever read. You can be in complete control of your life and the world around you by understanding the laws that govern all things. Take advantage of the hidden secrets of the universe and start living the life you deserve. Scroll up and grab a copy now!