First and Only

Dan Abnett - 1999
    For a thousand years, the Sabbat Worlds have been lost to the Imperium, claimed by the dread powers of Chaos. Now, a mighty crusade seeks to return the sector to Imperial rule. And at the forefront of that crusade are Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt and the Tanith First and Only – better known as Gaunt’s Ghosts. Trapped in the grinding trench warfare of Fortis Binary, the Ghosts find themselves drawn into a conspiracy to assassinate the crusade’s leader, Warmaster Macaroth. With enemies all around them and no one to trust, Gaunt and his men must find a way to save the warmaster and prevent the Sabbat Worlds Crusade from falling into anarchy – even if it means waging war on their supposed allies.Read by Toby Longworth.

The Deep Range

Arthur C. Clarke - 1957
    Its hero is Walter Franklin, a grounded space engineer now assigned to a submarine patrol tending the whale herds. DEEP RANGE vibrates with exciting adventures of the mysterious sea: a fight with a giant squid at 12,000 feet, a search for a great sea serpent, & a heroic rescue of a damaged submarine--all vividly & plausibly portrayed.


Greg Egan - 1995
    He's on his way to the artifical island of Stateless, where the world's top physicists are gathering to decide on a new TOE, or Theory of Everything, to replace Einstein's outmoded legacy. Chief among the scientists is the brilliant African Nobel laureate, Violet Mosala, the focus of Worth's story, who is the subject of mysterious death threats. Worth begins his own investigation, but it takes on even more urgency when he finds that Distress, the mental plague now affecting millions, is linked somehow to the approaching Aleph Moment when the TOE is finalized.The countdown has begun for a disaster that will reach all the way back to the Big Bang. And beyond...

The Eyes of Heisenberg

Frank Herbert - 1966
    Parents were permitted to watch the genetic alterations of their gametes by skilled surgeons . . . only no one ever requested it.When Lizbeth and Harvey Durant decided to invoke the Law; when Dr. Potter did not rearrange the most unusual genetic structure of their future son, barely an embryo growing in the State's special vat-the consequences of these decisions threatened to be catastrophic.For never before had anyone dared defy the Rulers' decrees . . . and if They found out, it was well known that the price of disobedience was the extermination of the human race . . .

The Puppet Masters

Robert A. Heinlein - 1951
    Then came the announcement that the whole thing was a hoax. End of story. Case closed.Except that two agents of the most secret intelligence agency in the U.S. government were on the scene and disappeared without reporting back. Then four more follow up agents also disappeared. So the head of the agency and his two top agents went in and managed to get out with their discovery: an invasion is underway by slug-like aliens who can touch a human and completely control his or her mind. What the humans know, they know. What the slugs want, no matter what, the human will do. And most of Iowa is already under their control.Sam Cavanaugh was one of the agents who discovered the truth. Unfortunately, that was just before he was taken over by one of the aliens and began working for the invaders, with no will of his own. And he has just learned that a high official in the Treasury Department is now under control of the aliens. Since the Treasury Department includes the Secret Service, which safeguards the President of the United States, control of the entire nation is near at hand.

The Spell Sword

Marion Zimmer Bradley - 1974
    Most of the planet's wild terrain was unexplored...and many of its peoples seclusive and secretive.But for Andrew Carr there was an attraction he could not evade. Darkover drew him, Darkover haunted him--and when his mapping plane crashed in unknown heights, Darkover prepared to destroy him.Until the planet's magic asserted itself--and his destiny began to unfold along lines predicted only by phantoms and wonder workers of the kind Terran science could never acknowledge.THE SPELL SWORD is a Darkover novel to stand with the great ones of the series.

The Beginning Place

Ursula K. Le Guin - 1980
    Irena Pannis was thirteen when she first found the beginning place. Now, seven years later, she has grown to know and love the gentle inhabitants of Tembreabrezi, or Mountaintown, and she sees Hugh as a trespasser. But then a monstrous shadow threatens to destroy Mountaintown, and Hugh and Irena join forces to seek it out. Along the way, they begin to fall in love. Are they on their way to a new beginning...or a fateful end?

House Atreides

Brian Herbert - 1999
    By his death in 1986, Herbert had completed six novels in the series, but much of his vision remained unwritten. Now, working from his father's recently discovered files, Brian Herbert and bestselling novelist Kevin J. Anderson collaborate on a new novel, the prelude to Dune—where we step onto the planet Arrakis…decades before Dune's hero, Paul Muad'Dib Atreides, walks its sands.Here is the rich and complex world that Frank Herbert created, in the time leading up to the momentous events of Dune. As Emperor Elrood's son plots a subtle regicide, young Leto Atreides leaves for a year's education on the mechanized world of Ix; a planetologist named Pardot Kynes seeks the secrets of Arrakis; and the eight-year-old slave Duncan Idaho is hunted by his cruel masters in a terrifying game from which he vows escape and vengeance. But none can envision the fate in store form them; one that will make them renegades—and shapers of history.

My Name is Legion

Roger Zelazny - 1976
    There was no credit card, birth record, or passport for him in the International Data Bank. His names were many...any he chose. His occupation was taking megarisks in the service of a vast global detective agency. His interworld assignments were highly lucrative, incalculably vital, and terrifyingly deadly. And more often then not, his life was a living hell!Contents:1 · The Eve of RUMOKO · na Three for Tomorrow, ed. Robert Silverberg, Meredith, 1969 65 · ’Kjwalll’kje’k’koothaïlll’kje’k · na An Exaltation of Stars, ed. Terry Carr, Simon & Schuster, 1973 141 · Home Is the Hangman · na Analog Nov ’75 (Nebula Award for Best Novella, 1975)

Virtual Light

William Gibson - 1993
    He finds himself on a collision course that results in a desperate romance, and a journey into the ecstasy and dread that mirror each other at the heart of the postmodern experience.


Lewis Padgett - 1953
    This minority, once the children became able to communicate their ability, became a feared and quarantined group; "ordinary" humans felt that their privacy had been taken from them and that the mutants, the "Baldies" (so called because of their most distinguishing visible characteristic) by knowing their most secrets could destroy them.Most of the Baldies submit to the quarantine. They seek peaceful accommodation with the "Normals". A small minority of this minority, however, known as the "Paranoids" sought the destruction of humanity, felt that no co-existence with the majority would ever be possible because their fear and hatred could only lead to a pogrom. In four novelettes published in 1943 - The Piper's Son, Beggars in Velvet, The Lion and the Unicorn and Three Blind Mice - Kuttner explored the struggle within and without the community of Baldies, the menace presented to peaceable telepaths by their faction of Paranoids and by non-telepathic humans who feared them. Some accommodation seems possible at times, at others it seems chimerical because of the influence of the Paranoids within the community and the hatred for the normals which the Paranoids express. As circumstances move inexorably toward what will be a murderous and devastating confrontation between the two species of humanity, the final novelette, Humpty Dumpty, depicts a possible solutions found by the Baldies. It is a solution shrouded with risk and suspicion which, although offered to humanity may never be accepted, so deeply advanced are strife and suspicion."The pogrom might go on until the last Baldie died. But until then,no Baldy would live or die alone. So they waited, together, for the answer man must give."

The Aliens

Murray Leinster - 1959
    and so, they knew, were the Aliens. When two expanding empires meet... war is inevitable. Or is it...?

Martians, Go Home

Fredric Brown - 1954
    He was the first man to see a Martian...but he wasn't the last!It was estimated that a billion of them had arrived, one to every three human beings on Earth—obnoxious green creatures who could be seen and heard, but not harmed and who probed private sex lives as shamelessly as they probed government secrets.No one knew why they had come. No one knew how to make them go away—except, perhaps, Luke Devereaux. Unfortunately Devereaux was going slightly bananas, so it wouldn't be easy.But for a science-fiction writer nothing was impossible...

The Dark Fields

Alan Glynn - 2001
    A drug that made you focused, charming, fast, even attractive. Eddie Spinola is on such a drug. It's called MDT-48, and it's Viagra for the brain-a designer drug that's redesigning his life. But while MDT is helping Eddie achieve the kind of success he's only dreamed about, it's also chipping away at his sanity-splitting headaches, spontaneous blackouts, violent outbursts. And now that he's hooked and his supply is running low, Eddie must venture into the drug's dark past to feed his habit. What he discovers proves that MDT, once a dream come true, has become his worst nightmare.

Fallen Dragon

Peter F. Hamilton - 2001
    But as the Skins invade bucolic Thallspring, Z-B's strategy is about to go awry, all because of: Sgt. Lawrence Newton, a dreamer whose twenty years as a Skin have destroyed his hopes and desires; Denise Ebourn, a school teacher and resistance leader whose guerrilla tactics rival those of Che Guevara and George Washington and Simon Roderick, the director who serves Z-B with a dedication that not even he himself can understand. Grimly determined to steal, or protect, a mysterious treasure, the three players engage in a private war that will explode into unimaginable quests for personal grace...or galactic domination