The Scapegracers

Hannah Abigail Clarke - 2020
    They have been published in the Portland Review and PRISM International. They graduate college at Miami University of Ohio in May.

A Date With Death

Mia Archer - 2018
    Save the school. Get the girl. As if senior year wasn’t already complicated enough! I just wanted to keep my head down, hang out with friends, prep for college, and worship Stacy Thompson from afar. Was that too much to ask? I guess, because I got distracted by Stacy heading to cheer practice in a pair of impossibly tight shorts and stepped in front of a bus. That’s right. I died on the first day of school. Oops. Dying wasn’t the bad part. Not really. I’d died before, and I always bounced back. Call it a perk of being a reaper’s daughter. Only with this death I learned the terrible awesome truth: I keep bouncing back because I’m destined to become a reaper just like dear old dad! That’s right. Me. A reaper. Complete with black robes and a scythe. The whole shebang. Yeah, right! I figured with enough time I could avoid my fate. Only fate came looking for me when I followed Stacy, and her impossibly tight shorts, up to the infamous Thompson mansion. A haunted mansion that was once the haunt of an evil necromancer who sent his fair share of people to the other side, and was now a favorite makeout spot for teens with more hormones than sense. Go to a makeout spot with Stacy? Yes please. Even if we were going with a group of friends. Even if the whole almost-date was ruined by a necromancer who should totally be long dead showing up, killing my friends, stealing their souls, and enslaving their bodies into his undead army! Now I’m stuck with a ghost cheerleader who spends half her time acting like she’s interested in yours truly and half her time demanding I get her body back. Talk about confusing. Meanwhile I have to hide her existence from dear old dad so he doesn’t drag her to the other side, all while trying to figure out how to defeat an evil necromancer before he unleashes his undead minions on the world! Call me the Gwen Reaper, because it’s time to kick some necromancer butt and save the girl! A Date With Death is a lesbian paranormal thriller with a dose of humor and romance! From the author of Villains Don't Date Heroes!

Making Love

Aidan Wayne - 2017
    Her dream is to shoot a True Love pair, but until her scores improve, she’s relegated to the Puppy Love division of Aphrodite Agency.Leeta, a succubus, is looking for a True Love match. Which is highly unusual, as most succubi are aromantic. But Aphrodite Agency—her only hope—turns her away because the receptionist can’t believe she’s not just looking for an easy meal.Carla agrees to take Leeta’s case on freelance. She figures it’s a win-win: Carla gets to put a succubus’s True Love match on her résumé, and Leeta gets to find her True Love! Except as Carla tries to find a match for Leeta, she finds herself maybe . . . relieved when the matches don’t end well. And Leeta seems to be getting pickier and pickier. Things will never work out until Carla learns enough about chemistry to figure out who’s truly best for Leeta, and until Leeta can admit what—or who—she truly wants.Word Count: 22,800Cover by: L.C. Chase

Kim Reaper Vol. 1: Grim Beginnings

Sarah Graley - 2018
    Full-Time Cutie!Like most university students, Kim works a part-time job to make ends meet. Unlike most university students, Kim's job is pretty cool: she's a grim reaper, tasked with guiding souls into the afterlife.Like most university students, Becka has a super intense crush. Unlike most university students, Becka's crush is on a beautiful gothic angel that frequents the underworld. Of course, she doesn't know that.Unaware of the ghoulish drama she's about to step into, Becka finally gathers up the courage to ask Kim on a date! But when she falls into a ghostly portal and interrupts Kim at her job, she sets off a chain of events that will pit the two of them against angry cat-dads, vengeful zombies, and perhaps even the underworld itself. But if they work together, they just might make it... and maybe even get a smooch in the bargain.

Kissing Amanda

E.A. Fry - 2013
    What was she asking me? I lifted my head and my eyes found hers. I licked my lips, hoping, yearning, needing a kiss.“May I carry your books?”When Kate Portal realized she had a knack for picking partners with rough edges, she decided to stay single. But when captivating, smooth Amanda Knight approaches her, Kate is inexplicably drawn to her. Even when Kate fears she is losing her mind just as her mother had, she is unable to turn Amanda away.And when Amanda tells her they are soul mates as well as Brightlings – beings with supernatural powers that battle the evil Darklings; a battle that has gone on for centuries – Kate has to decide if she will return to the boring life of a student or embrace the supernatural and continue kissing Amanda.Gripping and provocative, Kissing Amanda is a fast-paced, romantic fantasy that will keep you in its grip until the final page and beyond.

Falling Star

Gill McKnight - 2008
    A movie stunt crew arrives to film a blockbuster in the bay, and Gin Ito heads up the team.

Balance of Forces: Toujours Ici

Ali Vali - 2011
    After accepting the opportunity to drink the elixir of the sun, Kendal becomes immortal and the Genesis Clan’s slayer. History has taught her the dangers of getting too close to anyone who hasn’t harnessed the power of time.After many years, she returns to New Orleans to finish a job she’s trained for all her life. It’s time for her to face her brother Henri, and it will have dire consequences to mankind if she fails.Piper Marmande believes Kendal has come to take over the company her family has built over generations. As Kendal prepares for the most important battle of her long life, Piper does her best to uncover every one of Kendal’s secrets, making herself a distraction Kendal can’t afford as she hunts Henri and Ora, the vampire who seduced him to a life of darkness.

Floats Her Boat

Nicolette Dane - 2017
    Brooke never considered herself to be very outdoorsy, much preferring her big city life to lounging on the lake, and she’s not looking forward to spending her summer in the middle of nowhere. But when she meets her neighbor, famous singer Hailey Reed, Brooke’s feelings begin to change about her old family getaway. Hailey, the beautiful and sultry redhead songbird, shows Brooke just how much fun lakeside living can be. And as the summer fun takes a romantic turn, Brooke can’t help but question the way she’s felt about the cabin for so long. With a generous offer on the table, will Brooke be able to pull the trigger and sell her family’s cabin? Or will her newfound love of the home, and her growing feelings for Hailey, prevent her from going through with the sale? Sometimes the stories we tell about ourselves are nothing more than stories, and our feelings about who we are can change when we least expect it.

The Ones We Burn

Rebecca Mix
    Butcher. Bloodwinn. Ranka is tired of death. All she wants now is to be left alone, living out her days in Witchik’s wild north with the coven that raised her, attempting to forget the horrors of her past. But when she is named Bloodwinn, the next treaty bride to the human kingdom of Isodal, her coven sends her south with a single directive: kill him. Easy enough, for a blood-witch whose magic compels her to kill. Except the prince is gentle, kind, and terrified of her. He doesn’t want to marry Ranka; he doesn’t want to be king at all. And it’s his sister—the wickedly smart, infuriatingly beautiful Princess Aramis—who seems to be real threat. But when witches start turning up dead, murdered by a mysterious, magical plague, Aramis makes Ranka an offer: help her develop a cure, and in return, she’ll help Ranka learn to contain her deadly magic. As the coup draws nearer and the plague spreads, Ranka is forced to question everything she thought she knew about her power, her past, and who she’s meant to fight for. Soon, she will have to decide between the coven that raised her and the princess who sees beyond the monster they shaped her to be. But as the bodies pile up, a monster may be exactly what they need.

Payback's a Witch

Lana Harper - 2021
    Her self-imposed exile has a lot to do with a complicated family history and a desire to forge her own way in the world, and only the very tiniest bit to do with Gareth Blackmoore, heir to the most powerful magical family in town and casual breaker of hearts and destroyer of dreams.But when a spellcasting tournament that her family serves as arbiters for approaches, it turns out the pull of tradition (or the truly impressive parental guilt trip that comes with it) is strong enough to bring Emmy back. She's determined to do her familial duty; spend some quality time with her best friend, Linden Thorn; and get back to her real life in Chicago.On her first night home, Emmy runs into Talia Avramov—an all-around badass adept in the darker magical arts—who is fresh off a bad breakup . . . with Gareth Blackmoore. Talia had let herself be charmed, only to discover that Gareth was also seeing Linden—unbeknownst to either of them. And now she and Linden want revenge. Only one question stands: Is Emmy in?But most concerning of all: Why can't she stop thinking about the terrifyingly competent, devastatingly gorgeous, wickedly charming Talia Avramov?

Dragonoak: The Complete History of Kastelir

Sam Farren - 2015
    The woman cares nothing for Rowan's company, but nor does she seem perturbed by the powers that burn within her.Rowan soon learns that the scope of their journey is more than a desperate grasp at adventure. She breaks away from the weighty judgement of her village, but has no choice but to abandon her Kingdom altogether. Sir Ightham's past leads them through Kastelir, a country draped in the shadow of its long-dead Queen—a woman who was all tusks and claws and great, spiralling horns.Hiding her necromancy is no longer Rowan's greatest challenge, and what leads them across Kingdoms and through mountains is a heavier burden than she ever could've imagined.


Anna Burke - 2019
    The rose is followed by the Huntress, a figure out of legend. Tall, cruel, and achingly beautiful, she brings Rowan back with her to a mountain fastness populated solely by the creatures of the hunt. Rowan, who once scorned the villagers for their superstitions, now finds herself at the heart of a curse with roots as deep as the mountains, ruled by an old magic that is as insidious as the touch of the winter rose. Torn between her family loyalties, her guilty relief at escaping her betrothal to the charming but arrogant Avery Lockland, and her complicated feelings for the Huntress, Rowan must find a way to break the curse before it destroys everything she loves. There is only one problem―if she can find a way to lift the curse, she will have to return to the life she left behind. And the only thing more unbearable than endless winter is facing a lifetime of springs without the Huntress.

Last Car to Annwn Station

Michael Merriam - 2011
    Passing on an invite from Jill, her flirtatious coworker, Mae just wants a quiet night in. Leaving the office late, she's surprised to find the Heritage Line streetcars up and running and hops aboard, eager for a quick trip home.But this is no ordinary streetcar. Death is one of its riders, and Mae is thrust into Annwn, a realm of magic and danger. "Your transfer, miss. You'll need that." Mae's life is turned upside down as human and fae worlds collide. Her budding relationship with Jill takes a perilous turn when they are hunted by mythical beasts, and Mae is drawn into a deadly power struggle. With Jill at her side, Mae must straddle both worlds and fight a war she barely comprehends, for not only does the fate of Annwn rest in her hands, but the lives of both a human and fae child...81,000 words

The Pyramid Waltz

Barbara Ann Wright - 2012
    But when the festival lights go down and the palace slumbers, Katya chases traitors to the crown and protects the kingdom’s greatest secret: the royal Umbriels are part Fiend. When Katya thwarts an attempt to expose the king’s monstrous side, she uncovers a plot to let the Fiends out to play.Starbride has no interest in being a courtier. Ignoring her mother’s order to snare an influential spouse, she comes to court only to study law. But a flirtatious rake of a princess proves hard to resist, and Starbride is pulled into a world of secrets that leaves little room for honesty or love, a world neither woman may survive.


C.M. McGuire - 2020
    McGuires's kick-butt paranormal YA debut, Ironspark. For the past nine years, ever since a bunch of those evil Tinkerbells abducted her mother, cursed her father, and forced her family into hiding, Bryn has devoted herself to learning everything she can about killing the Fae. Now it’s time to put those lessons to use.Then the Court Fae finally show up, and Bryn realizes she can’t handle this on her own. Thankfully, three friends offer to help: Gwen, a kindhearted water witch; Dom, a new foster kid pulled into her world; and Jasika, a schoolmate with her own grudge against the Fae.But trust is hard-won, and what little Bryn has gained is put to the test when she uncovers a book of Fae magic that belonged to her mother. With the Fae threat mounting every day, Bryn must choose between faith in her friends and power from a magic that could threaten her very humanity.