Book picks similar to
Small Batch Discipleship by Tracy Sullivan


Scarred Faith: When Doubts Become Allies of Deep Faith

Josh Ross - 2013
    Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Deeper Waters: Immersed in the Life-Changing Truth of God's Word

Denise J. Hughes - 2017
    Hughes, author of the Word Writers Bible study series, has been there, yet she's found a peace that runs deeper than her circumstances. In Deeper Waters, she invites you to...learn to hear God's voice through the pages of His Worddiscover a joy you never thought possible when reading the Biblemake connections in Scripture that transform your way of thinking and livingYou don't have to be in seminary to be a serious student of the Bible. God's Word is for everyone. Dive in and experience the joy that awaits in deeper waters.

Plastic Donuts: Giving That Delights the Heart of the Father

Jeff Anderson - 2012
    She brought him a plastic donut from her play kitchen, and he was surprised by the intensity of his reaction. His delight in receiving this simple gift—and his daughter’s joy in giving it—led him to dig deeper. Anderson would not rest until he found the scriptural connection between our gifts and God’s heart.  Plastic Donuts removes the awkwardness and uncertainty that often accompany discussions about giving. Now you can think differently-and biblically-about what and how you give.   Your gifts can capture God’s attention and connect you more intimately with His heart. Plastic Donuts brings everyone—leaders and followers, teachers and learners—onto the same page.

Healthy and Free: A Journey to Wellness for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

Beni Johnson - 2015
    Beni Johnson received a life-changing revelation about how anyone can start walking in holistic health—including you! Jesus died for your spirit, soul, and body. This means you can experience His resurrection life in all three areas! Christians should be the healthiest people on Earth because they understand God has made their bodies His temple. Unfortunately, many people focus on one area of health while neglecting another. This can lead to spiritual disconnection, bad eating habits, depression, poor rest, and lack of exercise. In Healthy and Free, Beni shows you how to:Find your why: Learn the motivating secret to pursuing a healthy lifestyle as your new normal.Unlock the connection: Discover the many ways your spirit, soul and body are interconnected and how health in one areas directly effects another.Start simple: Receive practical and easy-to-implement steps to begin walking in health right now.The Great Physician desires you to walk in Heaven’s health. Get aligned with God’s divine design today and experience freedom—body, soul and spirit!

Take Courage - Bible Study Book: A Study of Haggai

Jennifer Rothschild - 2020
    They were distracted, discouraged, and ready to throw in the towel. But the prophet Haggai reminded them they could find courage in the God who had never left them.Sometimes the landscapes of our lives feel wrecked, with our hope and purpose in shambles. We too get distracted and discouraged. However, God's presence and promises give us courage to press on and trust Him with our story.In this 7-session study on the Book of Haggai, learn to walk confidently in your calling, stay motivated despite opposition, and courageously invest your life in God's purposes, trusting Him for results you may never see in this lifetime.Features: Leader guide to lead discussions within small groupsPersonal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessionsEnriching teaching videos, approximately 25 minutes per session, available for purchase or rentBenefits: Defeat discouragement through God's presence, people, and Word.See beyond your current circumstances to a future hope.Learn to trust God more than your feelings.

Simple Worship in the War Room: How to Declutter Your Spiritual Life and Strengthen Your Faith (Battle Plan for Prayer Series Book 2)

Daniel B. Lancaster - 2016
    Worshiping God may feel foreign or like a ritual, and adding to that frustration, we worry that God is not pleased with our worship. Does He even like us?This book will show you how to worship God and feel loved by Him. He is waiting to connect with you, if you will only begin to worship him. God wants you to be a prayer warrior and will help you.Author Dan Lancaster was struck by the power of the persecuted believers' worship during his time as an international missionary in Southeast Asia. Their heart for God and love for people brought glory to God and helped advance His Kingdom on Earth. THAT kind of worship is what we need in the world, and that is the direction this book will guide you.Worship was never intended to be complicated. The truth is that Jesus showed His disciples how to worship and He wants to show you how to worship too.The author brings 40 years of his personal experience to the pages of this book, but most importantly, he looks to the Word to unearth what Jesus taught about how to love God. With beautiful simplicity, Dr. Lancaster offers tangible methods to reshape your worship life beginning today.By opening your heart to these actionable techniques, you will begin to experience the true power of worship in your relationship with God, in your community, and in ways you could never have imagined.Select "Buy Now" above to take your worship life to a new level.

Stronger: Finding Hope in Fragile Places

Angela Thomas - 2013
    Through biblical teaching and real life application, this study teaches that believers do not have to live in weakness. God is stronger than every struggle you will ever face. All who receive Jesus Christ have been hidden in Him. We have been made alive in Him through the forgiveness of our sin, filled in Him with all the fullness given to Him, brought near to God in Him, and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Him. As we have received Christ Jesus, we are now called to walk in a manner worthy of Him. Strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in so great an inheritance. Today, because of Christ, you can live stronger. This study will guide women into biblical truth through exposition and story, so they live confident, transformed, Christ-radiating lives marked by His strength. Through accurate Biblical teaching, real life observation, and everyday application, Stronger will guide participants to: •Stop facing today in weakness and be strengthened by God's promises to every Christ follower •Tackle everyday struggles empowered with a biblical understanding of God's riches and His love •Overcome spiritual immaturity through Christ-centered teaching that produces growth and change •Break life-long patterns of defeat and despair, refocused on the glorious hope promised to us in Christ •Remove paralyzing inner anxiousness and truly live in the peace that surpasses all understanding •Put an end to the self-focused distractions of striving, comparison, and performance so that your life will accomplish more for God's glory •Smile at the uncertain future, not because we are stronger, but because Christ in us, is stronger than all our problems

Finding God's Will: Seek Him, Know Him, Take the Next Step

Gregg Matte - 2010
    Through an extensive, intimate examination of God’s encounter with Moses in the burning bush, Finding God's Will invites readers to shift their understanding of God’s will from an event to be experienced to a process to live; God’s will is what happens when we seek Him.   Readers will find out how to be on the lookout for their own burning bushes; how to focus on pleasing God and how to expect God’s power as they seek His will. They may also be surprised to find that, as they seek a deeper relationship with God, His direction and guidance become clear. A life centered in God’s will is a promise offered to every believer and now everyone can learn how to receive that gift.

Pep Talk: Learn the Language of Success through Positive Declarations

Terri Savelle Foy - 2016
    Why? Because your words are powerful and the words you speak about yourself are even more powerful. Discover what to say from God’s Word about your freedom, faith, finances, family, fitness, and your future dreams and goals. Use the sample declarations, including Terri’s personal daily pep talk, to unlock your potential and rise to new levels. Program your mind for success through positive declarations and become happier, healthier, and more productive today!

Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bads Habits Before They Kick Us

Elizabeth Scalia - 2016
    Through the author's honest (and sometimes funny) examination of these sins in her own life, as well as Church teaching, she gives us the tools to kick these bad habits before they kick us.

How to Hear God's Voice: An Interactive Learning Experience

Mark Virkler - 2006
    In fact, every believer is called to have a one-on-one relationship with God because He longs to share sweet times of intimacy with all His children."How to Hear God's Voice" will teach you to discern His voice from all the other voices that clamor for your attention.This book: Gives vital keys to increase the intimacy of your prayer time, Teaches you how to be still before the Lord, Helps you recognize His speech as spontaneous thoughts, Encourages you to seek vision while praying, and use a journal to record revelation.aYour communion with God will become a flow of His words springing forth from your heart. You will experience a depth of relationship you never thought possible!"

Breathe Again: How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart

Niki Hardy - 2019
    Niki Hardy has been there, screaming, "God, is this it? Where's the abundant life you promised? Are you even listening?"Life might not be fair, but through loss, grief, and cancer, Niki discovered life doesn't have to be pain-free to be full. With sensitivity and without Christianese or stock answers she invites women to replace the lies they believe about themselves and God with sound biblical teaching and his unwavering promises. Through 7 practical steps, with hands-on questions, actions, and prayers, she equips readers to grasp the full life Jesus came to give them, right where they are.No matter how broken a life might seem, the abundant life Jesus promised is available--now and always. Let Niki show you the way.

What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?: 52 Things You Don't Want to Miss

Jay Payleitner - 2015
    Tango. See the Eiffel Tower. Swim with sharks.Bucket lists can get pretty crazy! But what if God wanted you to think even further outside the box? To pattern your life after the one who said some pretty crazy things himself: "Love your enemies." "Store up treasures in heaven." "Seek first his kingdom and righteousness."If you checked every item off your bucket list, would your life be complete? In these pages you'll find 52 items to help you revamp your must-do list...Run with scissors. Bounce off brick walls. Celebrate quirks.Banish grudges. Dodge counterfeit happiness. Peek into dark corners.Get fired. Enlist invisible reinforcements. Get nose-to-nose with an alligator.As you check off God's bucket list, you may find yourself doing things you never thought possible. Jay Payleitner helps you get your priorities straight with the most important relationship in your life—you and God.

The Covering: God's Plan to Protect You from Evil

Hank Hanegraaff - 2002
    Best-selling author Hank Hanegraaff describes God's protective covering over his children by dissecting Paul's words in Ephesians 6: 10-18 commanding us to put on the armor of God and "take our stand against the devil's schemes." Hanegraaff moves through the passage, phrase by phrase, defining God's armor, explaining what it means to embrace God's covering, and the practical ways God delivers us from evil.

The Abundance Mind-Set: Success Starts Here

Joel Osteen - 2020
    What does your picture look like? Do you see yourself rising higher, overcoming obstacles, and living an abundant life? Or do you have a picture of yourself struggling, defeated, addicted, overweight, and never getting good breaks? The pictures you allow in your mind will determine what kind of life you live.God's dream for your life is that you would be blessed in such a way that you could be a blessing to others. Dare to have a big vision for an abundant life, and trust God to bring it to pass. Through THE ABUNDANCE MIND-SET, Joel can help you change your defeatist mind-set so that one day soon, instead of just having a dream, you'll be living the dream. Your vision will become reality. <!--EndFragment-->