Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard

James N. Loehlin - 2006
    In the century since its first performance, The Cherry Orchard has undergone a wide range of conflicting interpretations: tragic and comic, naturalistic and symbolic, reactionary and radical. Beginning with the 1904 premiere at Stanislavsky's Moscow Art Theatre, this study traces the performance history of one of the landmark plays of the modern theatre. Considering the work of such directors as Anatoly Efros, Giorgio Strehler, Peter Brook, and Peter Stein, Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard explores the way different artists, periods and cultures have reinvented Chekhov's poignant comedy of failure and hope.

The Picture of Dorian Gray / Riders of the Purple Sage: CD-Rom Pack

F.H. Cornish

Son of Rosemary/Rosemary's Baby

Ira Levin - 2013

Edgar R. Burroughs Collection: 24 Works

Edgar Rice Burroughs - 2012
    Unlike other e-book editions, the text and chapters are perfectly set up to match the layout and feel of a physical copy, rather than being haphazardly thrown together for a quick release. This edition also comes with a linked Table of Contents for both the list of included books and their respective chapters. Navigation couldn't be easier. Purchase this Edgar Rice Burroughs Collection and treat yourself to the following list of works by this classic author:A Princess of Mars (J.C. 1/5)Tarzan of the ApesThe Return of TarzanAt the Earth's CoreThe Beasts of TarzanThe Gods of Mars (J.C. 2/5)The MuckerThe Son of TarzanJungle Tales of TarzanThe Lost ContinentThe Oakdale AffairOut of Time's AbyssThe Land that Time ForgotThe People that Time ForgotThe Warlord of Mars (J.C. 3/5)Tarzan the UntamedThuvia, Maid of Mars (J.C. 4/5)Tarzan the TerribleThe Efficiency ExpertThe Chessmen of Mars (J.C. 5/5)PellucidarThe Mad KingThe Outlaw of TornThe Monster Men

Poverty Is No Crime

Aleksandr Ostrovsky - 1854
    In the earlier play Ostrovsky had adopted a satiric tone that proved him a worthy disciple of Gogol, the great founder of Russian realism. Not one lovable character appears in that gloomy picture of merchant life in Moscow; even the old mother repels us by her stupidity more than she attracts us by her kindliness. No ray of light penetrates the "realm of darkness" -- to borrow a famous phrase from a Russian critic -- conjured up before us by the young dramatist. In Poverty Is No Crime we see the other side of the medal. Ostrovsky had now been affected by the Slavophile school of writers and thinkers, who found in the traditions of Russian society treasures of kindliness and love that they contrasted with the superficial glitter of Western civilization. Life in Russia is varied as elsewhere, and Ostrovsky could change his tone without doing violence to realistic truth. The tradesmen had not wholly lost the patriarchal charm of their peasant fathers. A poor apprentice is the hero of Poverty Is No Crime, and a wealthy manufacturer the villain of the piece. Good-heartedness is the touchstone by which Ostrovsky tries character, and this may be hidden beneath even a drunken and degraded exterior. The scapegrace, Lyubim Tortsov, has a sound Russian soul, and at the end of the play rouses his hard, grasping brother, who has been infatuated by a passion for aping foreign fashions, to his native Russian worth. Alexander Ostrovsky (1823-1886) was an early Russian Realist whose work led to the founding of the Moscow Arts Theatre and to the career of Stanislavsky. He has been acknowledged to be the greatest of the Russian dramatists.

To Kill a Mockingbird: The Themes · The Characters · The Language and Style · The Plot Analyzed

Mary Hartley - 1999
    This enlightening guide uses meaningful text, extensive illustrations and imaginative graphics to make this novel clearer, livelier, and more easily understood than ordinary literature plot summaries. An unusual feature, "Mind Map" is a diagram that summarizes and interrelates the most important details about the book that students need to understand. Appropriate for middle and high school students.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Prima Official Strategy Guide

Mark Cohen - 2002
    . . - Every enemy's weaknesses exposed - Expert hints on close combat, long-range attacks, and magic spells - Where to find health power-ups when you need them the most - In-depth walkthrough featuring maps for every area, for both PS(R) 2 and XboxTM - Secrets to getting what you want from the NPCs - Exclusive interviews with the art director and Tolkien experts - How to use the Ring to reveal secret areas filled with power-ups

Boeing-Boeing: A Farce in Two Acts

Beverley Cross - 2011
    He keeps "one up, one down and one pending" until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris and Bernard's apartment at the same time.

Fire and the Rain

Girish Karnad - 1998
    This play by one of India's foremost playwrights and actors is based on a story from the Mahabharata which tellingly illuminates universal themes - alienation, loneliness, love, family, hatred - through the daily lives and concerns of a whole community of individuals.

Father of the Bride: A Comedy in Three Acts

Caroline Francke - 1948
    Banks learns that one of the young men he has seen occasionally about the house is about to become his son-in-law. Daughter Kay announces the engagement out of nowhere. Mrs. Banks and her sons are happy, but Mr. Banks is in a dither. The groom-to-be, Buckley Dunstan, appears on the scene and Mr. Banks realizes that the engagement is serious. Buckley and Kay don't want a "big" wedding just a simple affair with a few friends! We soon learn, however, that the "few" friends idea is out. Then trouble really begins. The guest list grows larger each day, a caterer is called in, florists, furniture movers and dressmakers take over, and the Banks household is soon caught in turmoil.

Six Tales from Shakespeare (Stories to Remember)

E.F. Dodd - 1953
    Petruchio calms the stormy temper of his beautiful wife. A group of noblemen find wisdom and love on the island of Prospero, the magician. The noble Brutus agrees to stop the greed and ambition of Julius Caesar - by murder. Too late, a proud king recognises which of his daughters truly loves him. When his wife persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan and become king, guilt and violence pursue them.The stories have been abridged and simplified by E. F. Dodd

To Kill a Mockingbird / The Agony and the Ecstasy / The Winter of Our Discontent / Fate Is the Hunter

Ernest K. Gann - 1961

An Inspector Calls

John Scicluna - 1990
    York Notes author John Scicluna discusses all aspect of An Inspector Calls --a thorough run-down very helpful to anyone studying the famous Priestley play.

Padma Nadir Majhi

Lambert M. Surhone - 2010
    Padma Nadir Majhi ( Bengali:,English title: Boatman of the River Padma or The Padma Boatman ) (1993) is an award-winning Indian Bengali feature film directed by Goutom Ghosh from novel,the same name Manik Banerjees Padma Nadir Majhi.Hossian Miya (Utpal Dutta),Bengali Muslim, a trader who offers to take this community to with an idealistic vision: he wants to establish a little utopia on an island (Moynadeep) in the Padma delta . and offer them a better life there. It is apparent that Hossian Miya has a flourishing business there, because he has recently purchased a huge boat because of expanding business.

Henry and the Great Society: A novel

H.L. Roush - 1997
    Man's longing for paradise.